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We had the wedding at Osage Hills State Park, which was once an Osage Indian settlement, and is located in Pawhuska, Oklahoma (about half an hour's drive from Bartlesville, where we live).The ceremony itself took place at the pic-nic area, pictured here - BEFORE we decorated it with a red runner and flowers.

Vi hadde bryllupet i Osage Hills State Park, som en gang i tiden tilhørte Osage-indianerne, og ligger i Pawhuska, Oklahoma (ca. en halvtimes kjøretur fra Bartlesville, hvor vi bor). Seremonien fant sted på picnic-arealet som en kan se på dette bildet, FØR vi pyntet det med rød løper, blomster osv.

The car stopped in front of this overhang, and the bride went through it, down the stairs and down to where the little table can be seen on the last picture.
Bilen stoppet foran denne bygningen, og bruden gikk gjennom den, ned trappene og ned til der hvor det lille bordet står på det siste bildet.

My brother Thomas on sweeping duty before the bride arrives.
Min bror Thomas har koste-plikt før bruden ankommer.

Two cool guys, the bride's brother and her uncle.
To tøffe typer; brudens bror og onkelen.
Meanwhile, Carleen and her "maids" have just finished dressing.
I mellomtiden har Carleen, forloveren Crystal og brudepiken Olivia nettopp pyntet seg ferdig.

I'm bored! Can we go home now?
Huff, så kjedelig! Kan vi gå hjem nå?
Ok, that's it - I'm out of here!
Nei, nå går jeg!
That's better - at least they're facing in the right direction!
Det var bedre, nå står de i alle fall i riktig retning!
Little sisters can be such a nuisance!
Lillesøstre kan være no' ordentlig herk!
The bride's mom made the flower girl baskets.
Brudens mor laget blomsterpike-korgene.
How much longer will I have to wait for Carleen to come?
Kommer ikke Carleen snart da?
The minister is ready..
Presten er klar...
...the groom is ready
...brudgommen er klar
...the groomsmen and best man are ready...
...forloveren og "groomsmen'ene" er klare...
...any minute now, because the ringbearer, maid of honor and the bridesmaid are ready (standing in the shade to try and keep cool - it was 97° F!)
...nå er det like før, for ringbæreren, forloveren og brudepiken står klare!
OK -time to do your job, Arianna and Maja!
Javel, tiden er inne, Arianna og Maja!
And a job well done it was too!
Og de gjorde en kjempegod jobb med å spre blomsterbladene!

Off you go, John - your turn!
Så var det ringbærerens tur!
..then the bridesmaid..
...og så brudepiken..
...and the maid of honor
...og forloveren

Now, all we need is the bride....
Nå mangler vi bare bruden..

Here she comes, and what a sight she was!
Her kommer hun, og hun var litt av et syn!

Watch out for this step! You're almost there sweetheart, just a few more steps!
(No, there's nothing wrong with the pictures, the sun is hitting her veil!)

Pass opp for trinnet her! Du er nesten framme, lille venn - bare et par trinn igjen!
(Neida, det er ingenting i veien med bildene, det er solen som skinner på sløret!)

We made it!
Vi klarte det!

Before her dad handed her over to the groom, Carleen stopped and gave her own mom and the groom's mom a flower from her bouquet.
Carleen stoppet opp og gav både sin egen mor og brudgommens mor en blomst fra buketten sin før faren overlot henne til brudgommen

And they're underway!
Så er de igang!

Michael and Carleen, in presenting yourselves here today to be joined in marriage, you perform an act of faith. This faith can grow and develop and last, but only if you both decide to make it so. A lasting and growing love is not guaranteed by any ritual.

If you would have the foundation of your marriage be the devotion you have for one another, not just at this moment, but for all the days to come, then treasure the hopes and dreams that you bring here today. Establish that your love will never be blotted out by the common nor obscured by the ordinary in life. Faults will surface where now you find comfort, and admiration can be shattered by the routine of daily life.Dedication, love, and joy can grow only when you nourish them together. Stand fast in that hope and confidence, having faith in your shared destiny just as strongly as you have faith in yourselves and in one another today. Only with this spirit can you forge a union that will strengthen and endure all the days of your lives.

As an outward sign of their love, Michael and Carleen will now exchange the vows which they have chosen as sacred for themselves. Carleen and Michael, in token of having chosen each other as partners for life, would you please join right hands at this time".

The Vows:
I take you as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquility, asking that you be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not know yet, in all the ways that life may find us.

I need those rings now, John!
Nå må jeg ha ringene, John!
"The wedding ring is a symbol of vows given and received, of a journey filled with wonder and laughter, tears and grief, surprise and joy. The wedding ring is a sign and symbol of a union, a marriage that has been enabled by grace. It is the reminder that your lifetime commitment must be a continuous act of will, for any love that would endure a lifetime of joys and sorrows and everyday cares must be something we do with the commitment of ourselves again and again".

Michael, repeat after me:

Carleen, with this ring I thee wed, and with all that I am and all that I have I honor you. May it forever be a symbol of our love.

Carleen, repeat after me:

Mike, with this ring I thee wed, and with all that I am and all that I have I honor you. May it forever be a symbol of our love.

"And now we will witness the signing of the Certificate of Marriage. I will sign as the presiding minister and Brian Marshall and Crystal Ransbottom will sign as a certification that Michael and Carleen did on this, the 7th of September unite in marriage. It is the legal recognition of our community".
Dokumentet må signeres av presten, Carleen og Mike, og av forloverne Brian Marshal og Crystal Ransbottom.
And to round it all off, The Blessing of the Apaches was read:

Now you will feel no rain,
For each of you will be shelter to the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
For each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there is no more loneliness for you,
For each of you will be companion to the other.
Now you are two bodies,
But there is only one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place,
To enter into the days of your togetherness.
And may your days be good,
And long upon the earth.

"This evening, we witnessed Carleen and Michael exchange their vows. We witnessed them place rings upon each other’s fingers. And we observed the signing of the Marriage License. Before us, before God, Michael and Carleen have consented together in holy union. So it is with great honor that I pronounce aloud what we all know to be true, that indeed Michael and Carleen are now husband and wife.

You may kiss.

Friends and family, may I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Carleen Huxley".

And the bride and groom went back up the "aisle" to the tune of Star Wars' Princess Lea's "wedding theme", played by the bride's brother, who was temporarily in charge of the DJ equipment (they both, of course, are of the first Star Wars generation)!

Hair by: Bride's mom
Brudens mor var ansvarlig for håret

It was EXTREMELY hot (97° +)! Those bottles of water came in handy, as did the homemade paper fans.....
Det var FORFERDELIG varmt, og de hjemmelagede papirviftene kom godt med...
Mitch's girlfriend, Sayaka, showing off one of the fans and birdseed bags.
Mitch's venninne Sayaka viser fram en av viftene og fuglefrø-posene.

Congratulations are in order (my mom's sister Gerd came from Norway, along with her daughter Sissel).
Og så skal det gratuleres (min mors søster Gerd kom fra Norge for anledningen, sammen med datteren Sissel).
Mike looks happy enough!
Mike ser da ganske fornøyd ut!
With uncle Thomas.
Thanks for taking such good care of our rings, John!
Takk forat du passet så godt på ringene våre, John!

Time for some family pictures See next page

Så står familiebilder for tur Se neste side, link ovenfor.

Update 2007:
Here's the result of the union (Liam Roan Huxley, born Aug. 26-2006).

Picture Index
Index for bilder
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