Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S Bodin |
A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø
324 gt
Built in Bergen 1910.
Pre war history: Delivered in Apr.-1910 from A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen as Bodin to A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø. Steel hull, 113 x 21 x 9-3, 262 gt, 2cyl Compound (Mjellem & Karlsen) 55nhp 275ihp, 10 knots. In regularly scheduled service in Salten and Ofoten. Damaged during a hurricane on Dec. 29-1917, repaired. Rebuilt and lengthened in 1922, 129.3 x 21.2 x 9-3, 324 gt. In the summer of 1922 she was placed in the owning company's newly started coastal route Trondheim-Mosjøen-Bodø-Fauske-Rognan, but was soon found to be too small, and in 1923 this service was taken over by the company's recently purchased Skjerstad, while Bodin returned to her old service in Salten and Ofoten.
WW II: Received misc. damages in the early days of the war in the north of Norway in Apr.-1940, repaired. In the winter of 1945 she was in the Salten and Ofoten service alone, while the rest of the company's fleet was laid up due to damages or shortage of fuel, or because they had been requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine.
POST WAR: Sold in Nov.-1957 to Sivert Bakke, Bergen, with the intention of re-selling. Sold in March-1958 to unknown breaker in Belgium for breaking up.
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Salten D/S by Jens Chr. Egenæs in "Skipet" 1.93).
Bodø also had a Bodin in the 1960's, originally built in 1949 as Alfa for owners in Monrovia, 2641 gt. Later names: Normundo in 1952 (Jacob Salvesen, Farsund, Norway), Willmar 1956, then Bodin in 1963 for Jacob Sannes & Co., Bodø. Sailed as Good Hope from 1966 (Piræus), Pangri 1973 (Piræus), Angi 1976 (Piræus), broken up around 1977.
D/S Bodø * |
Erling Sannes, Bodø
(on hire to A/S Ofoten Dampskibsselskap, Narvik)
737 gt
Built in Trondheim 1895. Previous name: Erling Jarl until 1942.
See D/S Erling Jarl for complete history of this ship.
The Norwegian tanker Beaumont was renamed Bodø in 1956.
M/T Bodø very briefly |
6031 gt
Built Danzig, Germany 1928.
This was in fact the German tanker Kattegat (John T. Essberger) which was en route to Narvik with supplies for the German invasion fleet on Apr. 9-1940 and had gone into Glomfjord south of Bodø due to the danger of the minefields in Vestfjord. She was discovered, and the surveillance vessel M/S Nordkapp was sent to seize her on Apr. 10. Kattegat was fired upon, scuttled by the Germans, but raised shortly thereafter and taken as prize under the Norwegian flag and renamed Bodø with the intention of taking her to Tromsø, but she didn't make it that far, as she was attacked and damaged by German aircraft. After the Norwegian capitulation that summer she went back to German control (June-1940), was repaired and put back into service under her original name Kattegat. She ran aground near Sandefjord on Nov. 10-1944 and while in dock at Sandefjord she was bombed and further damaged by allied aircraft on Apr. 2-1945. She was again placed under the Norwegian flag, and later entered service as Sandar. (Lauritz Pettersen, "Hjemmeflåten - Mellom venn og fiende")
CONFLICT: Roger W. Jordan says she was at Sandefjord for repairs to aircraft attack damage on Nov. 10-1944, still at Sandefjord in May-1945, when she was returned to owner. In his book "The World's Merchant Fleets" he states this ship (Kriegsmarine Olschiff 2) was sunk by a British destroyer on Apr. 9-1940 in 58 26N 17 25E, then raised and repaired in July that year. When the war was over in May-1945 she was in Sandefjord and became the British Empire Tegebaya, then Norwegian Sandar on Sept. 6-1946. The name Bodø is not mentioned by this source.
D/S Bogøy |
Erling Sannes, Bodø
321 gt
Built in Trondheim 1907. Previous name: Bjarkø till 1936, Bjarkøy till 1944 (1945?).
Text under Bjarkøy has more details.
A/S Saltens D/S, Bodø had another Bogøy from 1983, originally built as Austrheim in 1973. See the end of my text under Austrheim.
D/S Bolga |
Erling Sannes, Bodø
221 gt
Built in Trondheim 1905. Previous names: Farmand until 1909, Svelvik until 1940.
Pre war history: Passenger/cargo vessel. Delivered in June-1906 from Trondhjems Mek. Værksted, Trondheim as Farmand to A/S Stenkjær Dampskibsselskap, Stenkjer. Steel hull, 104.8 x 18.5 x 8, 169 gt., Triple Expansion (TMV) 52 nhp, registered for 250 passengers. Sold in 1909 to A/S Næsoddens Dampskibsselskap, Oslo and renamed Svelvik, rebuilt, 177 gt. In regularly scheduled service Oslo-Drøbak-Storsand-Eldhorn-Filtvedt-Tofte-Sagene-Berger-Holmsbu-Svelvik. Sold in 1913 to Dampskibsselskabet Hurum, Strøm & Svelvik A/S, Oslo, same service. Sold in 1915 (1916?) to Dampskibsselskabet Juno (Niels Rafen), Holmestrand, no name change, same service. In war service Apr.-Nov.-1918 for "Østlandseskadren". In 1931 her route was discontinued and between 1931 and 1940 she was partly in service, partly laid up. Every summer she was in service Oslo-Holmestrand together with the company's Svan, then both vessels functioned as reserves in the wintertime.
WW II: Sold in 1940 to Erling Sannes, Bodø, converted to tug in Sarpsborg and renamed Bolga. Requisitioned in Oct.-1940 by the Kriegsmarine in Trondheim (Hafenkommandantur Drontheim) and in their service 1940-1943 (another source says 1944). In 1942 she was used by Netzsperrgruppe Nord, Narvik. Returned to owners in March-1943. Converted to local steamer - 106.9 x 18.3 x 14.7, 221 gt, on hire to Saltens Dampskibsselskap, Bodø, 125 passengers. In service in Nordland together with Saltens D/S's Salten and Steigen (the company's other ships were laid up due to shortage of fuel, while some had been requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine).
POST WAR: Sold in Oct.-1945 to Ofotens Dampskibsselskap, Narvik and placed in the Narvik-Svolvær route together with Skogøy. Sold in Febr.-1952 (Jan. 31?) to Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø and renamed Tromsø (T. Eriksen's sources say this took place in 1954). Renamed Skorøy in Dec.-1958 when a newly built Tromsø was delivered. Sold in 1959 (1960?) to Ivar Falbach, Tromsdalen with the intention of renaming her Hella, but this was never registered. Intended for conversion to freighter, but instead broken up after having been laid up and falling into a bad state of repair.
(Main source: Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab ASA fleet list, Finn R. Hansen. Also, details received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: Article about Dampskibsselskabet Juno by Gunnar H. Aadne in Skipet 1.93, article about Saltens Dampskipsselskab by Jens Chr. Egenæs in Skipet 1.93 and article about TFDS by Hagbart Lunde and Per Alsaker in Skipet 1-2.87).
M/S Bolivar |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
5230 gt
Built in Oslo.
Built by Akers mek. Verksted, Olso (480), launched in 1941, laid up for the duration of the war (sistership of M/S Goya). 5230 gt, 2995 net, 7500 tdwt, 445.2' x 57.3' x 27.1', two 7 cyl. 2T single B & W (Aker).
POST WAR: On fire Febr. 22-1946. Delivered on Dec. 13-1946 as Bolivar to A/S Ganger Rolf (Fred. Olsen & Co.), Oslo. Ran aground in a heavy snowstorm off Kish Light, Dublin when on her maiden voyage on March 4-1947, broke up. Probably identical to the ship mentioned at the Dun Laoghaire Lifeboat website (external link - scroll down to 1947) which says: "MV Bolivar, a Norwegian vessel, was wrecked on the Kish Bank 7 1/2 miles from Kingstown, and broke in two on March 4, in the ENE gale with a very rough sea. Forty-five lives were rescued by the Dun Laoghaire lifeboat and the Howth lifeboat stood by. The Institution’s Thanks inscribed on vellum was presented to Acting Second Coxswain W Kelly of the Kingstown lifeboat, who was in temporary command at the time of rescue."
D/S Bonn |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
1265 gt
Built Oslo 1928. (A/S Jelølinjen, owner).
Picture of Bonn - Looks like it was taken at her launching. (Source: A a book about Akers mek. Verksted, 1931).
Another picture - Received from Thorbjørn Andersen (Lillesand Sjømannsforening), original source: Arne Gundersen's collection.
Lovely colour picture - Received from Aage A. Wilhelmsen, Norway, who says it was taken some time in the 1950's when she was on her way into Kleven. She's passing Bjørnen, and Færøy can be seen on the right, Stusøy in the middle of the picture.
Ran aground on March 20-1941 near Akerø in Oslofjord.
Captain K. Helliesen. According to a message on my Ship Forum Bonn struck a mine on March 25-1944 when on a voyage from Brake to Bergen with 1367 tons of oats. Grounded off Langeland in Great Belt, approximately 1 n. mile southwest of Kels Nor Lighthouse. Salvaged by the salvage tug S/S Freja (Captain H. Kreutzer) on March 29-1944 and towed to Nakskov that same day.
POST WAR: Sold in Nov.-1960 to Maritime Trading, Tønsberg to be broken up, but was instead renamed Mågerø. Sold in May-1961 to Panamiam Oriental Steamship Corp (Wheelock, Marden & Co. Ltd., Hong Kong), Panamanian flag. Renamed Anita. Taken over by Government of Vietnam, Saigon in 1966. (Not registrated in LR). Taken over by Vietnam Ocean Shipping Co., Haiphong in 1975. Lloyd's reported Anita as stranded in Dec.-1991.
(Info on this vessel from various postings to my Ship Forum, one was posted by Flemming Hansen, another by Arild Engelsen - his sources: Skipet 3/1986 and 4/1986 and Lloyd's Register).
Fred. Olsen had previously had another ship by this name, built 1910, purchased in 1912, sold in 1927. A 3rd Bonn (motor vessel) was built El Ferrol 1962, 286 gt, sold in 1968 to Einar M. Gaard A/S, Haugesund, renamed Gardegg, later Fonnland of Bergen 1971. Anotehr Bonn (also motor vessel, only 199 gt) was built at Brattvåg in 1970. Sold in 1976 to Brødrene Opstad, Molde and renamed Broa.
D/S Borgenæs * |
289 gt
Built in Hull 1906. Ex Kungshamn, ex Island, ex Kungshamn, ex Ocean Queen. (See also this posting to my Ship Forum).
German control, Rugier / NM-06. Ran aground near Kristiansund on Dec. 5-1940, no further details.
For info, here are some details on a trawler named Borgenes (spelt a little differently and built in 1942), ex HMS Cailif T-276. Text is in Norwegian.
M/T Borgny * |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
3015 gt
Built in Aalborg, Denmark in 1929.
This was Fred. Olsen's first tanker.
Captain Reidar Solbakke. In Sweden at the outbreak of war in Norway, returned to Norway. Seized by the Germans in 1940. Tragically, this ship was sunk by two torpedoes from the Norwegian MTB 56 (Sub-Lt Danielsen) on October 4-1941 in Korsfjord, Norway (the MTB had been towed out from Scapa Flow to a point 120 nautical miles off the Norwegian coast by the Norwegian torpedo boat Draug). Borgny was on a voyage from Son to Trondheim with a cargo of aviation fuel, escorted by M1101 and V5505/Seeteufel. 14 Norwegians were killed, 13 people (some badly burnt) were rescued by the German escort.
"Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik names the following casualties (in alphabetical order):
Able Seaman Sigurd Johannes Andersen, Cook Trygve Aksel Bjørge Andersen, Deck Boy Knut Jakobsen, Steamship Girl Solveig Løvås, Ordinary Seaman Josef Emanuel Nilsen, Ordinary Seaman Kåre Hjalmar Nilsen, Engine Boy Frits Johan Olsen, Seaman Odd Reidar (Kittelsen) Riiser, Engineer Reidar Johan Schwartz, Motorman Alf Segelstrøm, Pumpman Reidar Snedkerud, Boatswain Arne Sørlie, Engine Room Assistant Jørgen Tangen, 3rd Engineer Konrad Aaserød.
See also my page Ships in Sweden for information on the other Norwegian ships in Sweden.
Related external link:
More on those who died
Other ships by this name: Fred. Olsen's 1st Borgny was built in Christiania (Oslo) in 1909, 1149 gt - torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat in the English Channel on Febr. 26-1918. A website visitor has told me that "Shipwreck Index of the British Isles" says the cause of loss of this Borgny is open to doubt. The master claimed she was torpedoed, but no U-boat claimed credit, it might have been a mine. She lies 3.5 miles S by W of the Needles, Isle of Wight. The company also had a tanker by this name later on, built in Belfast in 1949, sold in 1954. A 4th Borgny (turbine tanker) was built in Amsterdam in 1958, sold in 1966 to Helleric International Shipping, S.A., Panama and renamed Mandoil II.
D/S Borgsten * later raised |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
1569 gt
Built Oslo 1922.
Delivered in Jan.-1922 from Akers mek. Verksted A/S, Oslo as Borgsten to D/S A/S Borgå (Fred. Olsen & Co.), Oslo.
WW II: Borgsten, cargo of paper for Grangemouth, is listed in Convoy HN 16 from Norway to the U.K. at the beginning of March.-1940, returning to Norway later that month with Convoy ON 21 - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
Captain H. Petersen. Grounded following a collision with the Swedish D/S Luossa near Langeland, south of Bagenkop on Dimes Odde in the evening of Sept. 26-1941 when on a voyage from Porsgrunn to Delfzijl with 2232 tons of pulp. The Swedish vessel hit Borgsten on the port side of hold No. 2. Salvaged by D/S Bien (Captain J.C Voxen), D/S Sigyn (Captain R.Johannessen), D/S Pluto (Captain C. Larsen), Ponton Odin L.Christensen, Ponton Thor N.Vestergaard. At time of arrival of the Svitzer tugs, the German tug Jomsburg was alongside Borgsten. Towed to Nakskov on Oct. 14-1941.
Sank near Bastøy, Horten on Dec. 15-1943 following a collision with the German D/S Pinguin.
Picture of Borgsten - Source: Flemming Hansen.
A painting of above picture - Received from, and painted by Jan Goedhart, Holland who sailed on Norwegian ships for 15 years. (He posted some messages in Norwegian to my Ship Forum, one here, and another thread starting here).
Another picture - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
POST WAR: Raised in 1947. Repaired at Akers mek. Verksted, Oslo and re-entered service in 1949 for Skips-A/S Ganger Rolf (Fred. Olsen & Co.), Oslo. In 1955 she was taken over by Skips-A/S Istria (Sofie Helene Wigert), Oslo. Sold in 1957 and sailed as Uraba for Fletes Maritimos S/A (Continental Shipping Corp./Carl A. Janson, Panama), Monrovia (Liberian flag). Sailed under Columbian flag from 1964 or 1965 (Maderas y Triplex Cia. S/A [Maderas del Darien] Barranquilla). Aground in Columbia on Febr. 8-1966. Total loss.
(Misc. sources, incl. R, W. Jordan and a posting to my Ship Forum by Arild Engelsen, as well as another posting by Flemming Hansen).
Other ships by this name: Fred. Olsen had previously had another ship by this name, built 1913, 1718 gt - torpedoed and sunk by UC 64 in the English Channel on Dec. 19-1917. A 3rd one was built in Sunderland in 1963 as the largest merchant vessel to be built in Gt. Britain since Queen Elisabeth. Sold to Oswago Shipping Corp. in 1973.
M/S Borgå * |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
4821 gt
Built in Oslo 1923.
Pre war history: Delivered in Apr.-1923 from Akers mek. Verksted, Kristiania, (410), as Borgå for A/S Borgå (Fred. Olsen & Co.), Kristiania. 4821 gt, 2969 net, 7250 tdwt.; 362.4 x 51.4 x 22.5; 2x 6cyl. 4T singl. B&W DM (Aker), 474 nhp (info from a stamp collector, specializing in stamps with ship images).
Picture of Borgå - From a book about Akers mek. Verksted, 1931.
WW II: Seized by the Germans in May-1940. Torpedoed by British aircraft on April 15-1943 and sunk 25 m. northeast of Borkum while en route from Rotterdam to Norway with coal.
NOTE: A visitor to my website says she sailed under the Norwegian flag at the time of loss (in Oslo when the Germans invaded on Apr. 9-1940).
Related external link:
The 2 who died - Mechanic Johan Jørgensen and Seaman Thorstein Ingar P. Stenbro are commemorated at the memorial in Stavern.
The 1st Borgå was built in Christiania in 1907, 1046 gt - torpedoed and sunk by U-55, 9 miles southeast by south of Beer Head on March 1-1918. 5 died, the captain was among the survivors.
D/S Braa |
Nilssen & Sønner, Oslo
2214 gt
Built in Havre, France 1908. Previous names: Loiret until 1912, Evanger until 1916, Tosca until 1916.
Varangnes has more history.
Picture of Braa - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
M/S Brabant |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
2548 gt
Built Oslo 1926.
Please see M/S Brabant for more information (includes pictures).
M/S Brand IV |
Bernt Fauske, Ålesund?
350? gt
Built in Rosendal 1938.
Jan-Olof, Sweden has told me that Lloyd's gives her 343 gt and says she was owned by A/S Brand III, homeport Ålesund.
According to the website below Brand IV was used as a hospital ship when the war started in Norway. She had just put 50 injured ashore at Ålesund on Apr. 29(?)-1940 when she was attacked by aircraft. 1 died.
Here's a forum thread with more information, including post war details. One of the responses to the initial query says the following:
"Brand IV was attacked west of Bjørnøy outside Ålesund 1940-04-29 at 1130 by three German planes (Ref Kreyberg, L. 1976. Efter ordre - eller uten. Oslo). Captain Kreyerg was the medical officer in charge. The planes were from Kampfgruppe G 30 using Junker 88A (Ref Hafsten, Bjørn, Et al. 1991. Flyalarm. Luftkrigen over Norge 1939-45. Oslo, Sem & Stenersen; pages 42 & 46). The ship was on it's return trip from Ålesund to Åndalsnes and did not have any patients on board. Five persons were killed, 12 injured of which three seriously. The ship was white with painted red crosses and flying a red cross flag. After being bombed the ship moved in under Bjørnøy and the ships company evacuated to shore. The planes attacked the ships company hiding in the terrain with machine gun fires for about an hour. The incidence has been painted by Mark Postlethwait commissioned by the Norwegian Royal Navy Medical Service"
I've also received an E-mail from a visitor to my site saying that she was attacked (by 3 German Junkers) on May 28 when on a voyage from Ålesund and hit by one bomb. On the return voyage, 5 were killed, namely Dr. Arnoldus Schytte Blix, Nurse Gudrun Bjørneland, Nurse's Aid Ellen Birkevoll, Scout Karl Pettersen and Sailor Sverre Hidle. Only Hidle was from the ship's company. (This external page also gives the date as May 28 - scroll down on the page).
Related external links:
Stavern Memorial Commemoration - Able Seaman Sverre Hidle is commemorated.
I was there (By Medical Offier Kreyerg, mentioned above).
D/S Brandasund |
Haugesunds Dampskibsselskap, Haugesund
244 gt
Built at Dumbarton, delivered in Dec. 1858(!) as Fjalir to Nordre Bergenhus Amts Dampskibe, Bergen.
Fjalir has the history and fate of this ship.
M/S Bratland * later raised |
Gunnar Knudsen, Porsgrunn
4965 gt
Built in Lübeck 1939.
Built by Lübecker Flenderwerke A/G, Lübeck (274), launched in Aug.-1939 as Bratland to A/S Borgestad (Gunnar Knudsen), Porsgrunn. 414' x 55' x 25', 5 cyl 2 TDM (MAN AG, Augsburg), 3400 bhp.
WW II: Seized by the Germans on April 20-1940, taken over by Kriegsmarine on April 30-1940, used in the Baltic transport under the name Warthe, then as Seelöwe A5 transport from Aug.-1940, then for transport in Norway from Sept. 22-1940. Bombed by allied aircraft and sunk on Dec. 18-1944 at Gotenhafen.
According to Lauritz Pettersen this ship was seized by the Germans at the shipyard (Apr.-1940). He lists the tonnage as 4922 gt, yet on the very same page he also claims she was 5058 gt.
Picture of this ship when Warthe - From 1941 - sent by a visitor to my website; his source: "Handelsschiffe im Kriegseinsatz", Herbert Baasch (b.1920-d.1997); photo taken by Herbert Baasch himself. (Posted here with permission of the new owner of Baasch's photo collection).
The following information was received from Theodor Dorgeist, Germany. The text was in German, and I've desiphered it the best I could - corrections are appreciated:
(I have since posted Theo's message in its entirety to my Ship Forum; it can be found on this page - also, in the same Forum thread, Flemming Hansen has posted the wreck report by Svitzer's salvage company, as well as this additional info. - salvage date here is given as Sept. 17-1946. He also sent me a drawing of the sunken ship from Svitzer's archives - note the waterline in the drawing).
Theo gives the gross tonnage as 5197, and for Warthe he gives 4911 gt, perhaps the ship was rebuilt? There's quite a bit in this note that I don't fully understand, so to be on the safe side I'll just include a few of the details. Among other things, he gives a lot of details from the year 1940, how the ship was taken over by the Germans (while building I believe), how and where it was used etc.; I get the impression she was actually purchased by the Germans in Dec.-1940, because a price is given. He adds that she was damaged on Nov. 9-1942 when she hit some shallows on a voyage from Finland to Hangø(?). She was apparently managed by Leth & Co. at some point, because for Dec. 31-1942 he says she was transferred from that company to Hapag and used by the Kriegsmarine as troop transport. In Aug.-1944 it looks like she was put into service in the Baltic. Damaged by mine on Nov. 1. Hit by 3 incindiary bombs during a heavy aircraft attack on Gotenhafen on Dec. 18, burnt out and partly sunk (wreck showing above the water). For March-1945 he mentions the Red Army occupation of Gotenhafen, and adds that she on Sept. 6-1946 was towed to Poland and taken to the old Danzig Yard, presumably for repairs. On May 5-1949 she was put into service as Warta for the Polish Ocean Lines, Gdynia, renamed Prezijdent Gottwald on March 19-1953. On May 13-1954 she was on a voyage to China, when she was stopped in the straits of Formosa by Chinese naval vessels and taken to Taiwan, and was later put into service as Tien Chu for the Chinese. Broken up in Taiwan in Nov.-1968.
POST WAR: See above.
Other ships by this name: A/S Borgestad (Gunnar Knudsen), Porsgrunn previously had another Bratland, built in West Hartlepool, originally delivered in July-1902 as Wermland to Rederi-A/B Wermland, Helsingborg. Purchased by A/S Borgestad in 1911 and renamed Bratland. Sold back to Sweden in 1927 and renamed Mona. Ran aground in 1951. The company also had a Brattland (spelt with 2 t's, a tanker), delivered as such in Nov.-1952, built in Copenhagen, 8814 gt. Renamed Stolt Brattland in 1963, then Brattland again in 1967. Sold to owners in Singapore in 1968, renamed Cosmopolitan, then Korean Kang Sun from 1973. Broken up(?) in 1981.
M/S Bratli |
Berg Thorsen, Arendal
Built in Kristiansand 1920.
Sold in 1940 and renamed Molla, follow link for further details on this ship.
M/K Brattholm I |
Petter K. Sævik, Ålesund
50 gt
Built 1937.
I've chosen to include this one in the section discussing The Shetland Bus, because this fishing vessel managed to escape from Norway to Gt. Britain. Click on the ship's name for more details.
D/S Bravo (I) |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
1585 gt
Built Fredrikstad, Norway 1908. Previous names: Bravo until 1916, Barfond until 1924. (A/S Bonheur, owner).
See my page D/S Bravo for more details and a picture of the ship.
D/S Breda * |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
1261 gt
Built in Christiania 1915.
My page D/S Breda has more information on this ship and a very detailed account of her loss, as well as 2 pictures.
M/S Bretagne |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
3285 gt
Built in Oslo 1937.
Picture of Bretagne - Roger W. Jordan collection.
Another picture - From another visitor to my site.
Picture of her figurehead, along with those of Bayard, Black Prince and Balkis. They were all made by the sculptor Emil Lie. Bretagne's figurehad depicts a French farmer's daughter with a basket of fruit on her head, and today it's on display on Fred. Olsen's office building. (The picture was scanned from Fred. Olsen & Co. fleet list, with permission from the company).
Passenger and general cargo vessel which fell into German hands upon the invasion of Norway. Commissioned as accommodation ship, Kriegsmarine March 31-1941, transport 1943.
POST WAR: Returned to Fred Olsen in May of 1945 for service between Oslo and Newcastle as a replacement for war losses. Sold in 1958 to Hellenic Mediterranean Lines, Greece for service in the Mediterranean, renamed Massalia. Withdrawn from service in April 1967 and laid up at Piræus. Sold in 1974 to be broken up.
Related external links:
Fred Olsen & Co. today
Lillesand Sjømannsforening's website also has a picture of this ship.
Other ships by this name:
Fred. Olsen had also previously had a ship by this name, built in Christiania (Oslo) in 1903, wrecked 1918, and another built in Sweden in 1920, sold in 1934. Their 4th Bretagne was built in 1966 in Tønsberg, sold to Lebanon in 1976 and renamed Cyrus.
There was also a Danish and a French ship by the name Bretagne (formerly the Flandria of the Royal Holland Line). Additionally, France had a battleship by the name Bretagne.
D/S Bro |
Birger Pedersen & Søn, Haugesund
781 gt
Built in Sandefjord 1901. Previous name: Barbro until 1915.
Pre war history: Delivered in Oct.-1901 as Barbro for Brødrene Bjørnstad, Christiania. Named Bro for A. Sørensen, Porsgrund from 1915, then Olsen & Ugelstad, Christiania 1918. Purchased Febr.-1924 by D/S A/S Frithjof Eide (Birger Pedersen & Søn).
WW II: Bro is mentioned in connection with Convoy HN 10 from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940, but is crossed out. At the end of March we find her in Convoy HN 23A, bound for Bordeaux with fish - follow links for more convoy info; several Norwegian ships took part. Since she ended up in the Homefleet, she must have returned to Norway at some point.
According to a posting to my Ship Forum this ship was mostly in service for Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskap during the war - was she on hire to them perhaps? Clarification would be appreciated - contact address can be found at the bottom of this page.
POST WAR: Ran aground and sank on Oct. 8-1947 on a voyage Sandur-Reykjavik in ballast.
(Main source: "Våre gamle skip").
Haugesund had another ship by this name in the early 1950's - see Post War info for Inger Lise.
D/S Brodd * |
82 gt
Built 1902.
German control, in service as naval vessel NB-12/Skorpion. Rammed and sunk in Vestre Byfjord (Bergen) on Jan. 17-1944 by the German D/S Oldenburg. 6 crew lost.
I've found a fishing vessel Brodd, built at Porsgrunn Mek. Verksted in 1902, Ytre Hareidsdalens Dampskibsselskap - not sure if this is the same vessel.
M/S Brynilen * |
Finnmark Fylkesrederi, Hammerfest
316 gt
Built in Bergen 1912.
Pre war history: Delivered in Aug.-1912 as Brynilen to Vestfinmark's Dampskibsselskap, Hammerfest. Sold in March 1916 to Finmarkens Amtsrederi, Hammerfest, no name change. Rebuilt in 1920, more cabins on after deck. Towed to Harstad in 1925 for repair of boiler, new boiler installed in 1926. More cabins on upper deck, 1928.
Picture of Brynilen - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Transported soldiers in connection with the mobilisation in Oct.-1939. Participated in the demobilisation in June-1940. Bombed and sunk at the quay in Hammerfest on Febr. 14-1944 (D/S Tanahorn also sank that day).
POST WAR: Salvaged in 1947, but not repaired, sold locally that same year. Broken up near Hammerfest in 1951.
(Source: Finnmarks Fylkesrederi og Ruteselskap fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
Other ships by this name: Brynilen II was delivered to the company in Apr.-1951, built in Drammen, 437 gt, 150 passengers, 100 tons cargo, 10 cars on deck. Ran aground near Mårnesstangen, Gildeskål (south of Bodø) on Jan. 7-1955, refloated by the salvage vessel Salvage and towed to Bodø. The Hurtigruten vessel Midnatsol evacuated the 20 passengers. Ran aground again in Oct. that same year near Kistrand, Porsanger, considerably damaged, repaired in Tromsø. Sold in Nov.-1970 to Merss Antonio Miguel de Carvahlo & Co., Sao Vincente, Kapp Verde, departed Hammerfest on Nov. 28 and arrived Sao Vincente Dec. 15, renamed Mindelo, converted to luxury yacht. Up for sale in Piræus in Sept.-1982. Brynilen III was built in Mandal, delivered June 23-1975, 198 gt, 94 passengers plus cargo. Sold on March 25-1996 to Marine Service A/S, Lindøya/Oslo, renamed Oslo IV. Sold in Apr.-1998 to SEM Marina (Marine Service A/S, Oslo), Split, Kroatia and renamed For. (Finnmark Fylkesrederi og Ruteselskap fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
M/S Brynje * |
Gunnar Knudsen, Porsgrunn
3916 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1926.
Please continue to M/S Brynje (includes pictures).
D/S Bryteren * Later raised |
Bukser & Bjergningsselskapet A/S, Oslo
56 gt
Built in Arendal 1914. Previous names: Rapport until 1916, Stoll 1917, Havfiske 1917, Puddefjord until 1922.
Pre war history: Delivered in Dec.-1914 from Pusnæs Støberi & Mek. Verksted, Arendal (34) as tug Rapport to Ejnar Stensrud, Skien. Steel hull, 66,9 x 16,5 x 7,4, 56 gt, 2cyl Compound 34nhk / 179ihk. Sold on Apr. 1-1916 to Porsgrunds Kul & Lægterkompani (Fr. Johannesen), Porsgrunn. Sold in Aug.-1916 to Rederi-AS Orkla (Odd Klingenberg, Løkken Verk, Orkla Gruber A/S, Thamshavn). Used in Thamshavn? Renamed Stoll in Oct.-1916. Sold in March-1917 to A/S Kristiandsunds Havfiskeselskap (Emil Moe, Kristiansund N.), renamed Havfiske. Sold in July-1917 to Den Norske Amerikalinje A/S, Oslo, renamed Puddefjord. Used in Bergen harbour? Sold in 1922 to Lægterkompaniet A/S, Oslo, renamed Bryteren. Used in Oslo harbour. Capsized and sank in Aug.-1934 while assisting M/S Gylfe near Kongshavn, Oslo, raised and repaired. Owner's name changed to Bukser & Bjergningsselskapet A/S, Oslo in 1936.
WW II: Sank in Oslo on Dec. 20-1944 following a collision with M/S Bretagne (listed further up on this page), 1 died.
POST WAR: Raised and reentered service 1945. Sold in 1949 to Iskommiteen Skien-Brevik-Porsgrunn, Porsgrunn. Renamed Frier in 1955, Flakvarp in 1959. Sold in 1960 to Johan Naustvik e.a., Vormedal near Haugesund. Converted to freighter, 49 gt, a Gamma sd 100bhk installed. In service as Førresvik 1961(?), transporting sand locally. Sold in 1963 to Øivind Krogsæter, Veblungsnes, renamed Sandsvalen (still in local sand transport). Sold in 1974 to Hjorthamn Sagbruk, Longyearbyen, Svalbard (Per Johnsen, Helgebostad near Hitra). Used to gather drifting logs and for other freighting around Svalbard (owner had previously used Ove Jan for the same purpose). Jon Michelet is believed to have worked on board one summer while researching for his book "Orion's Belt". Michelet called the vessel Sandy Hook ("Sandsvale" in Norwegian), and she was given a central role in the book (later also in the movie, in which Listein ex Haus played her part). Laid up in Barmannsfjord at some point in the 1970's. Sank in shallow waters in 1979 while laid up at Hestnessund, between Helgebostadøyra and Hitra. An unsuccessful attempt was made to raise her June 1-3/1990 because she was in the way for a planned quay. The intention was to sink her again at Dolmsund Marina in Dolmsund, Hitra to be used by divers. Raised in 1991 by the diver group Havsport og Dykkergruppa NTNUI (students) and sunk in 30 m off the quay near the camping site at Dolmsund, to be used by divers in connection with diving classes. Deleted from Norwegian register on July 27-1992. (My previous info was that she sank in 1981 while laid up as Sandsvalen).
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway).
Related external link:
The 1 who died / 1944 - (Chief Engineer Karl Oscar Heum, Oslo). Norwegian text says she was rammed and sunk by a German cargo ship in Oslofjord on Dec. 20-1940, instead of 1944.
Bu - Bø
D/S Bundefjord |
A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo
A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo (from 1941)
ca. 85 gt
Built in Hamburg 1875.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1875 from unknown builders in Hamburg, Germany as Bundefjord to A/S Bundefjords Dampskibsselskab, Oslo. Iron hull, 89.8 x 16.2 x 9, 84.84 gt, 2cyl Compound 122ihp, registered for 193 passengers. Had no cargo holds so all cargo was deck cargo. Used in the Oslo-Næsset route in Bunnefjorden in the period Apr.-Dec. (Bunnefjorden was frozen in the wintertime). Owned from 1903 by Aktieselskabet Bundefjord, Oslo. In 1908 the owning company fused with A/S Bundefjord-Helvig Dampskibsselskab, Oslo (Consul A. Hennum, Helvik, Nesodden) remaining in the same service. In Nov.-1924 the company fused with its competitor A/S Nesodden-Frogn-Nordby Dampskibsselskab, Oslo, becoming A/S Bundefjords Dampskipsselskap, Oslo - same service.
WW II: In Febr.-1941 the company fused with A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo and the 2 companies' routes were combined. Remeasured at some point in the 1940's, 97 gt.
POST WAR: Sold in 1954 to Arendal Skipsopphugning, Arendal and broken up.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord D/S by Harald Lorentzen in Skipet 3.90 and misc.).
D/S Bygdin |
Tønsberg & Hortens Dampskibsselskab, Tønsberg
95 gt
Built in Porsgrunn 1898.
Pre war history: Delivered from Porsgrunds Mek. Værksted, Porsgrunn (9) in 1898 as Bygdin to Gunnar Knudsen, Borgestad / Ski. Iron hull, 95 gt, 54 net, 90 tdwt, 86.7 x 16.1 x 8.5, 95 gt, (55 net), 2cyl Compound engine (PMV), 70 ihp. In regularly scheduled cargo service in the Telemark canal. Sold in 1898 to Tønsberg & Hortens Dampskibsselskab, Tønsberg, service Oslo-Vestfold.
WW II: No specific details available.
POST WAR: Laid up in 1952. Sold in the fall of 1954 to Johan Bjørge, Tønsberg, rebuilt, 91 gt, 52 net, 90 tdwt, motor installed, service Oslo-Vestfold. Sold in the fall of 1959 to P/r / Einar Aase, Håvikvåg, Moster, Bømlo, same service. Sold in 1961 to P/r / Darre Brecke, Oslo, same service. Owned in 1969 by P/r / Darre Brecke A/S, Oslo, same service. Around 1970 she was owned by Darre Brecke A/S, Oslo, same service. Sank near Grønlia in Oslo harbour on March 1 (Nov. 18?)-1974, raised and repaired. In the period 1974-1982 she was hired out to Olle Hector, Oslo. Continued in the same service, but also served the islands around Oslo, typically carrying lumber, fertilizer and grain, and cod liver oil from the factory at Hustadøya to ports in Oslofjord for export. Sold in Sept.-1983 to unknown owner in the West Indies. (Seen in St. Martens in Nov.-1991). See also this message in my Guestbook, which gives further information on her subsequent owner and her fate. He also sent me some pictures of her, showing her in drydock in Martinique and at work in Marigot Saint Martin (not great quality)
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His Sources: "Fraktefarten i Moster" Moster Sogelag, and misc. others. The former source gives the dimensions 80.7’ x 16.1’ x 8.5’, 98 gt, 90 tdwt).
D/S Bygdøy * |
Ludvig Lorentzen, Oslo
1252 gt
Built Rödby Havn, Denmark 1921. Previous names: Freja until 1923, Nordland until 1925, Roma until 1926, Jutlantia until 1927, Maisol until 1937.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1921 from A/S Rødby Havns Jernskibsværft, Rødby Havn, Denmark as cargo vessel Freja to A/S Rhederiet Quarto (Egenfeldt Nielsen), Copenhagen, 1252 gt. Sold in Oct.-1923 to A/S Dansk-Engelsk Dampskibsselskab (H. A. Christensen), Copenhagen, renamed Nordland. Sold in Febr.-1925 to A/S D/S Patria (Oscar Owesen), Copenhagen, renamed Roma. Sold in Oct.-1925 to Dampskibsselskabet Jutlantia A/S (J. Toft), Copenhagen, renamed Jutlantia in Oct.-1926. Sold in May-1927 to A/S Mazeppa (Rich. Peterson), Sandefjord, renamed Maisol. Sold in July-1937 to Ludvig Lorentzen, Lysaker (near Oslo), renamed Bygdøy.
WW II: Jan-Olof Hendig, Sweden has told me that she on Dec. 18-1939 rescued some crew members from a lifeboat from the Swedish steamer Lister, and landed them in Oslo. The Lister, on voyage Skutskär-Antwerp with lumber, had been sunk two days earlier by U-59 (Jürst). 6 were picked up from a raft by the British destroyer HMS Eclipse. Lister's complement had consisted of 19 men.
Bygdøy is listed in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 20 in the middle of March-1940.
Sank after striking a mine northwest of Kullen, Sweden on May 17-1943, on a voyage from Kirkenes to Hamburg with a cargo of nickel ore. 14 men reached Torekov in lifeboats that same evening. I used to have a link to a section of the Torekov Rescue Station website, which said that 5 Norwegians from Bygdøy came ashore (the site can no longer be found). The mate reported that 9 of the crew had been in the motor lifeboat with another boat in tow, but the motor had failed so the 9 had to move over to the other boat. Torekov's rescue boat went out at 20:55 to look for the shipwrecked men, who were found south of Hallands Väderö, then landed at Torekov at 21:45, where the 14 men were taken care of.
(Pre war history received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: Article about Ludvig Lorentzen in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" by Dag Bakka Jr., 3.2001)
Other ships by this name: Norway had a steamer Bygdø (just a different, more old-fashioned way of saying "Bygdøy") in WW I, built 1887, 2345 gt - struck a mine laid by UC 4 and sank in the North Sea on Oct. 27-1916. Norway had also had a much smaller vessel by this name, a local passenger vessel built back in 1871 as Bygdø, servicing Bygdøy and Kristiania. Renamed Ragnhild (of Holmestrand) in 1889, Hurum 1906. Additionally, there's a message in my Guestbook from someone who sailed on a ship by this name in 1956 (he's looking for a picture and is interested in getting in touch with others).
M/S Bærum |
Egil Paulsen, Oslo
203 gt
Built 1922.
In port at Rørvik, Norway when she was bombed and sunk by allied aircraft on Oct. 26-1944. 1 died.
Related external link:
The 1 who died - Captain Meyer Konradi Nilssen from Fauske is commemorated.
Bærum - from a website for divers. This website lists E. Olsen as captain.
D/S Bøfjord * |
O. Hjelkrem, Kristiansund
142 gt
Built in Bø 1914.
Had an engine of 74 hp from Storvik mek.Verksted, Kristiansund. Owned by A/S Fiske og Fraktfart (O. Hjelkrem), Kristiansund N. Fishery No. M-102-K.
Taken over by the Germans (July 17-1940) and given the name NM 11 Sachse. According to the replies to a query on my Ship Forum she caught on fire and exploded while at the shipyard in Kristiansund N on Sept. 14-1940, resulting in 4 deaths, 3 severely wounded and 3 with minor injuries. Cause unknown.
(Misc. sources, incl. above mentioned forum posting, and another posting by Arild Engelsen).
A fishing vessel, M/B Bøfjord (SF 21 H) escaped from Askvoll on June 8-1941, arriving Lerwick June 10 with 12 people on board. Wrecked at Buckie.
D/S Bør * |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
927 gt
Built in Tønsberg 1918.
Pre war history: Delivered from Jarlsø Verft, Tønsberg to A/S Færder (Fred. Olsen & Co.) in June-1918. Transferred to A/S Ganger Rolf (Fred. Olsen & Co.) in 1925. 552 nt, 1325 dwt. 200.4 x 31.9 x 12.7; 3 Exp, Trondhjems Mekaniske Verksted, 106 nhp.
WW II: In German control from Apr.-1940. Struck a mine off the coast of Holland on May 24-1942 while on a voyage from Delfzijl to Oslo with general cargo. Position is given as 53 18N 1 09E; however, I've been told this position is close to the English coast, not off the coast of Holland. Correct position is unknown. 17 men were rescued by the Norwegian Kong Sigurd.
This was Fred. Olsen's 2nd ship by the name Bør, the first one was built in Oslo 1914, 1149 gt, owned by A/S Bonheur - torpedoed and sunk by UC-49 in the North Sea (off Alnmouth) on Febr. 21-1918, voyage Tyne-Christiania (Oslo) with coal and aluminium.
D/S Børøysund |
Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes
190 gt
Built in Trondheim 1908. Previous names: Odin until 1923, Skjergard until 1925.
Picture of Børøysund, Atløy and Granvin at Nærøyfjorden in Sogn. Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1908 from Trondhjems Mek. Værksted A/S, Trondheim (133) as Odin to Throndhjems Lægterkompani (Emil Tønnesen), Trondheim. Steel hull, 108.8'/100.4'(lpp) x 18.3' x 9.5', 158 gt. Triple Expansion (TMV) 45nhp 258ihp 9 knots, registered for 166 passengers. In regularly scheduled service in Trondheimsfjorden. Requisitioned by Den Konglige Norske Marine (Royal Norwegian Marines) in Sept.-1914 for use as neutrality guard. Returned to owner in Nov-1918. Sold in 1923 to A/S Hjelme & Herlø Dampskibsselskab, Bergen and renamed Skjergard, in regular service Bergen-Øygarden. Sold in Oct.-1925 to Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes and renamed Børøysund, in service in Lofoten and Vesterålen. Remeasured in 1934, 181 gt. Rebuilt in 1936, 190 gt.
WW II: In regular service all through the war. Possibly used in connection with the evacuation of Finnmark.
POWT WAR: In bad state of repair at war's end May-1945, repaired and re-entered regular service. Laid up in Stokmarknes around 1955 as reserve. Sold in 1961 to Hadsel Yrkesskole, Hadsel, renamed Hyma, and used as training vessel for the school's engineering dept. Remeasured in 1962, 181 gt. Sold in 1969 to Norsk Veteranskipsklubb, Oslo and renamed Børøysund again. Restored with the aim of making her look like she did in 1936, the work continuing for many years. Completed in 1973, registered for 100 passengers and used for charter trips in Oslofjord. Remeasured in 1978, 179 gt. As per 2006, still in use as veteran ship.
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: Article about VDS by Jens Chr. Egenæs in Skipet 4.94 and 1.95, and "Her Byggedes Skibe, TMV 1843-1983" by Finn R. Hansen. 1995).
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