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Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939 - 1945
Ships starting with K

Ships in Foreign Trade (allied service)

Please read this

= the ship was in Nortraship's Fleet
= the ship was sunk (or otherwise lost)

= steam ship
= steam tanker
= motor vessel
= motor tanker
= turbine tanker

Name of Ship
Managed By
  • D/S K. G. Meldahl NS *
K. K. Rasmussen, Sandefjord
3799 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1938.

D/S K. G. Meldahl has more information, including details on her loss and a crew list at the time (and picture).

  • M/T K. J. Knudsen
Knut Knutsen O. A. S., Haugesund
11 267 (11 199?) gt
Built in Gothenburg, launched in 1939 (ordered March-1937) and ready to be delivered in June 1940.

To prevent her from falling into German hands she was sold (proforma) to Rederi-A/B Zenit (Torsten Petterson) and laid up in Gothenburg as Bellona for the duration of the war.

POST WAR: Delivered on Aug. 7-1945 from A/B Götaverken, Gothenburg as K. J. Knudsen to D/S A/S John Bakke Haugesund (Knut Knutsen O.A.S.). "Våre motorskip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund & E. H. Kongshavn gives tonnages as 11 199gt, 6816 net, 16 440 tdwt, 540.3' x 66.3' x 39.3', 6 cyl. 2 tdv Götaverken-B&W, 6850 bhp. Transferred to D/S A/S Lisbeth in 1948, equipped with a new motor in 1954 - 5 cyl. ev 6500 bhp B&W. Sold in Febr.-1963 to Spain for breaking up.

  • D/S Kai NS
N. Bugge, Tønsberg
276 gt
Built in Tønsberg, Norway 1926.

Whale catcher, hired by Royal Navy for use as minesweeper from July 8-1940 until May 11-1946.

I have a little snippet of information from a document received from the National Archives of Norway, stating that she sailed from Table Bay on June 21-1941 for Durban - arrival date is not given.

See also this Guestbook message.

POST WAR: Transferred in 1947 to United Whalers, London (N. Bugge, Tønsberg). Broken up in Cape Town in 1962. (Source: Ulf W. Gustavsen, Norway).

  • M/T Kaia Knudsen NS
Knut Knutsen O. A. S., Haugesund
9063 gt
Built in Hamburg 1931.

All my information on this ship has been assembled on a separate page at M/T Kaia Knudsen.

  • D/S Kaiapoi *
Wallem & Co., Hong Kong
(Panamanian flag)
2003 gt
Built in Sunderland 1906. Previous name: Holywood until 1906.

Struck rocks at Wenchow Bay on Jan. 25-1939 and sank 28 16N 121 38E, when on a voyage from Shanghai to Ningpo via Wenchow with a cargo of coal.

Related external link:
Wallem Group Ltd. - Hong Kong

  • M/T Kaldfonn NS
Sigvald Bergesen, Stavanger
9931 gt
Built in Hamburg 1936.

Follow this link to M/T Kaldfonn for more details.

  • T/T Kaptein Worsøe NS
10 448 gt
Built in Portland, Oregon 1944, as Trailblazer.

Please continue to T/T Kaptein Worsøe.

  • D/S Kari NS *
M. Thorvik, Oslo
1925 gt
Built in Bristol 1920. Previous names: Bygdø until 1925, Leif until 1937.

1 of the 26 Norwegian ships interned in North Africa 1940-1942. My page Interned Ships has a list of these ships, and a separate page about D/S Kari has more details on her, incl. names of crew members.

  • D/S Karlander NS *
H. Th. Wilkens & Co. A/S, Fredrikstad
1843 gt
Built in Oslo 1914. Previous names: Frolund until 1914, Visna until 1929.

Please read more on my page D/S Karlander (incl. crew list at the time of loss).

  • M/S Karmt NS *
H. M. Wrangell & Co. A/S, Haugesund
4991 gt
Built in Glasgow 1938.

Captain Arne Fjeldheim. For more details on this ship, and info on her final fate (+ crew list), please continue to M/S Karmt.

  • T/T Karsten Wang NS
10 297 gt
Built in Chester, PA 1944.

Please continue to T/T Karsten Wang.

  • M/T Kathrine Stenersen
Johan Stenersen, Oslo
10 341 gt
Launched at Malmö, Sweden on Sept. 9-1941.

Laid up in Malmö under Allied control. Completed as Sysla 1945.

  • M/S Kattegat NS *
Olaf Ditlev-Simonsen jr., Oslo
4245 gt
Built in Copenhagen, Denmark 1936.

My page M/S Kattegat lists some of her war voyages, while Norwegian victims of Michel has info on her capture by this raider as well as a link to a complete crew list at the time.

  • M/T Katy NS
S. Holter-Sørensen, Oslo
6826 gt
Built in Sunderland 1931.

Please continue to M/T Katy for more information.

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Ke - Kn
  • D/S Keret NS *
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1718 gt
Built at Le Trait, France 1927.

All available information on this ship, including pre war history, final fate and crew list, has been assembled on a separate page, D/S Keret.

  • D/T Ketty Brøvig NS *
Th. Brøvig, Farsund
7031 gt
Built in Sunderland 1918. Previous name: Montana until 1937.

Pre war history: Launched as Montana on July 4-1917 (for Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Tønsberg) by Sir James Laing & Sons Ltd, Sunderland (Yard No. 662), 7031 gt, 4411 net, 10 624 (10 940?) tdwt, 425' x 57' x 33.1', 3 cyl. triple exp. steam engines of 2500 ihp by George Clark Ltd., Sunderland. Service speed 10 knots. Completed Jan. 14-1918 and placed under the management of H. E. Moss & Co., Liverpool (war requisition), registered owner W. M. Cohan. Returned to Wilh. Wilhelmsen in Nov.-1920. Sold on Oct. 25-1937 to Th. Brøvig, Farsund and renamed Ketty Brøvig.

WW II: Captain Erling Møller.

Her voyages are listed on this original document received from the National Archives of Norway.

She was captured by the German raider Atlantis on Febr. 2-1941. Please continue to my page Norwegian Victims of Atlantis for much more details on this incident and her final fate, as well as information on all the other Norwegian ships captured by this raider.

The next and last victim of Atlantis, and the 6th Norwegian ship to be captured, was M/S Silvaplana.

Brøvigs Rederi A/S, Farsund managed a ship by this name from 1998, 2778 gt. Originally delivered in 1984 as Hasselwerder to owners in Hamburg, Germany. Other names before she became Ketty Brøvig: City of Manchester 1984, Hasselwerder again 1985, Gracechurch Crown 1989, Hasselwerder 1990, Rockabill 1994 (Irish), then Ketty Brøvig from 1998. Sold to St. Vincent in 2004 and renamed Navita. (Skipet 2, 1983).

  • T/T Kirkenes NS
10 172 gt
Built in Mobile, Alabama as Ash Hollow (T2 tanker), and completed as Kirkenes after transfer to Norway.

Please continue to T/T Kirkenes for more information, including some of her convoy voyages.

  • D/S Kirsten B NS
Th. Brøvig, Farsund
1184 gt
Built in Moss, Norway 1930. Previous name: Nordbo until 1934.

See my page D/S Kirsten B.

  • D/S Klo NS
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
307 gt
Built in Sandefjord, Norway 1937.

Whaler (A/S Ørnen, Sandefjord). Hired by Royal Navy for use as anti-submarine vessel 1940 to Sept.-1946.

Just for info, there's a Klo listed as escort for Convoy UGS 22, which left Hampton Roads on Oct. 25-1943 and arrived Port Said Nov. 22; she had joined on Nov. 10 and left Nov. 22. Also, there's a Klo in Convoy MKS 33 from Alexandria to Gibraltar, from Dec. 2 to the 13th.

POST WAR: Sold on Febr. 9-1955 to Compania Industrial, Chile.

Related external links:
Convoy UGS 22 - The site also has MKS 33.

Other ships by this name: Thor Dahl had previously had two other whalers by this name, one built in 1910, 152 gt (122 gt?), later named John (of Larvik, from 1913), and the other built in 1923, 211 gt, sold in 1935 to Sweden. Thor Dahl had also had Klo II (ex Tangalane, A/S Quilimane, Thøger Andresen, Larvik till 1913) - built Sandefjord 1912, 174 gt, later named Windsor 1925 (of Tønsberg).

  • D/S Knoll NS
A. Salvesen, Oslo
1151 gt
Built in Trondheim 1916. Previous names: Fager until 1933, Akabahra until 1936, Mirva until 1939.

D/S Knoll has more on this ship.

  • M/S Knut Bakke
Knut Knutsen O. A. S., Haugesund
5868 gt
Built in Gothenburg, delivered 1945.

Launched in 1942 but laid up in Juvik, Gothenburg, unfinished, for the duration of the war (sister ship of Sofie Bakke and Olav Bakke).

POST WAR: Delivered Sept. 10 from A/B Götaverken, Gothenburg as Knut Bakke to Skibs-A/S Hilda Knudsen, Haugesund (Knut Knutsen O.A.S.). 5868 gt, 8570 tdwt, 456.8' x 58.7' x 26.5', 7 cyl. 2 tdv Götaverken-B&W, 8000 bhp, 16.75 knots. Placed in Den Skandinaviske Syd-Pacific Linje. Transferred, along with Skibs-A/S Hilda Knudsen in July-1947 to Christian Haaland, Haugesund. In Concordia Line and sailed from Nov.-1954 as Concordia Fonn. Sold to Spain for breaking up in Sept.-1971 and arrived Castellon on Sept. 15. ("Våre motorskip", Leif M. Bjørkelund & E. H. Kongshavn).

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Kol - Kom
  • M/T Koll NS *
Odd Berg, Oslo
10 044gt
Built in Hamburg, Germany 1930.

M/T Koll has the details on her final fate, crew list etc.

  • M/T Kollbjørg NS *
Odd Berg, Oslo
8259 gt
Built in Gothenburg, Sweden 1937.

Please see M/T Kollbjørg for more information, including crew list.

  • M/T Kollgrim
Odd Berg, Oslo
8263 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1936.

SOLD in 1939 to France and renamed Picardie.

Struck an obstruction on Febr. 1-1940, and broke in two. Twelve of her crew were lost, but 28 were saved from the afterpart 450 miles northwest of the Azores. I've found an account in a Norwegian magazine which describes this rescue, written by someone who was on board Samuel Bakke at this time - follow the link for details. The afterpart was subsequently taken in tow and in 1949, with a new forepart she was renamed Sirefjell under Norwegian ownership.

Related external link:
Tees-Ships, more facts on Sirefjell, ex Picardie, ex Kollgrim - scroll down on the page for a picture and info on the ship. This site says Picardie sailed for Ministere de la Marine Marchande, France. Operated in the fleet of Societe Francaise De Transports Petroliers. After having broken in 2 as noted above, the forepart sank, but the afterpart was towed to Oran, later to be badly damaged by gunfire. In 1949 the stern section was purchased from the French Government by A/S Falkefjell, Norway, a new forepart was built at Kiel, and she was renamed Sirefjell. Converted from tanker to ore carrier at Spezia in Dec.-1955. Sold to Bermuda, broken up in Hirao, Japan in 1961.

Odd Berg had another ship by the name Kollgrim after the war, this was Nortraship's Norheim, ex Empire Pearl (follow the link for the history of this ship).

  • M/T Kollskegg NS *
Odd Berg, Oslo
9858 gt
Built in Gothenburg, delivered 1940.

Please go to M/T Kollskegg for more details on this ship and its final fate (incl. crew list).

  • D/S Kolsdal NS
Alf Lindø, Haugesund
1269 gt
Built Glasgow 1920. Previous names: War Bann, Syrier.

Please continue to D/S Kolsdal.

  • D/S Komet NS *
H. Tangvald-Pedersen, Porsgrunn
1147 gt
Built Bergen 1912. Previous names: Pluto and Charles Schiaffino.

See D/S Komet for more details, incl. crew list at the time of loss.

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Note that the majority of the "Kong" ships are listed in the Homefleet section, Ships starting with K
  • M/S Kong Haakon VII NS
7073 gt
Built in Glasgow 1942. Previous name: Laid down as Empire Penn.

All available information on this ship has been assembled on a separate page under M/S Kong Haakon VII.

  • D/S Kong Magnus NS
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskipsselskab, Trondheim
1410 gt
Built in Christiania (Oslo) 1911. Previous names: Cratheus until 1919, Luksefjell until 1924.

See D/S Kong Magnus.

  • M/T Kongsdal NS
Moltzau & Christensen, Oslo
9959 gt
Built at Vegesack 1937.

Please continue to M/T Kongsdal.

  • M/T Kongsgaard NS *
A. Gowart Olsen, Stavanger
9467 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1937.

See M/T Kongsgaard (w/crew list at the time of loss).

  • D/S Kongshaug NS *
M. H. Kongshavn & Sønner A/S, Haugesund
1156 gt
Built in Grimstad, Norway 1898. Previous name: Sicilia until 1935.

D/S Kongshaug has further info (incl. crew list).

  • D/S Kongshavn NS
M. H. Kongshavn & Sønner A/S, Haugesund
751 gt
Built at Preston 1906. Previous name: Santa Cruz and Langland.

See D/S Kongshavn for more information on this ship.

  • M/T Kongsstein
A. Gowart Olsen, Stavanger
10 342 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1942, launched Apr. 20.

Laid up in Malmö under allied control from 1942 until May 1945, delivered in May-1945.

  • M/T Kongsten
Rafen & Loennechen, Tønsberg
10 000 gt
Built in Glasgow 1939.

SOLD in 1939 to Gt. Britain and renamed Athelchief. Collided in convoy with the British Chancellor on Dec. 2-1939, the latter was taken in tow but sank - no casualties.

Related external link:
The Clydebuilt Ships website has further details on this ship (later named West River, Westriver and Yanxilas).

  • M/S Kong Sverre NS
7238 gt
Built in Sunderland 1941. Previous name: Empire Grenfell.

Learn more about this ship.

Kor - Kos
  • D/S Korsfjord NS *
Bergh & Helland, Bergen
1620 gt
Built in Bergen 1913.

See D/S Korsfjord (crew list included).

  • D/S Kos I, II
Bruun & Von Der Lippe, Tønsberg
248 gt
Both built Middlesbrough 1929.

My page about the Kos whale catchers has more about these vessels.

Anders Jahre, Sandefjord
248 gt - 356 gt
Built from 1929 - 1936.

Follow the link above to my page about the Kos whale catchers.

  • D/S Kos XXIV - Kos XXIX

Follow the link above.

  • Kosmos NS *
Anders Jahre, Sandefjord
17 801 gt
Built in Belfast 1929.

Whale oil factory, built by Workman Clarke, Belfast.

This original image from the National Archives of Norway shows some of her voyages.

Captain Hans Andresen. She was on a voyage from Cape Town for Curaçao with a cargo of 17 662 tons whale oil, when captured by auxiliary cruiser Thor (Kähler) on Sept. 26-1940, boarded and sunk by explosive charges. The 79 (89?) men were taken on board Thor and later sent to France with the German ship Belgrano (ex Rio Grande), arriving Dec. 13. They were subsequently sent to Norway.

Continue reading about the capture of Kosmos (and the raider Thor) - includes a crew list for Kosmos and a picture.

See also a message in my guestbook.

  • Kosmos II NS *
Anders Jahre, Sandefjord
16 966 gt
Built in Belfast 1931

A separate page about Kosmos II has more information on this vessel, incl. an account on her final fate and a crew list at the time.

Kr - Kv
  • D/S Kristianiafjord NS
Den Norske Amerikalinje A/S, Oslo
6759 gt
Built in Glasgow 1921.

See D/S Kristianiafjord.

  • M/S Kronprinsen NS
7073 gt
Built in Glasgow 1942. Previous name: Laid down as Empire Fairbairn, launched Febr. 17-1942, completed as Kronprinsen in Apr.-1942.

1 of 19 ships transferred to Nortraship in 1942. Kronprinsen was taken over in Clyde, April 27. Further details on this ship can be found on a separate page at M/S Kronprinsen.

  • M/S Kronprinsessen NS
7244 gt
Built in Sunderland 1941. Previous name Empire Latimer until 1942.

Find out more about this ship and some of her voyages.

  • D/S Kronviken NS
Wallem & Co. A/S, Bergen
2363 gt
Built in West Hartlepool 1904. Previous names: Delta until 1920, Domburg until 1922.

Please see D/S Kronviken for information on some of her voyages.

  • M/T Krossfonn NS *
Sigval Bergesen, Stavanger
9323 gt
Buillt in Odense, Denmark 1935.

See M/T Krossfonn, as well as Norwegian Victims of Widder for further details.

  • D/S Kul NS
A/S Thv. Halvorsen, Bergen
1310 gt
Built in Alloa, Scotland 1907. Previous names: Grorud, Tello and Allan.

Please continue to D/S Kul.

  • D/S Kvernaas * neutral
Arnt J. Mørland, Arendal
1819 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1918. Previous names Ingrid Brodin until 1921 (Erik Brodin, Stockholm), Eidshorn until 1927, Ferro until 1929.

D/S Kvernaas has a picture of this ship, as well as details on her fate.

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