Please note that the Norwegian alphabet has 3 "extra" letters, namely Æ, Ø and Å. They are the last 3 letters of the alphabet. In other words, Ø is not the same as O. Link to ships starting with Ø can be found in the alphabet index at the end of this page. |
Name of Ship
Shipping Company
M/S O. C. * |
Otto Christiansen A/S, Oslo
128 gt
Built in Risør 1938.
Well boat. Struck a mine on Sept. 6(?)-1940.
The following casualties are listed in "Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" (Øistein Wiik):
Seaman Trygve Dyresen, 3rd Engineer Georg Helge Johansen, Engineer Idar Marius Mauseth, Cook Arthur Vinger, Skipper Anders Kristian Åsly.
Related external link:
Stavern commemorations - The Norwegian text says that O.C. transported live fish from Honningsvåg to Kristiansund. On Sept. 5 or 6-1940 she struck a mine near Terningen lighthouse, Hitra, where scattered mines had been laid by the Germans. Out of 7 on board 5 died.
D/S Ofoten |
A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø
320 gt
Built in Newcastle 1871. Previous name: Katzjarloff until 1876, Namsos.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1871 from Pattison & Atkinson, Newcastle, UK as Katzjarloff to unknown Russian owners. Iron hull, 113 x 20.5 x 10.5, 2cyl Compound (Pattison & Atkinson), 10 knots. Sold in 1876 to Interessentselskabet for Dampskibet Namsos, Namsos, renamed Namsos. Rebuilt, new interior, 197 gt, in regularly scheduled service in Trøndelag. New boiler installed in 1878. Sold in 1883 to A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø. Somewhat rebuilt, 108.7 x 19.8 x 10.2, 197 gt, in regularly scheduled service in Salten and Ofoten. Remeasured according to new rules in 1894, 194 gt. Extensively rebuilt and lengthened at Nylands Verksted, Oslo in 1895, 125.4 x 20.1 x 10.2, 271 gt (engine 49nhp 260ihp, 10 knots), entered service as Ofoten. Rebuilt in 1911, new interior, 301 gt. Heavily damaged during a hurricane on Dec. 29-1917, repaired and rebuilt at Trondhjems Mek. Værksted, Trondheim, Jan.-1918. Remeasured in 1925, 320 gt.
POST WAR: Renamed Kunna in Aug.-1951. Sold in Jan.-1952 to Statens Havnevesen, Oslo, used as accommodation vessel. Sold in June-1953 to Stavanger Skibsophugnings Co., Buøy in Stavanger and broken up.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Salten D/S in "Skipet" 1.93 by Jens Chr. Egenæs).
D/S Oksvald |
A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo
A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo (from 1941)
180 gt
Built in Trondheim 1927.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1927 from A/S Trondhjem Mek. Verksted, Trondheim (192) as Oksvald to A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo. Steel hull, 105.7 x 20.5 x 7, 180 gt, Triple Expantion (TMV) 308ihp, registered for 330 passengers, also had a cargo hold. Original delivery date was May 15-1927, but this was delayed. Used in the company's Oslo-Nesoddlandet's east side / Bunnefjorden route. Unlike many of the company's other vessels which were intended for service in the summertime only to transport people from the city to the countryside, Oksvald was in use all year round. Captain was Hans Strøm.
WW II: In Febr.-1941 the company fused with A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo, and the 2 companies' routes were combined. Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine in May-1941.
POST WAR: Returned to owner in June-1945. Rebuilt in 1951, 105.3 x 20.6 x 7, 229,7, a 6cyl 4tev Mirrlees dm 540bhp (1951) motor installed. Sold in 1969 to Trygve Larsen, Oslo. Sold in 1970 to Per Morten Hanssen, Hønefoss, renamed Showboat. Sold in 1972 to Thor Sørli, Oslo. Sold in 1974 to Johan A. Pedersen, Risør, intended converted to barge, but was not(?). Sprang a leak and sank in 1978 while laid up at Pettersens Slipp, Vollen in Asker.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord D/S by Harald Lorentzen in Skipet 3.90 and misc.).
D/S Olava |
C. M. Olsen, Halden
38? gt
Built in Thorskog, Sweden in 1893 (1895?). Previous names: Björkö until 1896?, Flora until 1928.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1893 from Thorskogs Varv, Thorskog near Vänern, Sweden as passenger vessel Björkö to Norra Skärgårdens Ångbåts A/B, Sweden. Iron hull, 67.5 x 13.1 x 5.6, with a steam engine of unknown type, 80 ihp. This vessel had a tendency to lean over so much that people on board thought she was going to capsize. In 1895 the owning company went bankrupt and she was taken back by Thorskogs Varv, Thorskog. Leased (bareboat) to Ångfartygs-A/B Bengtsfors-Nordmarken, Sweden for local service Stora Lee (Töcksfors-Bengtsfors-Årjäng) with Andrew MacFie as captain. Sold around 1896? to Ångfartygs-A/B Bengtsfors-Nordmarken, renamed Flora, (Captain J. A. Pettersson) continuing in the same service, but this was changed at some point to Töcksfors-Ed, because the owners placed their ship Nordmarken in service to Årjäng. Sold in 1928 to D/S A/S Svinesund (C. M. Olsen), Halden, renamed Olava and used in regularly scheduled local service in Østfold county (Norway). Rebuilt and lengthened at some point, making her more stable and better to handle.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Germans on March 1-1945, managed by A. Børstad, Oslo. Returned to owners on June 11-1945.
POST WAR: Sold in 1952 to Stavanger Skibs-Ophugnings Co. A/S, Buøy (Stavanger), at that time she was 64 gt (20 net?). Sold again in 1953 to Harald Paulsen e.a., Stavanger. Converted to freighter? 48 gt, motor installed. Sank near Ombo in Ryfylke on Febr. 3-1954 and deleted from register that same year.
(Sources: "List of Norwegian War- & Merchant Ships to which signal Letters have been given" 1947 [which says she was built in 1895 - signal letters LEOL], and info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Info received from Arild Engelsen, Norway [from "Länspumpan 3.97 and 2.2002 / "Skärgårdstrafikken i Bohuslän under 100 år". See also Arild's posting to my Ship Forum in a thread that starts here]. Some details were found on Bror Nilsson's website which also has a picture of the ship. Here is the main page. He also has a page about Nordmarken mentioned above).
D/F Oldernæs |
Laksevaag Kommunale Færgeselskap, Bergen
86 gt
Built in Oslo 1899. Previous name: Framnæs 2 until 1916.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1899 from Akers Mek. Verksted, Oslo as passenger ferry Framnæs 2 to Huk A/S, Oslo. Steel hull, 2 propellers, 2 wheelhouses, 65 x 17,5 x 7,2, 86 gt, 2cyl Compound. In service from Piperviken to Bygdøy in Oslo harbour. Sold in 1903 to Dampfærge-A/S Framnæs, Oslo. Sold back to Huk A/S, Oslo in 1907, same service. Sold in July-1916 to Laksevaag Kommunale Færgeselskap, Bergen, renamed Oldernæs and in service from Sukkerhusbryggen in Bergen to Oldernes-Nygårdsvik-Florvåg (Askøy), as well as occasionally from Sukkerhusbryggen to Laksevåg in the Bergen harbour. In 1938 it was decided to cancel the Florvåg route but it was temporarily continued based on a wish from the crew. Eventually cancelled on May 31-1939 when Askøy Bilferjeselskap (car ferry company) started its route to Florvåg and Oldernæs then entered service from Sukkerhusbryggen to Laksevåg.
WW II: In 1942 the route between Nøstet and Oldernes was reopened (due to lack of oil and overcrowded busses). Following the bombing of Laksevåg in 1944 the area around Oldernes was depopulated and the route was discontinued again.
POST WAR: Laid up in 1953 as reserve. Sold in March-1959 to Einar Cook, Nyhavn, Bergen and broken up in Nyhavn.
(Details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994).
M/S Ombofjord |
A/S Jøsenfjord Ruteselskap, Stavanger
143 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1883. Previous name: D/S Ole Bull until 1924.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1883 from Eriksberg Mek. Verkstads A/B Gothenburg, Sweden as Ole Bull to Ole Bulls Dampskibsselskap, (Elling Larsen Solberg), Bergen. Iron hull, 80.1 x 15.5 x 6.9, 72 gt, 2cyl Compound. Used in regularly scheduled service Bergen-Osterfjorden (Lonevåg/Ostereidet)-Sørfjorden (Vaksdal-Stamneshella-Bolstadøyra / Stanghelle). In May-1891, Bulls Dampskibsselskap was fused into Indre Nordhordlands Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Rebuilt and lengthened at some point in the 1890's and became 96.2 x 15.5 x 6.9, 94 gt, 183 passengers. Sold on Jan. 19-1918 to Peder O. Husebø, Hundvåg (Stavanger area) on behalf of Ingolf & Bertholdius Romsø, registered in Stavanger. In use as freighter (canned goods). Sold again on Jan. 23-1924 to A/S Jøsenfjord, Vadla, placed in regularly scheduled service Stavanger-Ryfylke. Renamed Ombofjord in May that year. Later service became Stavanger-Skartveit-Eidssund-Hidle-Aubøsund-Nesheim-Jørstadvåg-Foreneset-Erfjord. Owning company changed its name to A/S Jøsenfjord Ruteselskap in 1932. Rebuilt in 1938, steam engine was replaced with a 2tev Union rm 50bhp motor from A/S De Forenede Motorfabrikker, Bergen, in 1938.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Germans on Nov. 1-1943 and used as "dentist ship" in the north of Norway (?). Rebuilt in 1944, a 4cyl 2tev Union rm (1938) 244 bhp engine installed, 143 gt.
POST WAR: Found in a bad state of repair in Tromsø on June 10-1945. Repaired in 1946, 125 gt. Company changed its name to A/S Jøsenfjord Rutelag, Stavanger in 1947. Ran aground at Låva (between Bandaberg and Jørstadvåg, on the north side of Ombo) early in the morning of Dec. 10-1951, voyage Foreneset-Jørstadvågen (en route to Stavanger) in heavy snow and bad visibility. The crew and 4 passengers were able to disembark before she slid off and sank in shallow waters an hour later. She had very little cargo on board (if any at all). Condemned and taken over by unknown insurer, remained on the spot. The wreck was sold in 1952 to Lars Folkedal, Kopervik, "as is, where lies". Salvaged by owner with the intention of having her converted to freighter, but after she had been towed to Kopervik, damages were found to be too serious. Sold on Sept. 9.-1953 to Brødrene Anda, Stavanger for breaking up - broken up in Nov. that year. Deleted from register Jan. 23-1959.
(Sources: Partly from the website below [with permission] partly from info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about A/S Jøsenfjord Rutelag in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" 2.91 by Alf Johan Kristansen and Per Alsaker, "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr. 1994, "Bergenske Fjordabåter" Dag Bakka Jr. for Bergens Tidende 1974, "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen 1981, and info received from Arild Engelsen, Norway).
Related external link:
Nordhordland Veteranbåtlag - Text in Norwegian (some KTB extracts in German).
Or - Ot
M/T Orion * repaired post war |
S. H. Smith Sørensen, Arendal
8064 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1936.
Please continue to a separate page about Orion
M/K Osa |
A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø
90 gt
Built in Molde 1914.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1914 from Bolsønes Verft, Molde as Osa to A/S Romsdals Dampskibsselskab, Molde. Wooden hull, 62.1 x 15.7 x 7.3, 45 gt, 2cyl 2tev Finnøy 80 bhp, 8 knots. Sold in 1916 to H. Evjenth, Bodø. Hired out to Saltens D/S, Bodø and used in the company's local Svolvær-Lødingen-Tysfjord route. Sold in Dec.-1916 A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø, same service. Laid up in 1917 together with the company's other motor cutter Tøtta due to high prices of oil. Damaged during a hurricane on Dec. 29-1917. Repaired in 1918, rebuilt and lengthened in Rognan, new interior, 77.7 x 15.7 x 7.1, 88 gt, registered for 100 passengers. In 1925 a 2cyl 2tev Wichmann rm 132 bhp motor was isntalled, 9 knots. Rebuilt in 1928, new interior, 76.7 x 16 x 8.3, 90 gt.
WW II: Laid up at some point during the war due to shortage of fuel.
POST WAR: Back in service 1945. Thrown ashore in Febr.-1949 near Grøtøy in Steigen during a storm, heavily damaged. Repaired and rebuilt, 95 gt. Sold in Jan.-1961 to Bodø Skipsverft & Mek. Verksted A/S, Bodø. Deleted from Norwegian register in 1977.
(This info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Salten D/S in "Skipet" 1.93 by Jens Chr. Egenæs).
D/S Oscar |
D/S A/S Asker, Røken & Hurum, Oslo
106 gt
Built Oslo 1888.
Pre war: Delivered in 1888 from Akers Mek. Verksted A/S, Oslo (117) as Oscar to Bygdø Nye Dampskibsselskab, Oslo. Steel hull, 89.3' x 16.2' x 8.3', 106 gt. Tripple Exp. (Akers) 24nhp 125ihp. Registered for 208 passengers, no cargo hold, so all cargo was on deck. Used in regularly scheduled service Oslo-Bygdø. Sold in 1899 to Sætre Dampskibsselskab, Oslo, in service Oslo-Askerlandet-Sætre. Taken over by Dampskibs-A/S Asker, Røken & Hurum (T. Mortensen, Oslo) in 1903, same service, though only in the summertime - laid up during the winter.
POST WAR: On hire to A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo 1948. Rebuilt in 1950, an 8cyl 2tev GM-Detroit dm 360bhp motor installed, 12 knots. On July 16-1952 owners went bankrupt, and their ships (Asker, Louise 2, Hval and Sport) taken over by Sørensen & Lie Kullkompani, Oslo as creditors. Sold in Dec. that same year to A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo en-bloc with Hval. Sold in 1953 to Nils Halvorsen A/S, Porsgrunn. Motor removed at Knarrlagstrand Slip & Verft, Porsgrunn and installed in owner's Union IV. By 1956 she was used as a "summer café" in Langesundsfjorden (without motor). Capsized and sank in the winter of 1956 while laid up in Langesundsfjorden.
(This info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Asker, Røken & Hurum in Skipet 3.92 by Pål Ulsteen, and misc.).
D/S Oscar II |
Dampskibsselskapet Oscar II A/S, Sandnes
104 gt
Built Stavanger 1885.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1885 from Stavanger Støberi & Dok, Stavanger as Oscar II to Sandnæs, Stavanger & Høgsfjord Dampskibsselskab, Sandnes. Iron Hull, 81.1 x 17.5 x 9, 80.39 gt, 2cyl Compound (S.S.& D.) 115ihp, 9 knots, registered for 212 passengers. In regularly scheduled service Stavanger and Sandnes, and Høgsfjorden (later on, along with Eira). Rebuilt at Stavanger Støberi & Dok, Stavanger in 1893, new boiler. Registered for 230 passengers, 104 gt. Registered in Stavanger 1903, 190 passengers. Registered in Sandnes June-1906. From around 1922, Sandnes, Stavanger & Høgsfjord Dampskipsselskap AS, Sandnes. In 1924 the company was dissolved and she was sold to Dampskipsselskapet Oscar II AS, Sandnes (Arne Kallelid, Stavanger, Georg & Gabriel G. Heringstad, Sandnes), still in service Stavanger-Sandnes, with trips to Høgsfjorden and Lysefjorden in the summertime. Collided on Nov. 21-1924 with Riskafjord I in heavy fog and rain near Siriskjær, Lervik (Stavanger), no-one was hurt (Riskafjord I damaged). Damaged by fire in 1928, repaired and rebuilt at Stavanger Støberi & Dok, Stavanger. Leased to A/S Høgsfjord Ruteselskap, Stavanger every summer from 1932 till 1952.
WW II: Somewhat rebuilt at Rosenberg Mek. Verksted, Stavanger in 1943.
POST WAR: Converted to motor vessel at Br. Bjørnevik Motorverksted, Hundvåg, Stavanger in Dec.-1949, 81.8 x 17.5 x 9.2, 103.90 gt, 6cyl 4tev General Motors dm 165bhp (1944). Sold in Apr.-1952 to A/S Jøsenfjord Rutelag, Stavanger, partly in regularly scheduled service Stavanger-Erfjord, occasionally supstituting in the company's other routes in Ryfylke, and partly laid up at owner's yard at Buøy, Stavanger. Registered in Stavanger Nov. 27-1952. Sold in March-1955 to Ingebrigt K. Hebnes, Hebnes in Ryfylke, converted to freighter at Fjeldberg Bruk, Hundvåg, Stavanger, 86.67 gt. Entered coastal service as Havås in 1955. Sold in 1958 to Johan Naustvik, Vormedal near Haugesund & Jon Naustvik, Jelsa in Ryfylke, local sand trade. Rebuilt at some point, new motor - 2tev Hjelset 120bhp. Sold in March-1971 to Ragnar Vatsø, Bremanger. In 1975 a 4tev Mercedes-Benz dm 280bhp motor was installed. Sold in March-1979 to Karl Sæther, Bøfjorden in Surnadal, local sand trade to Smøla, Hitra and Frøya for Rødsand Gruver (mines). Sold in June-1985 to Gunnar Erntzen, Torvastad, Karmøy - in sand trade. Sold in Febr.-1986 (Per Kåre Reilstad, Judaberg, Finnøy) - sand trade in Ryfylke. Sold in Dec.-1990 to Helge Nymo, Nesna, used in connection with building quay. Sold in 1993 to Birger Bech, Mo i Rana. Laid up at Stokkvågen, Lurøy 1997 (still there June 8-1999). Sold in 1999 to Dampskipsselskapet Oscar II AS (Daniel Øvstebø & Svein Hana) Sandnes, intended converted back to passenger/cargo vessel, renamed Oscar II. Arrived Sandnes in Oct.-1999, moved to Dirdal. (Name painted on on July 6-2000).
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen, 1981 and "Skipet", Per Kåre Reilstad)
Related external link:
Oscar II - (text in Norwegian).
D/S Oscarsborg I |
A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab
A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo (from 1941)
191 gt
Built in Stockholm 1904: Previous name: Styrsö until 1911.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1904 from W. Lindbergs Verkstad & Värv, Stockholm, Sweden as passenger vessel Styrsø to Styrsö Nya Badhus AB, Gothenburg, Sweden. Stel hull, 99 x 22.2 x 7.8, 156 gt, 2cyl Compound 290ihp. Registered for 310 passengers. Sold in Febr.-1911 to A/S Næsodden Dampskibsselskab (Pedersen & Meinich), Oslo, renamed Oscarsborg I (often called Borgen by the public). In regularly scheduled service in inner Oslofjord in the summertime. In 1915 the owning company changed its name to A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab, Oslo. Rebuilt in 1918 to enable her to be used all year round; new large saloon aft and cargo hold, 191 gt. Fred. Olsen agreed to help pay the cost via shares, provided the daily route was lengthened to Hvitsten (where Fred. Olsen had large properties) and Son. After a while the company found this extension difficult to combine with her original route, and took too much time, so in 1920 she was sold to A/S Borgå (Fred. Olsen & Co.), Oslo. Still managed by A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab and used in the Oslo-Nesoddlandet-Hvitsten-Son route, though with Fred. Olsen's funnel.
WW II: From Febr.-1941 managed by A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipselskap (Nesodden Dampskibsselskab had fused with this company), same service.
POST WAR: Sold in June-1953 to John & Nils G. Nilsen, Fredrikstad, laid up. Sold in 1954 to Reidar K. Olsen, Svelvik, converted to freighter at the slip in Nærsnes, 99 gt, a 2cyl 2tev Union 120 bhp motor installed. Entered service (in 1954?) as freighter Reigunn, mostly in service in Oslofjord, partly in sand trade. Sold in the spring of 1981 to Petter Olsen, Oslo with the intention of restoring her back to previous purpose as local passenger vessel. Laid up at Aker Brygge, Oslo. 1981: A/S Petter Olsen Trading (Petter Olsen), Hvitsten. Beached in Drammen at some point in the 1990's, but as per the fall of 1999 she had not been restored. Transferred to Firmament AS (Petter Olsen), Hvitsten in Nov.-2002 - still inactive in Drammen.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord D/S by Harald Lorentzen in Skipet 3.90 and misc.).
D/S Oslo |
Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal
881 gt
Built in Oslo 1929.
Pre war history: Launched June 5-1929 at Nylands Verksted, Oslo (294). Delivered Oct. 22 that year as Oslo to Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal. Steel hull, 202'/188.1'(lpp) x 31.6' x 20.3', 881 gt, 4cyl Double Compound / Lentz (Nylands) 1350ihp, 14 knots. In coastal mail route Oslo-Bergen. Entered Hurtigruten service Oslo-Arendal-Kristiansand in 1934, with a weekly voyage to Egersund, extended to a weekly voyage to Farsund in the summer of 1935. In 1938 the weekly voyages to Egersund were cancelled, when the railway from Stavanger was extended to Kristiansand, and by the following summer she had been placed in the coastal mail route Oslo-Bergen.
Old postcard showing Oslo in Bergen - (the white one) from Bjørn Milde's postcard collection. Ship on the left is tug Vulcanus.
WW II: Continued in the same service together with the company's Kristiansand. Both ships were laid up in the winter of 1945, due to shortage of coal.
POST WAR: Reentered service on June 30-1945. On hire to Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab in Jan.-1948, in Hurtigruten service Bergen-North Norway as replacement for Nordenfjeldske's Kong Harald. Returned in July-1948. Rebuilt in Dec.-1949 at Drammens Slip & Verksted, Drammen, 11 new bunks added, boiler converted to oil fuelling. Delivered in Apr.-1950. In the summer of 1957 she was used in Hurtigruten service Oslo-Arendal-Kristiansand, returned to the coastal mail route in Aug. that year. In Hurtigruten service Oslo-Arendal-Kristiansand in the summer of 1958, returned to her regular service in Aug. same year. Sold in Apr.-1959 to Empirotiki Steamship Navigation Co. George Potamianos SA, Piraeus. Docked at Nylands Verksted, Oslo on Apr. 28, delivered to new owners in May and renamed Aegeus. Renamed Kefallinia in 1965. On May 15-1968 she was laid up at Ambelakia and fitted out for the tourist season when a fire broke out on board, eventually capsized to port and sank in shallow waters. Later raised and sold to unknown breakers - broken up.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about Arendals Dampskibsselskab by Dag Bakka jr. in Skipet 1.2000 and misc.).
Related external link:
Picture of Oslo - Linked to Arendals Dampskibsselskap's website.
Other ships named Oslo: The company later had another ship by this name, built 1962, 727 gt - later sold to Canada (1969) and renamed Nordbec, then Fort Mingan in 1970. See picture on the above website. Norway had previously had another D/S Oslo 1924-1927, J. W. Klover, Tønsberg. Built 1896 for Wilh. Wilhelmsen as Talisman, 1888 gt, sold 1921 and renamed Fiol for D. Finnes Rederi, Kristiania, then Oslo as mentioned. Sold to Shanghai 1927 and renamed Chi Tung, to Italy in 1931, renamed Ching Ning, back to Shanghai 1934 - sunk in the Yangtse river in 1938 during the Sino-Japanese war.
Denmark also had a steamship named Oslo, struck a mine and sank off Swinemunde on Sept. 28-1944.
D/S Oster |
Indre Nordhordland Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen
206 gt
Built in Kristansand 1908.
Captain L. Sommer.
Pre war history: Delivered in Nov.-1908 from Christiansands mek. verksted, Kristiansand as Oster for Indre Nordhordland Dampskibsselskap, Bergen, 106,1 (lpp) x 21,7 x 9,7, 167 gt, tripple expansion 54 nhk, steel hull. Arrived Bergen for the first time on Nov. 29-1908. Rebuilt and lengthened at A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen in 1915, 118,6(lpp) x 21,7 x 9,9, 191 gt (312 passengers). Company changed its name to Indre Nordhordland Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen in 1923. Rebuilt 1928-1932.
WW II: Oster was requisitioned by the Norwegian Navy in Sept.-1939 and equipped with armament. Crew of 18. According to an original report received from Erling Skjold, Norway, she was heavily damaged in a collision with Ek on Jan. 9-1940, shortly after having releaved the patrolboat Sperm that morning (Kalvenes-Ramsøy patrol area). Having handed over the patrol duties to Sperm again, Oster was able to return to Bergen at slow speed. Captain is named as Reidar Fladmark.
In the evening of Apr. 8-1940 (the night before the German invasion) she was on patrol in the southern part of Hjeltefjord (between Ramsøy and Kalvenes), then ordered to Blomvåg and subsequently used for intelligence service. Sailed to Telavåg. Command cancelled on May 6 and ship abandoned. Taken over by the Kriegsmarine on May 22-1940 at Telavåg, and put into service on May 24 with number NB04 (Hafenschutz-Flotille, Norwegen Bergen) and renamed Marder. Altered in the period up until Dec.-1940, probably with more armament, and was mainly in patrol service for Hafenschutz-Flotille Bergen until the spring of 1944.
On Jan. 17-1941 NB04 Marder ran aground east of Alvøen. Towed away by Unitas on Jan. 21 (U-Boot Versorgungsschiff). In the evening of June 5-1941 Marder rescued the crew of a German Do 18 aircraft which had emergency landed, taking the aircraft in tow. Various other incidents are mentioned at the website that I've linked to below (some of the text is in German), then in the evening of June 5-1943 Marder got involved in a battle with 2 Norwegian MTB's, where D/S Altenfels, 8132 gt was sunk by MTB 626 (60 20N 05 15E), off Austevoll in Korsfjord.
In the course of the spring of 1944 she was modified in order to accommodate a 37 mm gun which was mounted on a platform between the bridge and the 76 mm gun on the foredeck. Alterations to incorporate depth chargers were also made. Modifications were completed in May and she was put into service in the 55 Vorposten-Flotille with the new number V5504, based in "Stutzpunkt Florvaagbucht", headquarters for the 55 Vorposten-Flotille (Florvåg Ungdomsskole today, a school). This Flotille was under 5.KSV (Küsten Sicherungs Verband), as were the 51st and 53rd Vorpostenflotille (the website says this was based in Måløy [Stutzounkt Maaløy], and that the 53rd flotille was based in Eidsvåg [Stutzpunkt Westwärtsbucht] but this is incorrect. Halvor Sperbund has told me that the 51st Vorposten Flottille was based in "Westwärtsbucht" (Åstveit/Eidsvåg) and the 53rd Flottille in Måløy. He has also told me that D/S Oster (or more correctly Marder) participated as Flak ship in the anti aircraft defence of the Narvik class Destroyer Z 33 in Førdefjord on Febr. 9-1945, "Black Friday"- where 10 allied aircraft were shot down in 9 minutes, while 4 German aircraft went down.
POST WAR: Returned to owner, in bad state of repair 1945, repaired and rebuilt at Storemøllens Mek. Verksted, Sandviken, Bergen. Further rebuilt in 1950. Sold in Apr.-1964 to Berge Sag & Trelastforretning (Brødrene Berge, Ølensvåg), converted to freighter at owner's yard in Ølensvåg, 199 gt, engine Caterpillar 300bhp (from 1962). Entered coastal service in 1966 as M/S Vaka. Sold in June-1974 to Oddmund Tjoflot, Vikebygd, in local sand trade. Sold in Aug.-1988 (Kristoffersen & Gundersen /Thor Åke Kristoffersen, Flekkerøy), in coastal service. Sold in March-1996 to Nordhordland Veteranbåtlag, Ostereidet, renamed Gamle Oster, laid up at Bjørsvik. Restored, later renamed Oster. Completion of restoration work planned for Easter-2002. Follow the link to "Nordhordland Veteranbåtlag" for more.
Picture of Oster - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
(Sources: Details received from T. Eriksen, Norway [pre war and post war history], and information found at the website Nordhordland Veteranbåtlag - included here with permission. The text by Halvor Sperbund on the site is in Norwegian. It also describes 5 KSV's areas of responsibility and has a picture of Oster as well as a sketch showing what she looked like as Marder, click on "Historie", then "Frå 1939-1945").
D/S Oter I * |
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
251 gt
Built Middlesbrough 1929. Previous name: S. H. Grimwood.
(Owned by A/S Ørnen, Sandefjord).
Hired by the Norwegian State in 1939 for use as patrolship in the outer Oslofjord, together with Farm, Skudd 2, Hval II and Pol III. Seized by the Germans when war broke out and renamed Elsaas.
One source says this ship was lost at some point of the war, another says she survived. I'm not sure where she operated. I've received an E-mail from Frode Figenschou, Norway who says that according to the book "Lang Kyst" she was torpedoed, or struck a mine near the inlet to Fleinvær. She was in German service at the time and had been converted for minelaying. His friend's father remembers hearing the bang and saw smoke before she went down; he had just been on board to get some tobacco. He added that she had just layed mines in the area, and believes it's possible she hit one of her own mines. One of his sons made a dive near the wreck, but it was very deep and he did not remember much about the wreck itself. Frode says they are now looking for it and hope to find it before the winter (2005).
(Info in the 1st paragraph is from Ulf W. Gustavsen, Norway).
D/S Ottar Jarl (II) * |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
1459 gt
Built at Lübeck 1921. Previous name Prinkipo until 1925.
Pre war history: Delivered in Aug.-1921 from Schiffs- und Dockbau Werft Flender, Lübeck as Prinkipo for Hamburg-Amerika Linie AG, Hamburg. Sistership of Rethymo, later Kong Halfdan (II). Sold To Nordenfjeldske in June-1925 and renamed Ottar Jarl. Placed in the company's Mediterranean service, later transferred to the Hamburg service. In Apr.-1928 she was included in the extended service to North Norway (Kirkenes-Hamburg?). From 1935 till 1940 she was in service Hamburg-Trondheim-Hamburg.
WW II: German Control. On a voyage from Kirkenes to Germany when she was torpedoed and sunk by the Russian submarine SC-422 (Malyshev) in Tanafjord on Sept. 12-1941, position 70 57N 29 00E, off Omgang on the coast of Finnmark (another torpedo barely missed D/S Tanahorn). The crew was picked up by boats from Gamvik, Boatswain Fridtjof August Kristiansen lost his life.
(Sources: "Nordenfjeldske - 1857-1985", by Finn R. Hansen and Rohwer's "Allied Submarine Attacks").
CONFLICT: Charles Hocking (see "My sources", link at the bottom of this page) states that Ottar Jarl was bombed by British aircraft and sunk by gunfire from warships off North Norway on the date listed.
Related external link:
Stavern Commemoration
Other ships by this name: Hocking also lists the company's previous Ottar Jarl (built 1913, 1900 gt), which sank following a collision on March 22-1924 in 53 11N 1 18E when on a voyage from the Tyne to Antwerp and Barcelona with general cargo and coal. Nordenfjeldske D/S' fleet list also lists this ship, agreeing with Hocking on the year built, but giving the tonnage 1846 gt. Delivered in Nov.-1913 as Vølund to A/S Vølund (A. Andersen), Bergen, sold in 1914 to A/S Atlas (P. Johannessen), Tønsberg without name change, returned to A/S Vølund in 1915, then sold to Nordenfjeldske in March-1917, still no name change until 1922. The vessel she collided with in 1924 was the tanker British Princess, location given is River Humber when on a voyage London/Newcastle to Barcelona. Nordenfjeldske later had another ship by this name, built in Seattle in 1929 and delivered as W. B. Foshay for W. B. Foshay, in service Seattle-Alaska. Sold to Canada in 1930 and renamed Northland, sold again in 1945 to U.S.A., (no name change), then sold to Nordenfjeldske in Oct.-1946 and renamed Ottar Jarl (III). Ran aground near Keflavik, Iceland on Nov. 1-1955, salvaged and towed to Doordrecht, the Netherlands on Apr. 24-1956, arriving July 25 for breaking up.
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