See several pictures at once in these albums:
or view each picture individually by using the links under these headings:
O.C. Holm / Pictures & Documents | Åse Holm & Siri / Ships & Shipmates
Genealogy (grandparents etc.) | The Lawson Family
Some of these pictures are included, not because they're particularly interesting,
but because I need some help with them.
Odd Conrad Holm - Pictures and Documents:
Ships & Shipmates
My page Odd's Ships has more information on each ship. Some of them are also listed in my Ship Lists.
The Training Ship Tordenskjold
Odd Conrad is on the far right in the second row (ca. 1937). |
S/S Ringulv The ship my father was on when he was sent to the camps in West and North Africa in the summer of 1941. |
Shipmates S/S Ringulv
This picture was sent to me by a newly found shipmate of my father's from the S/S Ringulv, who was also in the labor camps with him, and who contacted me at the beginning of Aug. 2000. He's on the far right of the picture, and my father is 2nd from the left. |
M/S Nyhorn
This ship was sunk in the Port Lyautey river during the allied invasion of Morocco in Nov.-1942, but was raised, repaired, and put into allied service. My father then served on her for about a year until Sept. '43, when he started school in London. |
Some more shipmates from Ringulv: NEW!
Picture 1
Picture 2 (in Casablanca)
Picture 3 (in Casablanca)
Picture 4 (in Le Havre). |
My father in Casablanca
Received from his friend and cabin mate on Ringulv, Jon Veiberg (who also sent the pictures of Ringulv's crewmembers to the left). |
M/T Thorshov
Fresh out of Radio Officer's School in London in the fall of 1944, until the spring of 1946. (Narve Sørensen) |
Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5 | Pic 6 | Pic 7 | Pic 8 NEW!
More pictures of Thorshov from Narve Sørensen (the latter 2 appear to have been taken while she was buing built). |
M/S Titanian
On board from the fall of 1946 until spring of 1947. (R. W. Jordan collection).
M/S Tai Shan
On board from Aug. 1948 till Febr. 1949. |
M/S Toronto
On board in1951. |
M/T Olav Ringdal Jr.
On board 1952 -1954. (Thanks T. E. Abrahamsen!) |
M/S Toledo
On board in 1954. |
Southern Venturer
On board 1954 -1955 (RW Jordan Collection). |
Southern Venturer/pic 2 |
Southern Venturer/pic 3 |
M/S Ragnvald Jarl
On board in 1956/1957. |
M/T Beth
On board 1960 (fra Karl H. Henriksen). |
On board 1961 (David Martin). |
M/T Golar Patricia
after the explosion, 1973. Lifeboat can be seen in the foreground. |
Crew of Golar Patricia in the life boat
Odd is in the middle of the boat (wearing a life jacket), behind the shirtless young man.
Pictures of Golar Freeze:
Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3
On board 1977 (briefly). From R. W. Jordan. |
Pictures of Odd / War Documents
Hegramo School 1931
Everyone who went to school in Hegra that year. (I can supply the names). My father is No. 2 from the right in the front row. |
Certificate of Registration
England 1943-44. |
Odd Conrad
Age unknown (very young). |
The Norwegian Radio School-London Class of 1944. My father is the 2nd man from the left in row 2 from the back. This picture was sent to me by a former class mate of my father's, whom I found in late Aug. 2000. |
My Dad's Service Book
Lists some of the ships he served on as Radio Operator, with the dates he joined and where. |
ID card
Issued in New York, Nov. 9 - 1944. |
Odd Conrad Holm
Ca. early 1950's (?) |
Memorial Service
Year, place and occasion unknown. Can anybody tell me? |
Memorial Service
Closer view of people. Odd is No.8 from left. |
Odd Conrad and Konrad Mitchell
Dec. 1991, the last time we saw him. Read some poems about war, written by the youngest Konrad in his early teens. |
Norwegian War Medals Pictures and descriptions of the medals my father received after the war, and of all the other Norwegian War Medals. |
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Åse Holm & Siri + Ships / Shipmates:
Siri w/unknown babysitter
Ny Ålesund, Svalbard. Who is she? |
Geir Birger Eggen
Ny Ålesund, Svalbard. Does anybody know him? |
The house I lived in growing up
In Hegra, just a stone's throw from the old Nedre Hembre farm, without even knowing it was the childhood home of my great grandfather Ola Markusen Hemre. |
Siri - age 5 |
Åse and Siri
Ca. 1956. |
Åse (Torsvik) Holm
Early 50's. |
Siri in Åse's radio station
M/S Ganja, late 50's. |
Åse's Ships
Separate page with more info on the ships my mother was on, and all the pictures on one page. |
Åse and Bill Quinlan
from Queensland, Australia. Where is he now? - On the M/S Ganja ca. 1959-60. |
Camilla (?), Åse, and Bill Quinlan
(all from M/S Ganja) at Zillertal, Hamburg. Does anybody know Camilla? |
Officers from M/S Mogen
and their wives, and Åse and Siri (in front) at Zillertal, Hamburg - 1964. I would love to get in touch with these people again! |
Two pals - M/S Mogen
Where are you? (Kjell Andresen on the right). |
M/S Nordland
The last ship my mother was on. |
Some friends from M/S Nordland
We're on a trip to the beach outside Algiers, ca. 1965. |
Graduation Class of 1967
Sarpsborg High School. I'm 2nd from the left in the front row. |
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The Lawson Family:
2 little Norw./Americans
Every little Norwegian boy and girl have to have a sailor suit! Compare to the picture "Siri - age 5" under the section Åse & Siri. |
Lawson Family
In their finest attire; the girls are wearing "Bunads", The Norwegian National dress (taken in 1990, if I remember correctly). |
Mitch and Siri (crazy Norwegian!)
Picking up my son from the airport, Dec. 1992. |
Crazy Norwegian at it again!
Christmas in Oklahoma. |
The 4 Lawsons
Konrad Mitchell (Mitch), Carl Lewis, Åse Siri and Carleen Sisilie Lawson on a hot Oklahoma morning in August - 2000. |
Siri and Carl Lawson
The boss and her husb... I mean, his wife. Aug. 2000. |
Carleen Sisilie Lawson
My daughter (age 22). |
and good friends. |
Konrad Mitchell Lawson
My son (age 24). |
Siri and Carl
Christmas Eve - 2000. |
Siri and Carleen
The cooks. |
Mitch and Carl
The food judges. |
Siri is relaxing after dinner |
3 Lawsons
A year older, Christmas 2001. |
The old... sorry.. oil man and wife
Also Christmas Eve 2001. |
The girls in their "bunad"
They swapped this year, Carleen grew out of hers, so she took over her mom's. Mom seems to be shrinking and fits right into the smaller one, which used to belong to Åse. |
Siblings in Candlelight |
Mitch May-2002
Proud recipient of a Masters Degree in International Affairs, Columbia University. |
Carleen, June 2002
Graduated from Savannah College of Arts & Design, degree in Architectural History. |
Carleen's Wedding Pictures - Page 1
(takes time to load - individual picture links will probably not be made). |
Wedding Pictures - Page 2
Wedding Album - Page 3
Wedding Album - Page 4 |
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Odd's Album - Pictures & War Documents
The Old Family Album
Lawson Family Album