Name of Ship
Shipping Company
M/S Maaløy |
Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane, Bergen
97 gt
Built in Haugesund 1930.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1930 from Hauges Jernskibsbyggeri, Haugesund as Maaløy to Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane. Steel hull, 83,5 x 17,3 x 9,1, 97 gt, (52 net), 2cyl 2tev Bolinder 120bhk, 9 knots, registered for 130 passengers. Placed in regularly scheduled service in Nordfjord on May 9; Måløy-Olden (several stops in Nordfjord), Måløy-Stadtlandet and Måløy-Rugsund-Skatestraumen. Occasionally replaced other vessels in other routes as well, for example the cargo service Bergen-outer Sogn.
WW II: Continued in the above service all through the war, probably once a week, otherwise inactive due to shortage of fuel. During the raid on Måløy on Dec. 27-1941 she was en route from Vågsvåg and Husevåg towards Berle. The British naval vessels were right behind her, placing her in the firing line between them and the German fortress at Rugsundøy, but she managed to seek shelter in the area near Leirgulen without being damaged. (See also Eystein and Sneland).
POST WAR: Continued in the same route, with once a week to Måløy-Stadtlandet; Raudeberg-Silda-Barmsund-Selje and if the weather was good, to Drage. Every Friday to Måløy-Vågsvåg-Husevåg-Leirgulen-Bortnen-Hennøystrand-Berle-Kalvåg. Rebuilt and modernized in the 1950's (wheelhouse widened). In 1959 she was replaced in the routes to Måløy by the company's brand new Tansøy, and entered the local Hyen-Nordfjordeid-Sandane service, later (1960's) Måløy-Pollane-Selje. Collided with a small vessel near Selje in June-1965, with the loss of 2 men on the other vessel, while the crew rescued a boy. Collided with another small vessel in Måløy harbour in the spring of 1969, all 3 on the other vessel were saved. The last route Maaløy sailed for Fylkesbaatane was the 'milk run' Berle-Måløy. In 1972 the local runs in Nordfjord were cancelled when the ferry traffic Stårheim-Isane was opened. Sold in Oct.-1973 to Tartan Arrow Marine Ltd., London with the intention of having her converted for cruising, but this did not happen and she was later sold to an unknown owner in the Virgin Islands. In Apr.-1981 she was seen in St. Thomas, still as Maaløy. Possibly still in existence.
(All details on this vessel from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, "Båtene våre, -hvor ble de av?", Dag Bakka Jr. for Bergens tidende 1984(?) and "101 Fjordabåtar, FSF 1858-2000" by Magnus Helge Torvanger, 2000).
Related external link:
The Vågsøy / Måløy Raid
D/S Mailand |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
837 gt
Built Christiania (Oslo) 1915. (A/S Jelølinjen, owner), purchased in 1923.
Picture of Mailand - Scanned from Fred. Olsen & Co. fleet list, with permission from the company.
German control 1940-1945.
POST WAR: Sold in 1950.
Related external link:
Fred Olsen & Co. today
D/S Malangen |
Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø
289 gt
Built in Trondhjem 1899.
Pre war history: Delivered in Aug.-1899 from A/S Trondhjems mek Værksted, Trondhjem as Malangen (86) to Tromsø Amts Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø, 275 gt, mainly in service Tromsø-Outer Senja-Harstad, also temporarily to Ofoten. Extensively rebuilt at Tromsø Skipsverft in 1920, was there for 12 months, 289 gt. New boiler installed at the same yard in 1927. Laid up when Lyngen was delivered in 1931. Laid up in Tromsø from Sept.-1935 until June-1936.
Not sure if she was in service during the war, however, her restaurant manager, Othar Johannes Toldnæs Andresen is listed as having died in Harstad on May 21-1940, killed by shrapnel during an air attack, not being able to get to the shelter in time.
POST WAR: Extensively rebuilt at Kaarbøs mek Verksted, Harstad in 1947, 308 gt, back in regularly sheduled service in Sept.-1948. Ran aground off Oldervik in Ullsfjord on Nov. 14-1950. Ran aground at Bispeflua near Dyrøy on March 6-1954. Refloated by Traust and Sterkoder. Taken out of service on July 6-1960 and sold to Arendals Skipsopphugging (breakers).
(Sources: Troms Fylkes D/S fleet list, Finn R. Hansen, "Våre falne" and "Minner og minnesmerker", Øistein Wiik).
This was the company's 2nd ship by this name. The first Malangen was delivered as Sandefjord in 1875, renamed Malangen in 1880, later Skjold. A 3rd Malangen was built in 1971, 290 gt, still in service in 1996, Bjarkøy-Sandsøy-Grytøy.
D/S Manger |
Alversund & Manger Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen
152 gt
Built in Bergen 1911.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1911 from A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen (43) as local passenger/cargo vessel Manger to Alværsund & Mangers Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 100.9'(lpp) x 18.9' x 9.7', 117 gt, 49 net, Tripple Expansion (Mjellem & Karlsen) 40nhp. This was one of 4 almost identical sisterships, the others being Haus, Seimstrand and Austrheim. Used in regulalry scheduled local passenger/cargo service Bergen-Salhus-Frekhaug-Manger-Radøy-Nordanger. Ran aground at Langøysand on Febr. 7-1916, voyage Bergen-Nordanger, minor damage. Rebuilt and lengthened in 1923, 113'(lpp) x 19' x 9.4', 152 gt, 65 net. In 1927 the company name was changed to Alversund & Manger Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen.
Picture of Manger - At Manger in the 1920's.
Another picture - Source for both: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II. Requisitioned in Sept-1939 by the Royal Norwegian Marines for use as neutrality guard. A gun was installed and she was stationed at Lerøyosen, Captain Birger Heyerdahl Brynildsen. When Norway was invaded on Apr. 9-1940 she was stationed at Ysteskjær in Krossfjord and was the first ship to spot the German invading fleet near Bergen that night, but there was little she could do except notify authorities. Abandoned on Apr. 12-1940 at Hjellestad off Bergen, then seized by the Kriegsmarine on June 6, renamed Mürmel, then used as NB 09 for Hafenschutzflotille Bergen, later as V 5509 for 55th Vorpostenflotille from Dec. that year.
POST WAR: Returned to owners in a very bad state of repair in May-1945. Repaired and rebuilt at Frydenbø Slip & Mek. Verksted, Damsgård, Bergen in Oct.-1945, engine converted for oil fuelling, 184 gt, 103 net. Back in her regular service in the summer of 1946. In March-1951 the owning company fused into A/S Bergen Nordhordland Trafikklag, Bergen. Laid up. Sold in Aug.-1965 to Georg Matre, Ølensvåg (Bergen), converted to freighter at Ølen Skipsindustri, Ølensvåg with some components, incl. wheelhouse from the condemned seiner Simba, 120.1' x 19' x 9.6', 150 gt, 76 net, 200 tdwt, a 3cyl 2t single acting Wichmann 300bhp was installed, 300 bhp (1952, from the condemnded fishing vessel Skjolden). Entered service as freighter Sandbas in 1966 (H-27-Ø), registered in Haugesund, at first used during the mackerel fishing season in the North Sea, then in sand trade in the western part of Norway. Sold in March-1967 (Nils Fjeldvær, Trondheim), renamed Joge. Remeasured in 1967, 146 gt. Developed a list, capsized and sank near Nordvåg, Magerøy in Porsangerfjord on Febr. 16-1971, cargo of general and lumber. Crew of 3 saved by seiner Neptuges.
(All details on this ship from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
This company had previously had another Manger, built in 1895, 78 gt, sank following a collision in 1910.
M/K Marstein |
Salve Ingebretsen, Åkrehamn
37 gt
Built in Norway 1928.
T. Eriksen, Norway has told me that she was purchased by Salve Ingebretsen in 1932 and used in cargo service Haugesund-Stavanger.
Rescued 35 people from Vindafjord on Nov. 28-1941 - follow link for more details. Sold at some point in the 1940's (post war?) to Karl Helgesen, Haugesund.
Picture of Marstein - Source: T. Eriksen.
POST WAR: Sold in 1959 Ludvig Pedersen, Åkrehamn, Karmøy. Ran aground in 1963 near Kobbernaglen, Kopervik, and heavily damaged. Repaired at Skudesnes Notbarkeri & Slip, Skudesneshavn. Deleted from Norwegian register about 1983.
D/S Marvel |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
1566 gt
Built Christiania (Oslo today), 1921. Previous name: Kleobis.
Pre war history: Launched as Kleobis for J. Lund & Co., Tønsberg. Delivered in Nov.-1921 as Marvel to Rich. Pettersen, Christiania. Purchased 1923 by A/S Jelølinjen (Fred. Olsen & Co.), Oslo.
WW II: Marvel is mentioned in connection with Convoy HN 10B from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940, bound for London with general cargo. In the middle of the following month we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 20 - follow links for more convoy info; several Norwegian ships took part.
POST WAR: Sold in 1951 to D/S A/S Havly (Hartvig Larsen), Haugesund, in lumber trade in the White Sea. Sold in Sept.-1967 to Lorentzens Rederi, Oslo and renamed Johs. Stove. Delivered to Norsk Skibsopphugging, Grimstad (breakers) in Sept.-1968.
D/S Masfjord * |
Lindås Masfjordens Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen
193 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1907.
Pre war history: Delivered in Jan.-1907 from Christiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (122) as local passenger/cargo vessel Masfjord to Lindaas Masfjorden Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 107.1' x 20.1' x 9.6', 156 gt, 67 net, Tripple Expansion (yard) 44nhp. In regularly scheduled service Bergen-Lindås-Masfjord with passengers, cargo and mail. Ran aground on Aug. 22-1918 in Solesjø and sank, 7 (9?) died. Raised and repaired. Rebuilt and lengthened in 1924 at A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen 121' x 20.1' x 9.6', 193 gt, 92 net. Company changed its name in Nov.-1937 to Lindås Masfjordens Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen.
WW II: Ran aground in a storm on Febr. 3-1944 near Masfjordnes, capsized, slid off and sank - voyage Matredal-Bergen with passengers and cargo. 9 passengers, the captain and the mate died. She had wandered off course due to the weather and darkness.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: "Fjordabåten", Dag Bakka Jr. 1994).
Related external link:
I ein kald fjord - Details on the loss of Masfjord (Norwegian text)
This company had another Masfjord after the war, this was the ex Sætre.
D/S Maurita |
J. M. Johannesens Rederi A/S, Bergen
1569 gt
Built in Bergen 1925.
Maurita is listed in Convoy HN 6 from Norway to the U.K. in Dec.-1939/Jan.-1940. At the beginning of March-1940 we find her in Convoy HN 17, bound for Blyth in ballast, returning to Norway later that month with Convoy ON 22 - several Norwegian ships took part in all these convoys.
Me - Mi
M/S Meland |
Alversund & Meland Eimbaatlag LL, Frekhaug
74 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1875. Previous name: Balder until 1939.
Pre war history: Delivered in Apr.-1875 from Christiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (12) as Balder, iron hull 83,7 x 15,4 x 8,6, 74 gt, 2cyl Compound 24nhk. New Engine 1878? Sold that year to Tysnæs & Kvindherreds Dampskibsselskab, in regularly scheduled service Bergen-Midthordland/Hardanger, and twice a week Bergen-Eide-Ulvik (with stops in between). Company went bankrupt in 1880, sold that year to Nordre Bergenhus Amts Dampskibe, Bergen, in service in Nordfjord. Rebuilt in 1903. In Jan.-1919 the company was renamed Sogn & Fjordane Fylkesbåtar, Bergen. Sold in Apr.-1939 to Alversund & Meland Eimbaatlag, Frekhaug, renamed Meland. In regularly scheduled service Bergen-Holsenøy-Flatøy-Isdalstø, occasionally to Kvamsvåg and Alverstrømmen.
WW II: Sold in Nov.-1941 to Eilert Østbø, Hundvåg (Stavanger), converted to motor freighter by owner, 98 gt. Sold again at some point.
POST WAR: By 1949 she had an unknown owner at Halsnøy. Sold that year to Trygve Tveita, Røyksund near Haugesund (R-15-AS). Sank in Sandsfjord in 1953?.
(All details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
D/S Meteor * |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
3718 gt
Built in Hamburg 1904.
Pre war history: Cruise ship, delivered from Blohm und Voss, Hamburg (170) in May-1904 as Meteor for Hamburg-Amerikanische Paketfahrt AG, Hamburg, 3717 gt, 1500 tdwt, 346.2' x 44.2' x 18.4', 2 x Tripple exp. 1550 ihp, 11.5 knots. Requisitioned in Aug.-1914 by Kaiserliche Marine and used as accommodation vessel. Handed over to Great Britain in May-1919, run by Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Ltd., London. Purchased by Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab in March-1921, registered under H. J. Jewell, London at first, then registered in Bergen from June-1922. 250 passengers. Rebuilt at Laksevåg in 1935, warm/cold water installed in all cabins, 205 passengers. (Info from: "Bergenske, byen og selskapet", Dag Bakka Jr.).
WW II: Meteor is listed in Convoy HN 12 from Norway to the U.K. in the middle of Febr.-1940. She went back to Norway later that month with Convoy ON 15. Early the following month we find her, bound for Leith, in Convoy HN 16 from Norway, returning to Norway in the middle of March with Convoy ON 19 - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
Seized in Bergen, Norway by the Germans on July 27-1940 (Apr. 27-1940?), used as Kriegsmarine hospital ship. Renamed Rostock in March-1942, then Meteor II on May 28-1942. In service in the Baltic with Norwegian crew. Against international rules the Germans used her to transport 230 armed German soldiers. Attacked by Russian aircraft on March 9-1945 at Pillau harbour, capsized. Out of a crew of 70 Norwegians, 4 died. 24 died altogether in this incident.
Picture of Meteor
Pic 2 - Both were received from Bjørn Milde, Norway (from his postcard collection).
Another picture - The ship on the right is Meteor, identity of the ship on the left is unknown. Can anybody help identify it? Might be Swedish or Finnish. Picture was taken at the Kiel Canal (R. W. Jordan).
Related external link:
The Norwegians who died - 5 are commemorated at this memorial for seamen in Stavern, Norway, namely Chief Engineer Hans Hansen Hølleland, Engineer Ingvald Lemika Isaksen, (died of illness Oct. 25-1944), Seaman Frithjof Johansen, Hans Meland, and Stoker Odd Olsen.
Bergenske D/S had also lost a ship by this name to WW I. Originally built as Reichenbach for German owners in 1906, 4211 gt, purchased by Bergenske in Febr.-1915 - torpedoed and sunk by UB-29 on Dec. 7-1916, 40 miles west/southwest of Bishop's Rock, voyage Philadelphia-London with general cargo. Crew was saved.
D/S Midnatsol |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
978 gt
Built in Bergen 1910.
Delivered in June-1910 from Bergens Mek. Verksted, Bergen (158), 978 gt, 510 tdwt, 202.8' x 31.1' x 19.8', Tr. Exp. 1508 ihp, 13 knots; built for Hurtigruten. Rebuilt in 1930, new interior in 3rd class. In 1933 the bridge was rebuilt, and refrigeration installed.
Picture of Midnattsol - Received from Bjørn Milde, Norway (from his own postcard collection - name is spelt with 2 t's here).
Another picture (same source s above)
In the express cargo/passenger service, coast of Norway (Hurtigruten). Rescued 150 from German ships (off Finnmark?), 1941.
POST WAR: In service as Sylvia from March-1949 till Oct. 10-1950, when she was taken out of the express cargo/passenger service and laid up. Delivered on Oct. 30-1950 in Antwerp to SA Elbos, Belgium, broken up in 1954.
(Main source: "Bergenske, byen og selskapet", Dag Bakka Jr.)
Other ships by this name: The company had another Midnatsol after the war, built in Ancona, Italy in 1949, 2098 gt. Sold in 1979 to Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø, renamed Midnatsol II in Oct.-1982. Sold to Flekkefjord in 1983, used as hotel in Kragerø in June that year under the name Midnatsol Norge. Sold in 1985 to Kysten Hotel & Restaurant A/S, Oslo but while being converted to hotel vessel in Sarpsborg in Febr.-1987 she sank at the yard's quay. Raised, condemned and towed to Belgium for breaking up. Troms Fylkes D/S had another Midnatsol built in 1982, 4131 gt. Still in service - see Midnatsol (external link).
M/T Mil * |
Norsk Tankanlæg A/S, Oslo
244 gt
Built in Brevik 1923.
Taken over by the Kriegsmarine in 1940. Struck a mine off Ekkerøy, Varangerfjord on Jan. 25-1944 on a voyage from Vardø to Kirkenes. 6 were killed.
Related external link:
The 6 who died - These men are commemorated at the Stavern memorial: Captain Andor Johan Olsen, Mate Markus Anton Motzfeldt Wiig, Able Seamen Ragnvald Martin A. Gulbrandsen and Ole Henry Johan Nordhaug, 2nd Engineer Alf Theodor Johnsen, and Engineer Sigurd Sølvig.
M/T Mil 40 |
Norsk Tankanlæg A/S, Oslo
273 gt
Built in Oslo 1937.
Used to distribute gasoline from the English supply vessel M/T Broomdale in the North of Norway at the very beginning of the war in Norway. She was sent to Petsamo with a cargo, with the intent of returning with equipment from Sweden for Norwegian ships and then go to England with them, but she stayed in Petsamo too long for the plan to be carried out. She returned to Norway later in the summer.
During an air attack on Hammerfest on Aug. 29-1944, Steward Mikael Martin Jentoft Mikalsen, Mate Alfred Vik and Engineer Johan Oberg Berntsen died (the latter died in hospital on Aug. 31).
D/S Mimona * |
Andersen & Co., Fredrikstad
1147 gt
Built in Trondheim 1919.
Mimona is listed among the ships in Convoy HN 9B from Norway to the U.K. in Jan./Febr.-1940. Early in March we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 17. As will be seen when clicking on the links, several other Norwegian ships also took part.
Ran aground in Jan. 10 (9?)-1942 near Kjølnes light.
Rohwer says the following in a footnote in his "Allied Submarine Attacks" with regard to a torpedo attack by the the Russian sub K-22 at Berlevåg on Jan. 19-1942: "The claimed German Mimona was beached on 11.1.42 and became a total loss. K-22 first fired three, then one, and then two torpedoes, which missed, and then attacked with gunfire, causing the wreck to blaze (position 70 49N 29 20E). Then a gun attack was made on a patrol vessel and the Norwegian trawler Vaaland was hit and set on fire....". Rohwer also mentions the wreck being hit by a torpedo from the Russian S-101 on Febr. 6-1942, then says in an accompanying footnote that she was beached on 10.1.42 (conflicting with his own previous info).
A posting on my Ship Forum (in reply to this query) says Mimona ran aground near Berlevåg on Jan. 10 on a voyage from Kirkenes to Tromsø in ballast, and was torpedoed there on Febr. 13 (source used for this posting: Det Norske Veritas List 1946 "Norges Sveriges og Danmarks Handelsflåter" Tilgang og Avgang 1940-1945). There are also some more recent postings on my Ship Forum mentioning this vessel, starting with this query.
After the war this company had another ship named Mimona, previously the German Ambia, built 1922 (Deutsche Levante Linie, managers), 1406 gt. Renamed Gumbinnen in 1934, seized at Flensburg in 1945 by the Allies, renamed Empire Conleith. Became the Norwegian Dragnes in 1946, then Mimona in 1947. Renamed Malay in 1959 (T.Halvorsen A/S, Norway). Scrapped in Norway in 1961.
D/S Mira * |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1152 gt
Built in Glasgow 1891.
Please continue to a separate page about D/S Mira.
Mo - My
M/K Moder II * |
Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes
124 gt
Built 1870.
Wooden fishing cutter.
From the fall of 1941 the regular express passenger/cargo service went no further north than Tromsø. Several of the regular ships had been sunk with great loss of civilian life and it was decided to put smaller vessels like fishing cutters into the most northerly routes to carry mail, passengers and small cargoes, thereby becoming a lifeline for people that far north. It was called the "replacement route", and administered by Vesteraalens Dampksipsselskab. A total of 27 vessels were used, 3 were lost, they were M/K Vaaland, M/K Moder II and M/K Uløy. The original service south of Tromsø continued as before.
During an encounter between Russian MTB's and German coastal artillery at Kibergnes and German stations at Komagsvær, Moder II was boarded by crew from a Russian torpedo boat between Vardø and Vadsø on May 7-1944 (in Varangerfjord), on a voyage Tromsø-Vadsø. The 8 crew and 7 passengers were taken to Russia on board the torpedo boat, while Moder II was set on fire and sunk. The passengers and crew were interned in Murmansk; 5 of them had been seriously injured and were first taken to a military hospital in Polarnoje. They were all returned to Norway after the Germans had pulled out from Finnmark, except one of them, Mate Henrik Meyer who, as it turned out, had been dropped from an aircraft in a parachute over Ifjordfjell on Jan. 8-1945 and was killed when his parachute didn't open. He was not found until several years later. I'm not able to find much information about this incident, but it appears the reason he was dropped from an aircraft was that the Russians had intended to use him as a spy. Later, with the "cold war" era coming on, it was difficult to find out what had really happened, and the truth about his fate did not come to light until the summer of 1964.
Related external link:
The 2nd Mate - The Norwegian text says: Moder II replaced the express services between Tromsø-Kirkenes from Nov.1-1942 until she was shelled and sunk by 3 Russian torpedo boats near Kiberg on May 7-1944. Those who were on board were taken to Murmansk and later returned, except for the 2nd Mate who probably died on Jan. 6-1945.
D/S Molla |
A/S Wilhelms Rederi, Fredrikstad
806 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1920. Previous name: Ingeborg Bakkevig until 1923, Bomma until 1938, Bratli until 1940.
Pre war history: Delivered in Apr.-1920 from Kristiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (159) as cargo vessel Ingeborg Bakkevig to D/S A/S Are (L. Bakkevig), Haugesund. Steel hull, 186 x 31.2 x 12, 811 gt, 1150 tdwt, Triple Expansion (KMV). Manager became Tormod Bakkevig & Søn AS, Haugesund in 1923 (same owner). Sold in May-1923 to A/S Ganger Rolf (Fred. Olsen & Co.), Oslo, renamed Bomma. Sold in 1938 to Berg Thorsen, Arendal, renamed Bratli.
Picture of Molla - Received from Erling Skjold, Norway.
WW II: Sold in 1940 A/S Wilhelms Rederi (T. Wilhelms), Fredrikstad, renamed Molla - by then she was 806 gt, 1150 tdwt. Requisitioned by Kriegsmarine on May 6-1944, used as transport for Seetransport Haupstelle Drontheim (Trondheim). Returned on May 23-1944. According to a posting to my Ship Forum she was attacked and damaged by allied aircraft from Banff Strike Wing i Nordfjord on Dec. 12-1944. Tora Elise was damaged in the same attack. Molla was repaired in Sarpsborg.
POST WAR: Sold in 1947 to Rederi-A/B East Sea (Carl Helin), Degerby, Finland, renamed Gripö. Sold in March-1955 to unknown breakers in Travemünde, Germany for breaking up.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Våre Gamle Skip" Leif M. Bjørklund & E. H. Kongshavn, and replies in the above mentioned thread on my Ship Forum).
Related external links:
Sorties Flown by Banff Strike Wing - scroll down on the page to Dec. 12-1944 - Molla is mentioned here, but not Tora Elise.
Lillesand Sjømannsforening has a picture of this ship when named Ingeborg Bakkevig (click in the picture to enlarge).
Morild |
? gt
Built ?
Related external link:
1 who died - The Norwegian text says that this vessel was an old sloop which on March 1-1942 was in tow of the freighter Selma in Trondheimsfjord. The stormy weather with heavy snow resulted in the 2 vessels drifting into a mine field, and 4 died. Seaman Alfred Kråkvik is commemorated. Morild later drifted ashore.
Norway had a steamship named Morild I in WW I, built 1883, 1354 gt (Bjørnstad & Co.) - sunk by UC-69 in the Bay of Biscay on March 29-1917.
M/S Morild |
Porsgrunds Dampskibsselskab, Porsgrunn
79 gt
Built in Bergen 1870. Previous name: Skjold until 1912.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1870 from Bergens Mek. Værksted, Bergen (24) as Skjold to Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger. Iron hull, 90.1 x 15.8 x 7, 84.54 gt, 2cyl Compound (BMV) 180ihp. Used in company's local Ryfylke routes, at first Stavanger-Sauda-Sandeid and Stavanger-Sauda together with Haukelid. In 1884 the company's Rogaland (later Kvitsøy) took over Skjold's part of this service and Skjold was used as "reserve". Around 1896(?) she was placed in service Stavanger-Skjoldastraumen in Tysvær, extended to Skjold in 1908. In the spring of 1909 she was in service Stavanger-Høgsfjord, then reserve again in 1910 - often laid up in Børevigå in Stavanger. In the summer of 1912 she touched the bottom in Småsjøsundet sailing into Jørstadvåg at Ombo, developed a leak and sank in shallow waters alongside the quay in Jørstadvåg. No-one was hurt. Raised by Br. Anda, Hundvåg, Stavanger, towed to Jadarholm, Stavanger and laid up. Sold "as-is" on Sept. 20-1912 to C. Borgen, Hetland near Stavanger, renamed Morild. Repaired and converted to freighter, 90.1 x 15.8 x 8.2, 73.27 gt. Sold on Febr. 22-1913 to A/S Morild (C. Borgen), Hetland. Sold on Oct. 23-1915 to Andreas A., Alfred A. & Andreas A. Kvalevåg, Hammerfest, registered Hammerfest Apr. 12-1919. Sold on Apr. 7-1920 to Karl & Nils Lande, Hammerfest. Went bankrupt on May 10-1922 and the vessel taken over by Norges Bank, Hammerfest Branch, Hammerfest as creditors. Sold on March 23-1925 to Alex. Andreassen & Sønner, Tromsø, registered Tromsø Oct. 28-1925. Went bankrupt in Dec.-1926, sold on Dec. 6 that year to Johannes Andreassen, Tromsø. Sold on Aug. 1-1928 to Nekolai Dahl, Trondheim. Sold on Jan. 6-1939 to Porsgrunds Dampskibsselskab, Porsgrunn, rebuilt - 79 gt, a 2cyl 2tev Bolinder rm 96bhp motor installed. Back in service in Sept.-1939? Cargo service Porsgrunn-Oslo (?).
POST WAR: Rebuilt in 1946, 86 gt. Sold on May 28-1954 to Grenlands Mek. Verksted, Porsgrunn, somewhat rebuilt, 87.17 gt. Sold on Oct. 6-1954 to Tellef Hansen, Borhaug, Lista, in coastal service (Oslo-Stadt), mostly with cement and fertilizer. Sold on Febr. 28-1966 to Berdines Hebnes, Hebnes in Ryfylke, coastal service. Renamed Heimnes on May 14-1966. On June 16-1966 she was en route to Hardanger with building materials (for prefabricated houses) from Sandnes as deck cargo. Had just been by Bøvågen on Karmøy to load bricks at Bø Teglverk. On her way north she was caught by the strong currents in Salhus in Karmsundet, hit a rock, developed a leak, capsized and sank quickly (due to the bricks in her hold) near the Karmøy bridge. Crew of 2 was saved.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - Misc. sources, incl. "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen, 1981, articles about Stavangerske D/S in "Skipet" 2.90 and 1.91 by Alf Johan Kristiansen, "Frakteskuter og Fraktemenn" by Rolf Kr. Danielsen, 1991).
M/S Moshill |
Martin Mosvold, Farsund
2959 gt
Built in Sandefjord 1940.
Fruit carrier, built at Framnæs mek. Verksted A/S, Sandefjord (125), completed in May-1940 for Neptune Shipping Ltda. S/A Panama, having originally been launched as Moshill in Nov.-1939 for A/S Mosvold Shipping Co., Oslo (Martin Mosvold).
Picture of M/S Moshill - R. W. Jordan collection.
Another picture - In Sandefjord 1940. Received from Erling Skjold, Norway.
Picture of a painting - Received from, and painted by Jan Goedhart, Holland, who served on Norwegian ships for 15 years. (He posted some messages in Norwegian to my Ship Forum, one here, and another thread starting here).
Taken over by the Kriegsmarine in Aug.-1940 and rebuilt. Martin Mosvold had been arrested, accused of having registered this ship under the neutral Panamanian flag to keep the Germans from getting hold of her, though he could prove he already had several ships registered there. (Mosvold had a son living in America, who managed the shipping company in Panama, and on Apr. 6, 3 days before the invasion, Mosvold had transferred the ship to his son's name). He was also questioned with regard to Mostun (further down on this list) which had arrived Bergen on Apr. 8-1940, and Mosvold had managed to get her hidden in a fjord, where she was later found by the Germans. Somehow Mosvold managed to avoid heavier punishment than 6 months in jail and a fine (quite large), which was subsequently subtracted from the total price of 2 new ships that were sold to the Germans, which in essence meant Mosvoll came out of the whole deal with a profit. The 2 ships were Kaldnes and Sperrbrecher 26, originally built for Neptune Shipping, Panama; both were lost during the war.
Moshill collided with Black Prince on Nov. 6-1940, ran aground the following day (Porsangerfjorden). She was also involved in a collision on Oct. 18-1941, this time with Felix in Kristiansand. On Dec. 6-1941, she (and Ringar) was missed by 3 torpedoes from the Russian sub D-3 (Bibeyev) in Laksfjord. On March 28-1942, again in Laksfjord, an eastbound Convoy with Moshill, Georg L. M. Russ and 3 escorts observed 4 torpedoes, all of which missed. They had come from the Russian sub SC 421 (Vidyayev). On Apr. 18-1942 she collied with Tyrifjord at Petsamo. Ran aground on Apr. 29 that same year in Danish waters. On Aug. 4-1942, when on a voyage Hamburg-Oslo she ran aground off Høganæs. Collided with Pillau on Dec. 13-1942, in Finnland. Run into on May 4-1943 by Thorland, when at Tromsø. Collided with motor cutter Sverre on Nov. 9-1943 in Bergen. Attacked by British submarine HMS Taku (Pitt) on March 24-1944 off Namsos (64 33N 10 37E), while in convoy Dr-139-Bo, but the 5 torpedoes missed. Attacked by Soviet torpedobombers off Vardø on Apr. 23-1944, when in convoy Ki-117-Rp. (V-6109 was sunk in this attack).
POST WAR: Repairing at Bergen in May-1945, returned to Norwegian ownership (A/S Mosvold/Martin Mosvold) on June 13. Sold to Italy in 1958 and renamed Eritrea for Societa Siciliana Servizzi Marittima, Palermo. Renamed Chen Tai (possibly Chentai) in 1965for Great Pacific Navigation Co., Keelung, Taiwan. Broken up at Kaohsiung in 1969.
(Sources: "Hjemmeflåten - Mellom og fiende", Lauritz Pettersen, Theodor Dorgeist, Germany and Erling Skjold, Norway, and "Allied Submarine Attacks of World War Two", Jürgen Rohwer).
M/S Mosstrand * |
Martin Mosvold, Farsund
3548 gt
Built in Tønsberg, Norway 1941.
Refrigerated vessel seized by the Germans on completion in 1941, named Kaldnes and used mostly as depot for food for the navy in the north of Norway, due to the Germans' shortage of fuel. She was anchored in Porsangerfjord and only sailed when new supplies were needed from Germany.
Picture of Mosstrand/Kaldnes - From Sverre Johansen's postcard collection.
She had just been to Flensburg via Århus when she was hit by 3 torpedoes from 489th New Zealander Squadron on Jan. 29-1943, 10 miles southwest of Stavanger. She broke in 2, with the after part sinking within a few seconds, while the forepart stayed afloat about a minute. 14 died.
(Info on her demise was found in "Senkninger og forlis", Øistein Thomas Berge).
M/S Mostun * |
Martin Mosvold, Farsund
2713 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1938.
Built at Eriksbergs Mek. Verks., A/B, Gothenburg (281) in 1938 and entered service as Mostun for Martin Mosvold, Farsund.
WW II: Captain Frøyland. Arrived Bergen from New York on Apr. 8-1940, the day before the German invasion, with a cargo of war materials for Finland (ammunition, tractors, soap, food stuffs etc.). When Norway was invaded the next day she was not allowed to leave, and on Apr. 12, ship and cargo were seized by the German port authorities. Declared a prize on May 17. On the 31st of that month she was reported to be in Stavanger to unload her cargo, and was subsequently heading to Oslo. Seized in Oslo by KMD on Sept. 7 for use as transport in Norway, with German crew from 1941. Used as refrigerated ship Hartmut for "Armeegruppe 21" from Sept. 26-1941, then handed over to R. C. Gribel, Stettin on Oct. 7.
Picture of Mostun - From Sverre Johansen's postcard collection.
Collided with Treuenfels in Lödingen on Nov. 27-1942, minor damages. On May 20-1943 she was again damaged in a collision, this time with Hallingdal in Billefjord. On Sept. 24 that year she sank in shallow waters in Gulenfjord after having struck mines laid by sabotage commandoes landed from the Norwegian MTB 618. Raised the following day. Attacked with torpedo from a British aircraft off Feistein on Oct. 26-1943, but torpedo missed. Damaged by a bomb during an air attack in Sognesjøen on Nov. 30, repaired.
Attacked by Soviet submarines S-56 and M-200, and MTB's off Vardö on July 15-1944 when in Convoy Rp-124-Ki (Soviet MTB TKA-239 was sunk by the escort). When in Convoy Ki-125-Lt on July 21-1944 she was attacked twice by Soviet aircraft off Vardø (R-159, R-308 and V-6101 received minor damages).
Struck a mine northwest of Anholt on Sept. 30-1944, stern settled on the bottom - cargo of butter, meat and other food stuffs. Capsized and sank in 12 meters depth in 56 51 5N 10 37 5E on Oct. 1-1944 (off Aalborg) - 2 died. Salvage of cargo was commenced by Svitzer's salvage vessels Ægir, Svava and Frigga on Oct. 3.
POST WAR: Wreck dispersed in 1951 by Wilhelm Jensen, Korsør and H. Andersen, Kastrup with the Elise as base.
(The above info was received from Theodor Dorgeist, Germany).
D/S Munin NS
Jacob Kjøde A/S, Bergen
1285 gt
Built in Lübeck 1899.
Initially in the coal trade Norway-Svalbard. I've linked to Munin in the section discussing the free fleet, but read more background history under Dagny I in that section.
D/S Musca |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
20 gt
Built in Bergen 1920.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1920 from Storemøllens Mek.Verksted, Bergen as tug Musca to Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 47.3 x 12 x 6.5, 20 gt. Steam engine of unknown type, 65ihp. Used in Bergen harbour, among other things to tow the company's floating coal bunkers Terra.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Germans on Apr. 21-1940, returned at some point during the war? Musca was heavily damaged during the explosion in Bergen on Apr. 20-1944, ref. text under D/S Rogaland. She was flung up onto the quay near Dreggen by the resulting tidal wave. Skipper Ole Kletten died. Towed to Leirvik, Stord for repairs in 1944(?).
Picture of Musca after the explosion - (Scanned from the book "Norge under Haakon VII, 1905-1945", Odd Hølaas [1945]).
POST WAR: Delivered in Sept.-1945 and back in use. Sold to Stavanger in 1951.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Articles about BDS in "Skipet" 1-2.88 by Dag Bakka Jr., and Norges eldste Linjerederi, BDS 1851-1951" by Wilhelm Keilhau).
Related External link:
Extracts from maritime hearings - A section of an exhibition on the website of the National Archives, Norway (text in Norwegian).
This company had 2 more tugs by the name Musca after the war, see details under Titan and Vulcanus.
M/T Myken |
Simonsen & Astrup, Oslo
788 gt
Built Tønsberg 1940 (launched Dec. 6-1939).
Picture of Myken - Received from Thorbjørn Andersen, Norway (from Arne Gundersen's collection).
Picture of painting of Myken - Received from and painted by Jan Goedhart, Holland.
Captain Ansgar Nystrøm. Chartered to Svenska Shell, and was en route from Gothenburgh to Stockholm when the Germans invaded Norway. The charter agreement was cancelled after the unloading of cargo at Stockholm. Other arrangements were made and she then made two trips with cargo to Åbo, Finland where she remained from June 2. Attempts were made, through German interests, to get her back to Norway, but the captain guarded his ship with ferocity and the attempts failed. After a while she was requisitioned by the Finnish Navy but was not put into service because of some minor damages. The crew stayed on board for a while, but this became difficult after Finland entered the war on the German side. They managed to get to Sweden in order to join Norwegian ships there, while the captain stayed in Finland. ("Handelsflåten i krig", book 5). Arendal's Seamen's Association's 150th Anniversary Book (Kristen Taraldsen) states they were sent straight from Sweden to Norway by train. A mate on board Myken, Øivind Thorstensen then became involved in the resistance movement Milorg.
CONFLICT: According to my page "Ships in Sweden" (link at the bottom of this page), which has information sent to me by a visitor to my site, Myken was one of the vessels that returned from Sweden to Norway.
For those of you who understand German, there's a posting with regard to this ship on my Ship Forum. Among other things Theo states she was back in Sweden in Sept.-1944. He also gives some post war information, saying she was named Cheliff in 1946 (French), and Panamanian Wine Trader in 1971. Broken up in Italy in 1973. See also a more recent posting (Nov.-2002) with quite a bit of history on a whale catcher named Myken, built in 1908.
Other ships named Myken:
This company had another ship by the name Myken after the war, ex Liberty Ship George Weems, built 1942, 7191 gt. Became Norwegian Myken in Dec.-1948. This ship had previously been declared a total loss after stranding on East Finngrund Bank near Gefle, voyage Hudiksvall-Baltimore. Refloated Jan.-1948, towed to Stockholm and laid up in damaged condition, then sold to Norway, towed to Hamburg and repaired. Managed by Simonsen & Astrup until 1951 when she came under the Panamanian flag as Cavolidi (Orion Shippingg & Trading Co, New York, managers). Heavily damaged on Sept. 7-1952 in collision at Seattle with Square Sinnet. Renamed Cocle in 1953 (Cia. Marittima Italo-Panamense, Panama & Genoa), White Eagle from 1959 (Maritime Brokers Inc., New York), then under the Greek flag and managed by S. Livanos, London from 1963. Ran aground on Nov. 10-1966 on San Clemente Island, California (32 55N 118 33W), voyage Japan-San Diego in ballast, abandoned, total loss. (Info from "Liberty Ships in Peacetime", I. G. Stewart).
Simonsen & Astrup also had a Myken in the 1950's, this was the former Tschudi & Eitzen M/T Basilea.
Norway had a Myken as late as 1995. This ship was originally delivered in Dec.-1978 as Fjordlast from A/S Maritime Sveiseindustri, Gjerdsvika to Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger, 299 gt. Sold in Jan.-1985 to Saltens D/S A/S, Bodø, in cargo service Bodø-Helgeland. Remeasured in Aug.-1986, 486 gt. Company fused with OVDS, Narvik (Ofoten og Vesteraalens D/S) in Febr.-1991, vessel laid up for sale on May 1-1994. Sold in July-1995 to Skips Invest A/S, Bergen, renamed Myken, then sold to Boreal Shipping A/S, Bergen on Dec. 18 that same year. Another Myken was originally delivered in Dec.-1975 as Mosken to Vesteraalens DS, 548 gt, renamed Bosve in 1993, sold in 1994 to Skips Invest A/S, Bergen and renamed Myken, in local cargo/passenger service Bodø-Nesna. Sold to Malta in 1995 and renamed Link for service between Italy and Kroatia. (Info from Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab ASA fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
M/S Myrland |
Harald J. Olsen, Haugesund
321 gt
Built at Selby 1918.
Included in the "Shetland Bus" section - click on the vessel's name for more details.
D/S Møysalen NS
Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes
990 gt
Built at Boizenburg 1923.
Ended up in Nortraship's register - follow link for more information.
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