Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S Kaprino |
Jacob Kjøde A/S, Bergen
3249 gt
Built in Sunderland 1907. Previous Name: Ocland until 1918.
Kaprino is mentioned in connection with the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 10 in Febr.-1940, but is crossed out in the document. I'm not sure whether she was scheduled to sail in this convoy, or in HN 10B or HN 11. Follow the link for more details; several Norwegian ships took part.
Picture of painting of Kaprino - Received from and painted by Jan Goedhart, Holland.
In German control 1940. Reported July 6-1943 and Aug. 25-1944 in Germany-Norway coal trade. Badly damaged at Nylands Verksted, Oslo following an explosion due to sabotage on Nov. 24-1944, carried out by a communist group named "Pelle" which had been able to smuggle explosives into the area with the help of workers at the yard. (M/S Arna was also there at the time).
At Oslo on May 6-1945, repaired and returned to Norwegian ownership.
Norway also had ship by this name during WW I. Originally delivered as Nordkap for Herloff & Bøe, Bergen in Sept.-1888, 2091 gt. Purchased by B. Stolt-Nielsen, Haugesund in March-1915 and renamed Capto, sold in March-1916 to Carl Wildhagen, Sandefjord, renamed Kaprino. Sailed as Feli for Jacinto Suarez, Bilbao from 1919, later renamed Jacinto Suarez. ("Våre gamle skip").
D/S Karen |
Johan & Sverre Amundsen, Haugesund
749 gt
Built Trondheim. Previous name: Bauta:
Pre war history: My Ship Forum has a posting on this ship, saying Bauta was built by Trondhjems Mekaniske Verksted (88), delivered in June-1900 as Bauta to Dampskibet Bauta's Rederi, Bergen (William Hansen), 732 gt, 195.2' x 30.1'. From 1915 she was owned by A/S D/S Bauta (same managers), then in 1918 she was taken over by The Shipping Controller, registered in London and managed by Capel & Co., same name. Returned to Norwegian owners in 1919. Purchased by D/S A/S Aalesund (Johan & Sverre Amundsen), Haugesund in March-1924 and renamed Karen.
WW II: From 1940 Karen was owned by Johan Amundsen & Sønns Rederi A/S (Johan & Sverre Amundsen), used in the lumber trade.
Karen is listed in the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 10 in Febr.-1940, bound for Newcastle with fresh fish. Early the following month we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 17A. Follow the links for more details; several Norwegian ships took part.
Requisitioned by the Germans on Jan. 30-1941 for use as transport for "Feldluftzeuggruppe V" (German crew), then that summer she was placed in use as accommodation vessel for "Luftflotte V". When in Kirkenes on Nov 14, she was damaged when she caught on fire.
On Jan. 23-1942 she was in a convoy off Varanger, when the Soviet sub SC-422 (Malyshev) attacked with 3 torpedoes* - Karen was not hit. On Febr. 25-1942 she collided in Oslofjord with the German Otto H. Damaged again on Febr. 28 following a collision with the German Riga in Skagerrak. Managed from Nov. 1-1942 by R. C. Gribel, Stettin, in use as supply vessel for Luftflottenkommandos 5 (aerial fleet command), Oslo.
Reported repairing at Nylands shipyard, Oslo on Sept. 21-1943. Reported in Norwegian coastal trade Aug. 9-1944. Returned to Norwegian managers on Sept. 1-1944 (another source says Aug. 11-1945). On Sept. 20 (Sept. 21?)-1944 she was sailing unescorted off Jæren when the British sub HMS Sceptre attacked with several torpedoes, but again she escaped. (Sceptre sank M-132 and Vela in the same general area).
*I'm wondering if this might be another ship? J. Rohwer gives it as Karin of 1453 gt, adding in a footnote: Convoy with España, Hedwig, Karin and four escorts observed one torpedo that missed.
POST WAR: When the war ended in May-1945 she was in a Norwegian port. Managed by Sverre Amundsen from 1947. Sold in 1952 to Belgium for breaking up, departing Haugesund on Sept. 29. Another post to my Ship Forum adds that she was broken up at Zelzate in Oct.-1952 by Jacques Bakker et fils.
(Sources: Postings to my Ship Forum, E-mails from R. W. Jordan, and from Theodor Dorgeist, Germany, and Jürgen Rohwer's "Allied Submarine Attacks of World War Two").
Other ships by this name: The company had another Karen from 1953, delivered in Oct. 1921 as Balduin for A/S Ganger Rolf (Fred. Olsen & Co.), 1164 gt. (This ship is listed as Balduin on my B-page). Purchased by Johan Amundsen & Sønns Rederi A/S in 1953 and renamed Karen. Sold in Dec.-1967 to Greece and renamed Cretan Wind. Delivered for breaking up in Aug.-1969. Norway had lost another steamship named Karen to WW I, built 1905, 1689 gt - struck a mine (laid by UC-53) and sank in the Mediterranean on Dec. 12-1917, voyage St. Johns-Napoli with cargo of fish. Managed by Willy Gilbert, Bergen at the time.
D/S Karma |
Th. Nordbø, Haugesund
1106 gt
Built in Bergen 1912.
Captain Rangnvald Bang, later Nils Osland (from 1922 till 1936 captain had been Holger Kvindesland).
Some of Karma's early war voyages: In the book "Sjøfolk i krig" by Leif M. Bjørkelund 2nd Mate Peder Raknes (later became 1st mate) has told his story. He joined Karma in the summer of 1943 while she was at a yard in Haugesund. He says that among other places they had voyages to Nordland (north of Norway) for cargoes of limestone, and also had some trips to Sweden as well as Germany. In the summer of 1944 she was loading nickel pyrites (? not sure of the word in English) in Kirkenes for Germany, having carried a cargo of flour on the way north. She had sailed alone, with German soldiers and officers as the only "armament" on board. After loading she was ready to depart in convoy but before the ships could leave 25-30 Russian bombers attacked, in 2-3 groups. A lot of bombs were dropped and 2 ships further out were hit and went down, both German. Karma's steering mechanism was damaged due to shrapnel so the convoy left without her. When she eventually did leave, using emergency steering as the damage could not be repaired in Kirkenes, she had a German escort of 9 vessels so her cargo must have been considered a very valuable one. After having repaired in Tromsø, which took a very long time, she continued her journey along the coast of Norway to Ferder, then across to Sweden, later arriving Stettin with no further troubles.
While discharging the cargo, a heavy allied bomber attack occurred on Swinemünde (near the Stettin inlet). The crew of Karma was ordered to launch lifeboats and be ready to leave in case they were attacked, and when the sirens were sounded they rowed ashore and sought refuge in an air raid shelter. After the cargo had been unloaded the ship was sent to Hamburg for a cargo of grain for Bergen, stopping en route at Kristiansand. In his account Raknes mentions that he could easily have escaped from the ship whenever she was in Sweden, but he never did for a number of reasons, one being that he was worried about family at home, as it was not uncommon for family members to be arrested after a sailor had escaped. Another reason was that Sweden had more to offer in the way of goods than Norway did, so that the seamen could pick up some things to take home with them, either by buying them or by swapping with other items. On one such trip to Gothenburg though, the entire crew except 1 escaped, so new men had to be found. This was a very common problem for the captains of ships in service to Sweden. On this particular voyage Karma even had 2 stowaways who had managed to get on board when she stopped in Haugesund for bunkers.
POST WAR: Modernized in 1947. Sold by A/S Karma (after 52 years in the same company - Th. Nordbø, Haugesund) to Belgian breakers at Antwerp, where she arrived on Febr. 22-1964.
D/S Karmsund |
Haugesund Dampskibsselskab, Haugesund
253 gt
Built in Trondheim 1904.
Pre war history: Delivered in Oct.-1904 from Trondhjems Mek. Verksted, Trondheim as Karmsund to Haugesund Dampskibsselskab, Haugesund. Steel hull, 125,9 x 21,2 x 8,4, 253 gt, Tripple Expansion (TMV) 350ihp, 10 knots. In regularly scheduled service Stavanger-Haugesund-Bergen twice a week and was in this route for almost 50 years. Rebuilt in 1916 (well enclosed, electricity installed).
WW II: When Norway was invaded on Apr. 9-1940 she was in Bergen, remaining there until the fighting in the south of Norway was over, then returned to service in May. Attacked by British aircraft in Dec.-1941 off Vikafjord, Bømlo, minor damages. Bømlo and Bremnes were heavily involved with the illegal Shetland traffic during the war, so Karmsund and her crew soon became acquainted with this. Captein John Waage was courrier for the resistance movement, and also helped people who were escaping to England. In 1944 he was arrested by Gestapo upon arrival Haugesund, and after having been interrogated in Stavanger he was sent to Grini (a well known prison in Norway during the war) and then on to Sachsenhausen where he remained until the end of the war.
POST WAR: Knut Knutsen O.A.S., Haguesund's Stolmen (ex Suderøy VI), which had just been rebuilt, took over Karmsund's route in Aug.-1953. Karmsund was sold in Nov. that year to Haugesund Sildolje & Fodermelfabrik A/S, Haugesund (herring oil factory) and renamed Storøygrabben (by that time the new Tonjer had been delivered) and somewhat altered for use as accommodation vessel during the winter herring fishing, and for transfer of herring from the fishing vessels to the freighters, which in turn transported the fish south to the owner's herring oil factory at Storøy near Haugesund. Sold in June-1961 to Br. Anda, Hundvåg, Stavanger for breaking up.
(Info on this vessel is partly from "Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørklund & E.H. Kongshavn, 1996, and partly from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, article about Haugesund D/S by Dag Bakka Jr. in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet", 2.89 and misc. other).
Other ships named Karmsund: Haugesund Dampskibsselskap had previously had another ship named Karmsund; this is the same as the Karmøy and Lysefjord mentioned under Karmøy below - follow the link there to Lysefjord for more details. The company also had a ship by this name built in 1972, 194 gt (Hydrofoil/passenger). Later sold and renamed Belle de Dinard of St. Malo 1975, then Trident I from 1986 and Ar Varo of Nantes 1987.
Dampskipsselskabet Veritas, Haugesund had an M/S Karmsund delivered in Aug.-1957, built at Åmål, 376 gt, sistership to Homborsund, built 1956. Sold in Febr.-1969 to Johannes Matre, Sandeid/Haugesund, renamed Sandbjørn. Capsized and sank on Nov. 20-1969 near Obrestad Light, voyage Sandeid-Farsund with cargo of sand. Crew of 6 died.
The Veritas company also had a Karmsund (2), originally the Kuurtanes (Vaasan Laiva O/Y, Helsingfors), built 1960, 495 gt. Later Swedish Bore IX 1962, Norwegian Kong Sigurd 1965, Karmsund from 1969, Røyksund 1971, 480 gt, Panamanian Stray Dog 1977, Good Sailor 1979, Monosanoalos 1981, Attaviros 1984.
Karmsund (3) was built 1979, 499 gt, later sold to Bergen. ("Våre motorskip", Leif M. Bjørkelund, E. H. Kongshavn).
D/S Karmøy * |
John K. Haaland & Co. A/S, Haugesund
2498 gt
Built at Alloa, delivered in Apr.-1921.
Under German control. Reported in July 1943, and Sept. 13-1944 in Norway-Germany trade. Reported surveyed during April-June 1944. Sunk by British aircraft (from HMS Implacable) in Lødingen on Oct. 28-1944, on a voyage Ballangen-Holtenau - 6 died.
NOTE: According to "Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn this ship was managed by Trygve Eriksen from 1934 (John K. Haaland died around that time). This book gives her tonnage as 2502 gt, and says she was sunk on Oct. 25-1944.
POST WAR: Wreck was broken up where she had been sunk by Høvding Skipsopphugging at the beginning of the 1950's.
Related external link:
5 who died - (This website says that 5 died in all). Steward Olav Elias Ellingsen, Mess Boy Jens-Ivar Hvidsten, Engineer Karl Gunvald Ingebrigtsen, Mate Aksel Georg Olai Kaldheim, and Mate Adolf Utbio are commemorated at this memorial for seamen in Stavern, Norway. Chief Engineer Waldemar A. Romsloe also lost his life.
Haugesund had also had a D/S Karmøy from 1904. This ship later became D/S Lysefjord 1.
D/S Kaupanger |
Westfal-Larsen & Co. A/S, Bergen
1584 gt
Built in Bergen 1930.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1930 from Bergens Mekaniske Værksted, Bergen (212) as Kaupanger to Westfal-Larsen & Co. A/S, Bergen. 1584 gt, 987 net, 2333 tdwt, 244.7' x 37.6' x 17.8', Triple exp. (yard) 625 ihp, 9 knots. Owned from 1938 by Skibs-A/S Hosanger (Westfal-Larsen & Co. A/S), Bergen.
WW II: Kaupanger is listed in the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 7 in Jan.-1940. At the beginning of March we find her in Convoy HN 16, but she shows up again in Convoy HN 18 and I'm not sure that she could have sailed in both(?). She's said to have returned to Norway with Convoy ON 22 - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part in all these convoys.
Reported Aug. 28-1943 and Jan. 31-1945 in Norway-Germany trade. (See also some text under Havfru with regard to this ship).
POST WAR: Returned at Bergen in May-1945. Sold in Nov.-1948 to J. M. Johannessens Rederi A/S (J. M. Johannessen), Bergen, renamed Fossli. Sold in 1952 (1951?) to Skibs A/S Selvik (Einar Wahlstrom, Oslo), renamed Selnes. Sold in 1952 to Rederi A/B East Sea (Carl Helin, Mariehamn, Finland), renamed Sälsö. Sold in 1959 to A/B Hera, Mariehamn, renamed Helga. Sold in 1961 to E. Panas, Cephallonia, Greece, renamed Spartia. Sold in 1963 to Karmiris Bros & K Mouzakia, Piraeus, Greece, and renamed Rosita K. On March 1-1963 she ran aground near Kunduz Dere, Turkish Black Sea coast when on a voyage from Constantza to Marseilles with ore. Declared a total loss in Jan.-1964.
(Details from R. W. Jordan and Westfal-Larsen fleet list).
Other ships by this name: Norway had previously had another Kaupanger, delivered in Dec.-1890 as Parkmore to Parkmore Steamship Ltd. (W. Johnston & Co. Ltd.), Liverpool. Sold in 1898 to Manchester Lines Ltd., Manchester and renamed Manchester Trader. Sold in 1913 to A/S Ferdinand Melsom (J. Johanson & Co.), Oslo and renamed Ferdinand Melsom. Purchased by A/S Kaupanger (H. Westfal-Larsen) in Dec.-1914 and renamed Kaupanger. Shelled and sunk by a German U-boat in the Mediterranean on Dec. 13-1916 - no casualties. Another Kaupanger was delivered in Febr.-1960 from Kockums, Malmö. This ship became Monrovian Chemical Challenger in 1975. Lost in the Mediterranean in Oct.-1981 following an explosion, broke in two while under tow to La Spezia for breaking up. Foreship sunk by the Italian Navy, after part broken up. Also, the company's Mauranger, which was delivered in Sept.-1981, had initially been launched as Kaupanger. This ship later sailed as Bow Viking from 1990 under the management of Skibs-A/S Storli, Bergen, and has since had various owners and managers. (Majority of info is from Westfal-Larsen fleet list).
Ke - Kn
D/S Kem * |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1705 gt
Built in Bergen, Norway 1925.
Pre war history: Delivered in Febr.-1925 from Laxevaags Maskin- & Jernskibsbyggeri, Bergen (138) as cargo vessel Kem to Det Norsk-Russiske Samskibsselskab A/S / Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen (50/50 Norwegian/Russian cooperative which had 8 vessels in service to/from Russia, especially with lumber from The White Sea, also Baltic and The Black Sea). Steel hull, 250 x 39,1 x 16,1, 1706 gt / 2425 tdwt, Tripple Expansion (Laxevaag's), 164nhp, 9.5 knots. Transferred on May 1-1928 to Det Bergenske Russiske Dampskibsselskab (Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen), after the original company had been dissolved, with the ships distributed among the former partners (Bergenske got Kem, Vaga, Severoles and Keret, Russia the remaining 4 - follow link to Keret for more details). Stayed in the same service, but Bergenske later pulled out. Transferred to Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen in Febr.-1933, in general tramping.
WW II: Kem is mentioned in connection with the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 10 in Febr.-1940, bound for London with general cargo (however, A. Hague does not include her in this convoy). In the middle of March we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 19. Follow the links for more details; several Norwegian ships took part.
She was on a voyage from Danzig to the Haugesund area with a cargo of coal when she struck a mine on July 24-1940 (laid May 10-1940 by the French submarine Rubis [Cabanier] in the area 58 21N - 06 01E ) and sank north of Svåholmen (near Egersund?) in 58 22N 06 02E. No casualties. She's resting upside-down at a depth of 60 meters today. Argo sank in the same minefield, as did a small coaster by the name Vansø.
NOTE: Jürgen Rohwer indicates she was damaged beyond repair (not sunk), then in a footnote he says she was raised and repaired - but in another footnote he says she was sunk.
(The pre war history was received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: Article by Dag Bakka Jr. in "Skipet" 1-2.88).
M/S Kilstraum |
Alf, Anders & Hans Utkilen, Kjelstraumen
155 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1891. Previous names: Bandak until 1907, Skien until 1935, Tustna until 9136, Namdal until 1937, Molde until 1937, Verma until 1941.
Pre war history: Delivered in Nov.-1891 from Fredrikstad Mek. Verksted, Fredrikstad (14) as Bandak to Dampskibsselskabet Bandak (Holger Fischer), Oslo. Steel hull, 95.6 x 19.3 x 9.3, 165 gt, Triple Expansion. In July-1904 manager became Th. Mortensen, Oslo. Sold in Febr.-1907 to D/S A/S Skien (Erik H. Nilsen), Skien, renamed Skien. Sold in Jan.-1935 to p/r Nils Wefring & Leif Sivertsen, Trondheim. Owned in Aug.-1935 by A/S D/S Konserv I / AS Mørelinjen C. I. Kiønig A/S / Nils Wefring(?), Trondheim, renamed Tustna. Owners went bankrupt in Febr.-1936 and the ship was taken over by A/S D/S Konserv Is Konkursbo, Trondheim. Sold in March-1936 to A/S Namdalsruten (Arne Tvete), Trondheim, renamed Namdal. Sold in June-1937 to A/S Samtrafikk (Olaf Stavik), Molde, renamed Molde and used in the coastal route Bergen-Romsdal. Renamed Verma in July-1937. Sold in May-1939 to Martin Legernes e.a., Vikebukt. Sold in June-1939 to J. L. Bratlid, Oslo.
WW II: Sold in Oct.-1939 to Skips-A/S Verma (Bjarne Gundersen), Oslo. As per 1940 she was 175 gt. Sold in March-1940 to Alf Utkilen, Kjelstraumen in Nordhordland, converted to seiner and freighter, 95.6 x 19.2 x 9.3, 155 gt, 170 tdwt, and a 6cyl 4tev Deutz dm 300bhp (1938) motor installed. At some point in the 1940's owners became Alf, Anders & Hans Utkilen, Kjelstraumen, still undergoing conversion. Entered service as seiner and freighter Kilstraum in Nov.-1941 (H-10-AM).
In the morning of Oct. 25-1943 Kilstraum, with a cargo of 170 tons cement from Trondheim to Utvorden for Organization Todt, was stopped by the Norwegian MTB 688 and the British MTB 669 near Kya light. (J.M. was also stopped but was allowed to continue). Kilstraum's crew was allowed to go in the lifeboats before the MTB's opened fire in an effort to sink her, but when the German ND16 Möwe (whale catcher W. Barents) was spotted, the MTB's laid a smoke screen and took off. En route back to Shetland they were spotted by German aircraft which attacked, and MTB 669 had to be sunk because of the damages received. In the meantime, Kilstraum's crew had returned to the ship and managed to take her up on the beach where she sank in shallow waters. Later discharged, raised and repaired.
POST WAR: Rebuilt and lengthened in 1952 by Br. Lothe A/S Flytedokken, Haugesund, 113.9 x 19.3 x 9.1, 172 gt, 200 tdwt. Owned in March-1959 by Alf Utkilen, Kjelstraumen (H-10-AM). Ran a leak in the engine room on Aug. 15-1963 and sank while fishing near Iceland. Crew was picked up by the owner's other seiner Utstraum (later Dolmar) which was nearby.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Dag Bakka jr., Thor B. Melhus / Skipet, "Lang Kyst" by Trygve Nordanger 1975, replies to a query on my Ship Forum and misc.).
D/S King * |
Adolf Lothe, Haugesund
645 gt
Built Middlesbrough 1918. Previous names: HMS Kilgarvan and Heather King.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1918 as escort vessel HMS Kilgarvan (Royal Navy 'Kil' class patrol vessel). Converted to cargo vessel Heather King for Glanhurst Shipping Co., Cardiff. Purchased by Brødrene Lothe AS, Haugesund in 1925 and renamed King. From 1927 she belonged to D/S A/S King (Svend Utne Lothe), and from 1932 managed by Adolf Lothe. In herring trade, fishing on Iceland and freighting. Fitted out for Arctic whaling in the 1929 and 1930 seasons.
WW II: King, general cargo for Leith, is listed in Convoy HN 16 from Norway to the U.K. early in March.-1940, returning to Norway later that month with Convoy ON 20 - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
Ran aground on Nov. 19-1941 on Utklippan, Blekinge, Sweden when on a voyage Holtenau-Kalmar in ballast. Refloated but sank in tow on Nov. 23, 3 n. miles south of Utklippan.
("Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn).
(I've also seen the date Nov. 20-1941 for her sinking).
M/K Kinsarvik |
Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
91 gt
Built in Sunde 1930.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1930 from Gravdal Skibsbyggeri & Trelastforretning, Sunde, Sunnhordland (255) as Kinsarvik to Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Wooden hull, 77 x 20 x 8,9, 91 gt, 2cyl 2tev Wichmann 132bhp, in "ferry" service Norheimsund-Ringøy-Eidfjord, then in 1933 Kyrping-Fjæra in Åkrafjorden.
WW II: Rebuilt in 1940. Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine on Nov. 2-1944 and used during the evacuations of Finnmark.
POST WAR: Returned on June 1-1945 with a defective engine. Rebuilt in 1949, 110 gt. In "ferry" service Ulvik-Brimnes in 1951, replaced by the company's ferry Folgefonn in the summer of 1953, though in 1957 she re-entered the Ulvik-Brimnes service after Folgefonn had to be moved to Sunnhordland. Sold in 1959 to Olaus Langøen e.a., Rongevær and renamed Langøysund. Converted to freighter, 109 gt. Owned by Gunnar & Atle Langøy, Rongevær in 1968. Remeasured around 1970, 98 gt. Ran aground in Alverstraumen in ballast on Jan. 15-1973. Deleted from Norwegian register in 1975 as condemned.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
D/S Kis |
A/S T Halvorsens Rederi, Bergen
1268 gt
Built Campbeltown, Scotland 1915. Previous names: Primo until 1933, Procyon until 1939.
There's a ship by this name listed in Convoy HN 6 from Norway to the U.K. in Dec.-1939/Jan.-1940. As will be seen by clicking on the link, several Norwegian ships took part. She's also listed among the ships in Convoy HN 9B in Jan./Febr.-1940, again in the company of several other Norwegian vessels. At the end of Febr. we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 15.
Roger W. Jordan says in a posting to my Ship Forum that according to "Ships Available to the Enemy in Northern Waters", published by the Ministry of Economic Warfare in August 1945, Kis was requisitioned by Germany and flew the German flag for some time during the war (signal letters DVOK). Reports of June 22-1943 and Sept. 13-1944 stated that she was involved in "Norway/Germany trade". She was at Oslo in May and June 1945, no doubt going back to Norwegian flag in May.
POST WAR: Arrived Cardiff Nov. 23-1945 from Archangel. Sold in Sept.-1951 to Wallem & Co, Hong Kong, and renamed Liberal (Panamanian flag). Sold in 1957 to Compania de Naviera Victoria Neptuno SA, Panama (manager Teh Hu SS Co, Hong Kong), and renamed Amira. Arrived Hong Kong Aug. 28-1961 to be broken up.
(Roger W. Jordan).
M/T Kløveren |
Roy Andersen & E. Engelstad, Oslo
428 gt
Built in Fredrikstad, Norway 1938. Previous name: Mylla until 1939.
Captain Thommasen. In Sweden when the Germans invaded Norway, returned to Norway at the end of August-1940. Requisitioned by the Germans. Reported on May 14-1943 and Sept. 21-1944 in Norwegian coastal trade. See my page Ships in Sweden for a list of, and information on the other Norwegian ships there at the outbreak of war in Norway.
One of Kløveren's crew members, Able Seaman Olav S. Wilhelmsen died when he walked into a land mine while the ship was in Hammerfest on March 29-1943.
D/S Knarr |
Skips-AS Sørfart /
Rolf Horn-Mathiesen, Oslo
172 gt
Built in Thorskog, Sweden 1892.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1892 from P. Larssons Varv, Thorskog near Vänern, Sweden (124) as cargo vessel Göta Kanal IV to Ångfartygs-AB Göta Kanal, Gothenburg. Iron hull, 97.4(lpp) x 22 x 8.3, 172 gt, 2cyl. Compound.
WW II: Sold in May-1941 to Skips-AS Sørfart / Rolf Horn Mathiesen, Oslo and renamed Knarr.
POST WAR: By 1946 she was 174 gt, 220 tdwt. Sold in Febr.-1946 to A/S Fraktfart (Sigurd Lønseth), Molde, renamed Trolltind. Sold in Dec.-1947 to Br. Utkilens Rederi (Anders Utkilen), Kjelstraumen in Nordhordland / Bergen. Rebuilt at Kjøde & Kjøde, Georgenes Verft, Bergen, 103 x 22 x 10, 191 gt, 250 tdwt, a 6cyl 4tev Kieler Werke dm 300bhp (1939) motor installed. Entered service as freighter Norstraum in 1948. Owner became AS MS Straum (Anders Utkilen), Kjelstraumen in Aug.-1949. Sold in March-1954 to Olav Mikalsen, Tromsdalen. Sold in March-1956 to P/r Eilif H. Slotvik, Forvik. In 1960 a 4cyl 2tev Wichmann 240bhp (1943) motor was installed. Rebuilt and lengthened in Jan.-1962, 118.2 x 22 x 10.4, 226 gt, 285 tdwt. Sold in May-1965 to Gunnar Bakke, Vikna in Nord Trøndelag. Remeasured in May-1969, 196 gt, 285 tdwt. Sold in Apr.-1970 to Fridtjof Lynghaug, Sortland. Sold in Aug.-1973 to Ibestad Mek. Verksted (R. S. Arntzen, Hamnvik), inactive. Condemned in 1980, sold in May that year to O. Danielsen, Hol in Tjelsundet for breaking up.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Dag Bakka Jr., Mats Karlsson & misc.).
M/S Knute Nelson * |
Fred. Olsen & Co., Oslo
5749 gt
Built Odense, Denmark 1926.
Follow this link to M/S Knute Nelson for more information on this ship, details on her final fate and a picture.
D/S Kommandøren * |
Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane, Bergen
543 gt
Built in Christiania (Oslo) 1891.
For more information (and a picture), please continue to my page D/S Kommandøren.
D/S Kong Alf * raised |
Det Søndenfjeldske Norske Dampskibsselskab A/S, Oslo
687 gt
Built in Svelvik 1921.
Captain O. Borgersen. In Sweden when war broke out in Norway (see Ships in Sweden). I have some snippets of information found on documents received from the National Archives of Norway, saying she was in port at Karlshamn on Apr. 28-1940 and in port at Limhamn on May 30 that year. (A second document states that she sailed from Gothenburg, Sweden for Kristiansand, Norway on Nov. 21-1945).
Kong Alf returned to Norway and was seized by the Germans.
Reported in July-1943 as being surveyed. Reported in April-1944 in Germany-Norway trade.
Roger W. Jordan has told me that she foundered off Varberg on Sept. 6-1944, while Jan-Olof, Sweden says that according to information found in Swedish archives she sank on Sept. 8 at 12:50 hrs. She was on a voyage from Rügenwalde, Germany for Oslo with a cargo of rye when she encountered bad weather causing her cargo to shift. She sank at a depth of 22 meters. No casualties; the crew was saved by the Swedish salvage vessel Fritiof. Position: 57 11.5N 12 04.6E.
POST WAR: She must have been raised (possibly by Fritiof?), because she was sold in 1955 and renamed Sunway. Sold to Egil Paulsen, Norway in1955, renamed Slidre. Sold to Compania de Naviera Louise SA, Panama in 1965, renamed Geraldine.
D/S Kong Bjørn |
Det Søndenfjeldske Norske Dampskibsselskab A/S, Oslo
930 gt
Built in Larvik, Norway 1921.
Pre war history: Contracted in 1917 at Larvik Slip & Verksted, Larvik (31) as a cargo vessel for D/S A/S Sund (Louis Poulsen & Co.), Oslo. Sold in the winter of 1920 before delivery to H. Kunhle, Bergen. Sold again in the winter of 1921 before delivery to Det Søndenfjeldske Norske Dampskibsselskab A/S, Oslo. Delivered on Apr. 6-1921 as cargo vessel Kong Bjørn. Steel hull, 197.8 x 32.3 x 12.6, 930 gt,1250 tdwt, Triple Expansion (Larvik Slip & Verksted) 102nhp.
WW II: Captain G. Thoresen. In Sweden at the outbreak of war in Norway, and returned to Norway in Aug.-1940. (Subsequently seized by the Germans? According to details found on my page "Ships in Sweden", she was in liner trade between Germany and Norway). Reported on May 31-1943 and July 13-1944 in Norwegian coastal service. Attacked by allied aircraft off Mandal on Aug. 28-1944 with the loss of 2 crew members, named below.
POST WAR: Repaired at Marinens Hovedverft, Horten, delivered on Sept. 16-1945 and back in service. (A document received from the National Archives of Norway, showing some of her 1945 and 1946 voyages, says she sailed from Vadsø, Norway for Murmansk on Oct. 22-1945). Sold in July-1948 to Skibs-As Hauges Rederi (Adolph Hauge), Arendal, turned over in Sarpsborg and renamed Tora. Sold in Nov.-1956 to Skibs-AS Otteid (Frederik F. Zimmer), Oslo, and renamed Inger. Sold in Sept.-1958 to Arendals Skipsopphugning, and arrived Arendal Nov. 2-1958. Renamed Bonafide, derigged, probably used as barge. Hull sold in Oct.-1960 to IS Surplus Trading, Kjøpmannsskjær near Tønsberg for breaking up. Broken up in 1961.
(Sources: Info received from R. W. Jordan, and T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article by Dag Bakka Jr. about A. Hauges Rederi in "Skipet" 3.2003).
Related external link:
Stavern Memorial commemorations - Captain Lars Jacobsen and Mate Albert Kristoffer J. Skålsvik are commemorated.
D/S Kong Dag |
Det Søndenfjeldske Norske Dampskibsselskab A/S, Oslo
1862 gt
Built Fredrikstad, Norway 1923.
Passenger/cargo ship. Requisitioned by the Germans 1940. Reported on July 20-1943 in Norwegian coastal service. Reported in June-1944 as being surveyed.
Picture of Kong Dag
Another picture
Pic 3 - All received from Bjørn Milde, Norway (from his postcard collection).
PLEASE NOTE that the information in Jürgen Rohwer's "Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two" saying Kong Dag was damaged at Ullsfjord on Dec. 26-1941 after striking a mine laid by the Russian submarine K-1 (Avgustinovich) on Dec. 17 is incorrect. In a footnote he says it's unclear on which of the four minefields the damage occurred. 4 minefields were laid by this submarine on the 16th and 17th. He adds that the Norwegian D/S Inger Nielsen (this ship was Finnish) sank in one of them and so did D/S Kong Ring, all on the same date. However, the only ship striking a mine that day was Kong Ring. The other 2 ships were not in this area on Dec. 26-1941. A posting to my Ship Forum has more details (the thread starts here).
POST WAR: At Harstad in May-June 1945 and returned to Norwegian owners. (According to a document received from the National Archives of Norway, showing some of her 1945 voyages, she sailed from Murmansk to Tromsø on June 27-1945).
Here's some information on another Kong Dag, built in Greenock in 1949.
D/S Kong Erik |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
940? gt
Built in Trondheim 1904.
Pre war history: Delivered in Jan.-1904 from Trondhjems mek. Verksted as Kong Erik (110) to Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondhjem, 920 gt, 570 net, 1150 tdwt, 205' 6"/195' (loa/lpp) x 30' x 15' 9"/23' (d/d1), triple expansion steam engine by ship builders, 705 ihp, 12 knots at trials. Placed in Nordenfjelske's service to Hamburg. Transferred to the company's Nordland service in 1906 (Christiania-Finnmark). Ran into a fishing vessel between Honningsvåg and Laholmen on July 14-1912, 1 of the 2 fishermen died. In service between Norway and England in 1918, then back in the Hamburg service 1919-1923. Had a fire on board while in port in Hamburg in 1922 with the result that 3 crew died.
WW II: Some of my sources say she was damaged during air attack in Bergen Apr. 20-1940. I'm not entirely sure where this piece of information originated, and there seems to be some uncertainty around it. It has come up twice on My Ship Forum, once in March-2003 with a thread starting here, and again in Nov.-2003, starting with this message (several responses). If anyone can shed some light on this claim, please contact me at the address provided at the end of this page.
Kong Erik had engine trouble near Vågen light north of Tromsø on July 6-1940 and was towed to Tromsø by Ottar Jarl for temporary repairs. Reported on June 7-1943 and July 19-1944 in Norwegian coastal service. Ran aground near Moldøra on Dec. 27-1943.
POST WAR: At Trondheim in July-1945 after return to owners. Placed in the Hamburg service in Sept.-1950, but taken out in Oct.-1952 and laid up in Trondheim. Sold to Stavanger Skibsopphugging (breakers) on Oct. 22-1953.
(The majority of the above facts are from "Nordenfjeldske - 1857-1985", by Finn R. Hansen, with some details received in E-mail from R. W. Jordan, author of "The World's Merchant Fleets").
D/S Kong Haakon |
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
874 gt
Built in Tönning, Germany 1904. Renamed Kong Sverre in 1942.
Follow this link to my page D/S Kong Haakon for more information on this ship.
D/S Kong Halfdan (II) * raised *again |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
1463 gt
Built 1923 at Wesermunde. Previous name: Rethymo until 1925.
Pre war history: Delivered in Sept.-1923 as Rethymo to Bremer Dampfer Linie Atlas GmbH, Bremen. Sistership of Prinkipo (later Ottar Jarl (II)). Sold to Nordenfjeldske D/S in June-1925 and renamed Kong Halfdan. Placed in the company's Mediterranean service, later transferred to the Hamburg service. In Apr.-1928 she entered the extended Hamburg service to North Norway, equipped to take frozen cargoes. From 1935 till 1940 Kong Halfdan was in service Hamburg-Vadsø-Hamburg, extended to Kirkenes in 1938.
WW II: Ran aground on Jan. 16-1940 on the coast of Sweden off Hittorp near 'Lappegrunnen' in heavy snow, but refloated the same day. Came under German control. Struck a mine and sank in shallow waters in the Great Belt on a voyage Hamburg-Oslo with general cargo on June 9-1940, raised in May the following year and repaired at Fredrikstad Mekaniske Verksted, completed Apr.-1942. Reported in July-1943 and on July 15-1944 in Norwegian coastal service.
On Dec. 2-1944 at 14:45 hrs she struck a mine and sank west of Stora Pölsan (off the Swedish west coast, southwest of Marstrand. According to info found in Swedish archives, the position was approx. 57 46,5N 11.24,1E), voyage from Larvik to Hamburg with general cargo. No casualties.
(Sources: "Nordenfjeldske - 1857-1985", by Finn R. Hansen, tonnage given as 1455 gt, E-mail from Roger W. Jordan, and info received from Jan-Olof Hendig, Sweden - found in Swedish archives):
The company had previously had another ship by this name (ex Swedish Sirius), built 1874, 571 gt - ran aground in a snow storm off Lyngstuen in Ullsfjord on Jan. 19-1918.
D/S Kong Harald |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
1151 gt
Built at Wesermunde 1890.
My page D/S Kong Harald has more information on this ship, as well as pictures.
D/S Kong Olaf * |
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
564 gt
Built in Stavanger, Norway 1883.
Pre war history: Delivered in Sept.-1883 from Stavanger Støberi & Dok, Stavanger as Kong Olaf to Det Stavangerske D/S. Steel hull, 152.3 x 24 x 17.7, 2cyl Compound (Nylands), 111nhp, 450ihp, 11,9 knots, 471 gt. In regularly scheduled passenger/cargo service Kristiansand, Norway-Fredrikshavn, Denmark. In the summer of 1887 she was in service Stavanger, Norway-Leith, UK. In coastal service Stavanger-Oslo in 1888. Ran aground and sank near Torungen off Arendal that year. Raised and towed to Stavanger where she was repaired and lengthened at Stavanger Støberi & Dok, 173.2 x 24 x 17.7, 555 gt. Engine converted to Tripple Expansion 580ihp in 1893. Extensively rebuilt at Laxevaag Maskin- og Jernskibsbyggeri, Bergen in 1905, 564 gt., a Tripple Expansion (Laxevaag) 111nhp 600ihp engine installed. Placed in Hurtigruten that year, Stavanger / Sandnes-Oslo, with passengers, cargo and mail. In the summer of 1910 she was in the tourist trade Stavanger-Lysefjorden together with the company's Bergen and Sand. Ran aground and heavily damaged off Larvik in 1917, laid up, not repaired until after WW I.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine on Apr. 13-1940, renamed Karmøy Hs-Fl (escort vessel). Converted to mine layer at some point and from March-1941 in use as such for Hafenschutzflotille Stavanger as Karmøy NS 35, then as NS 11 from Febr. 28-1942, patrol vessel V 5107 from June 1-1944 (51st Vorpostenflotille). On Nov 18-1944 she departed Bergen as escort for the German cargo vessel August Bolten (1936 / 3665 gt) which was going to Germany. In Krossfjorden south of Bergen heavy snow was encountered, causing navigation problems, with the result that August Bolten ran aground at Alholmen near Røttingen coastal fort at Os. As the ship proved impossible to save, V 5107 picked up her crew and started to transfer equipment from the German ship which had developed an increasing list.
The following day (19th) August Bolten was observed by a British reconnaissance aircraft and that evening 2 British MTB's were dispatched from Shetland for August Bolten, which in the morning of the 20th slipped off and sank, while V 5107 remained on the spot to pick up debris together with people from the coastal fort. That evening the alarm was sounded from the fort after the sound of aircraft or MTB's had been heard. V 5107 sought shelter behind a small islet near the fort, but when the latter lit its search lights the commander of V 5107 ordered them shot at, fearing that the lights would reveal her hiding place to the enemy. This in turn lead the people at the fort to believe they were under attack and fired back, with the exchange continuing for over 15 minutes. During a pause in the shooting August Bolten's crew managed to get to the lifeboats. At 22:38, after the fort had fired 110 shells from its artillery, V 5107 sank at a depth of 140 meters, 3-400 miles east of Gjengjo Rock in north Langenuen.
(Misc. sources, incl. info received from Ø. T. Berge, Norway and from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Articles about Stavangerske D/S in "Skipet" 2.90 and 1.91 by Alf Johan Kristiansen, "Skipet" 2.99, and Erik Bakkevig, Nils Helge Kvale and Erling Skjold, Norway).
This company later had a Kong Olav, spelt a little differently, delivered on Apr. 24-1964, 2604 gt, built in Bergen as a replacement for Sanct Svithun which was lost on Oct. 21-1962. Still in Hurtigruten service in 1996 (for Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab).
D/S Kong Oscar |
Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer
142 gt
Built in Oslo 1864.
Pre war history: Deliverd in Jan.-1865 from Nylands Værksted, Oslo (5) as Kong Oscar to A/S Stenkjær Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer (at that time the largest, privately owned steamship in Norway). Iron hull, 122.7 x 17.1 x 6.1, 122 gt, high pressure steam engine (Nylands) 25nhp 120ihp. In regularly scheduled service Steinkjer-Trondheim twice weekly, reduced to once weekly in 1867 when she was placed in the Steinkjer-Bjugn-Hemne-Hitra route twice weekly as well. In 1885 a 2cyl Compound (Trondhjems MV) 29nhp 200ihp engine was installed, 10 knots. In 1896 she was managed by Indherreds Forenede Dampskibsselskaber, Steinkjer (a temporary fusion of the owning company, Indtrøndelagens Dampbaadsamlag and Levangers Dampskibsinteresentskab). In 1900 the owning company was fused into Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer (a formal fusion of the companies mentioned above). In service Innherred-Trondheim along with Stenkjær. Rebuilt in 1905, 142 gt.
WW II: In the same service together with Innherred in 1939 after Stenkjær had been requisitioned by Den Konglige Norske Marine (Royale Norwegian Navy). When the Germans invaded on Apr. 9-1940 she was delayed leaving Trondheim for Steinkjer and due to the war operations she remained in an out-of-the-way fjord? for a while, before returning to the route, in which she sailed all through the war.
POST WAR: Sold in March-1950 to Br. Anda, Hundvåg in Stavanger for breaking up. Her engine and interior removed - derigged. Sold in 1952 to Knut & Svein Anfindsen, Hana (just outside Sandnes), converted to freighter (by Br. Anda, Hundvåg ?), 120.9 x 16.8 x 8.2, 131 gt, a 3cyl 2tev Jönköping dm 225bhp (1943) motor installed. Returned to service as freighter Rigel in 1956. Laid up in Sandnes around 1980? Sold in 1983 to Rogaland Veteranskipsforening & Sjøkulturlag, Sandnes, renamed Kong Oscar. The intention was to have her restored. Laid up in Hillevåg together with Fjordsveis (ex Fjordrott). Restoration did not take place and she was sunk in Nedstrandsfjorden in 1988.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Indherreds Aktie-D/S by Per Alsaker and Dag Bakka Jr. and misc.).
Related external link:
Maritime Hjemmesider - This website states she had a crew of 5, certified for 250 passengers. Laid up after the war at age 86, until sold for breaking up in 1950 as stated. Her hull was considered too good to be broken up, so after Brødrene Anda (the breakers) had made some alterations she was used as coastal freighter (Rigel) until 1966, then laid up in Sandnes until 1982, at which time she was purchased by an orginasation that wanted to restore her to her original condition, but after having been in Stavanger until 1984 she had to be removed and was subsequently sunk in deep waters, 121 years old.
D/S Kong Oscar II * |
Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal
914 gt
Built Copenhagen, Denmark 1904.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1904 from Burmeister & Wain Skibsbyggeri, Cobenhagen, Denmark (234) as coastal vessel Kong Oscar II to Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal. Steel hull, 197' x 30.7' x 21.8', 914 gt, Triple Expansion (Burmeister & Wain) 900ihp 13 knots. Used in the coastal postal route Oslo-Bergen, together with owner's Dronningen, Arendal and Lindholmen. The latter went out of the route in Jan.-1907 following a fire, and was replaced in March-1910 by owner's newly built Norge (later Bjørgvin).
Picture of Kong Oscar II - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: On hire to Den Konglige Norske Marine (Royal Norwegian Navy) in Oct.-1939. Laid up as accommodation vessel near Karljohansvern, Horten. On my Ship Forum there's a thread regarding this ship. One of the responses says she was seized by the Germans in Horten on the day of the German invasion, Apr. 9-1940, having been on charter to the Norwegian Navy since Sept.-1939. Although she was a German prize, she was used as costal transport with Norwegian crew and flag until Oct. 19-1944. According to Jürgen Rohwer, she was damaged at Bergen by a limpet mine on Sept. 11-1944, aimed at the floating dock at Bergenske Mek. Verksteder, Lakesvåg, where a U-boat was docked. The dock was sunk, killing 17 men working there, injuring many others - mine placed by the British X24, Westmacott, towed across the North Sea by HMS Sceptre, "Operation Heckle". (Rohwer indicates she was 941 gt - this might be a printing error). The cargo vessel Sten was also damaged.
Kong Oscar II was back in service on Oct. 19-1944, under the German flag with German crew. She was sailing in a German convoy as an empty salvage vessel when she stranded in a storm near Sandnessjøen in the evening of Jan. 12-1945, due to navigational error, slipped off and sank in shallow waters the next day. (R. W. Jordan gives the location as Bodø Roads).
POST WAR: According to the forum message she was broken up "in situ" by Høvding Skipsopphugging, Sandnessjøen (ship breakers) in the winter of 1954/55, but some scrap still left.
Misc. sources, including info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Arendals Dampskibsselskab by Dag Bakka jr. in "Skipet" 1.2000.
Related external links:
Kong Oscar II - This website has written extensively about this ship (several pages worth), text is in Norwegian. Fantastic pictures, copies of original documents, reports etc., including a document relating the limpet mine incident (a Norwegian report), as well as a German report regarding her stranding.
Arendals Dampskibsselskap - Click on "Skipene" to see a list of, and pictures of the ships.
D/S Kong Ring * |
Det Søndenfjeldske Norske Dampskibsselskab A/S, Oslo
1994 gt
Built in Oslo 1929.
Passenger/cargo ship.
Picture of Kong Ring
Another picture - Both from Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
Captain Karl J. Sveberg. Struck a mine and sank near Lenangen Light in Ullsfjord, Troms on Dec. 26-1941 with the loss of 30 men, incl. the captain. 8 survived. There were over 300 German soldiers on board, but it's not clear how many died. Minefield laid by the Russian submarine K-1 (Avgustinovich) on Dec. 16 or 17. See also "Note" under Kong Dag above.
"Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik names the following casualties (in alphabetical order):
Waitress Solveig Gudrun Andersen, Seaman Thoralf Arnesen, Seaman Alf Henry Berg, Able Seaman Antoni Jaconelli Biagio, Mess Girl Petra Ovidia Dahl, Skipper/Pilot Marius Kristian Angel Gjæver, Gulbrand Kristian Gulbrandsen, Able Seaman Roy Wilfred Gårdsø, Cook Harald Hansen, Stoker Hartvig Hansen, Ordinary Seaman Karl Petter Hansen, 1st Engineer Haakon Hoem, Stoker Hilmar Oscar Ingebretsen, 3rd Engineer Sverre Olaf Johannessen, Stoker Arnulf Jonsberg, Boatswain Einar Andreas Kristoffersen, Seaman Sigurd Larinius Larsen, Stoker Paul Edvin Lian, 1st Mate Hans Rudolf Norvik, Stoker Harald Asbjørn Randby, Carpenter Harald Simensen Sandberg, Einar Skare, Able Seaman Ingvald Skjærvold, Trimmer Erik Thomas Suhr, Captain Karl Johan Sveberg, Cook Anny Marie Sørensen, Trimmer Olav Birkås Sørensen, Cabin Girl Borghild Lorentze Waaler.
Related external link:
More on the casualties - This website says 1 Norwegian was rescued, adding that Kong Ring was on her way from Burfjord in Kvænangen to Narvik at the time of this incident. For some reason the year here is given as 1944.
There had previously been another Kong Ring, belonging to O. Rustad, built Oslo 1913, 1611 gt - sunk by UB-18 off the Scilly Isles on Sept. 11-1916.
M/S Kongsfjord * |
A/S Den Norske Amerikalinje, Oslo
4000 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1937.
Pre war: Launched on Apr. 16-1937 by Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstads A/B, Gothenburg (Yard No. 270) for NAL. Delivered in July-1937. 4000 gt, 2365 net, 7465 tdwt, 407.1 x 55.3 x 22.6 ft, two 7 cylinder 2S.C.S.A Burmeister & Wain oil engines by the shipbuilders, driving twin screws.
WW II: Seized at Oslo by the Kriegsmarine on May 17-1940 (Norway's Constitution Day). Refitted as a blockade runner in Jan.-1941 and renamed Sperrbrecher 15. Renamed Gonzenheim on April 24-1941 and fitted out as a reconnaissance ship for the battleship Bismarck. Managed by Unterweser Reederei GmbH, Bremen. Put to sea from a French port on May 17-1941. Located by aircraft from HMS Victorious on June 4-1941 and when HMS Nelson and cruiser HMS Neptune intercepted her, it was decided to scuttle and she was set on fire. She was shelled by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Esperance Bay, and finally torpedoed and sunk by HMS Neptune, 43 29N 24 04W.
My Guestbook has a message from the son of someone who served on Neptune at the time of interception.
(Sources: Norwegian America Line fleet list, and "The World's Merchant Fleets", R. W. Jordan).
Related external links:
Norway Heritage Project has a section on Norwegian America Line with pictures and more details on dimensions etc. on several of the company's ships, including Kongsfjord.
Royal Navy and WW II
Den norske Amerikalinje had no less than 4 ships by this name through the years.
D/S Kong Sigurd |
Det Søndenfjeldske Norske Dampskipsselskab A/S, Oslo
916 gt
Built in Oslo 1927.
Under German control? Rescued 17 men from the Norwegian Bør in the North Sea 1942. Reported in July-1943 and on Sept. 12-1944 in Germany-Norway trade.
Picture of Kong Sigurd - Received from Aage A. Wilhelmsen (original source: Tormund Gjertsen, who sailed on her before the war. His story is included in my Norwegian Warsailor Stories section).
POST WAR: Collided with the Danish M/S Selandia and sank on Dec. 6-1949. Much of her cargo of copper was salvaged.
Related external link:
Kong Sigurd - More information from a Norwegian website for divers (text in English and Norwegian).
D/S Kong Sverre |
See Kong Haakon further up on this page.
D/S Kong Trygve |
Det Søndenfjeldske Norske Dampskibsselskab A/S, Oslo
1139 gt
Built in Fredrikstad, Norway 1931.
Passenger/cargo ship. Reported in July-1943 and on Sept. 14-1944 in Norwegian coastal service. Surveyed April-June 1944. According to this Guestbook message she struck a mine at Fakse bay in the morning of Nov. 20-1944; anchored up that evening (no further details). Reported Febr. 16-1945 at Copenhagen.
Picture of Kong Trygve - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
POST WAR: By mid 1945 she was back in commercial service for Søndenfjeldske.
D/S Kora |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
817 gt
Built at Port Glasgow 1906. Previous names: Rosebank until 1912, Krosfond until 1914.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1906 from Clyde Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.Ltd, Prt Glasgow (267) as cargo vessel Rosebank to John O'Groat Steam Shipping Co, Ltd. (Duncan & Jamieson), Wick. Steel hull, 199.2 x 30.1 x 14, 817 gt, 1055 tdwt, Tripple Expansion (Clyde SB&E) 550ihp, 10 knots. Sold in Sept.-1912 to D/S Langfond A/S (Sigval Bergesen), Stavanger, renamed Krosfond. Sold in Oct.-1914 to Det Bergenske D/S, renamed Kora and used in the company's cargo lines. Requisitioned by The Shipping Controller, London in 1917, managed by J. H. Wetherall & Co. Returned in 1919. As per 1939 she was used as reserve in the company's cargo lines.
WW II: At Stettin on Apr. 9-1940. Seized by the Germans on Apr. 10, and crew was interned, but was allowed back on board in May, whereupon Kora departed for Sweden on May 21, arriving Gothenburg on May 28. Returned to Norway (in July?) and subsequently under German control. In cargo service western Norway-northern Norway-eastern Finnmark along with the company's Canis and Edna 1941 (other companies that had vessels in coastal service to eastern Finnmark found the risk of Russian aircraft attacks too great and cancelled all their sailings to this area). Kora arrived Kirkenes on her first voyage in this service on Oct. 24-1941, and on her second trip she carried Christmas supplies, with arrival Dec. 18 that year. In 1942 she had 3 voyages in this run while Canis and Edna had 2 each, then in 1943 Kora and Edna had 3 each while Canis had 1. On Oct. 13-1943 Kora was attacked several times by Russian aircraft when en route from Båtsfjord to Kirkenes and received damages to her engine, possibly as a result of Russian depth charges, otherwise suffered no serious damage. Towed to Kirkenes by a German vessel. In 1944, Kora, Canis and Edna made 1 voyage each in this run.
When the big explosion occurred in Bergen on Apr. 20-1944 (see D/S Rogaland for details), Kora was at Skoltegrunnskaien in Bergen harbour with a very flammable cargo on board, namely 400 tons sulfur in one of her holds, and 29 barrels of cod liver oil on deck. After the explosion she was surrounded by black smoke so no-one could see anything. Due to the subsequent tidal waves she started to bump up against the quay, and embers from several fires were "raining" around them but Captain Knut Hagestad and crew managed to get her to safety. The company's Vela (more info at link) was in need of assistance and Kora's crew succeeded in fastening a tow line on board this drifting vessel. Both later anchored up at Puddefjorden further west in the harbour. Vela had escaped unharmed while Kora had suffered some damages.
POST WAR: Sold in Sept.-1946 to P.Gasparinatos, Panama. Ran aground in July-1951 near Sidi on a voyage Port Said-Benghazi with general cargo. Refloated and condemned. Broken up at La Spezia in 1952.
(Misc. sources, incl. info received from T. Eriksen - His sources: Articles about BDS in "Skipet" 1-2.88 by Dag Bakka Jr., and "Norges eldste Linjerederi, BDS 1851-1951" by Wilhelm Keilhau).
D/S Korsnes * later raised |
Kristian Jebsen Jr., Bergen
1736 gt
Built in Stavanger, Norway 1936.
Under German control, Kriegsmarine, collier Pregel. Torpedoed by aircraft from carrier HMS Implacable on Nov. 27-1944, burnt out and sank(?) near Rørvik. This is the attack during which M/S Rigel was sunk.
There's conflicting info as to whether Korsnes actually sank or was simply badly damaged and beached.
Some facts found in "Handelsflåten i krig", book 1, by Atle Thowsen:
It appears that Korsnes was taken as prize in Oct.-1939 when she was stopped by a German war ship while on a voyage from Malmö to Baltimore with cellulose, on the grounds that her cargo was contraband (it was claimed it could be used in the production of guncotton). Though she was en route from one neutral port to another, she had a planned stop for bunkers at Sydney, N.S., an enemy port. The case was brought before the court in Hamburg, and when she was freed at the end of Jan.-1940 the Germans appealed to the higher courts, and Korsnes ended up having to wait in Hamburg. In the meantime, the German invasion of Norway took place and in the summer of 1940 Korsnes turned up in Bergen as D/S Pregel of Hamburg. New efforts to get her freed followed and in Aug. she was temporarily freed while waiting for the final judgement of the courts. Some sort of an agreement was reached with the Germans and Korsnes put back into service, until she during a voyage in the north of Norway at the end of Nov.-1944 had engine trouble and had to be laid up. It was during this voyage (to be laid up) she sailed in convoy with Rigel and met her final fate. (I cannot ascertain whether she sailed under the name Pregel or Korsnes at the time, but I believe it was Korsnes).
POST WAR: Raised in Aug.-1945 and repaired in Bergen, renamed Patricia in 1947.
Related external link:
6 who died - Stoker Alfred Mauris W. Andersen, Able Seaman Oddvar Martin Ellingsen, Steward Rasmus Græsdal, Mess Boy Martinius N. Haugland, Able Seaman Johan Edvard Karlsen, and Deck Boy Morten Reidolf Larsen are commemorated at this memorial for seamen in Stavern, Norway.
D/S Korsvik * |
Jens Andvig, Oslo
1183? 1229? gt
Built at Jarrow 1883. Previous names: Abermead until 1908, Torstein until 1924, Sinbad until 1927.
Pre war: Delivered in Apr.-1883 as Abermead (Abermaed?) from Palmers' Shipbuilding & Iron Company, Jarrow (499) to Letricheux & David, Swansea, 1229 gt, 639 net, 1350 tdwt, 225.5' x 31.1' x 17.2', 2 cyl. compound (builders), 119 nhp. Owned from 1885 by Abermead Steamship Co. (Letricheux & David), Swansea. Sold in 1908 to D/S A/S Torstein (Chr. Christensen), Christiania (Oslo) and renamed Torstein. Owned from 1914 by D/S A/S Tormod, same managers. Sold in Febr.-1915 to Jacob Kjøde, Bergen, owners becoming D/S A/S Inger (Jacob Kjøde), Bergen in Dec. that year. Sold in 1924 to Skibs-A/S Torstein (H. Richard Aass), Christiania and renamed Sinbad. Sold in 1927 to Skibs-A/S Korsvik (Bogen & Johnsen), Oslo and renamed Korsvik. Owned from 1931 by A/S Kveitefiske, Oslo, same managers. Sold in 1937 to Olav Ringdal, Oslo. Sold again in 1939 to Jens Andvig, Oslo.
WW II: Seized by the Kriegsmarine on Dec. 6-1940 and used as refrigerated ship for AOK, Norwegen. According to Lauritz Pettersen's "Hjemmeflåten - mellom venn og fiende" (Book 5 of the series "Handelsflåten i krig"), who lists this ship as being 1229 gt, she was torpedoed and sunk near Skagen on Dec. 1-1944 by a British submarine, but this is not mentioned at all in Rohwer's "Allied Submarine Attacks", so I posted a query to my Ship Forum. Theo's reply states she was sunk in an air attack in Skagerrak on that date. He gives her 1183 gt.
Picture of Korsvik - Received from George Robinson (who runs the Riversea Intl. website).
See also this posting by Arild Engelsen, Norway to my Ship Forum in reply to my own query. He gives various tonnages, as follows: Bef.1912-26: 1074,33 grt, 1926-31: 1067 grt, 1931-abt.40: 1229 grt., abt.1940-42: 1169 grt??? (in the "in abspruch"-list).
Kr - Ky
D/S Kristiansand |
Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal
473 gt
Built in Christiania (Oslo) 1915.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1915 from Nylands Mek. Verksted, Oslo (247) as coastal vessel Kristiansand to Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal. Steel hull, 151.2 x 25.2 x 17.4, 473 gt, Triple Expansion (Nylands) 102nhp. Used in owner's coastal route Skien-Brevik-Arendal-Kristiansand. From 1932, in Hurtigruten service (express passenger/cargo service) Oslo-Moss-Arendal-Grimstad-Lillesand-Kristiansand.
WW II: On Apr. 8-1940 Kristiansand was en route to Oslo, when she ended up near the battle between the German Blücher from the German invasion fleet and Oscarsborg fortress. See some text under Orion related to this incident. She managed to take cover and anchored up in Hallangspollen further out in Oslofjorden, where the passengers and most of her crew went ashore. (Other ships in Oslofjord at the time of the invasion were Alpha, Halden I, and Sørland). She later continued in her regular Hurtigruten service between Oslo and Kristiansand. Following an accident(?) with the company's Bjørgvin in Oct.-1941 as well as the capture of Galtesund and the loss of Tromøsund, Kristiansand and Oslo serviced the company's routes alone. In 1944 she had 68 such round trips. However, due to the lack of coal, the route had to be discontinued in the winter of 1945 and Kristiansand and Oslo were both laid up.
POST WAR: When the war was over she resumed the Oslo-Moss-Arendal-Grimstad-Lillesand-Kristiansand service (June/July-1945). On Jan 3-1946 she ran aground near Fuglehuk in Oslofjorden. The passengers were picked up by Oslo, while Kristiansand was refloated with minor damages. After having been repaired and somewhat rebuilt at Pusnes Mek. Verksted, Arendal (11 new bunks in the cabins), she went back to the same service that same year. Rebuilt in 1948 at Framnæs Mek. Verksted, Sandefjord, converted to oil fuelling, returned in Apr.-1948. At some point in the 1950's the route was taken over by 2 hired freighters, and Kristiansand was only used in the summertime, until the summer of 1957, at which time the route was taken over by Oslo, while Kristiansand was sold in June to N.V. Arie Rijsrdijk (Boss & Zonen, Henrik-Ido-Ambacht), Holland for breaking up - completed in May-1958.
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Arendals Dampskibsselskab by Dag Bakka jr. in "Skipet" 1.2000 and misc.).
Related external link:
Picture of Kristiansand - Linked to Arendals Dampskibsselskap's website.
The company had previously had another ship by this name (picture on their website) built in Stavanger in 1914, 484 gt - ran aground near Risør that same year and became a total loss.
D/S Kronprinsesse Märtha |
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
898 gt
Built in Danzig, Germany 1929.
This is identical to D/S Ryfylke. The Germans wouldn't allow any ships in service on the coast of Norway to carry names of the (exiled) Norwegian royal family, so the name was changed to Ryfylke (Kong Haakon further up on this page was renamed Kong Sverre). The original names were taken back after the war, and the Norwegians kept referring to them by those names even during the war.
Please continue to my page D/S Kronprinsesse Märtha for more information on this ship, and a picture.
D/S Kronprins Olav |
Thor Thoresen A/S, Oslo
1137 gt
Built in Christiania 1908.
See D/S Ramfoss for further details.
Another Kronprins Olav had been lost in 1915, built Middlesbrough 1907, 3923 gt.
D/S Kronprins Olav |
A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab, Oslo
111 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1904. Previous name: Styrsö II until 1908
See D/S Sjøstrand.
M/S Krosdøl * |
Nils Handegård, Øystese
177 gt
Built in Arboga, Sweden 1918. Previous name: Olle.
Pre war history: Completed in Sept.-1918 by Hjelmare Kanal & Slusverks-AB, Hjälmaredocka near Arboga, Sweden as freighter Olle, 97.7' x 21.6' x 9.8', 188.43 gt, 3cyl 2tev pm (Bergsunds Mek. Verkstad) 120bhp. Registered on May 21-1919 as owned by Olaus Olssons Handels & Sjöfarts AB, Stockholm, Sweden, skipper Anton Mauritz Krögerström. On July 14-1919, Olle was on a voyage from Kotka to Korsör with a cargo of lumber. On this voyage she developed a list to one side, then to the other, depending on the wind direction. Later that day, shortly after having passed the south point of Öland the list had become more serious and at the same time her crew discovered a leak and the water started to rise in the engine room. With an increasing list, the crew decided to abandon ship, and about an hour after the leak had been spotted she capsized, in a west/northwestly wind. A steamship came to and took Olle, which was still floating on her lumber cargo, in tow towards Kalmar. She was subsequently pumped by the salvage steamer Argo and taken to Kalmar. The reason for her trouble is given as too much deck cargo. She was later repaired (186.73 gt). Sold on Dec. 22-1920 to Rederi-AB Semele, Stockholm, Sweden, skipper Anders Arvid Magnusson. The company went bankrupt in 1923 and she was sold on March 28 that year to AB Nymann & Schultz, Lindvall, Sweden, skipper Viktor Fridolf Gröndal, later Johan Herman Petrus Söderbaum from May 24-1923. Sold again on Apr. 10-1924 to Regina Karlsson, Stockholm, skipper Gustav Adolf Karlsson. Sold on Dec. 14-1925 to Nils Handegård, Øystese and renamed Krosdøl.
WW II: As per 1944 she was 177 gt. Krosdøl arrived Møhlenpriskaien in Bergen in the evening of Apr. 18-1944 with 270 tons of sand for the Germans' Hafenbauamt. At the time she had a crew of 6 (a 7th having paid off the day before); Skipper Georg Kalvenes, Mate Jan Hevrøy, Able Seaman Haakon Særsten, Engineer Harald Leonard Sævarud, and a steward (name unknown). On Apr. 19 she moved to Festningskaien (near Rosenkrantztårnet), where the sand was to be unloaded into trucks. At the same place was the freighter Kinn and the Dutch freighter Vorboode which, unknown to Krosdøl's and Kinn's crew had 120 tons explosives on board. Kinn, having just discharged her sand cargo, backed out from the quay, whereupon Krosdøl tied up with her starboard side to the quay, and Vorboode tied up to Krosdøl's port side. In the course of the day about half of Krosdøl's cargo was unloaded by Russian prisoners of war under German guard, and at 07:00 the following morning, Apr. 20, the unloading continued. At that time D/S Rogaland was just south of Krosdøl, which had 5 of her crew on board. Skipper Kalvenes was still in his cabin when he at 08.40 noticed a flame come up from a small opening in Vorboode's deck, and immediately notified the rest of the crew. Engineer Sævarud was drinking coffee in his cabin, Able Seaman Særsten was eating breakfast with the steward in the mess room. They hurried ashore to find shelter, and shortly afterwards Vorboode exploded, completely disintegrating Krosdøl and the other ships near her. Mate Jan Hevrøy was seriously injured and died later at a hospital. (Follow the link to Rogaland for more on this explosion).
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: Mats Karlsson, Øistein Thomas Berge, Torsten Hagnéus, and the Martime Enquiry for Krosdøl from May 10-1944).
Related external link:
From the maritime hearings - A section of an exhibition on the website of the National Archives (text is in Norwegian).
M/S Kunna |
A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø
33 gt
Built in Svendborg, Denmark 1907. Previous name: Willemoes until 1920.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1907 from unknown builders in Svendborg, Denmark as Willemoes to unknown Danish owner, wooden hull, 67.9 x 13 x 6.9. Sold in 1920 to A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø and renamed Kunna. Converted for regularly scheduled service, 67.9 x 13 x 6.9, 25 gt. As per 1920 she had a 2cyl 2tev Skandia rm 0bhp 7 knots motor, and was used locally around Bodø and to Nord-Helgeland, though was not suited. Rebuilt at some point in the 1920's, 33 gt.
WW II: Probably sold in 1943, buyer unknown (still registered by Saltens D/S). Further fate unknown.
POST WAR: Deleted from Norwegian registry in 1951.
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Salten D/S in "Skipet" 1.93 by Jens Chr. Egenæs).
This company later had another ship named Kunna, see D/S Ofoten.
D/S Kvalø |
Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø
299 gt
Built in Bergen Norway 1911.
Pre war history: Delivered in Apr.-1911 from Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen as Kvalø (42) to Tromsø Amts Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø (this is simply the old fashioned way of saying Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap), 286 gt, 159 net, 136'-4 1/2" x 21'-6" x 9'-4 1/2", tripple expansion steam engine, 320 ihp, 10.5 knots. She sailed between the numerous islands in the Tromsø area, transporting agricultural products and fish to the mainland, and returning with supplies like salt, textiles and flower (service Harstad-Andenes, Harstad-Sortland, Harstad-Tromsø and Tromsø-Burøysund). In 1927 and 1930 she went to a yard for misc. work, then from Oct.-1932 till Apr.-1933 she was laid up. Again laid up from Oct.-1937 till Apr.-1939, except for the period from May till Oct.-1938.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Germans in Apr.-1940 for use as supply vessel. Rescued 148(?) people from the Norwegian ship Blenheim in Porsangerfjorden 1941. In Norwegian coastal service throughout the war.
POST WAR: Returned to owners in 1945 and renamed Kvaløy. She ran aground near Sommarøya (west coast of Kvaløy) on Sept. 22-1949 (1947?), no casualties among crew or passengers. She was able to continue without help, only to run into Kobberskjæret (reef) on her way out. Extensively rebuilt and renovated at Bodø Mek. Verksted from Oct.-1950, completed May-1951, new deckhouses, new masts and bridge and improved interior. Unfortunately, the owners would have little joy from this because she ran aground on the northwest coast of Senja on Jan. 3-1952 on a voyage from Steinfjord, Senja to Mefjordvær. All crew and passengers were rescued, but the salvage attempts were given up on Jan. 18-1952.
(The above is partly from the company fleet list by Finn R. Hansen, and partly from details received from Jan Visser, a Dutch visitor to my site, who says that according to his information the Sommarøya incident took place on Sept. 22-1947, not 1949, and adds that the salvage operation was given up on Jan. 18.1947. He gives the dimensions 38.5 x 6.5 x 4.5 m).
The company later had another Kvaløy, built in Bergen in 1954, 498 gt. This ship was sold to Lichtenstein in Dec.-1975, registered in Panama and renamed Acut. A 3rd Kvaløy was built in 1977, 195 gt, still in service in 1996.
M/S Kvamsøy |
Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane, Bergen
39 gt
Built in Haugesund 1922.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1922 from Hauges Jernskibsbyggeri, Haugesund as Kvamsøy to Fylkesbaatane i Sogn & Fjordane, Bergen. Steel hull, wheelhouse up front, 63 x 13,6 x 7,6, 39 gt, 2cyl 2tev Grei rm 60bhk, registered for 96 passengers. Placed in local service in Nordfjord, then in 1924 in local service in Sogn.
WW II: Continued in her regular service all through the war, though occasionally laid up due to shortage of fuel.
POST WAR: Entered service in Midtre (Middle) Nordfjord in 1951, later in local service around Florø, to Norddalsfjord, in the 'milk run' Førdefjord-Florø, in cargo service Florø-Bremanger and in the local Florø-Askvoll-Værlandet-Bulandet run. Rebuilt at some point, 40 gt, a 2tev Union 100bhk installed. Sold in 1963 to Jakob K. Skurtveit, Rossland, converted to freighter. Entered service as Agnøy that year? Sold in 1984 to Kåre Eikeland, Rossland. Sold in 1985 to Leif Myklebust, Bergen. Sold in 1986 to Sverre Espevik, Onarheim. Sold early 1990's to Vegard Lunde, Tysnes. Seen laid up in Strusshamn in July-1995. By Sept.-1996 she was laid up in Godøysund. Sold in July-1998 to Geir-Arve Hansen, Ålesund.
(All details from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
D/S Kvarven |
Dampskibsselskabet Topdal A/S, Bergen
70 gt
Built in Kristiansand in 1904. Previous name: Kvina until 1909.
Pre war history: Delivered in Sept.-1904 from Christiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand as Kvina to A/S Kvina (Nils Nilsen, Liknes near Flekkefjord). Steel hull, 72,7 x 14,5 x 5, 70 gt, 2cyl Compound 14nhk. In regularly scheduled service Flekkefjord-Hidra-Åna Sira. Sold in Dec.-1909 to Aktiedampskibsselskabet Topdal (Ingebrigt Christiansen, Bergen) and renamed Kvarven. In the spring of the following year she was placed in the Bergen-Laksevåg (Gravdal, Skålevik, Kjøkkelvik, Olsvik and Gjerdingsnes)-Kleppestø and Strusshamn (on Askøy) route. In 1910 the owning company changed its name to Dampskibsselskabet Topdal A/S, Bergen, and the route extended to Bergen-Laksevåg-Kleppestø, Strusshamn-Alvøen-Håkonshella, later also to Sotra (Døsjø, Ekerhovd, Ebbesvik, Brattholmen and Bjorøy). Very popular in the summertime among townspeople wanting to go to the countryside. Rebuilt in 1936, new wheelhouse.
WW II: Continued in the same service all through the war. On Apr. 8-1943 the company changed its name to Rutelaget Bergen-Vest A/S, Bergen.
POST WAR: When the rights to stopping on Askøy was purchased by Askøy Municipality in June-1950, she was removed from Rutelaget Bergen-Vest A/S routes, then sold in April the following year to Ole Tendenes, Stavanger. Converted to barge by Brødrene Anda, Hundvåg, Stavanger.
(All details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr. 1994).
M/S Kveite |
A/S Frostfilet, Trondheim
(German controlled)
197 gt
Built in Uddevalla, Sweden 1943.
Delivered in May-1943 from A/B Junohus, Uddevalla, Sweden (313) as freighter Kveite to A/S Frostfilet, Trondheim. Wooden hull, 111,8 x 23,6 x 10,5 197 gt / t.dwt:250, 2cyl 2tev Bolinder 150bhp. Used by the Germans as freighter.
4 other vessels of about the same size were also built for the Germans; Flyndre, Lange, Hyse and Sei (these are names of different types of fish). They all ended up sailing under the Norwegian flag.
POST WAR: Frostfilet A/S, Trondheim (under administration of the Norwegian State, Oslo) from May-1945. Owner's name Frostfilet Norsk A/S, Trondheim from May-1947. Sold in 1947 to Jacob Bjørshol, Staurset, Vinjeøra (Trondheim), in coastal service. Rebuilt (1950?), 199 gt. New engine installed in 1953, 2cyl 2tev Wichmann 175bhp (1937), and again in 1962, 12cyl 4tev General Motors dm 450bhk. From Aug.-1965 owned by I/S Arnulf (Johan Bjørshol, Spongdal, near Trondheim). Renamed Nidarvoll, in coastal service. Purchased by Otto Barsten, Molde on Sept. 1-1969, in local sand transport. Renamed Beton on Nov. 29-1969. Remeasured in 1971, 198 gt. Sank on June 2-1972 after developing a leak at Sunndalsøra quay. Wreck taken out to deeper waters and sunk. Deleted from Norwegian register on July 5-1972. See also a message on my Ship Forum.
(Partly from info found in "Handelsflåten i krig", book 5, Lauritz Pettersen, and partly from T. Eriksen, Norway).
M/K Kvikk IV |
Svein Wilhelmsen, Steinestø
47? gt
Built Norheimsund 1926.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1926 from unknown, Norwegian builders as freighter Kvikk IV to Svein Wilhelmsen, Norheimsund / Bergen. Wooden hull, 47 gt, motor type unknown. Rebuilt in 1936, fitted out for taking passengers and cars. Hired out to A/S Ferjetrafikk, Bergen in July and Aug.-1936, in "ferry" service Steinestø-Knarvik, possibly in use in Hardanger in the wintertime? In the summer of 1937 she was on hire to A/S Ferjetrafikk again, same service. Owner Svein Wilhelmsen appears to have moved to Steinestø (Bergen) in 1938, still in service Steinestø-Knarvik. In 1939 the owner acquired the car ferry Torefjell which then replaced Kvikk IV in this route.
WW II: In Apr.-1940 the Germans requisitioned Torefjell, and Kvikk IV had to be placed in the Steinestø-Knarvik run again.
POST WAR: In the summer of 1946 Torefjell again took over the route, but Kvikk IV stepped in as necessary. In the spring of 1947 she was hired out to Lindås-Masfjordens Dampskipslag LL, Bergen for use in the company's Nordhordland runs. Sold in 1950 to Ole N. Midttveit, Tælavåg / Bergen, in service Bergen-Brattholmen-Hilleren-Bjorøyhamn-Tyssøy-Lie-Skogsvåg-Glesvær in the summertime (this run was otherwise serviced by Vatlestraumen, but this ship was on hire to A/S Bergen Nordhordland Trafikklag in the summer). Kvikk IV was later converted and in use as freighter. Sold in 1977 to Karsten Brun, Vedavågen, Karmøy (R-??-K), equipped as industrial trawler. Condemned in 1985 and sunk in Nedstrandsfjord on June 21-1985.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994).
D/S Kvitsøy |
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
143 gt
Built Malmö 1878. Previous name: Rogaland until 1929.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1878 from Kockums Mek. Werkstads AB, Malmö, Sweden as Rogaland to Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger, iron hull, 97,4 x 18,7 x 9,3, 2cyl Compound (Kockums) 41nhp, 205ihp, 120 gt. Rebuilt 1894, 127 gt. Collided on Dec. 8-1912 with D/S Birgit at Haugesund Harbour and sank near Møllerodden, Vibrandsøy, Haugesund - raised right away and repaired in Haugesund. Renamed Kvitsøy in 1929 (because a new Rogaland was delivered that year), rebuilt, interior modernized, 143 gt. In local traffic Stavanger-Kvitsøy-Skudesneshavn.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine in Apr.-1940, used as NS 34, later NS 05. Ran aground on June 27-1941 at Ormøy, minor damages. Returned to owners on June 27-1941.
POST WAR: Repaired, rebuilt and modernized in 1945, 152 gt, back in the Stavanger-Kvitsøy-Skudesnes service. Laid up in Stavanger in Apr.-1957 (replaced in the Skudesnes-route by the newly built M/S Skudenes), renamed Haukelid in Aug. that year (a new vessel was to have the name Kvitsøy), still laid up. Sold in Sept.1957 to Brødrene Anda, Stavanger for breaking up. Her engine was purchased by Kockums Mek. Verkstad (which had originally built it), and was later given to Malmö Museum, where it's exhibited today.
More details can be found in a posting to my Ship Forum).
(All info on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway).
D/S Kysten |
Namsos Dampskibsselskap, Namsos
300 gt
Built in Trondheim 1909.
In coastal passenger/cargo service Trondheim-Namsos. Requisitioned by the Germans in 1940 and 1944.
Picture of this ship - Received from Erling Skjold, Norway.
POST WAR: Laid up for a while after the war, but repaired, modernized, lengthened and reentered service in 1950. Sold to Tvedestrand in 1964 and renamed Askaas. In 1971 she was purchased by the newly formed A/S Jubileumsskipet, Tønsberg and fixed up, and is used as a passenger vessel on the south coast of Norway under the name Kysten I, 383 gt.
Related external link:
Picture of Kysten I - On the website Norsk Veteranskipsklubb (Norwegian Veteran Ships Club).
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