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The links on this page are sorted under these six headings:
On a separate page:
Genealogy Links
WW II & Merchant Marines etc.
Family Home Pages
Pictures and Documents
Carl Lawson
(My husband) - family pictures, Lawson Genealogy.Carleen's & Mike's blog
(My daughter & husband)
Konrad Mitchell Lawson
(My son) - all sorts of interesting topics, worth a visit.Picture Index
Pictures of my great grand parents, parents etc., photos related to the text on my web page, and some of my father's war documents (this is an internal link, all the rest are external).
Yahoo's History Categories
Long Alphabetical list of historical characters and world history events.The History Net
World History Compass
British, U.S. and Worldwide History Links
By Alan Cheshire.The World of Royalty
History of the various royal families of the world.
History Links
Collection of links to info on the history of various countries.Distinguished Women of past and present
By Danuta Bois. About well known women through the ages.
Library of Congress
Historical collections, articles, pictures (several countries).Timeline of Costume History
"Fashions" through the ages.
Heimskringla (Snorre's Saga)
The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway by Snorri Sturlason (ca. 1179 -1241).Saga of St. Olav
From "Heimskringla".
Through the looking Glass
A historic look at submarines (beginning with the year 1900 and working up through the year 1940).Internet Resources on the History of Japan
Ancient Japan
War at Sea WW 1
A long list of links to information on the maritime side of WW I. From WW I Document ArchiveWW I Naval Combat
Surface warship warfare between the Imperial German Navy and the British Royal Navy.
U-boat War 1914-1918
German Submarine Losses - WW I
Trenches on the Web
A very comprehensive web site on WW I.
First World War.com
I love this site! Lots of interesting stories.
Merchant Marines/Ships/Navies Links
Map Quest
Get the directions to your destination in the U.S., Canada or Mexico.Statens Kartverk.
Allows you to zoom in to a street address any place in Norway (in Norwegian only).
Country Map Sites
Excellent site for world maps, including maps of Norway.Maps of Norway
Pick a town from the alphabetical list and go there!
National Geographic Map Machine
Search for any address
Global Gassetteer
This is a directory of 2880532 of the world's cities and towns, sorted by country and linked to a map for each town.
Information Please!
Reference Desk
Roget's Thesaurus
Your dictionary.com
Languages you've never even heard of in here!
Engl. to Norwegian-Norwegian to Engl. Dictionary
Also, other languages.
Mitch's page
My son's home page, which includes Fool's Workshop, with downloadable Flashcard language programs, for those who are involved in Chinese and Japanese language studies. He also hosts Frog in a Well, a place where students and scholars studying East Asian history can post, in their own language, on three bilingual weblogs. See also his chinajapan.org website (Sino-Japanse Studies).
Aschehoug og Gyldendals Store norske leksikon
Cappelen Leksikon
The Mayo Clinic
Everything you need to know about this famous hospital, and answers to your health questions.InteliHealth
Superb site, includes a drug resource center, info on recalls, alerts and warnings, medical dictionary, live forum, discussion board and more.
Chronic Pain Forum
Alphabetical list of diseases, medical dictionary, medications, procedures and tests,etc.
(The Pocket Doctor)
Norwegian site for looking up various diseases, getting answers to questions etc.Doktor Online
Medical specialists within various fields answer your questions.
Den Norske Kreftforening
The Norwegian Cancer Society.
Misc. Links & Misc. Norway
Free The Children
A young boy started this organization in an effort to put an end to child slave labor around the world. He has achieved some impressive results!International Inquiry
Names and addresses, telephone numbers and fax numbers. International white & yellow pages in Norwegian, French, German and English, includes info on international dialling codes and more.
The true story of Santa Claus
Diane's Page
Fantastic site about Ireland.
Typeart Foundry Inc.
Explains how to type foreign letters (like æ, ø, å) on an ordinary keyboard.The International School of Aberdeen
My children's first school, from 1980 till 1989. Includes an Alumni page.
Currency Calculator
Automatically converts all currencies.
The International School of Stavanger
Then we moved to Stavanger, Norway.
The universal currency converter
Another Currency Converter
Euro Converter
Unit Converter
(Kilometer to miles etc.).
How far is it?
Online phonebook
Yellow Pages
The World Clock - Time Zones
This is really handy for finding out what's true in those E-mail "warnings" you receive on various topics.
Organisation against Spam-mail.
Introducing Norway
from Odin's web site, the government's official information site.GoNorway
See places in Norway in 360 degrees panorama pictures.
The Norwegian School in London
Flags of Norway
Includes historical flag, municipality flags, history etc. etc. From Flags of the World.Vesterheim Norwegian/American Museum
The Norwegian Royal Family
Pictures and information.The Royal Wedding
The present King and Queen.
The Royal House of Norway
Lots of info on the Royal family.The Norwegian "bunad"
Our beautifully embroidered national costumes.
List of Norwegian Monarchs
More about the bunad
Patty's norske bunader
Bunad (new and used - also, shoes) for saleNorgesdrakten
Do it yourself kit
17th of May
Info on how we celebrate our Constitution Day.Norwegian music info center
Includes biographies of Norwegian composers.
Scandinavian names
From the site on names entitled Eponym (click on the map for Norway).Norwegian music in real audio
From the web site "Norskland" (includes Christmas songs).
Norwegian American Homepage
Check out the "Misc." section for lots of info on traditions, 17th of May, Easter, jokes etc. Also has a section for questions and answers on culture and habits etc.Hembre Gård
The former Østre (Eastern) Hembre farm in Hegra, now turned into a hotel. Popular spot for salmon fishing (my childhood playmate lived here).
Alltid Nyheter
Download the Real Player to listen to the Norwegian radio or watch TV.
Christmas in Norway
Norwegian recipes
From Sons of Norway. Also check out their links page.Norwegian Foods, Recipes & More
Several links to sites with recipes for Norwegian dishes. (From "Norwegian American Home Page).
Scandinavian Imports
Skandinavisk mat m.m.Hemsløjd
More Scandinavian items for sale.
The Northerner
Scandinavian food and gifts (even has a Shoesize Converter).Norwegian Seamen's Church in Houston
also has a store where food can be ordered.
The Wooden Spoon
Fine Scandinavian food and gifts - handy for us 'exiles' who crave Norwegian foodstuffs! Ingebretsen's
Gifts, needlework, food, clothes etc. for sale.
Norway Shop
Online tax free shop where you can buy Norwegian sweaters, trolls and dolls, traditional "rosemalt" items, etc.Essence of Europe
Scandinavian and European items for sale
More of the same.Wikstrom's Scandinavian Foods & Gifts
Nyform Trolls
Gifts from Norway & SwedenScandia Food & Gifts Inc.
Scandinavian Gifts
Baked goods & groceriesOlsen Scandinavian Foods
(I often order food here)
Norwill Gourmet Food Service
(Great shrimp and fish products).
Designed and maintained by Siri Lawson.
Last Updated: