Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S Namsos
Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer
506 gt
Built in Trondheim 1904.
Pre war history: Delivered in Apr.-1904 from Trondhjems Mek. Verksted, Trondheim (112) as Namsos to Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer. Steel hull, 143.2 x 23.1 x 16.6, 425 gt, Tripple Expansion (TMV) 615ihp, registered for 230 passengers. In service Trondheim-Namsos and Trondheim-Innherred. Rebuilt and lengthened in 1910 (for coastal service), 164.2 x 23.1 x 16.6, 506 gt. On June 7-1910 she entered costal service Innherred-Bergen, once a week.
Picture of Namsos - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection. He says the picture was taken in 1904 at Øystese.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Germans for use during the evacuations of Finnmark and northern Troms (1944-45?). Returned 1945?
POST WAR: In Dec.-1945 the owning company made an agreement with Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger with regard to joint coastal sailings in the Stavanger-Bergen-Trondheim/Innherred route, and Namsos entered this service together with Stavangerske's Vestri (ex-swedish Drottning Sophia 1875). In May-1961 Namsos was replaced in this service by the hired freighter Hirma (ex whale catcher Polar 3). Sold in June-1951 to Soc. Aux. Industrielles & Financiere des Grand Lacs Africaine, Brussels, Belgium. Having made a voyage for this company she was laid up at Ostende. Broken up in Belgium in 1955.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Indherreds Aktie-Damp. in "Skipet" 3.91 by Dag Bakka Jr. and Per Alsaker).
Related external link:
Norway's Liberation with a section on the forced evacuations from the north of Norway.
Sverdrup & Sverdrup, Reine
96 gt
Built at Rosendal 1889.
Included in Nortraship's fleet on Dec. 29-1941, after having escaped to British port. In allied service for the rest of the war, follow link for more details on this ship.
D/S Nap * |
Norsk Bjergningskompani A/S, Bergen?
86 gt
Built 1874.
Bombed and sunk by aircraft at Horten on Febr. 23-1945.
D/S Narvik * |
A/S Narvik Dampskibsselskab, Narvik
241 gt
Built 1895. Previous names: Bentley (trawler) until 1913, Kristina (fishing vessel) until 1927, Stabil until 1940.
Pre war history: Delivered in Febr.-1895 from Hall, Russel & Co., Aberdeen, Scotland as steam trawler Bentley to J.Wilson (J. T. T. Wilson), South Shields, England, 135 gt. Sold in 1901 to A. McKenzie (T.Lauder), South Shields, later to James A. McGlasham, Granton. Sold in Aug.-1913 to A/S Havfiskeselskapet Hans Madsen & Co., Bergen, renamed Kristina (fishing vessel). Sold in 1917 to Nordsjølekterkompaniet A/S (G. Guttormsen & Jens Hanssen), Stavanger (fishing vessel R-115-S). Rebuilt in 1918 at Storemøllens Patentslipper & Mek. Verksted, Bergen. Sold in 1925 to I. & B. Romsøe A/S, Stavanger (fishing vessel R-115-S). Renamed Stabil in Jan.-1927, lengthened that same month, 188 gt.
WW II: There's a ship by this name in Convoy HN 14 from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940. According to A. Hague this was a Norwegian ship of 5164 gt. Nortraship received a ship in 1943 which was named Narvik, 5241 gt. As can be seen below, the 241 gt Narvik did not get this name until later that year, so perhaps the ship in HN 14 was the Swedish Narvik of 4251 gt?
Sold in Oct.-1940 to A/S Narviks Dampskibsselskab, Narvik, renamed Narvik. Converted to cargo vessel at Svolvær, also registered for some passengers, 241 gt. Placed in regularly scheduled cargo/passenger service Narvik-Trondheim 1941.
Shelled and sunk on March 22-1944 by the British submarine Syrtis (Jupp), position 66 45N 13 11E - near Sleipnesodden, Rødøy, Helgeland, on a voyage Trondheim-Narvik with cargo and passengers. She received several direct hits in the aftership and sank quickly. According to the "Sjømennenes Minnehall" website, which I've linked to at the end of this text, she had 16 crew and 9 passengers, among them 1 German. 18 of those on board had managed to get in a lifeboat when another shell hit the side of the ship and 15 were killed by the resulting shrapnel, while 3 ended up in the water, but were later picked up by rescuers from nearby Sleipnesodden. The port lifeboat with 5 people was taken to Svinvær (it had several bullet holes in it). 7 crew and 2 passengers were rescued.
(Main source: T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: Article about A/S Narvik D/S by Dag Bakka Jr. in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" 4.87. The identity of the submarine and position is from Jürgen Rohwer's "Allied Submarine Attacks of World War II". He also says this ship had previously had the name Stabil No. 365).
There's an article on this sinking in an old book, "Norsk presse under Hakekorset" (The Norwegian Press under the Swastika), Vol. II, 1946 by Gunnleik Jensson, which is a collection of newspaper articles from the war years. As the newspapers were under German control, they are full of propaganda and anti-British (and anti-"bolsjevic") sentiment, so the account of this sinking is rather one-sided. The article appeared in the Oslo newspaper "Morgenposten" on March 24-1944 with the headlines "Our English 'friends' again show their true face - the cargo ship Narvik sunk while in civilian coastal service, and the cargo ship Ryfylke attacked by aircraft". It goes on to say that 20 Norwegians died on Narvik, details on Ryfylke are not yet known (this was the former Kronprinsesse Märtha). Narvik had a complement of 17, and 12 passengers were on board, all Norwegian. Only 9, 4 of whom were seriously injured were rescued by a German rescue vessel. The submarine came up very close to Narvik and fired15-20 rounds until the ship sank in 8-10 minutes after an enormous boiler explosion. It also says that Narvik sailed under Norwegian flag at the time, and adds that the Norwegian vessel Ryfylke has been the victim of attacks by 2 British aircraft off the west coast of Norway. She was hit, then beached, but no further information is available.
The article continues: "Since many similar incidents have taken place lately, where British submarines and torpedo boats have sunk Norwegian cargo/passenger ships, there's good reason to believe that this latest atrocity was also ordered by the British Admiralty. The recent attacks by submarines, torpedo boats and aircraft against our unprotected coastal cargo ships are obviously an effort to cut off the supplies to the civilians in the north of Norway, thereby forcing them to desperate actions through hunger, and at the same time clearing the way for the bolsjevication of the North of Norway, as far as Narvik in the first phase. It was hunger and suffering that created the basis for the bolsjevic revolution in Russia, and it's these means the gentlemen in the British Admiralty, in full cooperation with the Nygaardsvoll supporters (the Norwegian government that had fled to England) are using in order to please their buddies in Moscow. Up until now 16 ships have been the victims of these plans, Richard Witt, Barøy, Vesterålen, Vindafjord, Vestri, Island, Topas, Ingerøy, Sørøy, Tromøysund, Sanct Svithun, Irma, Henry, Brynilen, Tanahorn, and now Narvik. These horrible acts have brought grief into many thousands of Norwegian homes, and with that grief comes the hate; hate for the perpetrators, a hate that will not be erased for generations to come. But that day may not be far away, when we can present our "balance sheet" to our so-called "friends" on the other side of the ocean. They will not succeed in bringing hunger to the North of Norway".
On the next page there's an article on the sinking of Nordnorge (further down on this page), and in the same article the following can be found on the "murderish" attack on Narvik, based on an interview with captain Fauskevåg of D/S Narvik:
The submarine had attacked on the side of the ship which faced out towards the sea. No flag nor nationality markings were seen. The firing took place from 300-400 meters, and during a 1 minute break in the shooting they had been able to lower a lifeboat and fill it with people, but when a shell hit the ship right above them the lifeboat was also shot to pieces and most of the 16-17 people in it were killed. The remaining 3 were able to keep themselves afloat until the rescuers came. A 2nd lifeboat, though ruined, was also lowered, and 5 people were in that boat. Several rowboats came from land to assist with the rescue. 10 passengers and 16 crew had been on board; 1 passenger and 7 crew were saved. The 1st engineer was seriously injured, the steward and his wife were killed. There's also a list of names of those who died, as well as the names of those who were rescued, as follows:
Passengers: Kåre Kildal, Kristen Johnsen, J. Kjerstad, Kåre Abrahamsen, Jørgen Syrøy, Mrs Andreassen (probably the steward's wife), Ingrid Jørgensen (+2 more?). The only passenger who was saved, according to this article, was Kåre Bremnes.
Crew: 2nd Mate Olav Andreas Skutvik, Able Seaman Werner (Berner?) Kristian Martinussen, Able Seaman Johan (Joakim?) Mogens Bredahl, Stoker Torbjørn Parelius Eitran, Steward Jens Ferdinand Andreassen, Pilot Birger Gotfred Jacobsen, Cook Oskar Emil Kingø (Ringø?), Mess Boy Aksel Anker Tønder. ("Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik also lists Mate Olaf Emil Andreassen, (perhaps identical to Olav Andreas Skutvik?) and Stoker Arne Johan Eugen Hansen among the casualties).
In addition to Captain Fausekvåg, the following crew members were saved: Mate Ole Ellingsen, Able Seaman Toralv Næss, Able Seaman Sivert Sivertsen, Ordinary Seaman Halfdan Sivertsen, 1st Engineer Petter Kastnes, 2nd Engineer Eivind Mikalsen,
Related external link:
9 who died / Narvik - Sjømennens Minnehall i Stavern website (The Seamen's Memorial Hall in Stavern, Norway).
Nortraship had a Narvik during the war, listed here. Hurtigruten had a Narvik in service as late as 1996. This ship was delivered on Dec. 16-1982 to Ofoten Dampskibsselskap, Narvik. Appears to be still in service.
D/S Neptun * raised |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1574 gt
Built in Bergen 1930.
Please continue to a separate page about D/S Neptun for more information.
D/S Nerva * |
Hilmar Reksten, Bergen
1564 gt
Built in Glasgow 1924. Previous names: Forestgate until 1926, Gwentgate until 1935.
Nerva, with a cargo of paper for Sheerness, is listed as sailing in Convoy HN 16 from Norway to the U.K. in March.-1940, then went back to Norway at the end of that month with Convoy ON 24 - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
Went ashore and sank north of Rørvik on Febr. 7-1943, when on a voyage from Fineidet to Germany with iron ore.
Hilmar Reksten later had another ship by this name, 109 637 gt, built 1970. Purchased by Wilh. Wilhelmsen in 1982 and renamed Tuareg (III). Broken up in Jan.-1983.
D/S Nesodden |
A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo
A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo (from 1941)
147 gt
later 163 gt
Built in Moss 1903.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1903 from Moss Jernstøberi & Mek. Værksted, Moss as Nesodden to Aktieselskabet Bundefjord, Oslo. Steel hull, 96 x 18.6 x 8.9, 147 gt, 2cyl Compound 220ihp, registered for 241 passengers. She had no cargo hold so all cargo was deck cargo. Intended for the company's summer routes between Oslo and the east side of Nesoddlandet / Bunnefjorden (for people from the city who wanted to go to the countryside). Nesodden's consumption of coal was too high for her to be used in this service in the wintertime, so was laid up during this period. In 1908 the owning company fused with A/S Bundefjord-Helvig Dampskibsselskab, Oslo (Consul A. Hennum, Helvik, Nesodden), continued in the same service. In Nov.-1924 the company fused with its competitor A/S Nesodden-Frogn-Nordby Dampskibsselskab, Oslo becoming A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo. Continued in the same service.
WW II: In Febr.-1941 the owning company fused with A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo and the 2 companies' routes were combined. Remeasured at some point in the 1940's, 163 gt.
POST WAR:Rebuilt in 1950, a 6cyl 4tev Deutz dm 300bhp (1936) motor installed. Sold in 1967 to Georg Matre, Ølensvåg, probably for derigging. Sold in 1972 to Brødrene Anda, Hundvåg in Stavanger for breaking up.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, norway - His sources: Article about A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord D/S by Harald Lorentzen in Skipet 3.90 and misc.).
D/S Nesodtangen |
A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab
A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo (from 1941)
181 gt
Built in Trondheim 1929.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1929 from A/S Trondhjem Mek. Verksted, Trondheim (194) as Nesodtangen to A/S Næsoddens Dampskibsselskab, Oslo. Steel hull, 105.3 x 20.6 x 7, 181 gt, Triple Expansion 36nhp, 12.8 knots, registered for 330 passengers, and also had a small cargo hold for 12 tons of cargo. In service Oslo-west side of Nesodden, and was in this service all year long, unlike several of the company's other vessels which were especially intended for use in the summertime when people living in the city wanted to go to the countryside. Captain was Fredrik Olsen. In 1915 owning company changed its name to A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab, Oslo.
WW II: In Febr.-1941 the company fused with A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo, and the 2 companies' routes were combined.
POST WAR: Rebuilt in 1951, registered for 344 passengers, 229 gt, a 6cyl 4tev Mirrlees dm 540bhp (1951) motor installed. Sold in 1971 to Sarpsborg Skipsindustri (E. Rossland & H. Tellefsen), Sarpsborg. Converted to "apartment" ship. Was used as accommodation vessel at Nylands Verksted, Oslo for several years. Laid up in Tananger (Stavanger) at some point in the 1970's. Sank at a depth of 12.5 meters in 1975 while laid up.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord D/S by Harald Lorentzen in Skipet 3.90 and misc.).
M/S Nesøy |
Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane, Bergen
139 gt
Built in Bergen 1933.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1933 from Bergens Mek. Verksteder, Bergen as Nesøy to Fylkesbaatane i Sogn og Fjordane, Bergen. Steel hull, 93,9 x 19,3 x 9,7, 139 gt, 2cyl 2tev Bolinder 150bhk, 10 knots, registered for 150 passengers. In the spring of 1933 she had the honour of having Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Märtha on board for their voyage through Sogn & Fjordane (Vadheim-Høyanger-Balestrand-Leikanger-Amla-Kaupanger-Lærdal). That summer she was placed in cargo service Bergen-Vadheim-Høyanger-Balestrand (Fylkesbaatane had a contract with Norsk Aluminium Company for transport of materials to and from the aluminum works at Høyanger). In the summertime there were many tourists on this run, because she also had voyages Flåm-Gudvangen; painted white every summer as so many of the company's motor vessels. She also had voyages Bergen-Dalsfjord. In May-1935 the runs to Høyanger were taken over by the company's new Værøy, sister ship of Nesøy.
WW II: When the war broke out in Norway on Apr. 9-1940 she was in Solund, southbound from Måløy, replacing Gula in the Bergen-Måløy-Selje run (Gula was laid up due to shortage of fuel). She interrupted her voyage at Eivindvik and offered her services to the 'sherrif' there, whereupon she was sent into Sognefjord with mobilized Norwegian soldiers who were headed to Gudvangen. She then continued for a while in the Gudvangen-Flåm-Hermannsverk run, with many of her passengers being people from Bergen who wanted to live in the country in order to escape the many air attacks in the city. On Apr. 25-1940, while at Gudvangen, her crew spotted a German aircraft coming in low, and knowing it would return the passengers were sent ashore. Captain Slåttelid then attempted to cross the fjord to beach the ship on the other side, but the aircraft returned before they got that far, attacking with bombs and machine guns. No bombs hit, and they managed to place her bow on the beach while the crew took cover in a cairn. Boatswain Håkon Leirnes and Chief Engineer Halvard Våge were injured during the attack and were sent to a doctor with a motor vessel. Nesøy incurred some damages on the port side from the machine gun fire and shrapnel. The company's Kommandøren and Gudvangen were also attacked by the same aircraft that day, as was an Estonian vessel which was anchored up off Høyanger - her captain was killed. Nesøy was later requisitioned by the Germans and used in Finnmark.
POST WAR: In regularly scheduled service in outer Sogn; Åfjord-Solund-Hyllestad, later extended to Bergen. Also alternated with Atløy in the Bergen-Dalsfjord, Florø-Bulandet and Skerjehamn-Høyanger-Eivindvik routes. Ran aground in Storesvingen, Nordhordland in Febr.-1949, heavily damaged, repaired. Rebuilt in 1961, new funnel, bridge widened, aftership covered and a 5cyl 2tev Wichmann 225bhk installed. On the evening of Dec. 27-1961 she was northbound from Bergen towards Gulen with around 30 passengers when she in windy weather and heavy snow ran into an islet between Feste and Lygra, Nordhordland and started to list (a faulty light was to blame). The crew launched the lifeboats and took the passengers to an islet, trying to keep them warm with blankets. After about half an hour the company's Sandøy came by and picked up some of the passengers. The rest were picked up by Hennøy and Stavenes. Nesøy was refloated by the salvage vessel Jason that same night. Had some minor damages but was able to continue to her destination. Sold in May-1972 to Misje Mek. Verksted A/S, Misje, Sotra and renamed Rusken. De-rigged, foreship fitted with a large crane, motor removed and Rusken was towed around for various tasks. Sold in 1977 to Olav Skjærli, Kvammen, Sunnfjord. Sold in 1978 to Einar Cook, Nyhavn in Bergen; by this time she had become a barge. Sold in 1979 to Knut Sandnes, Lærdal in Sogn and deleted from Norwegian registers as condemned. Used as rowboat and kept off the owner's quay at Fodnes to protect it from ice. Later covered with rocks and is presently part of the breakwater at the same place.
(All info on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, "Båtene våre, -hvor ble de av?", Dag Bakka Jr. for Bergens tidende 1984(?) and "101 Fjordabåtar, FSF 1858-2000" by Magnus Helge Torvanger).
Niern |
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
325 gt
Built in Sandefjord 1941. Previous names Niern, Nordkap.
Whale catcher, ordered in 1941 from Framnes mek. Verksted (129) by A/S Odd (Thor Dahl), Sandefjord. Seized by the Germans and completed as vorpostenboot Nordkap, 323 gt, 129' x 25' x 15'.
POST WAR: Converted to whale catcher by Thor Dahl in 1945 and renamed Niern. In the period 1957-1958 she was in use as training vessel in Sandefjord. Sold on June 25-1958 to A/S Bjørkhaug (Elling Aarseth), Ålesund, no name change. Sold in 1960 to Skjelnan Kvalstasjon, Tromsø, renamed Polarbris V in 1962. Sold in 1966 to fishermen in the North of Norway, renamed Kjelløy. Still in use in 1992.
(Majority of info is from Ulf W. Gustavsen, Norway).
D/S Nina * |
Erling Mortensen, Oslo
1488 gt
Built Bolnes, Netherlands 1917.
Nina is listed in Convoy HN 8 from Norway to the U.K. in Jan.-1940. Early in March we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 17A.
Struck a mine and sank on Oct. 27-1944 at Schulz's Grund, in the Kattegatt.
NOTE: Rohwer says that Nina sank in the RAF minefield "Silver XIII", 56 12N 11 20E on the above date. Some confusion here; on another page he says that the steamer Nina (this time he gives her 1371 gt) was sunk on Dec. 27-1944 in 56 10N 11 17E.
Picture of Nina - Received from, and painted by, Jan Goedhart, Holland.
(There was also an Italian steamship Nina, torpedoed and sunk by a British submarine outside Genoa on Febr. 10-1944). Norway had a ship by this name before the war, originally delivered as Borgestad (steamship) to A/S Borgestad (Gunnar Knudsen), Porsgrunn in June-1906, built in Middlesbrough, 3944 gt. Converted to tanker in 1912, 4278 gt. Sold in the summer of 1924 and renamed Nina for A/S Oljefart (Henry Borthen & Co.), Oslo. Towed to Istanbul after having run aground in The Black Sea on Dec. 27-1927. Intended repaired at Tyne where she arrived in Febr.-1928, but condemned in May that year and sold for breaking up.
M/S Nixe (Fjordbussen) |
German controlled
103 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1941.
Delivered in March-1941 from Kristiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (172) as transport Nixe to German authorities. Steel hull, 92.1' x 18.4' x 6.1', 103 gt, 55 net, 2x 6cyl Södertelje dm á 150bhp, ca.13 knots. Originally contracted by Skips-A/S Bergen-Hordaland Fjordbuss (F. Kühle), Bergen as "sea bus" Fjordbussen but seized by the Germans upon delivery and used as transport Nixe in Oslofjord for the duration of the war.
POST WAR: Seized by Den Norske Stat / Direktoratet for Fiendlig Eiendom, Oslo (The Norwegian State / Directorate for Enemy Property). Sold in the fall of 1945 to Skips-A/S Bergen-Hordaland Fjordbuss (F. Kühle), Bergen, repaired and converted for regularly scheduled passenger service as "sea bus" (also, some cargo). Departed for Alversund as Fjordbussen on Nov. 16-1945, the voyage taking only 1 hour and 20 minutes, which was much faster than the steamships that otherwise serviced this run. Hired out to Askøy Bilferjeselskap, Florvåg in the period Dec.-1945 to March-1946 for use in the Bergen-Askøy route (with passengers only). In the spring of 1946 she was placed in the Bergen-Hopshavn-Frekhaug-Flatøy-Isdalstø-Alverstraumen-Alversund service. Sold in July-1947 to Alversund & Manger Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen ”en-bloc” with the company's other "sea bus", Fjordbussto (built 1946), including the routes. In 1949, 2x 6cyl 4t single acting GM dm's were installed. In 1951 the owning company fused with A/S Bergen-Nordhordland Trafikklag, Bergen, same service. Renamed Flatøy in Nov.-1954, rebuilt at Storemøllens Patentslip, Bergen (new wheelhouse), 112 gt (?). Laid up at Blomstertorget in Bergen at some point in the 1960's, used as reserve vessel. Sold in 1973 to Matti Turunen & Co. K/S, Nurmes, Finland, renamed Vinker II. Rebuilt, and used in the tourist trade in Nurmes. Sold in 1983 to Nurmeksen Pikapalvelu Ky & Nurmes-Marina, Joensuu, Finland, registered in Helsinki from 1998, Nurmes from 2005.
(Details on this vessel from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994 and "Båtene våre, Hvor ble de av?" by Dag Bakka Jr. for Bergens Tidende 1984(?) ).
D/S Nordfjord |
Møre Fylkes Ruteselskap, Molde
217 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1865. Previous names: Arendal until 1881, Vesteraalen until 1890.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1865 from Motala Mek. Werkstads AB, Lindholmens Werkstad, Gothenburg as Arendal to Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal, 149 gt. In service Oslo-Kristiansund at first then from June 24 into service Oslo-Bergen (Oslo-Kristansand in the wintertime). In the period 1869-70 she was on hire to the State for local service in Lofoten and Vesterålen. Sold in May-1877 to Søndmør-Romsdalske Dampskibsselskab, Ålesund, which appears to have gone bankrupt in 1879, whereupon she was laid up in Ålesund. Sold in Oct.-1881 to Richard With, Risøhavn / Åle on behalf of Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab which was being formed at that time, renamed Vesteraalen for Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes (from Nov. 10). Rebuilt at Bergens Mek. Verksted, Bergen in the spring of 1882, 188 gt., completed July 20. Sold in Jan.-1890 to Nordfjords Dampskibsselskab (V.Behrens), Bergen, renamed Nordfjord. Company went bankrupt in 1891. Sold in June that year (forced sale) to A/S D/S Nordfjord (C.C.Krohn / Erik Rusten), Bergen, and rebuilt in Bergen, 164 passengers, 222 gt., in coastal service Bergen-Romsdal. Owned by Nordfjords Dampskibsselskab (Erik Rusten), Bergen 1895, same service, A/S D/S Nordfjord (Erik Rusten), Bergen 1896, same service. Ran into Stabben Light in 1898 and sank, light keeper was killed. Raised and repaired. Owned in 1900 by A/S Vestenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab (Erik Rusten), Bergen, same service. Bankrupt in Dec.-1914, sold Jan.-1915 to A/S Romsdals Dampskibsselskab, Molde, same service. From June 1-1920 owned by Møre Fylkes Ruteselskap, Molde, rebuilt. Capsized in 1921 during launching in Kristiansund N. Rebuilt 1930, 217 gt.
WW II: Sank near Raudeberg (Måløy) in 1940, raised. Damaged during the big explosion in Bergen harbour on Apr. 20-1944, (see D/S Rogaland for more details on this explosion) but able to continue in service.
POST WAR: Sold in 1947 to Gerhard Voldnes A/S, Fosnavåg (Herøy) and used as accommodation vessel during herring fishing. Sold to Måløy Sildoljefabrikk (herring oil factory), Fosnavågen in 1951. Converted in Sept. that year to a motor vessel (cargo) at Hjørungavaag Mek. Verksted, Hjørungavåg, Half-Shelterdekker, 246 gt. Ran aground near Hindøy Light south of Florø in 1967. Sold in Dec.-1970 to Brødrene Anda, Stavanger for breaking up. Used for sand storage at Rosenberg Mek. Verksted, Stavanger for a while. Broken up in 1975.
(Source: T. Eriksen, Norway).
Related external link:
"Picture" of this ship when named Arendal - Linked to Arendals Dampskibsselskap's website. Some of the ship's history information given on this website conflicts slightly with what I have above. This site also says she was reinforced to enable her to sail through ice.
D/S Nordfjord I |
Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane, Bergen
635 gt
Built in Helsingör 1915.
Pre war history: Delivered on May 15-1915 from Helsingörs Jernskibs & Maskinbyggeri, Helsingör as Nordfjord I to Nordre Bergenhus Amts Dampskibe, Bergen. Steel hull, 168 x 26,3 x 10,8, 573 gt, Tripple Expansion 106nhk, 12 knots. In regularly scheduled service Bergen-Nordfjord. On Jan. 25-1919 the company changed its name to Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane, Bergen. Rebuilt in 1931, well in foredeck covered, 635 gt.
WW II: When Norway was attacked on Apr. 9-1940 she was in her regular service. On March 29-1945, when Fylkesbaatane's Kommandøren, moored at Søndre Nykirkekai in Bergen, was accidentally torpedoed and sunk by a drunken crew member of the German S-13, Nordfjord I was at Nordre Nykirkekai nearby. Workers had been in the process of loading cargo for the next morning's voyage, but luckily they were taking their food break when the torpedo was fired. Fearing that German authorities would requisition the ship, the company had her donkey boilers removed that spring and she was laid up at Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab in Bergen.
POST WAR: In the early 1950's Nordfjord I alternated every other week between the Bergen-Nordfjord and the Bergen-Sogn runs. Rebuilt at Bergens Mek. Verksteder, Bergen in 1951, converted for oil fuelling, then returned to service in June-1951. Ran aground in fog in Oct. that same year near Hestenesøyra in Nordfjord. She developed a list and took in a lot of water so that her passengers and crew had to take to the lifeboats. She later rightened and refloated, but several of the horses and bulls on board either died or had to be killed. Repaired. Ran aground again on March 21-1952 near Prestøy, Askvoll, listing and taking in water. Lifeboats were launched and the around 30 passengers taken to an islet, later in to Askvoll with a motorboat. Again a horse and some cows were lost. Repaired. Ran aground on May 9-1961 (at 01:15) near Kalshovde in Lygrefjord when en route to Nordfjord. Managed to refloat and proceeded to Lygrevåg where the around 60 passengers were landed and given lodgings at the school and at the dairy in the village, until the company's Aardal picked them up and took them to Bergen. Having developed a leak, Nordfjord I sank alongside the quay. Raised on May 17-1961 by the salvage vessels Achilles and Salvator and taken to Bergen where her cargo was discharged. Examined and condemned, then sold in July that year to Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht,?, Holland for breaking up. Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab's Stavanger I was hired to replace her in the route in the summer of 1961 and 1962 for 2 voyages a week in Hurtigruten, Bergen-Sogn / Nordfjord.
(Info on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, "Bergenske Fjordabåter", Dag Bakka Jr. for Bergens Tidende 1974, and "101 Fjordabåtar, FSF 1858-2000" by Magnus Helge Torvanger 2000).
A/S Risør Fjordruter, Risør had a Nordfjord 3 from 1919, this ship later became Hjeltefjord for D/S Topdal A/S, Bergen in 1924.
D/S Nordland * |
Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes
724 gt
Built in Trondheim 1898.
Coastal passenger/cargo vessel. Bombed near Salten in May-1940 and beached, but repaired and put into service again. Was in the express service between Trondheim and Hammerfest when she in Vestfjorden on Dec. 26-1941 was stopped by allied naval forces and with a prize crew on board taken to Skjelfjord in Lofoten, where some allied war ships had gathered (2nd raid on Lofoten). After a couple of days the crew was notified that Nordland's engine was to be destroyed as she did not have sufficient coal to go with them across the North Sea. When the British group left, 4 of the youngest men from Nordland were with them. Nordland was subsequently taken in tow to Lødingen by a German whaler and later handed over to the owners. Again she was repaired and put into service, but sank shortly after departure Bodø on Oct. 19-1942 with a cargo of fish products for Oslo, following an explosion (Saltenfjord). Only 5 were saved, 16 crew and 1 passenger died. The explosion was caused by a torpedo from the French submarine Junon (Querville) in 67 12N 12 57E.
Rohwer says in a footnote: "Nordland is sometimes erroneously credited to the French submarine Rubis". Then on another page he says "Nordland was in fact sunk in Saltenfjorden by a mine laid by Rubis" - this is an error in the book (confirmed as such by Rohwer). It seems as though the Russian submarine K-2 also claimed the Nordland (at Syltefjord on Oct. 19-1942).
"Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik names the following casualties (in alphabetical order - the captain is not included in this source):
Able Seaman Birger Edvard Andersen, Able Seaman Jens Ole Marius Andersen, Donkeyman Ove Nikolai Hanssen, Engineer Heiberg Angel Mørk Knutsen, Seaman Arild Kristiansen, Stoker Bjørn Larsen, Steward Petter Andreas Larsen, Mess Boy Arnvid Harry Bjarne Mathisen, Trimmer Konrad Erling Julius Mentzoni, Steward(?) Kristian Koldevin Moen, Stoker Einar Martin Pedersen, Ordinary Seaman Robert Henrik Robertsen, Mate Erling Roness, Coastal Pilot Johan Petter Simonsen, 1st Engineer Karl Peder Aanes.
(Misc. sources, incl. "Skip og menn", Birger Dannevig, and "Allied Submarine Attacks of World War II", Jürgen Rohwer).
Related external links:
Those who died - 16 are commemorated at this memorial. (Captain Hilmar Amandus Jentoft is included in the list - may have died of other causes). This additional info is provided: Nordland had a cargo of cod liver oil and fishmeal when an inexplicable incident occurred (according to the survivors) on Oct. 19-1942. She was in the Saltenfjord, between Mårnesskagen light and Hernesskagen, when suddenly it was as if a hand in the ocean lifted her shaking and shivering up in the air and broke her in the middle, while at the same time throwing the two parts sideways away from eachother, and she sank in just seconds. 17 died, 5 were rescued by smaller vessels. It is not known for sure what caused the explosion, but she was probably torpedoed.
Operation Anklet - 2nd raid on Lofoten.
Please note that Norway also had a Norland, spelt without the d - listed on the N-page in the section discussing ships in foreign trade.
Other ships by this name: My mother served as a Radio Officer on another Nordland, also Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab (Aase's Ships). Nordenfjeldske Dampskipsselskap had a ship named Nordland in the 1800's, built for the Hamburg-Nordland service in 1865, 346 gt. Ran aground at Tamsø in Porsangerfjord on Jan. 19-1893.
D/S Nordnorge * |
A/S Ofoten Dampskibsselskap, Narvik
991 gt
Built in Trondheim 1924.
Pre war history: Delivered on Jan. 17-1924, 873 gt, passenger capacity 270, placed in service Narvik-Trondheim. Lengthened and rebuilt by builders (Trondhjems mek. Verksted) in 1936, 991 gt, placed in Hurtigruten traffic Bergen-Kirkenes in Nov. that year.
WW II: Taken over by the Germans in Trondheim on May 8-1940. She had discharged 300 German soldiers and equipment at Hemningsberget when she was shelled and sunk on May 12-1940. Some sources say the destroyer Zulu and cruiser Carlisle were responsible, but it appears the latter was not involved. It was the light cruiser Calcutta that sank the ship, together with Zulu. Please see this posting to my Ship Forum (it's in response to this query).
(Misc. sources, incl. Ofoten og Vesteraalens D/S fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
D/S Nordnorge * |
A/S Ofoten Dampskibsselskap, Narvik
339 gt
Built 1883. Previous names: Wisingsö until 1934, Nyköping until 1938, Mariehamn until 1942.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1883 from Motala Verkstad as Wisingsö (Visingsö?) to Linköpings Nya Rederi AB, Linköping, tonnage given as 215 gt at that time. Registration number 1890, 29.85 x 6.78 m, 260 ihp, 215 gt, 141 net. Used on the Göta Kanal and Vättern until 1934 when it under the ownership of Rederi AB Linköping-Nyköping, Linköping and with the new name Nyköping sailed on the route Norrköping-Nyköping Stockholm, 179 gt (rebuilt). The route was not profitable and the steamer was sold on executive auction. Bought by the creditors who in turn sold the ship to Mariehamn Trafik AB, Mariehamn in 1938, renamed Mariehamn and sailed in Finland for some time.
WW II: Sold to Ofoten D/S, Narvik in Aug.-1942 (as replacement for the loss of Nordnorge above), lengthened and rebuilt at Sarpsborg mek. Verksted, 339 gt, delivered from yard on March 17-1944. Placed in service between Trondheim and Narvik, Captain Andreas Alfred Liland (this name also shows up for Barøy). On March 24-1944 she was on her way from Sarpsborg to Tromsø with general cargo (her first for ODS after she had been delivered from the yard), when she was sunk by the British submarine Satyr (Weston) northwest of Honningsvåg at Stadt, and she sank immediately. The survivors were picked up after half an hour by a fishing vessel sailing nearby. 11 out of the 13 on board died, including the captain who had previously been the captain of Barøy when that ship was sunk in 1941. According to a newspaper article, the 2 survivors who were picked up by the fishing vessel were taken to shore at a place where there were only 14-15 small farms, and were taken care of by the store owner there. Both were injured, but not seriously. The article adds that Nordnorge was a former Finnish ship of 200 gt, which had just been rebuilt at Sarpsborg, and had been delivered the week before. She was now on her way to Narvik to be put into coastal service. Therefore, she had no passengers onboard, only the 13 crew. The article claims she was 991 gt and had been built in Trondheim in 1924, but that must be a mix up with the former Nordnorge, listed above this one.
"Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik lists the following casualties (in addition to Captain Liland):
Seaman Sigurd Leif Gabrielsen, Cook Arne Pauli Hermansen, Stoker Per Jacobsen, Seaman Gunnar Jarle Jakobsen, Otto Gerhard Kvitvik, Engineer Lars Jørgen Larsen, Able Seaman Ole Martin Menssen, Mate Anton F. A. Nyborg, Coastal Pilot Bertheus Emil Nyborg, 1st Engineer Hilmar M. P. Rasmussen.
(Misc. sources, including information received from a visitor to my site, Ofoten og Vesteraalens D/S fleet list, Finn R. Hansen, and "Norsk presse under Hakekorset" (The Norwegian Press under the Swastika), Vol. II, 1946 by Gunnleik Jensson, a collection of newspaper articles from the war years - article in the Oslo newspaper "Morgenposten" dated Saturday, March 25-1944).
Related external link:
Stavern Commemorations
Other ships named Nordnorge: A 3rd Nordnorge was in service for Ofotens DS (in Hurtigruten) from June-1964 until the end of Dec.-1987. She was taken out of Hurtigruten in March-1996 and laid up for sale in Narvik. This ship was 2611 gt, had a passenger capacity of 500 with 235 bunks, built in Oslo and delivered on June 8-1964. Rebuilt Dec.-1985/Febr.-1986, reduced to 207 bunks. From 1968 till 1982 she was in the express service, and also went to Svalbard during the summers. On Aug. 27-1984 she collided with Sote Jarl in Kjøllefjord, minor damages. Here's a picture of Ofoten Dampskipsselskap's newest ship by this name built in 1997 (main page Shipsphoto West). Having a personal interest in this ship (my daughter and her husband as of Sept. 7-2002 went on their honeymoon on her), I'm also adding a link to more information on it at ovds.no. By clicking on "virtuell vandring" (virtual tour) a pop up will come up that will take you to a camera tour of her cabins and decks. See also Hurtigruten.
D/S Nordsjø * later raised |
178 gt
Built in Oslo 1868.
Sunk in Porsgrunn by British aircraft on Apr. 11-1945. Dione and Traust are also listed as sunk in this attack (the date is given as Apr. 12 in Norwegian sources - follow links for more details).
POST WAR: Raised and back in service.
Related external link:
Sorties Flown by Banff Strike Wing - scroll down to Apr. 11-1945 on the page for details of the air attack by 143rd, 235th, 248th and 333rd squadrons.
D/S Nordstjernen |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1919 gt
Built Fredrikstad, Norway 1937.
Delivered from Fredriksstad Mek. Verksted, Fredrikstad (282) in June-1937 for use in Hurtigruten. 250.9' x 38.8' x 13.7', double Compound 2645 ihp, 16 knots.
WW II: There's a thread on my Ship Forum indicating that Nordstjernen was attacked by Sunfish (Lt. G.R. Colvin) on Dec. 6-1940; see this reply. Dixie was damaged in the same patrol the next day.
Requisitioned by the Germans on Sept. 20-1944. The first external site that I've linked to below says that Nordstjernen was used to evacuate the people of Finnmark towards the end of the war, while the Russians were advancing and the Germans withdrawing. (The evacuation of the entire Norwegian population of Finnmark and of Troms was ordered by the Germans, whereupon the "scorched earth" tactic was implemented. Over 10 000 homes were burnt, as well as bridges, power stations, factories, fishing vessels, telephone facilities etc.).
POST WAR: Returned to owners on May 31-1945. Converted to oil fuelling at Bergens Mek. Verksted, Laksevåg, delivered in Dec.-1947. Aground at Raftsund on Sept. 22-1954 between Svolvær and Stokmarknes, when northbound in Hurtigruten. She had 163 passengers and 46 crew on board. 1 crew and 4 passengers died.
(Main source: "Bergen, byen og selskapet", Dak Bakka Jr.).
Related external links:
D/S Nordstjernen - Detailed history of this ship, and several pictures (text in Norwegian only). Also has pictures from within the wreck, as this is a website for divers.
Norway's Liberation
The Soviet Advance into Norway
Other ships by this name: Bergenske had previously had another ship by this name, built in 1855, 519 gt - ran aground in July-1881. Another Nordstjernen was built in 1882; my page about Deneb has more on this ship. Another ship by this name was delivered to Bergenske D/S in Febr.-1956, 2194 gt. Sold to Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap in Jan.-1979. Still in service as per 1996. Haugesund had a steamer by this name in the late 1800's/early 1900's, ex Point Pleasant, Navis, Desi - sold to Archangel in 1911 and renamed Avance.
D/S Nordwall |
Westergaard & Co., Oslo (from 1943)
German controlled
177 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1911. Previous name: Tinn until 1943.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1911 from Christianssands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (138) in sections, then transported to Tinnsjø and assembled by Sigurdsrød as local, regularly scheduled passenger/cargo vessel Tinn for Dampskibsselskabet Gausta (Herbjørn Svalastoga), Skien. Steel hull, 98 x 19 x 8, 169 gt, Tripple Expansion 41nhp, in local service in Tinnsjø. In 1917 the company was renamed Aktie-IS for Dampskibsfart på Tinnsjø (same manager, same service). In 1930 owners were Dampskibsselskabet Gausta & Tinn, Skien, same service. Laid up in 1937.
WW II: Sold in the winter of 1942 to J. Moe Hakkelberg, Svene / Ski. Disassembled on order from the German general in the north of Norway. Transported in sections by train from Tinnsjø to Porsgrunds Mek. Verksted, Porsgrunn on Febr. 1-1942. Re-assembly work commenced on Sept. 21-1942, somewhat rebuilt, 177 gt., delivered Aug.-1943. Sold in Oct.-1943 to Westergaard & Co. (L. Hannevig) Oslo - this company managed a number of vessels for the Germans -, renamed Nordwall and in service for the Germans.
POST WAR: Owned by Westergaard & Co., under Norwegian State - not in use? Sold in 1946 to Skibsaktieselskabet Trik (S. Thomassen, Levanger), in regularly scheduled service in Trondheimsfjord. Renamed Levanger in 1947. Sold in 1954 to Innherreds Aktie Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer, same service. Sold in June-1954 to Lars & Petter Berge, Ølensvåg (Haugesund), converted to freighter at owner's yard Berge Sag & Trelastforretning, Ølensvåg, 98,8 x 19 x 8,5, 127 gt / 170 tdwt, a 3cyl 2tev Wichmann 150bhp (1943, from Kveldulf) installed. Intended name was Ølensvåg, but was never renamed. Sold in Jan.-1956 to P/r / Gabriel Meling, Stavanger, in coastal service as freighter Levanger. Sold in Febr.-1957 to A/S Trafik, Fredrikstad and used in cargo service Oslo-Østfold (?). Sold in Apr.-1957 to Haldens Dampskibsselskab A/S, Halden, renamed Halden I and placed in cargo service Oslo-Moss-Halden. On June 28-1963 it was decided to dissolve the company, as the the transport was increasingly being taken over by overland means. Sold in 1964 to Roald Rodin, Fredrikstad. Renamed Kile in 1965. Sold in Aug.-1966 to Kjell & Elias Møgster, Espevær (Haugesund) and renamed Norvåg - in costal service. Sold in July-1969 to P/r / Holger Odland, Vormedal near Haugesund, in costal service. Sold in July-1971 to P/r / Odd Hånes, Rovde / Åle, in coastal service. In 1977 a 3cyl 2tev Wichmann 300bhp (1966) was installed. Sold in June-1979 to P/r Rimstad (Ingar Rimstad, Sundalsøra / Åle), in coastal service. Owned by 4.80: P/r Odd Hånes & Co., Rovde / Åle in Apr.-1980, not in use? Sold in Sept.-1980 to P/r Holm / (Steinar Holm, Bindalseidet / Åle), in coastal service. Deleted from Norwegian registers as condemned on June 4-1985. "De-rigged" by A/S Skipsbrukt, Kristiansund N. Broken up in Sept.-1985.
(Details on this ship received from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources, including info from Theodor Dorgeist, Germany, a frequent visitor to my Ship Forum).
M/T North America * |
The Texas Company (Norway) A/S, Oslo
9789 gt
Built in Hamburg 1939. This company was controlled by The Texas Co., US, and its ships managed by Haakon Chr. Mathiesen, Oslo.
Delivered in Aug.-1940 from Deutsche Werft A/G, Hamburg (233) as North America to Texaco Panama Inc., Panama, having originally been launched in Apr. that year for The Texas Company (Norway) A/S, Oslo. Seized by the Kriegsmarine Aug. 28 (2 days after delivery), renamed Egerland the following spring. Encountered in 07N 31W by cruiser HMS London and destroyer HMS Brilliant on June 5-1941, torpedoed and sunk by Brilliant.
This company also had a North America post war, delivered as such in June-1952. Later names: Texaco North America 1960, Heroic Colocotronis 1968 (Piræus). Sold for breaking up 1975.
Ny - Nø
M/S Nyegg * |
A/S Havfiske, Trondheim
480 gt
Built in Trondheim 1932.
Ran aground near Kvalbeinsraunen north of Egersund on March 19-1941 when on a voyage from Hamburg to Svolvær with a cargo of salt. Efforts to save her eventually had to be given up and she became a total loss.
D/S? Nygrunn *? |
abt. 65? gt
Built 1943?
Related external link:
3 who died - Able Seaman Sverre Eilif Hansen, Skipper Olaf Johansen and Seaman Gjermund Henry Karlsen are commemorated at this memorial. The Norwegian text says she was in passenger and cargo service for Finnmark Fylkesrederi. In the summer of 1944 she attempted to escape to the free eastern part of Finnmark, but was torpedoed, or struck a mine, near Rolvsøy. 7 died. I believe the date is an error, and that it should be Apr. 1945 - in fact the date given for her demise is given Apr. 19-1945. I can't find this vessel listed in the Finnmark Fylkesrederi fleet list, however, some casualties are listed in "Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik (who gives the date as Apr.-1945), namely Fisherman Bjarne Kristian Dahl, in addition to Seaman Gjertmund Henry Karlsen already mentioned.
M/S Nyhaug * raised |
Christian Haaland, Haugesund
4044 gt
Built in Nakskov, Denmark 1925.
Delivered Dec. 19 as Nyhaug to Chr. Haaland and registered to A/S Asker, Haugesund (later renamed A/S Atlas).
WW II: Sunk by German aircraft on April 23-1940 near Volda, on a voyage from Baltimore to Kristiansund with a cargo of coal. Raised during the war, sold to Porsgrunn and renamed Holla (under German control?).
The above information was found in "Våre Motorskip" (Our Motor Vessels), a book that lists the Haugesund ships, written by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn. Charles Hocking, "Dictionary of Disasters at Sea during the Age of Steam 1824-1962", places this bombing incident on April 27th, 1940. "Handelsflåten i krig", book 5 (Lauritz Pettersen) also gives the date as Apr. 27, adding that her cargo was confiscated on Apr. 14 by the sherriff at Volda (on behalf of the Navy), and she had been ordered to Ålesund to unload. The unloading of cargo took place during the night to avoid German aircraft attacks, and she was moved to Hestø (north of Ålesund) during the day, where she was sunk on the 27th. No casualties.
POST WAR: In a state of disrepair at Greåker (near Sarpsborg, Norway) in 1945. Purchased by Odd Godager & Co., Oslo and towed to Sweden for repairs. Repaired at Uddevallavarvet and delivered on Dec. 8-1948 as Norseman. Under Finnish flag from 1952 as Kirsti H, O/Y Werner Hacklin, Pori, later (1959) Reposaaren Laiva O/Y. Under Greek flag from 1967 as Elona, Constantinos Efstathiou, Piræus. Sold to Spain in 1973 for breaking up.
Here are some pictures taken in Garston in Sept.-1965, when she had the name Kirsti H (from Ron Mapplebeck, who runs the website Teesships):
Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3
Haugesund had another ship named Nyhaug from 1947 till 1954, built Beaumont, Texas in 1943 (5226 gt) as Cape San Antonio for US War Shipping Administration, New York, a C-1A type. Purchased by A/S Atlas, Haugesund (Chr. Haaland) in March-1947 and renamed Nyhaug. This was the first ship in the Concordia Line from Febr.-1948, in service on the US east coast-Mediterranean. In 1952 the Line was extended to the Persian Gulf. Renamed Concordia Capo in the summer of 1954. Sold to China for breaking up in in Febr.-1972.
D/S Nørvøy * |
A/S Nørvøy, Ålesund
245 gt
Built in Goole 1930. Previous name: Grouse until 1936.
German control. According to a post on my Ship Forum this vessel was lost as NB-18 / Mücke on Oct. 11-1941 off Bergen (bombed by British Hudson aircraft P/220).
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