Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S P. G. Halvorsen * |
A/S Thv. Halvorsens Rederi, Bergen
1101 gt
Built in Bergen 1912. Previous names: Nordfriesland, Carronsyde, Aslatian.
I've also seen this ship spelt P. C. Halvorsen - can anyone confirm which is correct?
P. G. Halvorsen is mentioned in connection with the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 10 in Febr.-1940, bound for Rouen with general cargo. Follow the link for more details; several Norwegian ships took part.
Struck a mine and sank Dec. 25-1941 at Storebelt.
Picture of P. G. Halvorsen
D/S Pallas * |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
556 gt
Built in Danzig 1922.
Pre war history: Completed in June-1922 at Danziger Werft & Eisenbahnwerkstatten AG, Danzig (24). Steel hull, 154 x 24.2 x 17.5, 556 gt, 550 tdwt, Tripple Expansion (Danziger Werft) 380ihp, 9 knots. Laid up for sale. Purchased by Det Bergenske D/S in June-1923, given the name Pallas, and used in the company's coastal cargo routes. Ran aground near Grønøy on March 3-1926 and was assisted by Dronning Maud. As per the summer of 1939 she was used as reserve, in various company cargo routes.
WW II: Sank on Febr. 3-1940 following a collision with the Finnish Wipunen near Kvalen north of Haugesund, on voyage Bergen-Oslo with general cargo.
(Misc. sources, incl. info on pre war received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: Articles about Bergenske by Dag Bakka Jr. in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet",1-2.88 and "Norges eldste Linjerederi, BDS 1851-1951" by Wilhelm Keilhau).
M/S Pallas |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
937 gt
Built in Bergen 1941.
Pre war history: Delivered in Nov.-1941 from Bergens Mek. Verksteder, Bergen (372) as Pallas to Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. 937 gt, 475 net, 1260 tdwt. Steel hull, 223.9 x 35.2 x 13.5, one 6 cyl. Sulzer diesel engine, 1100 bhp, 12.5 knots. (Nordenfjeldske D/S fleet list gives dimensions as 234' 10"/220' (loa/lpp) x 35' x 16' 2"/23' 5" (d/d1).
Picture of Pallas - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Germans on Oct. 2-1944.
POST WAR: Returned to owners at Mosjøen on June 4-1945, and back in service on Sept. 20-1945 after some repairs at Bergens Mekaniske Verksted. In service Bordeaux-Casablanca from 1956 (Henri Ferriere & Fils), Bordeaux, together with Deneb in the wintertime; in this service alone in the wintertime 1960. Placed in the coastal cargo service Oslo-Kirkenes at some point in the 1960's. Sold to Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskap, Trondheim in May-1964, handed over at Bergen on June 30 and renamed Knut Jarl (V), continuing in the same service. Sold in Sept.-1967 to Pidalion Shipping Co., Piræus and renamed Spyros. Taken over by George Dalias (Daifas?) & Co., Piræus in 1970. Sold in 1974 to owners in Limassol, Cyprus and renamed Levant Hope. Broken up in Spain in 1974.
Source: "Nordenfjeldske 1857-1985", Finn R. Hansen (+ some details received from T. Eriksen, Norway).
D/S Pan NS
August Kjerland & Co. A/S, Bergen
1309 gt
Listed in Nortraship's fleet - follow link.
D/S Parat * |
135 gt
Built in Trondheim 1905.
Salvage vessel. Sunk Dec. 16-1944 at Krakhellesund, along with M/S Ferndale. According to the text under the link "Den farlige kysten" below Ferndale had run aground on Seglstenen in the dark the day before, a big rock in the narrow channel they were passing through. Other ships in the convoy were the German D/S Wilhelms and the tug Fairplay X. Wilhelms was ordered by Marine Vermittlung at Bergenhus to continue to Ålesund with 2 of the escorts, while the 3rd escort vessel V 5305 Jäger (ex. Norwegian Hval VI) and Fairplay X were ordered to stay with Ferndale. An examination of Ferndale showed that diver assistance was needed and the salvage vessel Parat was ordered to come to Krakhellesund. The next day, Dec. 16 an aircraft was spotted above them and the alarm sounded. 45 minutes later 19 Mosquito's from Banff Strike Wing attacked, leaving Ferndale and Parat on fire. One of the aircraft was shot down, both pilots died. About an hour later another 6 Mosquito's attacked, also from Banff Strike Wing (these aircraft were actually on anti U-boat patrol in the Fedje area, until they spotted the smoke from the burning ships). One of them, Mosquito S from 235 Squadron, got a direct hit from Jäger and crashed in the mountainside. Both pilots, one of whom was a young Australian of Norwegian descent, died (there's a picture of him in this article, which is written by Halvor Sperbund). He had taken off in his aircraft from his mother's country, Scotland, to meet his death 2 hours later in his father's country, Norway. There's no mention of casualties on Ferndale or Parat, but Halvor Sperbund has sent me the names of casualties of Ferndale, follow link to my text under that ship.
NOTE: I've come across a D/S Parat, built 1913, 191 gt, Norsk Bjergingskompani, Bergen, but can't confirm whether this is the ship in question. The word "Bjergningskompani" means "Salvage Company", so it's quite likely.
Related external links:
Den farlige kysten - For those of you who read Norwegian. This is on the Norway during WW II website, and discusses the attack on Ferndale and Parat.
Sorties Flown by Banff Strike Wing - The strike is briefly mentioned in the text under Dec. 16-1944.
Norway also had another, smaller Parat during the war, built in 1871, 18 gt. Renamed Parat IV in 1944 (49 gt by then, later 54 gt from 1948), Finabunkers in 1965, Setaco in 1977. Still exists.
D/S Paris * |
Fred Olsen & Co., Oslo
1753 gt
Built in Oslo 1922.
Passenger vessel, Antwerp, owned by A/S Ganger Rolf.
Rescued the only 2 survivors from the Belgian Quenast (built 1903, 509 gt) in 1939. This ship had been on a voyage from the Tees to Antwerp with a cargo of salt when she sank on Nov. 26, three miles north of Noord Hinder lightship.
Seized by the Germans and used as troop transport for the Kriegsmarine from Aug. 21-1940. Converted and put into service as "mother ship" for minesweepers from June 3-1941 (MRS 4 Paris), at first with Norwegian crew, but at the turn of the year 1941/42 a German crew was placed on board.. Hit by 2 torpedoes from MTB-711 (Norwegian crew) on March 12-1945 and sank in seconds, position 59 25N, 5 15E, off Kvaløytå light. 86 were killed, some of whom were Norwegian, 70 were rescued.
(Source: "Senkninger og forlis", Øistein Thomas Berge. Charles Hocking agrees with the date, but places the event in 1944).
Some tidbits (from R. W. Jordan): Repairing at Akers shipyard, Oslo, on Jan. 4-1944. Reported in Norwegian coastal voyages in July-1944.
Rohwer also has an entry for this ship, saying she was attacked by the Russian submarine V-4 (Iosseliani) at Nordkyn on Oct. 18-1944, and that Paris evaded 4 torpedoes on this occasion.
Related external link:
Fred Olsen & Co. today
Fred. Olsen had previously had another ship by the name Paris, a passenger vessel built in Oslo for the Antwerp route in 1910, sunk in 1917.
D/S Pasvik * |
D/S A/S Pasvik, Kirkenes
238 gt
Built in Bergen 1910.
Icebreaker/tugboat. German control.
Disappeared after departure Kirkenes on Apr. 14-1943 in Varangerfjord. Struck a mine that same day, laid by the Russian submarine L-22 (Afonin) on Dec. 20-1942, position 69 55N 30 00E. 9 Norwegians died.
Related external link:
8 who died - Captain Petter Gotfred Gundersen, Seaman Hans Johannes Hildonen, Seaman Einar Kornelius Hustelid, Seaman Harald Høier, Able Seaman Harry Osvald Kestilæ, Seaman Ottar Lund Tverland, Able Seaman Brynjar Rolv Sylten, and Engineer Hilmar August T. Witsø are commemorated at this memorial for Seamen in Stavern, Norway. I've also seen Stoker Per Sigfred Starstad listed among the casualties.
(Norway had also had a small whale catcher named Pasvik, built Oslo 1885).
M/S Patriot |
Kornelius Mannes, Åkrehamn/Kopervik
117 gt
Built in Stavanger 1859.
Pre war history: Built as 2 masted schooner for Lars Riisdahl, Skudeneshavn. Belonged to Jacob Jacobsen from 1880, then Enok Jacobsen from 1893, Jens K. Jensen 1903. Sold in 1917 to A/S Bordeyri, Haugesund, had a motor installed.
WW II: To Kornelius Mannes in 1940, then sold in 1942 to Leirviks Sildoljefabrikk (herring oil factory).
POST WAR: Derigged by Brødrene Anda, Stavanger, after having sailed for 82 years for the same district.
(Source: "Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn).
M/S Peter Wessel |
More will be added.
Pi - Po
D/S Pioner I * |
P. Aarseth, Ålesund
225 gt
Built in North Shields 1900.
Taken over by the Germans. Lost at Hustadvik in Dec.-1940 according to some Norwegian sources, but according to a posting on my Ship Forum she was lost in Aug. two years later. This is the thread in question. Theodor Dorgeist gives some technical data, then - if I understand the German correctly - he says she was delivered as Alsation to Boston Steam Fishing Co. Ltd., Boston (Gr.B). 1903 Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co. Ltd. 1912 (D. Walker). December 1914 British Navy? Escort Trawler (PY 524) until October 1916 as Alsatian Minor and again from Febr.-1917 till 1918. 1917 (A. G. Lancaster). 1918 (A. Lunn). 1920 Carronsyde, Aldersyde Steam Fishing Co. Ltd., (E. Beacock), Grimsby. Febr. 12-1924 named Nordfriesland, Nordische Seefischerei GmbH, Hamburg. Seized in Norway on Oct. 17-1929 because of "Spritschmuggel" (hmmm, I don't quite understand this). Without owner data from 1927 and until 1930 not in register - then he says - Pioner I AS Pioner (A. W. Nordstrøm & K. Gjøllberg), Oslo, 1937 A/S Kvitsy (P. Aarseth), Aalesund. He suggests she had the name Raeter (Kriegsmarine) at some point. He gives the date for her loss at Hustadvik (stranded) as Aug. 27-1942. A salvage attempt must have been undertaken because he adds "salvage given up on Sept. 2-1942. Please note that I'm not very strong in the German language, so those of you who are, might prefer to go to this forum message to be on the safe side.
Erling Skjold adds the following in a posting to the same thread:
"She was bombed and sunk in shallow waters May 1st 1940 at Hjørungavåg by German bombers. Raised during the autumn by the salvage company Fladmarks salvage vessels Bratt and Draugen. She was taken in Anspruch 4.11.1940, but is listed as lost to stranding 23.12.40 in some Norwegian sources. I doubt she sank this date, as then the repair yard and the naval conversion must have made a new world record in effectiveness. According to local divers, the wreck is located. Her fishing number in 1940 was: M-21-VD, and signal Norwegian letters: LEPT" - so it would appear as if Theo's date of Aug. 27-1942 for her sinking, based on German sources, might be the correct one.
The book "Damp - Dampskipets æra i Vestfold" mentions a D/S Pioneer (spelt with 2 e's), built in Hull in 1901, only 124 gt, purchased to Norway in 1911. Renamed Berger in about 1930, then Løven III (Sandefjord, later went to owners in Asker). Out of registry in 1933.
D/S Pol III |
Hvalfangerselskapet Polaris AS, Larvik
214 gt?
Built in Oslo 1926.
Delivered in July-1926 from Akers Mek. Verksted, Oslo as whale catcher Pol III to Hvalfangerselskapet Polaris A/S, Larvik. Steel hull, 214 gt(?), Triple Expansion (Akers).
WW II: Requisitioned by Den Konglige Norske Marine (Norwegian Navy) in 1939 and was operating as patrol boat, based in Horten. She had a single 76mm canon on her bow, and was guarding the entrance to Oslofjord an hour before midnight on Apr. 8-1940 as the German invasion fleet was approaching. (Other ships in Oslofjord at the time of the invasion were Kristiansand, Alpha, Halden I, and Sørland). Pol III's commander, Leif Welding Olsen rammed the German torpedo boat Albatros, but didn't stand a chance against the larger vessel. He was sprayed with machine gun fire, both his legs pierced by bullets. Pol III was abandoned on fire. Captain Welding Olsen, weakened by blood loss, let himself go from the lifeboat, thereby becoming the first uniformed victim of the invaders (please note, there are several different versions of this incident). Today, there's a statue of him outside the naval base in Horten. The crew of 14 men were picked up by Albatros and briefly imprisoned. Pol III, meanwhile, though listed as sunk in many sources, was spotted by another patrol boat, the Norwegian Skudd 2, the following day. Fires died out and she was towed to Tønsberg, later to be taken over by the Kriegsmarine on Apr. 14-1940 and repaired, entering service as patrol boat NO-05 Samoa, transferred to Admiral Arctic in 1941. From Apr. 1-1941 she was in service as patrol boat V-6105 for 61st Vorpostenflotille based in Bodø, from Oct. 5-1942 as NH-05, then from May 15-1944 as patrol boat V-6501 for 65th Vorpostenflotille based in Hammerfest.
POST WAR: After the war she became part of the Norwegian mine sweeping fleet, later had several different owners and names, engines replaced, structure rebuilt, as follows: In 1947 she was sold to Skipsvedlikehold A/S (Henrik K Eriksen), Oslo (call sign LCVH). At that time she was 221 gt, 67 net, 649 hp. Derigged, engine and boiler removed. Registered in Måløy in 1948. Sold in 1948 to Johan E. Hareid A/S, Hareid. Towed from Måløy to Hareid on Apr. 12-1948 by seiner Nordingen, lengthened (16') and converted to fishing vessel/seiner at Hjørungavaag Verksted A/S, Hjørungavåg, 125.5 x 22.7 x 10.2, 251 gt, 3300hl, with a hydraulic steering engine from a British landing craft, 8cyl 4tev Crossley dm 480bhp (1942, from MMS). Entered service as seiner Johan E (fishery No. M-16-HD) in 1950. Rebuilt that same year at Hjørungavaag Verksted A/S, Hjørungavåg. Experienced engine trouble off Cape Farewell at some point when on a voyage to West Greenland in a storm. Towed to Færingehavn by seiner Flømann. A 6cyl 4tev Crossley dm 375bhp engine (1943, from seiner Flemsøy since 1948) was later installed. Converted to purse net seiner in 1966. In 1971 a 2tev Wichmann 600bhp (1955, from Hvalrossen) was installed. Converted in 1973 to industrial trawler and used in the North Sea (but without much success). Owned in 1977 by Sameiet Johan E. (Johan E. Hareide A/S), Hareid (M-16-HD), making her last voyage in the North Sea that fall. Damaged by fire alongside the quay at Hareid(?) that year. Sold in 1978 to K/S Helgelandsføring AS & Co., Meløy, repaired(?), converted to live fish carrier, 2x 120m3 tanks, 277.93 gt., entered service as live fish carrier Odd Oscar in 1978(?). Sold in 1982 to A/S Nordfisk Trading (Svein Torrisen), Bodø, renamed Fisktrans in 1983. Sold in Aug.-1984 to Steinar Eide, Bogen in Kvæfjord. Sold in 1986 to Steinar Worren, Sandshamn.
In the winter of 1988/89 she was southbound with a cargo of live fish when she ran aground and sank in shallow waters off Vallersund. Raised and towed to Larsnes Mek. Verksted, Larsnes for repairs. In 1990 she participated in the 50th anniversary ceremonies in Horten, with 2 of her original war time crew on board. In the spring of 1991 she was intended put up at a forced auction but this was cancelled. She was seen in Bergen on Apr. 6-1991 in a good condition, and again on June 6-1991, in the North Sea on her way to Møre from La Corunna in ballast. Owned in Nov.-1992 by Tradewind A/S, Sandshamn (seen in Ålesund in Apr.-1995). On July 17-1997 she was on a voyage Spain-Møre in ballast when she ran aground at Skåretreboen outside Haugesund. The skipper reported the incident to Rogaland Radio, saying that he was at Hauskeskjær (which was not the case). Refloated the next morning by salvage vessel and tug Bison, minor damages. Sold in June-1999 to Arnøytrans A/S, Skrova, renamed Arnøytrans. Sold in Dec.-2002 to Arnøyfrakt A/S (John Jacobsen), Sørarnøy. According to this Guestbook message, she was seen at a scrapyard in July-2011.
(Misc. sources, incl. an American newspaper article [author unknown]. Also, details received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Arild Engelsen, Atle Wilmar via a thread on my Ship Forum and misc. other).
For details on other Pol whale catchers, please follow this link.
D/S Polarlys |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1070 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1912.
See my page D/S Polarlys.
D/S Porsanger |
Westfal-Larsen & Co. A/S, Bergen
4267 gt
Built in Montreal, Canada 1918.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1918 as Porsanger from Canadian Vickers Ltd., Montreal, 4267 gt, 7310 tdwt, 380' x 49' x 30', Triple exp. 1500 ihp, 10.5 knots. Requisitioned by British authorities from May-1918 until Dec.-1919 (Shipping Controller, managed by Furness Withy & Co.).
Picture of Porsanger - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Porsanger, in ballast for Swansea, is listed in Convoy HN 15 from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940. In March we find her in Convoy ON 21 to Norway - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
Bombed 3 days in a row Apr. 20/22-1940 while at Ålesund, and was damaged so badly that she could no longer be used, and did not reenter service during the war.
POST WAR: Sold in Nov.-1953 to Ole T. Flakke, Kristiansund. Taken over by I/S Oretrade (Torvald Klaveness), Oslo that same month, renamed Orkla. Taken over by Ole T. Flakke in Oct.-1954. Ashore near Bukshusråsa, Folla (northern Norway), on Jan. 27-1957(?) when on voyage from Narvik to Middlesbrough with a cargo of iron ore, broke in two on Jan. 28 and afterpart sank in deep water the next day. Forepart sold for breaking up.
Misc. sources, incl. R. W. Jordan and Westfal-Larsen fleet list.
Other ships by this name: Westfal-Larsen had another ship by this name from 1958, delivered in Sept. that year. Became Senior K. in 1972. Another Porsanger was delivered in May-1976, built in Poland, 17 057 gt. This ship later sailed as Bow Saturn for Skibs-A/S Storli, Bergen from 1990, renamed Ncc Jouf that same year.
M/K Prektig |
Annanias Th. Bergsvåg, Strandvik (Bergen)
47 gt
See Skjomtind.
D/S Prinsesse Ragnhild * |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
1590 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1931.
Pre war: Delivered on Nov. 25-1931 from Fredrikstad Mek. Verksted (268), Fredrikstad as Prinsesse Ragnhild to Det Nordenfjeldske D/S. 1590 gt, 868 net, 570 tdwt, 251' 6 3/8" / 235' (loa/lpp) x 37' 6" x 15' 9"/23' 1" (D/D1), 1x 4 cyl. compound steam engine 2360 ihp, 16.5 knots, certified for 400 passengers. Ran aground near Kiberg on March 6-1933 and beached due to serious leaks, later assisted by the salvage vessel Jason and towed to Trondheim for repairs. In March-1934 Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Märtha used this ship for their round trip Trondheim-Kirkenes.
Picture of Prinsesse Ragnhild - From Bjørn Milde'spostcard collection.
WW II: On Apr. 10-1940, the day after the German invasion, she sought refuge in Hjørundfjord near Ålesund to protect herself from German aircraft attacks. On Oct. 23-1940 she had just left Bodø and was northbound for Lofoten when she was sunk near Landego. Rohwer suggests the British submarine Taku may have been the culprit, albeit with a question mark. I have received an E-mail from Platon Alexiades, Canada who has compiled a list of allied submarine patrols and attacks, and he tells me Taku was not operating in that area at the time, nor was any other allied sub for that matter. He adds that Taku was patrolling off the French coast at the time. He suspects Prinsesse Ragnhild may have hit a mine that was laid on Apr. 8-1940 (Operation Wilfred) by British destroyers HMS Esk, Icarus, Impulsive and Ivanhoe in position 67 24N 14 36E, but is quick to add this is pure speculation on his part. 24 crew out of about 50, and 54 Norwegian passengers out of around 90 died. She also had approximately 150 German passengers (soldiers) on board, about half of whom lost their lives. These numbers vary greatly according to source, some say 150-200 Germans died. About 142 people were picked up by the freighter M/S Batnfjord, 79 of those were Norwegian. The freighter Gange-Rolf picked up 14 survivors and 3 dead.
"Minner og minnesmerker" by Øistein Wiik lists the following casualties (in alphabetical order):
"1st Class Girl" Signe Dagfrid Bjerkan, Waitress Anna Christine Buhrkal, Johan B. Danielsen, Albert Kornelius Dragsnes, Stoker Edvin Laurits Evensen, Coastal Pilot Egil Jentoft Haug, Telegraph Technician Kjell Mauritz Hofstad, Postal Worker Hans Andreas Houen, Oiler Karl Oskar Haarsaker, Mess Girl Irene Lovise Heimdal, Waitress Karoline Johansen, Waitress Dagmar Lagesen, Skipper A. L. B. Larsen, Ordinary Seaman Arne Lindaas, Mate Birger Kristoffer Mikkelborg, Steamship Girl Ida Ragn Mosheim, Ole Marius Ness, Deck Boy Gunnar Bjarne Nygaard, Waitress Marie Næss, 2nd Engineer Sverre Herman Olsen, Steamship Girl Anny Bertea Pauline Pedersen, Mate Ole K. Pedersen-Grip, Stoker Arne Ottar Pettersen, Cook Harald Standahl, 1st Mate Oscar Sigvald Stub, Boatswain Toralf Meyer Throndsen.
Related external links:
Stavern commemorations - 26 are commemorated at this memorial in Stavern.
Account on the sinking - A website with facts and personal opinions on allied attacks on Norwegian shipping, text in Norwegian. The webmaster indicates this sinking might have been due to sabotage. He also says that the wreck was found in March-2000 by a mini sub from KNM Tyr just outside Mjeldevika near Bodø.
Misc. sources, incl. Nordenfjeldske D/S fleet list by Finn R. Hansen.
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