Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S Ullensvang |
Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
469 gt
Built in Trondheim 1907.
See a separate page about Ullensvang.
D/S Ulsnes NS
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
784 gt
Built in Oslo 1907.
This ships was registered in Nortraship fleet and is listed in the other section. For more details, follow link provided.
D/S Ulv * later raised |
Olaus Kvilhaug, Haugesund
938 gt
Built in Larvik 1921. Previous name: Trudvang.
Pre war history: Delivered in Jan.-1921 from Larvik Slip & Verksted (30) as Trudvang to D/S A/S Trudvang (Albert Schelderup), Bergen. 938 gt, 539 net, 1300 tdwt, 197.8' x 32.4' x 12.6', Triple exp. (builders), 102 nhp. Purchased by D/S A/S Ulv (Olaus Kvilhaug), Haugesund in 1936 and renamed Ulv.
WW II: Ulv is listed in the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 6 in Dec.-1939/Jan.-1940. In Febr.-1940 we find her in Convoy HN 15 from Norway to the U.K., cargo of pulp for Rouen, and at the end of March she's listed in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 24 - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
She sank on Oct. 4-1944 following a collision with a German tanker while anchored in Ålesund harbour. According to a message on my Ship Forum she was struck by D/T Altengamme and sank in 20 metres depth. Both were in convoy AL-635-DR (Aalesund - Drontheim, which is German for Trondheim), preparing to leave Ålesund. No casualties.
POST WAR: Raised and repaired. Sold in March-1948 to Holter-Sørensen & Co., Oslo, re-entering service as Gerold in Dec.-1949. Sold in Apr.-1953 to E. B. Lund & Co. A/S, Oslo. From Sept.-1954 she belonged to Fjeldberg Bruk (E. Østbø), Stavanger. Owner from Nov.-1955 was Kaspar Nilsen, Sand (Ryfylke) under the name Sandsfoss. Sold in March-1956 to Magne Solheim, Trondheim and renamed Alstenfjell. Converted to motor vessel, 957 gt, an 8 cyl. 4 tdm Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz A/G. Köln engine installed, 660 bhp. From Febr.-1958 she sailed as Minna Schupp for J. H. T. Schupp, Hamburg. Sold in Dec.-1965 to Eisen & Metall A/G, Hamburg for breaking up, broken up in Bremerhaven in 1966.
(Misc. sources, incl. "Våre gamle skip").
Olaus Kvilhaug had another steamer by the name Ulv before the war, built 1902, 1471 gt - lost in a storm on Jan. 22-1931 off the north coast of Iceland when on a voyage Siglufjordur-Mediterranean via Reykjavik with a cargo of fish. 22 died, among them Olaus Kvilhaug's daughter and son in law, who was the captain.
M/K Uløy * |
131 gt
Built in Risør 1942? 1944?
M/K stands for "motor cutter", in this case she was a "fiskekutter"=fishing cutter.
From the fall of 1941 the regular express passenger/cargo service went no further north than Tromsø. Several of the regular ships had been sunk with great loss of civilian life and it was decided to put smaller vessels like fishing cutters into the most northerly routes to carry mail, passengers and small cargoes. It was called the "replacement route", and administered by Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab. A total of 27 vessels were used for this service (Tromsø-Kirkenes), 3 were lost, they were M/K Vaaland, M/K Moder II and M/K Uløy. The original service south of Tromsø continued as before.
Uløy departed Tromsø on June 30-1944 and on her return trip from Vadsø on July 7 she was attacked by bombs and machine gun fire from 4 aircraft off Hamningberg. Horrible scenes ensued; 12 passengers and 3 crew died - among them 2nd Mate Magne Nilssen, Engineer Jakob Edvard Danfred Løkkersten (died at the infirmary in Syltefjord on July 9, possibly in a separate incident in 1940? [or year might be a printing error] - names found in "Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945", Øistein Wiik). Uløy burnt out, wreck towed to Vardø where it sank inside the breakwater.
According to a posting to my Ship Forum Uløy's engine was later placed in Glommen 4.
After this the replacement route stopped going to the easternmost part of Finnmark, and stopped altogether in Oct.-1944 after the forced evacuation of Finnmark.
Note that there's now a thread on the Norway during WW II forum about the loss of Uløy, with several responses, some including more names of casualties (scroll down on the page to find the responses).
Related external link:
Norway's Liberation
D/S Union |
Dagfinn Næsheim, Haugesund
593 gt
Built in Christiania 1893. Previous names: Union until 1933, Høgøy until 1936.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1893 as Union for Søren Wiese, Fredrikstad. Purchased from Erik Grant Lea, Bergen in 1924 by Dagfinn Næsheims Rederi A/S. Sold in 1933 to T. Evers, Haugesund and renamed Høgøy. Sold in 1934 to J. Eliassen, Bergen, then purchased in 1936 by A/S Union (Dagfinn Næsheim) and renamed Union again.
WW II: Union is listed as sailing in Convoy HN 18 from Norway to the U.K. in March-1940, bound for Newcastle with fresh fish, returning to Norway later that month with Convoy ON 22. Several Norwegian ships took part.
Ran aground on Nov. 15-1941 near Morup Tange on a voyage Odda-Halmstad. Salvaged and repaired.
POST WAR: Sold to the Faroe Islands in 1950, later broken up in Italy.
("Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn).
Other ships by this name: The company later had another steamer by this name, originally delivered as escort trawler for the Royal Navy in Dec.-1940, 490 gt. When purchased in 1954 by A/S Union (Dagfinn Næsheim) she had the name Fort Lamalgue (Marseilles), renamed Union. From 1955 she sailed as the Italian Itaca of Trapani, deleted from Lloyds 1957-'58. Norway also had a steamship by this name from 1893 till 1902, Hjalmar Røed, Tønsberg (built as Helen Newton in Sunderland 1880, 1288 gt). Sold and renamed Aichi Maru in 1902.
M/S Union IV |
Nils Halvorsen A/S, Porsgrunn
163 gt
Built in Porsgrunn 1912.
Pre war history: Delivered in Jan.-1912 from Porsgrunds Mek. Værksted, Porsgrunn (61) as Union IV to A/S Transit, Skien/A. Johnsen, Drammen (?), steel hull, 176 gt, 153 tdwt, 2cyl Compound. In regularly scheduled cargo service Skien-Oslo. In 1932 manager became Nils Halvorsen A/S, Porsgrunn. Rebuilt in 1939, 100.4’ x 20.5’ x 8.8’, 163 gt, 153 tdwt, and a 2cyl 2t single acting Union 130 bhp motor installed.
POST WAR: Rebuilt in 1953 at Knarrlagstrand Slip & Verft, Porsgrunn. New motor, 8cyl 4t single acting General Motors dm 360 bhp (1950, from local vessel Oscar). Ran aground and sank on Nov. 3-1956 at Hellene near Rakkebåene off Stavern in fog and heavy current. She was on a voyage Oslo-Skien with general cargo.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Langs kysten i 50 år, kystfart og fraktenæring 1946-1996" by Dag Bakka jr., 1997 and article about Asker, Røken & Hurum in Skipet 3.92 by Pål Ulsten).
Other ships with Union in the name: A/S Transit had also had a ship named Union I, built as such in 1902, 124 gt. Drifted ashore and sank in 1907, but raised and repaired, reentering service in 1908. Later names: F 1 (Oslo) 1920, Birgit (Copenhagen) 1935, disappeared in 1937. The company also had a Union II, built 1904, 148 gt. Sailed as Glommen 3 from 1923 for owners in Moss, later as Skaanen (Bergen) from 1939. Had misc. Norwegian owners before she eventually sank in March-1983. Union III was built for the company in 1909, 154 gt. Sailed as Byrding for owners in Oslo from 1939, Arold 1949 (Haugesund), Aro 1966 (Ålesund), Svinten 1970 (Haugesund), Stenbrodd 1973, Kjell-Oskar 1977. Union V was originally built for Danish owners as Transport III in 1909, 70 gt. Renamed Salvage in 1911 (still Danish), sold to Arendal, Norway that year, then purchased by A/S Transit in 1912 and renamed Union V. Later sailed as Syre I from 1913 (Skien), sold for breaking up in 1965; by that time she had become a barge. For more detailed information on all these ships, plus another Union V which was built as Erik Ask in 1914, see A/S Transit on this external website.
M/S Union VI |
Nils Halvorsen A/S, Porsgrunn
143 gt
Built in Brevik 1918.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1918 from Trosvik Mek. Verksted, Brevik (1) as Union VI to A/S Transit, Skien (A. Johnsen, Drammen). Steel hull, 101' x 20.1' x 7.5', 143 gt, 68 net, 184 tdwt, 2cyl 2tev Lysekil 130 bhp (18), 7.5 knots. In regularly scheduled service Skien-Oslo. In Jan.-1932 manager became Nils Halvorsen A/S, Porsgrunn, same service.
POST WAR: Rebuilt in 1952, 100.9 x 20.1 x 7.7, 146,57 gt, and a 2tev Alpha dm 180bhp motor installed. Sold in July-1966 to to Odd Wagle e.a., Oslo, renamed Lita - in coastal service? Sold in Nov.-1966 to Sameiet Jan Magnus (Magnus Vølstad A/S), Sandnes. Sold in Oct.-1967 to P/r Mandius & Bendik Skimmeland, Arne & Kristian Knutsen, Mosterhamn, Bømlo, in cargo service Bergen-Haugesund-Stavanger. Owned in Oct.-1970 by P/r Bergliot & Kåre Skimmeland & Klement Berge, Mosterhamn, same service. In 1976 owned by P/r Lita (Gunnar Skimmeland), Mosterhamn, same service. Sold in Jan.-1986 to Gunnar Erntzen, Torvastad, Karmøy, often inactive at Garpeskjærskaien in Haugesund, making some voyages in local sand trade in 1987 after her derrick had been removed and replaced by a "Fiskars" excavator. Sold in Febr.-1987 to Norvald Lunde, Stamneshella, in local sand trade around Bergen. Sold in March-1988 to Odd Magne Stabben, Tømmervåg. Sold in June-1989 to P/r Hilvåg ANS (Magnar Svendsen), Bergen, renamed Hilvåg. In sand trade in Hordaland and Rogaland (by then she had the ordinary derrick in place again). Sold in Oct.1990 to P/r Hilvåg ANS (Erling Våge), Årland, in sand trade. Sold in May-1991 to Asbjørn Steiro, Husby, in coastal service, often in Trøndelag and Nordmøre. Sold on Aug. 24-1992 to Odd Magne Stabben, Tømmervåg. Sold on Sept. 15-1992 to Balder Sjøfarm A/S, Norfold, probably laid up as feed storage for the fish farm. Owned in Dec.-1995 by Folla Eiendom A/S, Norfold - inactive? Sold in March-2001 to Marine Consult A/S, Bakkasund in Austevoll - inactive? Sold in Oct.-2002 to Jan-Tore Clausen, Lørenskog - inactive? Observed in Kristiansand in a bad state of repair in May-2003. Possibly sold to Vijay Sharma, Suva (Fiji Islands) and renamed Sitaram.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Geir Ole Søreng via Skipet, Dag Bakka jr. and misc.).
M/S Union VII |
Nils Halvorsen A/S, Porsgrunn
151 gt
Built in Porsgrunn 1908. Previous name: Notodden until 1925, Horten II until 1926, Transport 3 until 1923.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1908 from Porsgrunds Mek. Verksted, Porsgrunn (51) as cargo vessel Notodden to Skien-Telemarkens Dampskibsselskab A/S, Skien. Steel hull, 95.4' x 19.7' x 8.8', 159 gt, 82 net, 145 tdwt, 2cyl Compound (Porsgrunds) 23nhp 8 knots. In regularly scheduled cargo service. Sold in May-1925 to Tønsberg & Hortens Dampskibsselskab, Tønsberg, renamed Horten II, service Oslofjorden. Renamed Transport 3 in Jan.-1926. Sold in 1930 to A/S Transit, Skien (A. Johnsen, Drammen), service Skien-Oslo. From Jan.-1932 manager was Nils Halvorsen A/S, Porsgrunn, renamed Union VII, same service. Rebuilt in 1939, 151 gt, 143 tdwt - a 2cyl 2t single acting Union 130 bhp motor installed.
POST WAR: Rebuilt in Skien in 1951. In 1962 a 3cyl 2tev Alpha dm 210 bhp (1946) motor was installed. Sold in June-1965 to Signe Ameln & E. Ferd. Finnby (Pehrson & Wessel), Drammen, used as freighter? Renamed Jenka in Dec.-1965. Rebuilt around 1966, 159 gt. Sold in June-1968 to Johan Naustvik, Vormedal near Haugesund, in local sand trade. Ran aground on Dec. 9-1969 at Teistholmen near Stavanger. Refloated in 1970, repaired and rebuilt - new wheelhouse from unknown condemned seiner from Måløy installed at Garpeskjærskaien in Haugesund by people from Karmsund Verft, Avaldsnes, Karmøy. Remeasured in 1978, 147 gt. On Aug. 17-1981 she sank alongside the quay in Smedasundet in Haugesund. Raised and repaired at Karmsund Verft, Avaldsnes. Registered in Haugesund 1983. Sold in July that year to Ingvar Leif Falkeid, Judaberg (Finnøy in Ryfylke). Sold in July-1985 to Malvin Olsen, Haugesund, in local sand trade. In the fall of 1986(?) the owner died following an accident on board. Jenka was laid up in Kattakrødnå in Smedasundet, together with owner's Vartun (ref. Tysnes) and Sulitjelma III, both having been laid up before this accident. Sold in March-1987 to P/r Skyve / Hans Jørgen Skyve, Vågsbygd near Kristiansand. Later sunk in Nedstrandsfjorden Dec. 19-1987, and deleted from register the following year.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
M/S Uranus |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
935 gt
Built in Brevik 1925.
Pre war history: Delivered in Nov.-1925 from Trosvik Mek. Verksted, Brevik (12) as Uranus to Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 192.5 x 30.2 x 20.4, 935 gt, 1095 tdwt, 4cyl 2tev Atlas dm 500bhp, 10 knots. Used in the company's cargo routes between the south and north of Norway, and still in that service as per the summer of 1939.
WW II: According to the website I've linked to below she was attacked by allied aircraft on July 19-1940, ran aground on Aug. 17-1941, and attacked again by allied aircraft on May 26-1942, with minor damages from all incidents. Due to the increasing shortage of fuel towards the end of the war, Uranus was often inactive.
POST WAR: Back in her regular service in May-1945, and was among the first ships to carry supplies from Oslo to the North of Norway after the German capitulation. Captain was James Hansen. Ran aground in heavy fog at Svartskjær in Stokksundet on July 5-1948, when on a voyage Bergen-Tromsø with general cargo. She sank at a depth of 80-90 meters, no casualties.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Articles about BDS in "Skipet" 1-2.88 by Dag Bakka Jr., "Norges eldste Linjerederi, BDS 1851-1951" by Wilhelm Keilhau, "Skipet" / Thor B. Melhus, and a posting to my Ship Forum by Erling Skjold, Norway).
Related external link:
Picture of Uranus - Linked to Nordic Explorers which also has a detailed account of her final fate and pictures from inside the wreck (text is in Norwegian).
D/S Ursa |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
958 gt
Built in Bergen 1911.
My page about Ursa has more details and a picture.
D/S Ursvik |
A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo
A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo (from 1941)
191 gt
Built in Tronheim 1933.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1933 from A/S Trondhjem Mek. Verksted, Trondheim as Ursvik to A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo. Steel hull, 107.2 x 21.9 x 7.3, 191 gt, Triple Expantion (TMV) 339ihp 13.5 knots, registered for 370 passengers. Used in the company's newly started summer route Oslo-Ingierstrand Bad in Bunnefjorden. Laid up in the wintertime due to her high coal consumption.
Picture of Ursvik - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: In Febr.-1941 the owning company fused with A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo and the 2 companies' routes were combined. Ursvik continued in the same service. Requisitioned by the Kriegsamrine in May-1941 and used between Trondheim and the German battleship Tirpitz while based in Åsenfjorden in Trøndelag. Ursvik was also in regularly scheduled service Narvik-Hammerfest and Narvik-Harstad.
POST WAR: Returned to owners at war's end, May-1945. Hired out for use by the Allies in Norway, returned to owners in Nov.-1945, continuing in her service to Ingierstrand Bad. Sold in June-1958 to Nikolas G. Metaxas, Athens, Greece (Steamship Co. Aragonis, Piræus) and renamed Hara. Owners went bankrupt in 1974 and the vessel deleted from Lloyd's register. Possibly later converted to a bar at unknown location.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord D/S by Harald Lorentzen in Skipet 3.90 and misc.).
D/S Utviken * |
Haakon J. Wallem, Bergen
3502 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1942.
From my Ship Forum:
Requisitioned by the German military as a transport when completed by the Fredrikstad shipyard in 1942. She was 3502 tons gross, 5170 tons deadweight, length 351.1 ft, breadth 52.25 ft, depth 17.8 ft, and was powered by a compound steam engine of 372 nominal horsepower which gave a speed of 12 knots.
She was involved in voyages from Germany to Norway until 23 March 1945 when she struck a mine and was sunk off Schultzgrund/Sjaellands Odde, March 23-1945. Her signal letters were LKTD. Because of wartime constraints, she did not appear in Lloyd's Register, and details of the vessel are a little sparse. (Posted by Roger W. Jordan). She was on a voyage Porsgrunn-Hamburg with cargo of sulphites when she sank.
Related external link:
1 who died - Deckboy Kaare Nilsen is named. This site adds she was on a voyage from Porsgrunn (Norway) to Hamburg when she hit the mine, 6 n. miles off Sjaelland's reef. 1 died.
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