Name of Ship
Shipping Company
M/S J.M. * |
Jacob Misje & Co. A/S, Bergen
164 gt
Built 1943.
Delivered in 1943 from unknown Norwegian builders as seiner and freighter J.M. to Jacob Misje & Co. A/S , Bergen (?). Wooden hull, 2tev Wichmann 250bhp engine, 164 gt. On Nov. 25-1943 she, together with Kilstraum, was stopped by the Norwegian MTB 688 and the British MTB 669 near Kya light, but was allowed to continue after the MTB's had found her to be carrying civilian cargo (potatoes). (Kilstraum, on the other hand was attempted sunk - follow the link for details). In the winter of 1945 J.M. was hired by Peder Torsvik for use as seiner during the winter herring season. On Jan. 28-1945 she was en route from Ålesund to the fishing grounds at Bulandet when she was attacked and sunk by allied aircraft off Larsnes. Her crew of 21 was saved.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Lecture about "Båtane på Misje" by Børge Misje, "Lang Kyst" by Trygve Nordanger 1975, and misc.).
D/S Jadarland * |
Sandnæs Dampskibs-Aktieselskab, Sandnes
938 gt
Built in Lübeck 1918. Previous name: Bürgermeister Eschenburg.
Pre war history (from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Sandnæs Aktie-D/S in "Skipet" 4.91 by Per Alsaker): Launched on Aug. 28-1915 at Schiffswerft v. Henry Koch AG, Lübeck, then laid up, unfinished. Delivered in May-1918 as cargo vessel Bürgermeister Eschenburg to Lübeck-Wyburger Dampschiffs-Gesellschaft, Lübeck. Steel hull, 194.9 x 30.5 x 13.1, Tripple Expansion (Ottensener) 600 ihp, 10 knots, 732 gt, 900 dwt. Sold on Dec. 15-1927 to Sandnæs Dampskibs- Aktieselskab, Sandnes, converted for use as coastal passenger/cargo vessel, equipped with refrigerated hold (for the transport of meat and agricultural food stuffs) - 938 gt. Entered service as Jadarland in May-1928, in the regulalry scheduled coastal run Sandnes-Stavanger-Oslo (competing with Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab's vessels in the same service).
WW II: In May-1940 she was placed in the Stavanger-Bergen night time run, replacing the company's D/S Sandnæs which had been requisitioned by the Germans. On her first northbound voyage (to Bergen) in this service she struck a mine on May 31-1940 (according to J. Rohwer), at Slettå off Førlandsvågen and sank very quickly, with the loss of 7 crew and 12 passengers. The mine had been laid by the French submarine Rubis (Cabanier) on May 27. See also my text for Jæderen further down on this page.
"Minner og minnesmerker" by Øistein Wiik lists the following casualties (in alphabetical order):
Poastal Worker Alexander Bergmark, Donkeyman Julius E. Edvardsen, Stoker Alf Henry Eriksen, Waitress Anna Alette Hansen, Steamship Girl Kilma Hansine Hetland, Stoker Ivar D. Iversen, Pilot John Jensen, Engineer Ingvald Marius Knoph, Restaurant Keeper Eilert Lund, Chief Engineer Sven Mikalsen, Donkeyman Karl Olai Nilsen, Pilot Einar Johansen Røsnes.
M/S Blaamannen and D/S Øyulf are also said to have been sunk in this barrage.
Related external links:
Casualties - 12 are commemorated at this memorial in Stavern, 2 are female. This website says 24 people died (11 crew, including the 2 pilots as well as 2 mail clerks, and 13 passengers).
Maritime Hjemmesider - Number of crew killed is given as 10, plus a mail clerk and 11 passengers. This website lists several other local (Sandnes) vessels.
D/S Jarl |
Øistein Torgersen, Haugesund
433 gt
Built Stavanger 1889.
Pre war history: Delivered in Oct.-1889 as Jarl for Sigval Bergesen, Stavanger. Managed by Helge Paulsen, Haugesund from 1915, Øistein Torgersen & Co. from May-1916. After she had been purchased by Øistein Torgersen she was in the North Sea herring trade (previously in fruit carrier service, Cuba).
WW II: Jarl, cargo of fresh fish, bound for Aberdeen for bunkers, is listed as sailing in Convoy HN 15 from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940. In the middle of March we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 19 - follow link for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
She was in Norwegian coastal trade all through the war. In Apr.-1940, just before the Germans invaded Norway, Jarl was en route from Denmark to England with a cargo of egg & bacon (according to a personal story). Before Apr. 9 it was common for vessels going to England to head for the open sea near Marsteinen Light, as the area was protected by the British Navy. On Apr. 9 Jarl was stopped by a Norwegian patrol boat near the inlet to Bergen and upon hearing the news of the invasion she anchored up in Fanafjord for a while, before heading south and anchoring up in Førdespollen, where she ended up staying through the summer, while the crew had to go ashore. (The place is today referred to as "Jarlavikjo" - dialect for "Jarl Bay"). She was subsequently chartered by "Fylkesforsyningsnemnda" in Rogaland (authority responsible for supplies to Rogaland county) to transport fire wood from Hafstad near Arendal to Stavanger, with a new crew consisting of 11 men. The captain's name was Høie. She continued in this service, voyaging alone, through the winter of 1940 and into the following spring, with the exception of a trip to the North of Norway with food supplies from Oslo. ("Sjøfolk i krig", Leif M. Bjørkelund). See also my text for Vestra.
POST WAR: Capsized and sank near Risvær, north of Rørvik on March 17-1950 when on a voyage from Florø to Bodø with a cargo of herring. No casualties.
D/S Jarlsberg (II) |
Tønsberg & Horten Dampskibsselskab, Tønsberg
242 gt
Built 1912.
Local passenger vessel in service Tønsberg-Oslo.
POST WAR: Sold to Brødrene Anda, Stavanger in 1954, broken up 1956.
The company had previously had another Jarlsberg, a passenger vessel built 1879, 220 gt. Sold to Fosen Dampskibsselskap in 1912 and renamed Yrjar. Condemned following damage during a storm in 1923.
D/S Jarnbarden * |
A/S H. Koppernæs & Sønner, Ålesund
178 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1913.
Taken over by the Germans. Sunk off Båtsfjord (Finnmark) on Oct. 25-1944. (Trygve Eriksen has told me the name is spelt as above in the registers, several other sources give the name as Jernbarden).
There seems to be quite a bit of disagreement in the various sources as to the cause for the loss of this vessel. Some say she was torpedoed, others say she struck a mine. Rohwer, who refers to her as NKi05 (Sperber/Jernbaden) says she was hit by a mine on Oct. 24-1944, 70 46N 29 52E and sunk by gunfire from M3221 on Nov. 25. A posting (external link) to the "Norway During WW II" forum about this vessel (and others) states that she struck a mine laid by the Soviet submarine M 171 on Oct. 24-1944 during convoy escort (as NKi-05, 11 killed) and scuttled by artillery by the German minesweeper M-322 the next day as not recoverable. One of the postings to an interesting thread on my Ship Forum (starting here) also says NKi 05 was hit near the entrance to Båtsfjord during the afternoon of 24 October and that it was "reported by 22 MS-Fl to 1. Küstensicherungsverband at 20:25 (22:25 Russian time) and cause given as torpedo hit. On 25 October at 11:15 the vessel was sunk by artillery from M 322 in position 70 46,4N 29 52,0E. At that time cause of detonation was reported as 'uncertain if mine or torpedo'." Another response in the same thread says there was no minelaying operation by M-171 during the war. Please go to the thread in question for more details in this discussion.
D/S Jason * |
Norsk Bjergningskompagni A/S, Bergen
296 gt
Built in Sandefjord 1908.
Salvage vessel. Bombed and sunk by Russian aircraft in Persfjord (Finnmark) on Oct. 20-1944, voyage Båtsfjord-Vardø. 1 died.
Related external link:
The one who died - Chief Engineer Johannes Eriksen is named. This site says the attack took place on Oct. 21.
Other ships by this name: Norway had previously had a seal catcher (barque) named Jason, best known for landing Frithjof Nansen in Greenland in 1888. Built 1881. Sold to Italy in 1899, renamed Stella Polaris - used as training vessel in 1909. Another Jason (steamer) was built in Bergen in 1903, 1783 gt (J. B. Linaae), sold to U.S.A. 1914.
D/S Jelø |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
1265 gt
Built Kristiansand 1929. (A/S Jelølinjen, owner).
Picture of Jelø - (Post War). Received from, and painted by, Jan Goedhart, Holland.
POST WAR: Broken up in 1960.
Related external link:
Fred Olsen & Co. today
Other ships by this name: This was Fred. Olsen's 2nd ship by this name, the 1st one was built in Christiania (Oslo) in 1907, purchased in 1923, sold in 1925. There was also an earlier D/S Jelø, built in Stettin in 1880, 542 gt, managed by R. M. Peterson and in service Kristiania-Hamburg. Sold to Hamburg in 1906. ("Damp - Dampskipets æra i Vestfold"). I've also come across a Jelø I, built in 1917, unknown owner and name, 46 gt. Added to register in the 1940's. Owned in 1947 by A/S Laumb & Co. (Bernhard Findell), Oslo, LKGT. Sold same year to Andreas Bakke, Mortenhals/Tromsø, registered in Oslo. Sold in 1954 to Lorentzen Mek. Verksted, Kabelvåg. Taken over in 1958 by Finnmark Fylkesrederi (after Lorentzen had gone bankrupt), 60 passengers, 2 cars - service Vardø-Svartnes under the name Svartnes. Sold in 1968 to Helge Øi, Bodø, registered in Hammerfest as Aquarius. Deleted from register in 1970. (Finnmark Fylkesrederi og Ruteselskap fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
D/S Jetta |
C. Henry Smith, Oslo (until 1943)
367 gt
Built at Delfzijl 1914. Previous names: W 6 until 1920, Oskar until 1925, Transport II until 1928, Lloyd until 1939.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1914 from Johs. Berg, Delfzijl, Holland as cargo vessel W.6 for unknown owner, 367 gt. Sold in 1920 to Franz Witte & Co., Gmbh, Stettin, renamed Oskar. Sold in Oct.-1925 to A/S Tønsberg & Horten Dampskibsselskab (P. Johannesen), Tønsberg, renamed Transport II, used in cargo service Vestfold-Oslo. Sold in Febr.-1928 to Dampskibsselskabet Veritas (Bertrand Jacobsen, Arendal), renamed Lloyd, and in cargo service Oslo-Arendal-Kristiansand-Stavanger-Haugesund-Bergen, as well as to other destinations where needed. Manager became O. Børresen, Oslo in Apr.-1938 (Veritas' former agent in Oslo), staying in the same service. Sold in Dec.-1939 to C. Henry Smith, Oslo, renamed Jetta.
WW II: Captain Thomas Kjellevik.
Listed in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 10 in Febr.-1940. Strangely, she appears again in the next convoy, ON 11.
In Skagerak and Kattegat service with supplies to the civilians; also smuggled "wanted" (by the Germans) persons to Sweden. Sold in Jan.-1943 to Rederi-AS Skandinavisk Samseiling (Gerner-Mathiesen A/S), Oslo.
POST WAR: Ran aground on Jan. 5-1948 near Mågøy north of Harstad, on voyage in ballast to Finnmark, foreship sank in shallow waters, refloated by Achilles, towed to Harstad for repairs. Sold in Aug.-1948 to La Sota Jr., Monrovia, Liberia, renamed Laburdi. Sold in 1951 to Petrol-Mare SpA, Palermo, Sicily, renamed Drago I. Renamed Cornelia in 1954. Sold in 1956 to Traschimici SpA, Palermo, Siciliy. Converted to gas tanker in 1958, 380 gt (6cyl Ansaldo dm). Sold in 1961 to Societa Siciliana Transporti Navali Drago-Mare SpA, Palermo, Sicily. Broken up in Sicily in 1971.
(Majority of details [on pre and post war history] from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: Article about Dampskibsselskabet Veritas by Dag Bakka Jr. in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" 2.89)
Jo - Jø
D/S Johan Jebsen |
Indre Nordhordland Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen
185 gt
Built in Newcastle 1894.
Pre war history: Delivered in Aug.-1894 from Anderson, Laverick & Co. Ltd., Newcastle (18) as Johan Jebsen to Indre Nordhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 110,5 (lpp) x 20,3 x 11,8, 185 gt, 2cyl compound (Hedley & Boyd) 32nhk. Ran aground in 1898. Badly damaged by fire in 1914 in Eidsfjord, condemned and taken over by insurers - repaired. Back to Indre Nordhordland Dampskibsselskab, Bergen in 1915, Indre Nordhordland Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen 1924.
Old postcard showing Johan Jebsen in Bergen - 1905, from Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
POST WAR: Sold in Oct.-1951 (Arnold Myrdal & Per Sanne, Sandnes / Bergen). Converted to freighter at Sandnes Mek. Verksted & Slip, Sandnes, 110,5 (lpp) x 20,3 x 12,1, 201 gt / t.dwt:300, with a 4cyl 2tev Alpha 240bhk motor. Returned to service in July-1952 as Utstein, registered in Sandnes. Sold in May-1962 (Mikkel P. & John Misje, Misje / Bergen), renamed Mestein. Ran aground on Nov. 22-1962 at Bararmane near Hestskjær, Hustadvika, broken down by seas. She was on a voyage Glomfjord-Sandnes with fertilizer. Cause given as careless navigation.
(All details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
M/S Juno |
Damskibsselskabet Juno
Niels Rafen, Holmestrand
94 gt
Built in Oslo 1886.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1886 from Akers Mek. Verksted, Oslo (111) as Juno to Dampskibsselskabet Juno, Holmestrand, iron hull, 79 gt, 2cyl Compound (Akers) 105ihp, registered for 154 passengers, in regularly scheduled service Holmestrand-Oslo. In 1907 she was placed in service Holmestrand-Drammen. Rebuilt in 1939, 94 gt, and a 2tev Union 140bhp motor installed.
POST WAR: Sold in 1952 to Alf Mortensen, Oslo, service Oslo-Nærsnes-Sætre. Hired out in 1955 to unknown company, service Oslo-Hurumlandet-Holmestrand. Laid up near Grønlia in Oslo harbour in 1958, later moved to Hovedøya near Oslo, then to Lindøya. In 1960 she was moved to owner's property in Holtnesstøa. Sank there in Febr.-1962 at a depth of 20 meters. Raised around year 2000, restoration was considered but found to be in bad shape and was therefore broken up.
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Dampskibsselskabet Juno by Gunnar H. Aadne in "Skipet" 1.93).
D/S Jupiter |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
2471 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1916.
Please continue to D/S Jupiter.
D/S Justi |
Sigvald Risanger, Haugesund (1940)
199 gt
Built in Beverly (UK) 1899. Previous names: Ulysses until 1916, Ulysses II until 1918, Ulysses until 1925.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1899 from Cochrane, Cooper & Schoffield, Beverly, UK (22) as steam trawler Ulysses to Grimsby Union Steam Fishing, Grimsby. Steel hull, 107.3 x 20.4 x 11.3, 165 gt, 230 tdwt, Tripple Expansion (C.O.Holmes & Co., Hull) 47nhp. Sold in 1899 to F. J. Brown, Grimsby. Requisitioned in Jan.-1915 by The Royal Navy and used as minesweeper. Renamed Ulysses II in July-1916. Returned to owner in Nov.-1918, getting her original name back. Sold on Febr. 27-1925 to Lauritz Stokka, Sandnes, renamed Justi. Sold in 1927 to D/S A/S Justi (Alf Lindø), Haugesund - fishery No. R-140-H - and used to transport fresh herring (iced down) from the western part of Norway to ports in the UK with Sigvald Risanger as skipper (also part owner). Sold in 1929 to Karl Søraas, Bergen (B-27-B). Sold in 1937 to Math. Michelsen, Angelvik / Bergen. Sold in 1939 to Ole K. Rønneberg, Bergen.
WW II: Sold in Sept.-1940 to A/S Røykenes (Sigvald Risanger), Haugesund (R-74-H), rebuilt - 199 gt. Leased to Haugesund Dampskibsselskab at some point during the war for regular service Haugesund-Nedstrand.
POST WAR: On TC to the State from Nov.-1945 for use in the "rebuilding program" to the north of Norway together with, among others, Karma and Karen. Collided on Jan. 2-1946 with D/S Reidun near Rongevær on a voyage Bulandet-Bergen, no damages. In July-1949 she towed Risanger's newly purchased steam trawler William Hannan (later Firmann) from England to Haugesund. Rebuilt in Nov-1949 at Br. Lothe A/S Flytedokken, Hasseløy, Haugesund, a 3cyl dm 150bhp (1942) motor installed. From 1951 owners were Risanger & Mørch (Sigvald Risanger), Haugesund (R-74-H). Used as seiner during fishing seasons, otherwise as freighter. Ran aground on Nov. 4-1955 near Rongevær on a voyage to Sarpsborg with cargo, minor damages and she could continue. In 1956 a 4cyl 2tev Alpha dm 240bhp (1947) motor was installed. Owners became Risanger & Ytreland in 1958, same manager (R-74-H). On her way home from Iceland with 1400 barrels of herring she had propeller damage west of Bulandet on Sept. 9-1958 - towed to Haugesund. Used as coastal freighter 1962. Laid up in the fall of 1963 at A/S Haugesund Slip, Haugesund. Condemned, derigged - wheelhouse and motor used for Risanger's new freighter Justi which was being rebuilt at the same place. Sold in 1964 to Br.Anda, Hundvåg, Stavanger for breaking up, picked up on Febr. 20-1964 by Br.Andas tug Jadarholm.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - Misc. sources).
D/S Jylland * |
539 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1887. Previous name: Sonderjylland.
Taken over by the Germans. Struck a mine and sank between Stralsund and Swinemünde on Apr. 22-1944.
D/S Jæderen |
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
902 gt
Built in Arendal 1918. Previous name: Saloniki until 1922.
Pre war history: Ordered in 1916 by Leif Erichsen, Bergen. Contract sold in 1917 to Sjur & Johs. Lothe, Haugesund, the sold again in 1918 to Torstrup, Stavanger, and again that same year to N. Røgenæs, Haugesund. Delivered from Pusnæs Støberi & Mek. Værksted, Arendal in Sept.-1918 as Saloniki to D/S A/S Saloniki (N. Røgenæs), Haugesund. Steel hull, 221.8 x 33.2 x 12.1, 902 gt, 1300 dwt. Tripple Expansion (Pusnæs), 117nhp, 500ihp, 9.5 knots. Sold in 1922 to Stavangerske and renamed Jæderen, used in cargo service between Stavanger and Grangemouth, UK for a while, usually with coal on her return voyages. This route was discontinued after a short time, whereupon Jæderen was put into the company's Baltic trade, from Trondheim /Western Norway to Stettin / Lübeck.
WW II: Jæderen, bound for Methil in ballast, is listed in the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 11 in Febr.-1940. Later that month she joined the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 15, and early in March we find her in Convoy HN 17 from Norwary, returning later that month with Convoy ON 22. Follow the links for more details; several Norwegian ships took part in these convoys. She was still in Norway when the Germans invaded on Apr. 9, thereby ending up in the Homefleet.
Jürgen Rohwer lists a Norwegian Jaederen of 908 gt as sunk by mine in 59 26N 05 10E on Aug. 16-1940, adding that the mine had been laid by the British submarine Narwhal on June 12 that year. The Norwegian trawler Arild is also listed as sunk in the same barrage on Aug. 26. However, according to this posting to my Ship Forum by Erling Skjold, Narwhal's mines had been swept long before Aug.-1940. Also, as can be seen below, Jæderen had a post war life, but I've received an E-mail from Thomas Weis, who suggests that the Jaederen listed in Rohwer's book might, in fact, be a misinterpretation of the name Jadarland, listed further up on this page, and he adds:
quote: Erling says, Narwhal barrage was swept "long before August". I'm not sure about that.
1) I dont believe that Narwhal placed all its mines at one point, ist surely a minefield perhaps with 25 mines. Watch the first barrage from Narwhal on 3rd June 1940.
2) There's never any assurance that all mines were swept
3) Following Rohwer, 3 motor minesweepers were sunk on the barrage on 13 October 1940. These were 3 APM left as last victims of Narwhal's minebarrage:
Gnom 7 (not listed in Gröner/Jung/Maass Vol.VIII) was probably a required Norwegean motor fishery vessel, ca 50 BRT (like Gnom 8 [H-15-FS = Erling I], Gnom 1 [H-49-F = Bjoröy 1], Gnom 3 [H-50-F = Norig] and so on).
Kobold 1
Kobold 3.
Kobold 1 and 3 are not listed in Gröner/Jung/Maass, too. I suppose they were Norwegean fishery boats, as well). unquote
See also my text under Øyulf and M/S Blaamannen.
POST WAR: Entered Hurtigruten Service Sandnes-Stavanger-Oslo in May-1945, then back in the Baltic trade, possibly the following year. Wrecked on Jan. 17-1947 on a voyage from Gdynia to Stavanger with a cargo of coal. Refloated 2 days later. Owned by Kaspar Nilsen, Sand between 1954 and1959 and sailed as Sandsgaard, then sold to the Netherlands for breaking up in June-1959.
(Sources: "Våre gamle skip" and info from T. Eriksen, Norway).
Stavanger had previously had another ship by this name, delivered from Grangemouth as Jæderen in Nov.-1889 to Sømme & Wattne, Stavanger, later owned by Sigval Bergesen, Stavanger - 442 gt. Purchased in 1914 by A/S Susanna (Johs. Fresvig), Haugesund and renamed Susanna. Sold in March-1917 to Trygve Skogland, Haugesund. Sunk on March 23-1917 by UC-45 south/southeast of Aberdeen when on a voyage Haugesund-U.K. with 3300 cases of herring on ice? Crew rescued and taken to Aberdeen.
D/S Jøna * |
135 gt
Built 1908.
Taken over by the Germans. Lost on Jan. 1-1944 near Tansøy, Florø.
There was a question about this vessel on the "Norway during WW II" Forum (link below) and one of the replies was that this must be the Hornisse (=V5514) ex Norwegian trawler Jöna of 135 gt which was lost Nov. 30-1944 when she sailed ashore during a search for MTB's together with the V5527. This date doesn't fit with the one I've listed here, but another entry on the same forum says that the German authorities uses the date Nov.30-1944, while the Norwegian Maritime Office gives the date Jan. 1-1944 for the loss of this ship. Also, according to records from 54th MTB Flotilla the Norwegian MTB`s 623 and 715 were in a skirmish with the German R-203, VP-5514 and VP-5527 in the Solund-Askvoll area the night between Nov. 27.-28. No MTB-operations are recorded in the area for Nov. 30, but, the entry adds, "of course the VP`s could have been on an anti-MTB patrol that day". A further posting says that the V-5514 (Jøna) was slightly damaged (3 of the crew wounded) by shells from the Norwegian MTBs on Nov 27. When lost, she was not in action with MTBs, but on an anti-MTB patrol due to a collaborator report about MTBs. Sources used for this last posting is the war diary from the 55th V-Flotilla.
Related external link:
The posting on Jøna on NUAV Forum - in fact, this ship has come up several times on this forum, go to the main page of the forum and use the search feature with for instance the keyword "Jøna" (or "Hornisse") to find the various threads.
M/S Jøsenfjord |
A/S Jøsenfjord Ruteselskap, Stavanger
151 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1886. Previous name: Lindesnæs until 1929.
Pre war history: Delivered in Sept.-1886 from Christiansands Mek. Værksted, Kristiansand (42) as Lindesnæs to Actieselskabet Dampskibsselskabet Lindesnæs, Farsund. Steel hull, 95.3 x 18.2 x 8.9, 145 gt, 2cyl Compound (CMV) 39nhp. In regularly scheduled coastal service Farsund-Kristiansand. At some point in the 1920's she collided with Lyngdal near Snik - minor damages to bow. Sold in 1929 to A/S Jøsenfjord, Vadla in Ryfylke, renamed Jøsenfjord. Initially placed in the "tourist route" Stavanger-Årdal-Erfjord-Vadla. Rebuilt and lengthened at Rosenberg Mek. Verksted, Stavanger in 1932, 110 x 18.1 x 9, 151 gt. In 1932 the owning company changed its name to A/S Jøsenfjord Ruteselskap, Stavanger. Rebuilt in 1934, a 2tev Wichmann rm 160bhp (1921) motor installed. Upon delivery Jøsenfjord took over the Stavanger-Tau-Alsvik-Kjøllevik-Vervik-Fiskå-Sør Skår-Nessa-Årdal service from Årdalsfjord. Captain was Ola Hagen, Årdal and the vessel became very popular. Around 1936? a 4cyl 2tev Wichmann rm 390bhp was installed by M. Haldorsen & Sønner, Rubbestadneset at Bømlo, and in 1937 her previous motor ended up in Landanes - follow link for details).
WW II: Laid up near Buøy, Stavanger towards the end of the war (1944?) due to shortage of fuel.
POST WAR: In 1947 the owning company changed its name to A/S Jøsenfjord Rutelag, Stavanger. In 1953 the Stavanger-Årdal service was taken over by the company's newly rebuilt Årdalsfjord (ex Duen II), and Jøsenfjord was placed in the local Stavanger-Sjernarøy-Ombo-Foreneset-Erfjord service, where she largely remained until she was laid up in Dec.-1978, with Trygve Hansen, Stavanger as skipper. Rebuilt in 1959 and at about the same time Olav Erøy, Erfjord became skipper, then in the summer of 1962 Nils Åserød, Marvik took over. Rebuilt and lengthened by A/S Haugesund Slip, Haugesund in 1962, aft car deck for 8 automobiles, registered for 294 passengers, 130.5 x 18.2 x 9, 195 gt. On Jan. 1-1976 the company's vessels and routes were taken over by Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger and at about the same time Jon Meland, Randøy became skipper. Laid up for sale in Stavanger in Dec.-1978. Sold in Sept.-1980 to Gebr. Bruhn, Düsseldorf, Germany. Sold in 1981 to Erwin Paul Borchardt, Düsseldorf, renamed Angelique B, allegedly used on the Rhine as floating disco and casino. Deleted from Lloyd's register in 1983. According to this message in my Guestbook, the ship still exists in Schagen, Holland, for sale. Has since been purchased by Andelslaget MS Jøsenfjord with the intention of renovating at Sandangervågen, Randøy, Norway (arrived Apr.-1911, see this article. Both links are external - Norwegian text. See also this page).
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen 1981, articles about DSD by Alf Johan Kristiansen in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" 2.90, 1.91 and 2.91, article about A/S Jøsenfjord Rutelag in "Skipet" 2.91 by Alf Johan Kristansen and Per Alsaker).
This company also had another Jøsenfjord - later became Saudafjord.
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