Master Index
Norwegian Ships 1939 - 1945
(ALL the ships included in my lists)
YØ |
Alphabet Menus for all sections |
See also: List of ships w/links to Voyage Records and Table of Ships
My Father's Ships and My Mother's Ships (post war)
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse the page Ships starting with A or click on a name:
Aafjord Aakrafjord Aalesund Aalvik Activ Advance Aino Albion Alden Alfen Almora Alpha Alta Alversund America Andenes Andø Angelo Anglo Anna Rogde Anna Sofie Arcturus (1892) Argo Arild Arna Arnfinn Jarl • Asker • Askøy Askøy I Atløy Attila Aura Austanger Austli Austrheim Austri
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with A: |
D/S Alversund • M/S Atløy • D/S Austri |
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse Ships starting with Ba through Bl | Ships starting with Bo through Bø or click on a ship's name:
Baden Bali Banan Banco Barøy Basel • Bastø • Batnfjord Bauta Beaumont Belpamela Bera Bergen Bergen (ferry) Bess Bessheim Betty Biri Birk Biwi Bjarkøy / Bogøy Bjergfin Bjønn Bjørgvin Bjørnefjord (Florvåg) Bjørnungen (1893) Bjørnungen (1912) Blaamannen Black Prince Black Watch Blenheim Blomvaag
Bodin Bodø (1895) Bodø Bogøy Bolga Bolivar (1940) Bonn Borgenæs Borgny Borgsten Borgå Braa Brabant Brand IV Brandasund Bratland Bratli Bravo Breda Bretagne Bro Brodd Brynilen Brynje Bryteren Bundefjord Bygdin Bygdøy Bærum Bøfjord Bør Børøysund
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with B: |
D/S Baden M/S Belpamela D/S Bessheim M/S Black Prince M/S Black Watch D/S Blenheim M/S Brabant D/S Bravo D/S Breda M/S Brynje |
Main section |
Go to the page Ships starting with C or directly to a ship by its name:
Cadmus Caledonia California Express Carl Oftedal Carmelfjell Carrier Cetus Charente Charles Racine Chr. Knudsen Chr. Th. Boe Christian Krohg Christian Michelsen Ciss Cissy Clio Colombia Cometa (1921) Corneville Corona Corvus Crawford Ellis Credo Cresco Crux Cubano Cypria
Some individual pages for Ships starting with C: (these individual pages generally have more information than the above, often a picture and/or crew lists): |
D/S Cadmus M/T Caledonia M/S California Express • D/S Carl Oftedal • D/S Carmelfjell D/S Carrier D/S Cetus M/T Charles Racine M/S Chr. Knudsen Chr. Th. Boe D/S Christian Krohg D/S Christian Michelsen D/S Ciss • D/S Clio • D/S Colombia • M/S Cometa • M/S Corneville D/S Corona D/S Corvus D/T Crawford Ellis • D/S Cresco • M/S Crux D/S Cubano M/S Cypria |
Homefleet section
Go to Ships starting with C or directly to a ship by name:
C. A. Larsen Canis Capella (1885) Capella (1943) Castleville Castor Cate B Christiania Christian Radich Cito Columba Cometa (1941) Concordia Cygnus (1921) Cygnus (1940)
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with C: |
D/S Castor M/S Concordia |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with C
(Cathinka II)
Main section |
Browse the page Ships starting with D or go directly to a ship by name: |
Some individual pages for Ships starting with C: (these individual pages generally have more information than the above, often a picture and/or crew lists): |
M/T Dageid M/S Dagfred M/T Daghild D/S Dagny I M/S Dagrun D/S Dah Puh M/T Dalfonn • D/S Dalvangen • M/S Danio D/T Davanger • D/S Daviken • D/S Dea • D/S Deneb • M/T Deodata • D/S Diana D/S Dokka • D/S Don • D/S Douro • M/T Drafn • D/S Drammensfjord M/S Duala D/S Dukat • D/S Dux |
Homefleet section
Browse the page Ships starting with D or click on a ship's name: |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with D - ( Diamant | Disko | Dolsøy | Dreggen | Dronning Maud | Drott | Duen )
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse the page Ships starting with E or click on a ship's name: |
Eastern Foam Edna Eidfjord Eira (1896) Eira (1891) Eitrheim Ek Ekenes Ekspress Ekspress II Eldrid Elieser Elisa Elling / Vestkap Else Marie Ena Engøy Enid (1941) Erdal / Sydnes Erfjord • Erling Jarl Erling Lindøe Erling Skjalgson Eros Ethel May Evina Eystein
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with E: |
D/S Erling Jarl D/S Erling Lindøe |
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse the page Ships starting with F or go directly to a ship by name: |
Fagerstrand I Falkanger Fanaraaken Fanny Farmanden I Felix Fenring Ferge I Ferndale Ferngulf • Finmarken • Finse Firda Firern Fisterfjord Fjalir Fjeld Fjellstrand Fjordbuen Fjordbussen / Nixe Fjorddrott Fjæra Florøy Florvåg / Bjørnefjord Florvåg Flyndre Fløien Flømann Folden Folgefonn Folla Force Fornebo Forra I Forra Fosen Foula Framnæs Freikoll Frekhaug Fremtid I / Bjørnungen • Frosta • Frydenlund-Narvik Frøya Fulmar Fulton Fusa Fykan
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with F: |
M/S Falkanger • M/S Fjorddrott D/S Fusa |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with F - ( Farmann | Fei | Feie | Feiøy | Fernanda | Fiks | Fiskaren | Fisken | Fiskergutten | Flink (SF 248 A) | Flink (SF 7 S) | Forsøk (M 52 S) | Forsøk (SF 32 G) | Forsøk (SF 79 SV) | Fram | Fred / Fri | Fremad | Fri (M 19 G) | Fri (M 21 G) | Fri | Frimann | Fritjof Wiese | Frøya )
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse the page Ships starting with G or go directly to a ship by name: |
Individual page: |
M/S Goya |
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse each page Ships starting with Ha | Ships starting with He through Hø or go directly to a ship: |
H. J. Kyvig Haakon Adalstein Haakon Jarl (1904) Haakon Jarl (1940) Haalegg Haardraade / Hodnaberg Haarek Haarfagre Hadarøy Hadsel Hafnia Halden 1 Halden 3 Hallingdal Halse Hammerø Hamre Hardangeren Hardangerfjord Hardhaus Hardhausen Hareidingen Haugarland Haugland I Haukefjell Haukelid Haus Havborg Havbris Havda
Hegg • Heilo • Heim • Hektor • Helgeland Hellesund Helvig Hemne Henrik Wergeland Henry Herold Hertha Hillevaag Hisø Hitra Hjelmeland Hjeltefjord Hodnaberg Holla Holmestrand Holsenøy Homborsund Honningsvåg Hopeville • Hordaland Hornelen Hornøy Horten Hosanger I Hugin Huldra • Hval • Hydro Hygea Hyse Høegh Carrier Høegh Silvermann Høegh Trader Høgsfjord I Hølefjord I
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with H: |
D/S Haugarland |
Main section |
Browse the page Ships starting with I or go directly to a ship by name: |
Some individual pages for Ships starting with I: (these individual pages generally have more information than the above, often a picture and/or crew lists): |
M/S Ida Bakke M/T Ida Knudsen D/S Idefjord D/S Idræt D/S Ila • M/T Ima • M/T India • M/S Indra D/S Inga I D/S Inger D/S Inger Elisabeth D/S Ingerfem D/S Ingerfire • D/S Inger Lise • D/S Ingerto • D/S Ingertre • M/S Ingria D/S Ingrid M/T Innerøy • D/S Inviken • D/S Iran • D/S Iris • D/S Iron Baron • D/S Isbjørn D/S Isbjørn (icebreaker) • M/T Iselin • M/T Italia M/S Ivaran |
Homefleet section
See all the ships on the page Ships starting with I or go to straight to a ship: |
Individual page: |
D/S Ingøy • D/S Irma |
Main section |
Go to Ships starting with J or directly to a ship: |
Jacob Christensen Jaguar Jamaica James Hawson James Stove Jan Jan Mayen Janna Jasmin Jaspis Jenny Jern Jernfjeld Jernland John Bakke John Knudsen John P. Pedersen Jotunfjell Julian
Individual pages: (these individual pages generally have more information than the above, often a picture and/or crew lists): |
D/S Jacob Christensen M/S Jamaica M/T James Hawson M/T James Stove • D/S Jan • D/S Jan Mayen D/S Janna • M/T Jaspis • M/T Jenny • D/S Jern • D/S Jernfjeld • D/S Jernland • M/S John Bakke M/T John Knudsen M/T John P. Pedersen • M/T Jotunfjell |
Homefleet section
See all the J ships in this section on Ships starting with J or go directly to a ship by clicking on a name: |
Individual page: |
D/S Jupiter • |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with J - ( Jakk | Jan | Johan Bruusgaard | Juvel | Jøkul | Jåbæk )
Main section |
Homefleet section
See all the K ships in this section on Ships starting with K or go directly to a specific ship: |
Kaprino Karen Karma Karmsund Karmøy Kaupanger Kem Kilstraum King Kinsarvik Kis Kløveren Knarr Knute Nelson Kommandøren Kong Alf Kong Bjørn Kong Dag Kong Erik Kong Haakon Kong Halfdan Kong Harald Kong Olaf Kong Oscar Kong Oscar II Kong Ring Kongsfjord Kong Sigurd Kong Sverre (Kong Haakon) Kong Trygve Kora Korsnes Korsvik Kristiansand Kronprinsesse Märtha Kronprins Olav (Ramfoss) Kronprins Olav (Sjøstrand) Krosdøl Kunna Kvalø Kvamsøy Kvarven Kveite Kvikk IV Kvitsøy Kysten
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with K: |
M/S Knute Nelson D/S Kommandøren D/S Kong Haakon D/S Kong Harald • D/S Kronprinsesse Märtha / Ryfylke • |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with K - ( Kaare II | Kantonella | Kapp I | Kari | Klegg | Klippen | Knut | Kolbjørn | Koralen | Kristine | Kvalen | Kvalsund | Kveldulf | Kvikk (M 21 NA) | Kvikk (H 11 HJ) )
Main section |
Homefleet section
Go to the page Ships starting with L or click on a ship's name: |
Labor La France • Lagatun • Laksevaag Landanes Landego Lange Lavangen Leda Leonard III Leonard Nilsen • Lerøy • Lindaas Lindebø Lindesnes Linea Listo Lita Lofoten Log • Louise 2 • Lyderhorn Lygra Lyngdal Lyngen Lynx Lysaker Lysefjord I Lærdal Lønningdal I Lønningdal II Løvaas Løven I Løven II
Individual pages: |
D/S Landego • D/S Leda • D/S Lynx • D/S Lysaker |
Main section |
Homefleet section
Go to the page Ships starting with M or click on a ship's name: |
Individual pages: |
D/S Mira • |
Main section |
Homefleet section
See all the N- ships in this scetion on Ships starting with N or click on a ship's name: |
Individual page: |
D/S Neptun |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with N - ( Nils | Njørd | Njål (M 4 V) | Njål (H 217 AV) | Nor | Nora | Nordhav | Nordkynn | Nordlys (H 67 B) | Nordlys (H 131 FJ) | Nordnes | Nordsjøen | Norge I | Norseman | Notbas | Notmann | Nyken | Nyo )
Main section |
Browse the page Ships starting with O or go straight to a ship by clicking on its name: |
O. A. Knudsen O. B. Sørensen Octavian Ogna Ohio Olaf Bergh Olaf Fostenes Olav Bakke Ole Bull Ole Jacob Ole Wegger Ophir Ora Orania Oregon Express Oria Orkanger Orm Jarl Orwell Oslofjord Ottern
Some individual pages for Ships starting with O: (these individual pages generally have more information than the above, often a picture and/or crew lists): |
M/T O. A. Knudsen M/T O. B. Sørensen D/S Octavian • M/S Ogna • M/T Ohio D/S Olaf Bergh M/S Olaf Fostenes • D/S Ole Bull • Ole Wegger • D/S Ophir • M/T Ora • D/S Orania • M/S Oregon Express D/S Oria M/T Orkanger • D/T Orwell • M/S Oslofjord • Ottern |
Homefleet section
Go to the page Ships starting with O or directly to a specific ship: |
Individual page: |
M/T Orion |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with O - ( Odd | Odin | Olaf (H 91 A) | Olaf (ST 67 NF) | Olaf II | Olai | Olav | Ottar )
P & Q
Main section |
Homefleet section
Go to the page Ships starting with P or find a ship by name: |
P. G. Halvorsen Pallas (1922) Pallas (1941) Parat Paris Pasvik Patriot • Peter Wessel • Pioner I Pol III Polarlys Porsanger Prektig Prinsesse Ragnhild
Individual page: |
D/S Polarlys |
Main section |
Homefleet section
Go to Ships starting with R or directly to: |
Raagan Radøy Radøy I Ragnvald Jarl Ramfoss Ranheim Ransæter Rapp II • Rauma • Renøy Rex Richard With Rigel Ringar Riskafjord I Riskafjord II Roald Jarl Rogaland Rolf Rona Rosendal Rotvær Ruth Rutland Rutland 2 Rya Ryfylke (1917) Ryfylke (1929) Rygja Ryvarden Rødskjæl Røst
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with R: |
M/S Rigel D/S Rogaland |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with R - ( Reidar (SF 2 D) | Reidar | Reidar (M 107 A) | Reidulf | Rival | Roald | Rundehorn | Rundø | Rupee | Rypa )
Main section |
Homefleet section
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with S - ( Sandvikhorn | Sandøy I | Set | Siglaos | Signal (M 331 A) | Signal (M 41 HØ) | Sigurd | Silden | Silva | Sjø | Sjøblomsten (H 247 F) | Sjøblomsten (SF 45 B) | Sjøblomsten (M 60 HØ) | Sjøglimt | Sjøgutt | Sjøgutten | Sjøleik | Sjølivet | Sjølyst | Skagen | Skarv | Skjærgård | Sleipner | Slotterø | Slotterøy | Smart | Snedig | Snål | Solhaug | Solid | Solrenning | Solveig | Solvoll | Soløy | Stanley | Start | Statt | Statthav | Steinborg | Stjernen | Straumøy | Streif | Stølsgut | Stål I | Sund I | Svalen (N 17 TN) | Svalen (SF 106 A) | Svanen (H 16 M) | Svanen II (H 11 F) | Svanen III (H 43 S) | Sverre | Sylvia )
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse the pages Ships starting with Ta through Ti | To through Ty or click on a name:
Tai Ping Taiwan Tampa Tanahorn Tanja Taronga Tellevaag I Tellus Templar Tento Ternen Ternesund • Themis • Thomas Fearnley Thorberg Thordønn Thorglimt Thorland Thorolf Kveldulfsøn Thorstreif Torwood Tiger Timan Tindefjell Titan
Topaz Topdal Topeka Tora Elise Torafire Toran Toratre Torefjell Tore Hund Torgeir I Torgtind Torridal Torvang Torvestad Torvåg Torwood Tourcoing Tourist I Trafik I Trafik 2 Trafik 3 Trafik 5 Trafik 7 Transport Traust Trianon Trio Tripp Troll Troma Tromsø Trondenes Trondhjem Trondhjemsfjord Trygg Tugela Tulane Tungenes Turicum Tusna Tyrifjord Tysfjord Tysnes Tyssedal (Bjørnungen) Tøtta
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with T: |
M/S Taiwan M/S Taronga D/S Thorland D/S Tyssedal M/T Turicum |
Main section |
Ships starting with U |
Some individual pages for Ships starting with U: (these individual pages generally have more information than the above, often a picture and/or crew lists). |
D/S Ulsnes D/S Unita D/S Utsire |
Homefleet section
Ships starting with U |
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with U: |
D/S Ullensvang D/S Ursa |
Main section |
Homefleet section
Browse the page Ships starting with V or choose a ship by name: |
Vaagan Vaage-Norvik Vaagsøy Vaaland Vaga Valo Valør Vang Vangsnes Vansø Varafjell Varangnes Vard Varden Vardø Varg Varholmen Varp Vatlestraumen Vefsen Vega Vela Venus Vera B Veritas Verma Vesco Vesla Veslefrik Vesper Vesta Vesteraalen Vestkap Vestkyst I Vestmar Vestnorge Vestra Vestri Viator (1941) Viervåg I • Vigo • Viking Vikingen Vildfugl Vilna Vim Vindafjord Vrangfoss Vulcanus Værøy Vøringen
Some individual pages for Homefleet Ships starting with V: |
M/S Vega M/S Venus M/S Viator D/S Vøringen |
Boats escaping from Norway - starting with V - ( Valborg | Valder (SF 57 K) | Valder (M 9 V) | Vega | Veslemøy | Vest | Vestern | Veststein | Veten | Victory | Viggo | Viken | Viking (SF 174 A) | Viking II | Viking | Viking | Vikingen II | Villa II | Viola | Vita | Volga | Von (B 12 B) | Von (M 44 B) | Vågsfjord )
Main section |
Go to Ships starting with W or click on a name: |
Some individual pages for Ships starting with W: (these individual pages generally have more information than the above, often a picture and/or crew lists). |
M/S Washington Express D/S Wilford D/S William Hansen M/T William Strachan D/S Willy D/S Woolgar D/S Wyvern |
W, Y, Ø & Å
Homefleet section
Go to Ships starting with W, Y & Ø or click on a name: |
W. Barents William Blumer Yrjar Ørland Øsco Øyarodden Øybuen Øygar Øyulf Årdalsfjord
Main section |
Individual pages for: D/S Ørnefjell • M/T Østhav |
Misc. boats escaping from Norway - no names - Mostly unnamed vessels.
Alphabet index for ships in allied service: