Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S Labor |
Finn Storen, Kragerø
4479 gt
Built in Port Glasgow 1904. Previous names: Converted general cargo 1922, Cape Breton until 1922, Roald Amundsen until 1937.
Whale factory ship. Not entirely sure where (or for whom) this ship operated during the war.
Norway (Oscar Hytten & C. E. Semb, Tønsberg) had previously had another ship by this name, built in England 1901, 1496 gt. Had several different owners in the years to follow, then became Brand in 1915 (Gran Kahrs, Bergen). Sold to Italy 1926, renamed Federazione, 1937-1943 Marco. Bombed and sunk by British aircraft in Oct.-1943, Yugoslavia.
D/S La France * later raised |
O. G. Gjessens Eftf., Skudesnes
616 gt
Built in Fevig 1909. Previous name: La France.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1909 as La France to A/S La France (Nicolay Wiborg), Kragerø. Purchased in May-1916 by Skibs-A/S La France (O. G. Gjessen), Skudeneshavn, together with D/S Excellenz Mehnert (lost to mine that same year). Managed by O. G. Gjessens Eftf. (descendants) from 1918. Used in the herring trade in the North Sea and Baltic.
La France is listed in the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 11 in Febr.-1940, bound for Rouen with pulp. In the middle of the following month we find her in Convoy ON 20 from the U.K. to Norway. Follow the links for more details; several Norwegian ships took part in these convoys.
Requisitioned by the Germans in Apr.-1940. Reported at Kirkenes in Sept.-1942. Arrived Skudeneshavn for repairs in the fall of 1944, sunk by allied bombers in the harbour there on Dec. 28-1944. Reported still there on Febr. 20-1945, partially submerged.
POST WAR: Raised in 1946 and taken over by J. Taranger. Sold in 1949 to Brødrene Lothe A/S, Haugesund and renamed King. Rebuilt and delivered on March 22-1950 as M/S Magnhild for Martin Clausen, Haugesund, 715 gt. Sold in March-1955 to Costa Rica, then sailed under Greek flag from 1963.
(Mostly from "Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn; also, E-mail from R.W. Jordan)
Related external link:
Sorties Flown by Banff Strike Wing - scroll down on the page to Dec. 28-1944 for detailas about the air attack.
D/S Lagatun |
Frosta Dampskibsselskab A/S, Trondheim
179 gt
Built at Bremnes 1914
Pre war history: Delivered Sept.-1914 from Dale Mek. Verksted, Bremnes near Kristiansund N (5) as Lagatun to Frosta Dampskibsselskab A/S, Trondheim. Steel hull, 116'/108.2'(lpp) x 19.2' x 8.3', 179 gt, Tripple Exp. 44nhp 242ihp, 10 knots. In regularly scheduled service Trondheim-Vanvikan-Frosta-Leksviklandet. On a pleasure trip to Holsand in Skogn June 17-1928. In 1939 electricity was installed.
WW II: On March 26-1940 (Norway still neutral) the quay at Vanvikan gave way upon her arrival there, due to a lot of people on the quay, but nobody was injured.
POST WAR: Collided on Nov. 11-1945 with a German vessel between Lofjord and Vågen. The German vessel sank, about 30 men picked up by Lagatun. In Jan.-1958 the owning company fused with Fosen Trafikklag A/S, Trondheim, same service. On May 23-1958 owner's Yrjar took over the route Trondhjem-Leksvik. Lagatun was laid up in 1960, in occasional use only. Sold in July-1962 to A/S Bil & Maskin (A. Adolfsen), Trondheim, converted to barge, engine removed. Sold in 1963 to Jens Bye, Fevåg/Trondheim, renamed Tambur, purchased for training purposes at owner's yard, Frengen Slip & Motorverksted, Stjørna (which previously had only used wooden vessels). Converted for use as freighter, in addition to other service, 164 gt, 210 tdwt, a 4 tev Caterpillar dm 245 bhp motor installed. After completion, she was sold in Febr.-1965 to Ivar Grøtting, Åfjord, entering service as freighter Grøtting. Owner from Dec.-1965 was Jens Bye, Fevåg. Sold in Jan.-1966 to Johan Hammer, Lysøysund (brother-in-law of Jens Bye), renamed Tamburfjell, in use for Felleskjøpet in Trondheim. Sold in Oct.-1983 to P/r Tamburfjell - Arvid J. Laastad, Grønnøy & Allex Nielsen, Bodø/Thm. Sold in Aug.-1990 to Arne Hetlevik, Haus, Arild Karlsen & Norvald Lunde, Stamnes & Ansgar Kleiveland, Garnes/Thm. Occasionally in service with general cargo, but often not in use at al. Sold on Aug. 31-1992 to Roald Leon Lambrechts, Sollund/Thm. Sold again on Sept. 7 that year to Laszlo Hegedus, Nordre Haugland, Kjerrgården, Askøy/Thm. Sold in May-1993 to Good Star Shipping Co. (Dan-Axel Hägg), Kingstown, St. Vincent together with freighter Ogo (ex. Lady Bøklepp) via Arctic Shipping & Finance, Førde. By 1997 she had been sold to Richard Javier Palacio Epiayu, Puerto Cortes, Honduras/Puerto Cortes. (Deleted from Norwegian registers in Apr.-1997 as sold to Panama). Observed in use at Aruba in Sept.-1997.
(All details on this vessel from T. Eriksen, Norway, his sources: Geir Ole Søreng, "Selskapet og dets fartøyer, -Fosen Trafikklag ASA", Finn R. Hansen and misc.).
D/F Laksevaag |
Laksevaag Kommunale Færgeselskap, Bergen
115 gt
Built in Laksevåg (Bergen) 1914.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1914 from Laxevaag Maskin & Jernskibsbyggeri, Laksevåg in Bergen as passenger ferry Laksevaag to Laksevaag Kommunale Færgeselskap, Bergen. Steel hull, 2 propellers, 2 wheelhouses, 82 x 17,6 x 7,5 115 gt, 2cyl Compound. In service from Sukkerhusbryggen to Laksevåg in Bergen harbour. Also built to be used as tender for Den Norske Amerikalinje's passenger vessels on Puddefjorden, when these stopped in Bergen.
Picture of Laksevaag - Received from Arne Tvedt (his source: "Fjordabåten", Dag Bakka).
WW II: Continued in her regular service through the war?
POST WAR: The route was discontinued on May 31-1960 and Laksevaag was laid up together with the company's Damsgaard. Sold in 1960 to Einar Cook, Nyhavn, Bergen and broken up in Nyhavn.
(Details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994).
M/S Landanes |
Knut Knutsen O. A. S., Haugesund
199 gt
Built in Tønsberg 1914. Previous names Viking II until 1925, Rio Chira until 1928, Angola until 1929, Suderøy III until 1937.
Pre war history: Delivered in Sept.-1914 from Kaldnes Patentslip & Mek. Verksted, Tønsberg (32) as whale catcher Viking II to A/S Tønsberg Hvalfangeri, Tønsberg. Steel hull, 106,8(lpp) x 21,6 x 13,7, 207 gt, Tripple Expansion 550ihp. Transferred in 1925 to Cia Ballenera del Peru Ltda, Callao, Peru (A/S Tønsberg Hvalfangeri / Hans Borge, Tønsberg), renamed Rio Chira. Purchased by Hvalfanger-I/S Praia Amelia, Haugesund (Knut Knutsen O. A. S.) in Jan.-1928 and renamed Angola. Used off the coast of West Africa for the land station at Praia Amelia near Mossamedes i Angola. Transferred in Aug.-1929 as Suderøy III to Hvalfanger-A/S Suderøy, Haugesund (Knut Knutsen O. A. S.). Taken out of whaling service and renamed Landanes in Jan.-1937. Converted to seiner at Haugesund Mek. Verksted A/S, Haugesund, 199 gt, a 2tev Wichmann 160bhp installed (1921, from Jøsenfjord), in service as seiner Landanes from 1937(?) - fishery number R-58-H. In 1938 a 3cyl 2tev Wichmann 300bhp was installed. Converted in 1939 for use as tour boat and for transporting the crews of the company's ships calling at Scandinavian ports.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine as NS 09 Sindbad and stationed as "guard boat" in Stavanger.
POST WAR: Returned to owners in 1945. In the spring of 1946 she was in service for Haugesund Dampskibsselskap, stepping in for that company's Karmsund and Brandasund when they were in for their yearly overhauls. Converted for use in regularly scheduled passenger/cargo service at Haugesund Mek. Verksted A/S, Haugesund in 1947 and upon delivery hired out to Haugesund Dampskibsselskab on a bare-boat basis, then took over the Haugesund-Bergen run for Brandasund. She also alternated with Karmsund in the weekly Haugesund-Ryfylke (Haugesund-Kopervik-Nedstrand-Sand-Sauda) route and in the Haugesund-Stavanger route. In 1953 Knutsen O.A.S's newly rebuilt Stolmen (ex Suderøy VI) took Karmsund's place in these routes, then in Nov. that year Haugesund D/S's newly built "sea bus" Tonjer took over the Haugesund-Stavanger run, and Landanes and Stolmen were both used in the Haugesund-Bergen run, becoming very popular among the passengers.
Rebuilt at Fredrikshavn in 1955, and remeasured (245 gt), a 6cyl Vølund 420bhp installed. Frequently laid up near Vibransøy in the '60's, after HDS's new ferry Tre Måker was delivered in 1964 and took over the Haugesund-Stavanger service, while Tonjer was moved to the Haugesund-Bergen route with Stolmen, so that Landanes was no longer needed so much and was used as reserve. Tonjer later took over as reserve in 1968 when the Bergen route was reduced so that Stolmen was able to manage this service alone. Landanes was then sold in Jan.-1968 to A/S Haugesund Slip (Finn Nistad, Haugesund) and renamed Fraktfem. Converted to freighter, 115,2 x 21,6 x 13,7 199 gt, 350 tdwt. In Dec.-1969 she was sold to P/r Gudmund & Per D. Hansen, Svolvær and renamed Eva Karin, in coastal service. Owners went bankrupt in 1972 and she was taken back by Haugesund Slip (as creditors) in Nov. that year and renamed Fraktfem again. Inactive, or hired out? In Febr.-1974 she went to Fraktsenter A/S (Olav Osnes), Haugesund, renamed Transport, in local sand trade. Sold in May-1976 to p/r Nils Nilsen, Mårnesstranda, Bodø, in sand trade in Nordland. Ran aground in 1977 at Godøystraumen, no damage. Condemned in the fall of 1981 and laid up. Sold in May-1982 to Julius Solnes, Borkenes in Kvæfjord, towed to Harstad where her motor was removed for use in owner's Bjerk. Sunk on Apr. 6-1983 near Svartskjær off Harstad.
(Sources: "Våre motorskip" by Leif M. Bjørklund & E. H. Kongshavn 1999, as well as details received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Langs Kysten i femti år, frakteflåten 1946-1996" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1996, articles about Suderøy and Haugesund D/S by Dag Bakka Jr. in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet", 2.89, "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, newspaper articles in Haugesunds Avis and Haugesund Dagblad, and misc other).
Related external link:
Knutsen OAS Shipping today - with a brief history of the company.
D/S Landego * |
Den Norske Stat (Telegrafstyret, Oslo)
344 gt
Built in Moss, Norway 1927.
Cable layer. Please go to my page D/S Landego for details on the fate of this ship, as well as a casualty list.
M/S Lange |
A/S Frostfilet, Trondheim
(German controlled)
195 gt
Built in Uddevalla, Sweden 1943.
Delivered on Apr. 13-1943 from A/B Junohus, Uddevalla, Sweden as freighter Lange to A/S Frostfilet, Trondheim. Wooden hull, 114,3/105,3(lpp) x 23,6 x 10,5, 195 gt, 250 tdwt, 2cyl 2tev Bolinder 150bhp. In service for the Germans.
4 other vessels of about the same size were also built for the Germans; Flyndre, Kveite, Hyse and Sei (all these names are names of different types of fish). They all ended up sailing under the Norwegian flag.
POST WAR (T. Eriksen): A/S Frostfilet (under the administration of the Norwegian State, Oslo) from May-1945, Frostfilet Norsk A/S, Trondheim, May-1947. Sold on Dec. 15-1947 to Carl Wilhelmsen, Oslo. Sold on Dec. 23-1948 to A/S Båtfrakt (Wilhelm Bjønnes), Oslo. Sold on May 12-1954 to A/S Kjøletransport, Oslo. Sold again on May 31-'54 to Reidar Vold, Oslo, then sold again that same day to Lars Gaustadnes, Sævereid. In coastal service. Ran aground in Alverstraumen in Nordhordland on Aug. 23-1956. Refloated, but due to heavy leaks she had to be beached in Kvamsvåg where she sank in shallow water. Raised and repaired, 199 gt (?), a 4cyl 2tev Wichmann 260bhp (1950) installed. Renamed Gaustadnes on March 4-1958. Ran aground near Bogøy in Steigen, 1966. Refloated. Ran aground and sank in Fensfjorden on a voyage Bergen-Vadheim in ballast on Nov. 10-1967. (See also a message on my Ship Forum).
(Partly from info found in "Handelsflåten i krig", book 5, Lauritz Pettersen, and partly from T. Eriksen, Norway).
M/S Lavangen |
Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø
74 gt
Built in Harstad 1913.
Pre war history : Delivered from Harstad Mek. Verksted, Harstad in Nov.-1913 as Lavangen to A/S Tromsø Amts Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø. Steel hull, 66.1 x 16.2 x 9.9, 74 gt, 2cyl 2tev Bolinder 90bhp 7 knots. One of Norway's first motor vessels in local service. In service from Harstad to Kvæfjord, Gratangen, Grovfjord, Rolla and Sandtorg. Laid up in Apr.-1918 due to lack of fuel, later back in service. On June 20-1921 the owning company changed its name to Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø. Laid up from Jan.-1924 to May-1926. Overhauled at yard in 1929, new motor installed (Ellwe103bhp 8 knots).
WW II: Not sure if she was in regular service during the war.
POST WAR: Sold in 1949 to A/S Lavangen (Gustav Blaalid), Raudeberg/Måløy and converted to freighter, 77 gt. Entered service as freighter Lavangen around 1950(?). Sold in 1954 to Jakob Årdalsbakke, Davik. Sold in 1961 to p/r Jørgen Arvid Botn, Stårheim. Sold in 1969 to Karl Steinestø, Romarheim, in local sand trade around Bergen. Sold to p/r Daniel Vedå, Raknesvåg in 1974, same service. Sank in 1976 near Hjelvik, outer Osterfjord. Raised and condemned following inspection. Derigged, motor removed and later placed in freighter Bømlo. Deleted from Norwegian register in 1976 as condemned. Hull sold at some point in the 1970's to Ingvald Ingvaldsen, Lågøy in Solund. Laid up near Lågøy. As per 1985 she was laid up in a bay on the southeast side of the island. (Ingvaldsen died in a work related accident in Bergen harbour in 1995).
(Source: Troms Fylkes D/S fleet list, Finn R. Hansen and info received from T. Eriksen, Norway, misc. sources).
The company got another Lavangen in March-1996, probably still in service. This ship was originally delivered as Folkestad on Apr. 11-1973 to Møre & Romsdal Fylkesbåter, Molde, 263 gt, car and passenger ferry.
Le - Lo
T/S Leda * later raised |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
2415 gt
Built in Newcastle 1920.
See this page for more information.
M/S Leonard III |
Fredrik A. Olsen, Stangeland (Karmøy)
110 gt
Built in Rotterdam 1916 (sail). Previous names: Pieter Johannes until 1931, Stenbryggen until 1935.
Pre war: Sold in June-1931 to Johan O. Sund, Stangeland, Karmøy, renamed Stenbryggen (R-24-SL) and in use as fishing vessel and freighter. Renamed Leonard III in 1935
In Sweden when war broke out in Norway. Returned to Norway - ref. Ships in Sweden.
POST WAR: Rebuilt? 1958, 115 gt. Around 1963 owned by Lars Gjerde, Hareid. Deleted from Norwegian register in 1978.
(The pre war and post war info was received from T. Eriksen, Norway).
D/S Leonard Nilsen |
A/S Nordlandslinjen, Harstad
(O. Jacobsen, Harstad?)
617 gt
Built in Stavanger 1918. Previous name: Patrick.
Pre war history: Delivered in March-1918 from Rosenberg mek. Verksted, Stavanger (48) as Patrick to Lødrups Rederi II A/S (Carl Lødrup), Oslo, 617 gt, 332 net, 875 tdwt, 170.3' x 28.1' x 12.3'. Sold in 1921 to A/S Patrick (Fuhr & Bugge), Oslo, then taken over the following year by A/S Patrick (Birger Rafen, Tønsberg), Oslo, registered in Tønsberg from 1925. Sold in Sept. 1928 to A/S Emos (Erling Mortensen), Oslo. Sold again in May-1929 to A/S Nordlandslinjen, Harstad and renamed Leonard Nilsen (I've also seen the spelling as Leonhard).
Picture of Leonard Nilsen - Off Narvik, May-1941. Received from Erling Skjold, Norway.
Old postcard showing Leonard Nilsen in Bergen - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
POST WAR: Sold in Febr.-1950 to Johannessen & Laksfoss, Oslo and renamed Norena, taken over the following month by Størmer & Laksfoss, Oslo, and in 1952 by Olav Laksfoss, Oslo. Broken up that same year.
M/K Lerøy |
Anders Lerøy, Lerøysjøen
26 gt
Built 1904
Delivered in 1904 from unknown builders, wooden hull.
WW II: As per 1944 owner was Anders Lerøy, Lerøysjøen / Bergen, as Lerøy; used around Sotra, 26 gt.
In the afternoon of Sept. 9-1944 Lerøy had picked up 5 men at Klokkarvik, Sotra and was on her way towards Buarøy. Shortly after departure Klokkarvik she collided with the coastal vessel Saude, on her Bergen-Stavanger route. Lerøy's bow was cut off and she quickly sank. Her 2 crew members and the 5 passengers got off in a boat. Saude's captain claimed at the maritime hearings that Lerøy had altered course just before the collision without giving a warning with her whistle beforehand, while Lerøy's captain stated that, when realizing they would not be able to go in front of Saude, speed was decreased in order to enable Saude to pass her, but when about 60m away Saude suddenly altered course without reducing her speed or giving a warning on her whistle, thereby ending up on a collision course.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: "Skipsforlis i Bergensleden, fra Bømlahuk til Holmengrå" by Erik Bakkevik 2005, and misc.).
D/S Lindaas |
Lindås Masfjordens Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen
139 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1909.
Ship's History: Delivered in June-1909 from Christiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (133) as local passenger/cargo vessel Lindaas to Lindaas Masfjorden Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 98' x 18.8' x 9.2, 139 gt, 54 net, Tripple Expansion (Christiansands MV) 40nhp. Used in regularly scheduled passenger/cargo/mail service Bergen-Lindås, Austrheim, Byrknesøy and Fedje. Saved the cargo vessel San Remo in a storm on March 15-1919 in Feiefjord. The vessel was drifting helplessly without steering and propeller when Lindaas, Captain Emanuel K. Rebnord arrived from Fedje, managed to tow the ship to Sildevåg, Fedje. Company changed its name to Lindås Masfjordens Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen in 1937.
WW II: On hire to the Royal Norwegian Navy as neutrality guard from Sept.-1939, stationed at Lerøyosen. When Norway was invaded on Apr. 9-1940 she was near Børnestangen in south Lerøyosen when those on board became aware of the invading German fleet, but could do very little about it except send up warnings, before heading south. Abandoned? at Klostervåg, Halsnøy on May 8-1940. Seized by the Kriegsmarine that month and used by Hafenschutzflotille Bergen as NB 3 Otter from July-1940, later in use for 55th Vorpostenflotille as V 5503 Otter from June 1-1944.
POST WAR: Returned in 1945, in terrible state of repair. Military equipment removed at Elsero, Bergen. Repaired and modernized in 1945 at A/S Stord Verft, Leirvik, 155 gt, 78 net, and back in service in 1946. By 1948 Lindaas was in service Bergen-Byrknesøy. In March 1951 the company fused with A/S Bergen Nordhordland Trafikklag, Bergen. Laid up at some point in the 1950's, laid up at Alversund in the fall of 1959. Sold in Jan.-1960 to A/S Mastrevik Slip & Mek. Verksted, Mastrevik, Austrheim (Bergen) and converted to freighter by owner, 105.2' x 18.8' x 9.2', 123 gt, 200 tdwt, a 2cyl 2t single acting Union dm 100bhp installed (Forenede Motorfabriker, Bergen - 1951). Sold in 1962 to Olav Fonnes, Mastrevik, Austrheim and renamed Gerlaug - in coastal service. Sold in Apr.-1967 to Alfred Raknes, Aukra - in coastal service. Renamed Nibeta in Oct. that year. Rebuilt around 1970, 126 gt, 200 tdwt. Sold in March-1973 to Olav Kalleklev, Fotlandsvåg, Osterøy - in local sand trade around Bergen. Sold in Febr.-1975 (Jenning Gustavsen, Hessa-Nord, Ålesund). Condemned in July-1992 and sunk.
Picture of Lindaas & Lygra - Taken in Bergen in the 1950's. Received from Bjørn Milde, Norway (from his postcard collection).
(Details received from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources, incl. "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr. 1994).
M/K Lindebø |
Thomas & Normann Lindebø, Flekkerøy
58 gt
Built in Devon, UK 1890. Previous name: Paramount until 1929.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1890 from William Allen Gibbs, Galmpton in Devon, UK as fishing vessel/drifter Paramount to unknown owner in Lowestoft, UK (fishery No. LT.393). Wooden hull, 68.6, 55 gt. Sold in 1909 to Br. Karlson, Strömstad, Sweden (SD.386). Used for catching mackerell at Doggerbank (?). Sold in Aug.-1929 to P/r Thomas & Normann Lindebø, Flekkerøy, renamed Lindebø. In coastal service; cargo service Oslo-Kristiansand for the first few years, then ordinary coastal service. For over 30 years she carried cement from Brevik to the south of Norway for A/S Dalen-Portland Cementfabrikk, Brevik. As per 1939 she was 58 gt, 90 tdwt.
WW II: Lindebø had taken on a cargo at Blikksund in Blindleia and on Apr.8-1940 (the day before the invasion of Norway) she was en route towards Brevik to load cement. On board were Normann Lindebø and Toralf Karlsen who at 11:50 that day witnessed the German transport Rio de Janeiro being torpedoed. This ship (1914, 5199 gt) was one of 4 cargo vessels en route to Bergen in connection with Operation Weserübung. All 4 carried the flags of neutral countries and had no escort. Rio de Janeiro was on her way from Stettin with 313 soldiers, 71 vehicles, 73 horses, 292 tons food, anti aircraft armament, ammunition and other war stores when she was torpedoed off Justøya near Lillesand by the Polish submarine Orzel. Lindebø quickly went to assist survivors, and what they saw that day stayed with them for the rest of their lives. They had picked up quite a lot of people, the lifeboats having gone back and forth between the cutter and the German ship, when a second torpedo struck which appeared to have hit the ammunition, resulting in a terrifying explosion which disolved the German ship into bits and sent them skywards. Lindebø was about 100 meters away at the time, and was pressed into the sea, partly going under, while pieces of iron and debris rained around them, then a large object came flying through the air and hit the cutter with tremendous force. This item went straight through some of the rescued Germans (who all wore German uniforms), resulting in a horrifying scene of mutilated people and blood. 55 survivors and several dead soldiers were on board Lindebø as she limped to Lillesand. Toralf Karlsen had been knocked to the deck, but recovered after a while, Normann Lindebø received an iron shrapnel in his forehead. The Norwegian torpedo boat KNM Odin also took part in this rescue.
Lindebø underwent extensive repairs in Mandal in Apr.-1940, became 58 gt. Back in coastal service that year.
POST WAR:Remeasured in 1966, 49 gt. Sold in 1975 to unknown owner in Scotland. Believed lost on a crossing from Haugesund to Scotland.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Interview with Normann Lindebø in "Frakteskuter & fraktemenn II" Rolf Kr. Danielsen 1993, "The incredible story about the submarine ORZEL"Wilfred P. Deac and misc. postings to my Ship Forum).
Related external links:
Weserübung - the German Invasion of Norway - Includes British counter attacks and German naval losses.
The invasion of Norway - Lists all the units taking part, and also has a page on German coastal Defences in Norway in WW II.
Lindesnes |
See Lindesnes
D/S Linea |
E. Hansen, Kristiansand
737 gt
Built at Gonderak, Netherlands 1919. Previous names: Jannakis, Unverzagt until 1933.
Under German control. Reported at Storfjord in Febr.-1944, and in Narvik in May-1944. Reported stranded at Aramsund on Febr.18-1945 and was at Arendal Oct.25-1945 for repairs.
(Source: R. W. Jordan).
D/S Listo * |
Herlof Andersen, Kristiansand
1998 gt
Built in Ontario, Canada, 1918. Previous names: War Osiris until 1920, Colmar until 1929.
Pre war history: Delivered as War Osiris in 1918 to Shipping Controller (R.B.Chellew), Sold in 1920 to S.A di Nav Les Armateurs Francais, Rouen, renamed Colmar. Sold in 1929 to Herlof Andersens Rederi A/S, Kristiansand, renamed Listo.
Picture of Listo - Taken by Oswald Bergstad, who worked at the Norwegian Seaman's Church in Rouen and Bordeaux before the war (received from Lillesand Sjømannsforening, Norway).
WW II: Listo is listed in Convoy HN 11 from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940, bound for London with general cargo. In the middle of the following month we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 20 - follow links for more convoy info; several Norwegian ships took part.
She collided with the Haugesund ship Basra in March-1940. Date is given as March 3, but according to my text for Basra this happened on March 17, which is probably the correct date. No further details is given re. Listo for this event, but Basra sank. She's said to have been on a voyage in convoy from Kirkwall to Bergen at the time, and this would indicate she was in an ON convoy to Norway. On checking further, I find that Basra is also listed in ON 20 (see link above), so it would seem this happened when they were both in this convoy. In fact, the Norwegian Løvaas, which picked up the survivors from Basra, was also in this convoy.
Listo sank after striking a mine on Febr. 16-1943, off Spodsbjerg, Denmark.
D/S Lita * |
A/S M. Clausen, Haugesund
348 gt
Built in Danzig 1890. Previous names: Hela, later Freiedrich Fischer until 1902, Steinar until 1936.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1890 from D. W. Klawitter, Danzig as Hela to Dantziger & Sköllin, Danzig, 318 gt. When she was purchased by Stener Hervig, Haugesund in 1902 she had the name Friedrich Fischer (Rostock), renamed Steinar. Taken over by the son of Stener Hervig, Kristoffer Høgh Hervig in 1903. Used as herring steamer Steinar until 1936. Sailed as Lita, Martin Clausen, Haugesund from 1936 until 1944.
Picture of Lita - Received from Erling Skjold, Norway.
WW II: Under German control. Reported at Haugesund on Aug. 2-1943 undergoing repairs, reported in Norwegian coastal trade May-1943. Drifted ashore on Jan. 31-1944 near Langholmen (Stokksund) and was wrecked.
(Sources: "Våre gamle skip", Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn, and R. W. Jordan).
Martin Clausen, Haugesund had a motor vessel by this name after the war, built 1947, 407 gt. Sold to Oslo in 1954 and renamed Tamara. Became English Ben Rein in 1956, Gianna P of Piræus 1972, Kaponas Th of Piræus 1975, (reg. Panama since '73), then Panamanian Agia Moni in 1979 and Gianna P again in 1980.
D/S Lofoten |
Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes
1571 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1932.
Built at Fredrikstad mek. Verksted, Fredrikstad for VDS.
Picture of Lofoten - Source: Roger W. Jordan collection.
Another picture - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
In service Bergen-Kirkenes, but from Sept.-1941 Hurtigruten's routes only went as far as Tromsø (due to the war). Lofoten was shelled by the Russian submarine K-2 (Utkin) on Sept. 12-1941, northwest of Vardø, Norway but was not hit.
Lofoten also reported torpedoes fired from the British submarine Satyr (Weston) on Sept. 30-1944, southwest of Bodø, but again she was not hit.
Towards the end of the war, several vessels in Hurtigruten had been laid up due to shortage of coal, until only 4 ships were left in the route, Lofoten being 1 of them (the others were Finmarken, Kong Harald and Sigurd Jarl). She was one of the many vessels used in the tragic, forced evacuation of Finnmark in Oct.-1944, carrying 900 evacuees on one trip south (about 45 000 people were evacuated). As the Germans retreated ahead of the approaching Russian forces, they ordered an evacuation of the entire Norwegian population of Finnmark and of Troms, whereupon the "scorched earth" tactic was implemented. Over 10 000 homes were burnt, as well as bridges, power stations, factories, fishing vessels, telephone facilities etc. etc.
POST WAR: At Trondheim in July 1945. Continued in the express cargo/passenger service (Hurtigruten) as Lofoten until Dec.-1963, then as Vågan until March-1964 when she was taken out of the service. Sold in May that year to Troodos Shipping & Trading Ltd., Greece, renamed Kypros, in regularly scheduled service between Piræus, Limassol and Haifa. Had a fire on board on Nov. 10-1966, no casualties. Subsequently broken up in Haifa.
(Misc. sources, incl. "Allied Submrine Attacks of World War Two", Jürgen Rohwer, "Hjemmeflåten - Mellom venn og fiende", Lauritz Pettersen, and info received from Jan Heggås, Norway - His source: "Hurtigruten - Sjøveien mot nord", Dag Bakka Jr., 1997).
For info, in the spring of 1999, all the records of Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab from 1881 to 1988 were donated to The National Archives of Norway. Some pictures of Hurtigruten ships, including a lovely one of Lofoten, can be found on this page (click on them to enlarge - these links are external, and text is in Norwegian).
Related external links:
External picture of Lofoten - This is from a WW II photo collection belonging to a Norwegian fellow named Erik (I do not know his last name). The collection starts here, and also contains another picture of Lofoten.
Norway's Liberation
Other ships named Lofoten:
Vesteraalens DS also previously had another ship by this name from1893 until 1903. Charles Hocking mentions a D/S Lofoten, owned by Shipping Controller (W. Coupland & Co.), built in Oslo 1913, 942 gt - torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat (this was UB-59) 7 miles southeast by east of Start Point on Febr. 3-1918, killing 17. The captain survived.
Vesteraalens DS also had a Lofoten delivered on Febr. 27-1964 from Akers mek. Verksted, Oslo, 2597 gt, capacity for 700 passengers in coastal service. In Hurtigruten service Bergen-Kirkenes. In the period 1968-1982 she was in the express service to Svalbard. Rebuilt at Aalborg in Dec.-1985. Vesteraalens DS was fused with Ofotens DS in Aug.-1987 and became Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, main office in Narvik. Lofoten was sold on Oct. 1-1988 to Finnmark Fylkesrederi og Ruteselskap, Hammerfest, no name change. Sold back to Ofotens og Vesteraalens DS on Febr. 1-1996 and continued in Hurtigruten service, keeping the same name. (Info from Ofoten og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab ASA fleet list, Finn R. Hansen). Appears to be still in service in Hurtigruten.
D/S Log * |
August Kjerland & Co. A/S, Bergen
1560 gt
Built in Bergen 1931.
Log is listed among the ships in Convoy HN 9B from Norway to the U.K. in Jan./Febr.-1940. At the end of Febr. we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 15, returning to the U.K. at the beginning of the following month with Convoy HN 16. Later in March she joined Convoy ON 21 to Norway - follow links for more info, several Norwegian ships took part.
Captain Markus Hammarstrøm.
Reported in Norway-Germany trade in June-1943 and Aug.-1944. Surveyed in dock April-June 1944.
Log had rescued 10 survivors from the capsized Dido of Haugesund in Nov.-1938. Log also rescued a Danish fisherman from the water in Sept.-1942 (in Kattegat). The fishing net he and his 2 friends had pulled up had contained a mine which killed his friends.
Arrived Ålesund on March 14-1945 and was sunk by allied aircraft on March 17 (the German D/S Iris [ex Norwegian Herøy] was sunk in the same attack).
Related external link:
Sorties Flown by Banff Strike Wing - scroll down on the page to March 17-1945 for details on the air attack and loss of aircraft.
D/F Louise 2 |
D/S A/S Asker, Røken & Hurum, Oslo
164 gt
Built in Oslo 1899.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1899 from Akers Mek. Verksted, Oslo (183) as passenger ferry Louise 2 to Bygdø Nye Dampskibsselskab, Oslo. Steel hull, wheel/propeller in both ends, 103.7' x 21.5' x 10.7', 134 gt, 2cyl Compound (Akers) 38nhp 247ihp, registered for 335 passengers, no cargo hold. In regularly scheduled service Oslo-Bygdø. Sold in 1910 to Dampskibs-AS Asker, Røken & Hurum (T. Mortensen), Oslo. Rebuilt, 164 gt, regularly scheduled service Oslo-Askerlandet-Sætre, summertime only (laid up in winter).
WW II?: At some point in the '40's she ran aground at an unknown place on her route. Several passengers were on board, but nobody was hurt(?). Reason is given as intoxicated captain. Later repaired.
POST WAR: On July 16-1952 owners went bankrupt, and their ships (Asker, Louise 2, Hval and Sport) taken over by Sørensen & Lie Kullkompani, Oslo as creditors. Sold in July-1952 to A/S Bilfergen Drøbak-Hurum, Drøbak. Extensively rebuilt to car ferry at Son Verft, Son, 132 gt, a 4cyl 2tev Skandia dm 240bhp motor installed. From 1953 in service as car ferry Drøbaksund, route Drøbak-Storesand. Sold in 1974 to Østfold Skipsopphugning, Sarpsborg for breaking up.
(This info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Asker, Røken & Hurum in Skipet 3.92 by Pål Ulsteen, and misc.).
Ly - Lø
M/S Lyderhorn |
Built in Arendal 1942.
See Solund.
D/S Lygra |
Lindås Masfjordens Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen
185 gt
Built in Trondheim 1899. Previous name: Solstrand until 1935.
Pre war history: Delivered on Sept. 25-1899 from Trondhjems mek. Verksted, Trondheim (87) as local cargo/passenger vessel Solstrand to Det Midthordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Os. Steel hull, 111' x 20.3' x 8.5', 185 gt, 2cyl Compound 50 nhp (yard), 11 knots. In regularly scheduled service with passengers, cargo and mail Bergen-Fana-Os-Samnanger. Sold on Jan. 1-1935 to Lindaas Masfjordens Dampskibsselskab, Bergen and renamed Lygra, service Bergen-Lindås. Company changed its name in Nov.-1937 to Lindås Masfjordens Dampbaatlag A/S, Bergen.
Picture of a painting when named Solstrand, painted by Anders Kåre Engevik, received from Arne Tvedt, Norway.
WW II: Continued in her regular service all through the war.
POST WAR: Overhauled at A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen in Aug.-1945. Extensively rebuilt at A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen in the fall of 1947, 235 gt, 108 net, 110.7' x 20.4' x 10.6', an 8cyl 4t single acting Crossley dm 480 bhp (194x, from MMS) motor installed. By 1950 she was in service Bergen-Furnes. In March-1951 the company fused into A/S Bergen Nordhordland Trafikklag, Bergen. Laid up in 1968. Sold in Febr.-1969 (or 1967?) to Olav D. Kvamme, Stamneshella and renamed Ostringen. The intention was to have her converted to freighter, but this did not happen. Sold in Aug.-1969 (1967?) to Br. Anda, Hundvåg for breaking up. Converted to barge?
Picture of Lindaas & Lygra - Taken in Bergen in the 1950's. Received from Bjørn Milde, Norway (from his postcard collection).
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: "Fjordabåten", Dag Bakka Jr. 1994).
D/S Lyngdal |
A/S Dampskibsselskabet Lindesnæs, Farsund
140 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1912. Previous name: Stubbekjøbing until 1918.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1912 from Eriksbergs Mek. Verkstads A/B, Gothenburg, Sweden (157) as Stubbekjøbing to Dampskibsselskabet Stubbekjøbing, Stubbekøbing, Denmark. Steel hull, 105 x 19.3 x 8.6, 140 gt, 2cyl Compound (Eriksberg) 34nhp. Sold on May 17-1918 to Tryggve Sagen, Oslo. Sold in Nov. that same year to Reinert Christensen, Lyngdal on behalf of A/S Dampskibsselskabet Lyngdal (Richard Buch), Farsund, renamed Lyngdal, in regularly scheduled service Farsund-Kristiansand, competing with Lindesnæs (later Jøsenfjord). Collided with this vessel near Snik at some point in the 1920's, minor damages to bow. Sold at forced auction to Lyngdal Sparebank (bank), Lyngdal / Fas on Oct. 27-1927. Sold in Jan.-1928 to A/S Dampskibsselskabet Lindesnæs, Farsund, continued in the Farsund-Kristiansand service (the company's Lindesnæs was sold the following year).
WW II: Requisitioned by Den Konglige Norske Marine (Royal Norwegian Navy) in Sept.-1939 for use as "guardboat" near Kristiansand. On Apr. 8-1940, she was nearby when the German cargo vessel Rio de Janeiro (with troops on board) was torpedoed off Lillesand (this is briefly mentioned under Navarra as well as under Lindebø). Lyngdal carried many injured and killed German soldiers to Kristiansand that night. Seized by the Kriegsmarine on Apr. 11-1940 in Vigebukta near Kristiansand and used by Hafenschutzflotille Kristiansund Sud as NK.08 Ulan, then from Dec. that year as patrol vessel V 5515 Ulan (55th Vorpostenflotille).
POST WAR: Found near Marineholmen in Bergen in Aug.-1945 and returned to owner. Sold on Aug. 30-1945 to P/r Lyngdal (Anton T. Abrahamsen, Lista, Karl Hansen, Bjørgulf Tangen & Oluf Skjelbred Knudsen, Kristiansand owning 1/4 each). Had a few voyages in her old run, mostly with cargo, and also used for a while in salvage service. Sold on May 27-1946 to Dampskips-AS Hedrum (Oluf Skjelbred Knudsen & Bjørgulf Tangen, Kristiansand - 3/4, 1/4, Abrahamsen's and Hansen's share having been purchased by S. Knudsen), same service. Owned by Dampskibsselskabet Patria AS II (Oluf Skjelbred Knudsen), Kristiansand, May 12-1958 (Skjelbred Knudsen having purchased Tangen's share), same service. Sold on Jan. 12-1950 to A/S Høgsfjord Rutelag, Stavanger. Extensively rebuilt by Br. Lothe A/S Flytedokken, Hasseløy in Haugesund. Registered for 267 passengers, 105.5 x 18.9 x 7.9, 197,49 gt, a 5cyl 2tev Fairbanks Morse 500bhp (1943) motor installed, 13 knots. Renamed Høle in May-1950. Placed in owning company's local routes from Stavanger to Høgsfjord and Lysefjord in the summer of 1950, well suited for cargo, which came in useful when Lyse Kraftverk (power station) was expanded in the 1950's. Had motor problems in 1964, crankshaft broke - laid up near Engøy in Stavanger while waiting for a new one but it proved impossible to find. Sold on Aug. 31-1966 to Br. Anda, Hundvåg in Stavanger for breaking up, completed in June-1967 (deleted from Norwegian register on June 22).
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about A/S Høgsfjord Rutelag in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" 2.91 by Arne Ingar Tandberg and Per Alsaker, and the book "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen, 1981).
D/S Lyngen |
A/S Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø
488 gt
Built in Trondheim 1931.
Pre war history: Passener/cargo vessel, delivered in Nov.-1931 from A/S Trondhjems mek. Verksted as Lyngen (199) to Troms Fylkes D/S, Tromsø (6 months delayed due to strike), 488 gt, 272 net, 171 tdwt, 160.3 1/2' x 26' x 10.6' (lpp 146.6', D1 17.4'), triple exp. steam engine 612 ihp, 12 knots. Entered tourist trade to Svalbard on June 30-1934, making 5 such voyages a year. On hire to the Dept. of Defence in 1935 for fishery surveillance for 6 months in the wintertime, and also for same the following year.
Picture of Lyngen - Received from Bjørn Milde, Norway (from his own post card collection).
WW II: On hire in Oct.-1939 to the Norwegian Navy as depot vessel for 3rd Submarine Div. in Ofoten. Taken over by the Kriegsmarine in Harstad in June-1940 and under German control for the rest of the war.
POST WAR: Into Hurtigruten (express coastal passenger/cargo) between Tromsø and Kirkenes Aug.-Nov.-1945 and ditto for Nov.-Dec.-1947. Hired out to Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stomarknes in Febr.-1948 as replacement for Lofoten in Hurtigruen, returned to owners in 1949. Made 3 tourist voyages to Svalbard in 1951. Collided in Dec.-1951 with M/K Istind in the harbour of Arnøyhamn. Towed to yard in Apr.-1952 following engine problems near Finnsnes. Ran aground at Advent Bay, Svalbard in 1956. Later laid up. Received damages to hull and propeller due to ice in 1961. Made 11 tourist voyages to Svalbard in 1965, last season in this service. Sold in 1966 to Alfred Jensen, Sifjord/Senja for conversion to fishing vessel at Bodø Skipsverft. Renamed Alfred Jensen, new June Munktel diesel engine installed (1200 bhp), 474 gt. Taken over by Ottar Jensen, Senja in 1973. Sold in 1982 to Alfred Jensen (Idar Andreassen), Harstad, company moved to Kaldfarnes in 1984. Condemned and derigged in 1986, laid up in Harstad. Sunk off Harstad on July 2-1987.
(Source: Troms Fylkes D/S fleet list by Finn R. Hansen).
Other ships by this name: The company also had a ship by this name back in 1890 when a 216 gt Lyngen was built in Kristiansand. Sold and renamed in Sept.-1915, Kystfareren, broken up in 1926. A 3rd Lyngen (car and passenger ferry) was built for the company in 1968, 228 gt. Sold to Sandefjord in 1992 and renamed Lingen.
D/S Lynx * |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1366 gt
Built at Le Trait, France 1925.
Follow this link to D/S Lynx for more information.
D/S Lysaker * later raised |
Ludvig Lorentzen, Oslo
898 gt
Built at Delfzijl, Netherlands 1919. Previous names: Delfzijl until 1920, Ramscapelle until 1924.
My page about D/S Lysaker has more information and pictures.
D/S Lysefjord I * |
A/S Høgsfjord Rutelag, Stavanger
ca. 149 gt
Built in Trondheim 1874. Previous names: Mandal until 1877, Karmsund until 1904, Karmøy until 1914, Fryseri I until 1918?, Frost until 1931.
Pre war history: Delivered from Trondhjems mek. Verksted in May-1874 as Mandal to Mandal & Omegns Dampskibsselskap, Mandal, 96 gt, iron hull, 86.7 x 19.8 x 8.8, 2cyl Compound (TMV) 35nhp 150ihp, 10 knots. In coastal service Mandal-Kristiansand and Mandal-Farsund, as well as once a week Kristiansand-Fredrikshavn, later in the 1870's Mandal-Oslo. Purchased by Haugesund Dampskibsselskap on Oct. 8-1877 and renamed Karmsund (Captain Størk Størksen, Espevær). In coastal service Stavanger-Kopervik-Haugesund- Øklandsvåg-Melingsvåg-Hiskjo-Vornes-Lykling-Vikafjord / Gissøysund-Espevær-Brandasund-Stolmevågen-Kvalvåg-Møkster-Bakkasund-Håkonsund-Kleppsholmen-Klokkarvik-Brattholmen-Bergen. Rebuilt and lengthened at Bergens Mek. Verksteder, Solheimsviken, Bergen in 1899, 106.1 x 18.8 x 8, 159 gt, 200 tdwt, new boiler installed. Renamed Karmøy in 1904 when the company received a new Karmsund. which took over the Stavanger-Bergen service, while Karmøy was placed in service Bergen-Haugesund-Røvær-Føynå-Vedavågen-Åkrehamn-Utsira-Skudeneshavn-Stavanger, but this run was not very profitable outside of the herring season. In 1906 the service was taken over by the company's newly purchased Haugesund, while Karmøy was placed in local service around Haugesund (Haugesund-Utsira and Haugesund-Tysvær-Skjold), but as it turned out this was not profitable either. In 1912 she was placed in the nighttime runs Bergen-Leirvik-Haugesund, in competition with Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab's and Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab's routes on the same stretch, which was not at all popular among the larger companies, and after a while it had to be discontinued. In the summer of 1914 Karmøy was leased to Det Midthordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Os and used in that company's Bergen-Tysnes service.
Sold in 1914 to Haugesunds Frysekompagni (B. Stolt-Nielsen), Haugesund and converted to refrigerated vessel, entering service as Fryseri I. The following year (1915) manager became Harald Nielsen, Haugesund (same owners). Sold in 1916 to Bergens Brislingkompagni A/S Bergen (herring company). Ran aground on Jan. 15-1918 (another source says this took place on the 12th) between Raudholmen and Hildrebukt (Harøyfjord) on a voyage Kristiansund N-Bergen with empty barrels. Heavy snow when passing Rødholmen Light (Haugnes in Harøyfjord) had resulted in bad visibility, and losing sight of the lights, her speed was reduced in order to try and anchor up in Hildrebukt, but she ran aground after 20 minutes - extensively damaged. Wreck sold in 1918 "as is - where lies" to Ludvig Fladmark Bjergningskompagni, Ålesund (salvage company), refloated, repaired in Ålesund by owner (144.30 gt) and registered as D/S Frost in May-1925. Laid up for sale in Ålesund. From 1931 she was in regularly scheduled service as Lysefjord I, having been purchased by A/S Høgsfjord Ruteselskap, Fossan in Ryfylke in June that year with Høgsfjord (later Dalsfjord) as part of the payment. Converted at Stavanger Støberi & Dok, Stavanger for use as passenger/cargo vessel again, registered for 282 passengers, 149.54 gt. In regularly scheduled service Stavanger-Høgsfjord and Lysefjord, Captain Kristian Selvig. Laid up at Stavanger Støberi & Dok during the wintertime, having proved too big for this service then. On May 27-1937 the owning company fused into A/S Høgsfjord Rutelag, Stavanger, same service.
WW II: In Apr.-1941 Lysefjord I had been leased to A/S Jøsenfjord Ruteselskap for one voyage Stavanger-Årdalsfjord because, like so many other companies who owned motor vessels, this company encountered problems with shortage of fuel during the war and most of its motor vessels were laid up. On her way into Årdalsfjord on Apr. 6-1941 (another source says Apr. 5 but this appears to be incorrect), in sunny, clear weather, Lysefjord I ran into a skerry south of Langholmen near southern Skår. The 5 passengers on board were landed at Furuholmen in one of the lifeboats. Not long afterwards those remainining on board were able to refloat the vessel, but she had sprung a leak and it was decided to beach her at Småskjærene behind Furuholmen. However, the area was so steep that she slid off and sank at a depth of 75 meters. No casualties.
POST WAR: Deleted from Norwegian register on Febr. 14-1953.
(Sources: "Våre gamle skip", Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn; and info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about Haugesund Damp in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet" 2.89 by Dag Bakka Jr., "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen 1981, and "Fjordabåten" Dag Bakka Jr. 1994).
Related external link:
Picture of Lysefjord - On a website for divers.
M/F Lærdal |
Fylkesbaatene i Sogn og Fjordane, Bergen
324 gt
Built at Sunde 1939.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1939 from Gravdals Skipsbyggeri & Trelastforretning, Sunde, Sunnhordland as car ferry Lærdal to Fylkesbaatane i Sogn og Fjordane, Bergen. Wooden hull, 118,5 x 26,1 x 9,9, 324 gt, 2cyl 2tev Wichmann 300bhk, 8,5 knots, registered for 18 cars and 175 passengers. In service Lærdal-Gudvangen in the summertime, adjusted for use in cargo service in the wintertime.
WW II: In Florø in Apr.-1940 where she stayed until the fighting in the south of Norway was over. Requisitioned by the Germans on June 5-1940 and used in Sogn that summer for transport of German soldiers, cars, fuel in barrels and canons (anti aircraft guns had been installed on her wheelhoue roof). Later that year in use in Lyngenfjord for the road commission in Troms.
POST WAR: Returned in May-1945 in bad state of repair. Arrived Bergen in July-1945, laid up for a period of time at Gyldenpris, Bergen, docked at Nordnes, Bergen, then repaired at Frydenbø Slip, Damsgård, Bergen. Re-entered service on Sept. 26-1945. Continued as car ferry during the summertime, including Kaupanger-Årdalstangen, Kaupanger-Gudvangen and Solvorn-Årdalstangen, and in cargo service in the wintertime. On Febr. 14-1960 she broke her way through 2" thick ice in Dalsfjord. On arrival Bygstad she took in water and sank alongside the quay. Raised on Febr. 16-1960 and towed to Bergen for repairs. In Sept.-1967 the helmsman was fatally injured after having been thrown across the wheel when it suddenly ran to starboard while maneuvering to the quay at Gjølanger in Dalsfjord. Lærdal entered the newly opened ferry run Hyen-Anda-Lote in Hyenfjord on March 28-1969, replaced by the company's Vangsnes in Nov. that year. Renamed Lærdølen in Apr.-1970. Sold in May-1970 to Brødrene Sørensen A/S, Stathelle, used as 'workshop'. Condemned in Aug.-1972 and sunk in Frierfjord.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994 and "101 Fjordabåtar, FSF 1858-2000" by Magnus Helge Torvanger).
There was another Lærdal in the early 1970's, built at Stord in 1970 for Fylkesbaatane i Sogn og Fjordane, Bergen, 119 gt. Sold to Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø in 1976, renamed Flatøy and still had same owners in 1996.
M/S Lønningdal I |
Engel H. Lønningdal, Lønningdal
96 gt
Built at Rosendal 1928.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1928 from Skaalurens Skipsbyggeri, Rosendal as Lønningdal I to Engel H. Lønningdal, Lønningdal, Os (Bergen). Wooden hull, 75,5 x 19 x 8,6, 96 gt, 2cyl 2tev, make unknown. Used in the regularly scheduled service Bergen-Os-Hardanger-Odda. In the early 1930's she was occasionally on hire to Brødrene Lervaag for use in the Bergen-Sogn route. On hire to Midthordlandske Dampskibsselskab for service Bergen-Fusa-Hardanger in 1935. In 1938 a 2tev Wichmann was installed.
Picture of Lønningdal I and Lønningdal II (from the mid 1930's) - Received from Arne Tvedt, Norway.
WW II: Ran aground near Våge, Tysnes in Oct.-1940, minor damages, repaired.
POST WAR: Rebuilt in 1948. Taken out of service in 1959. Sold in 1961 (Olav Linga, Granvin), renamed Fjordgubben. On hire to Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen for service Granvin-Ulvik in 1962. Sold in 1970 to Helle C. Bergheim, Stavanger. Sold in 1977 to Hroar Hansen, Drammen.
(All details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway).
M/S Lønningdal II |
Engel H. Lønningdal, Lønningdal
185 gt
Built at Rosendal in 1932.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1932 from Skaalurens Skibsbyggeri, Rosendal as Lønningdal II to Engel H. Lønningdal e.a., Lønningdal, Os. Wooden hull, 97,2 x 23,8 x 9,8, 185 gt, 2cyl 2tev Wichmann 180bhk. In regularly scheduled service Bergen-Fusa-Hardanger-Odda, competing with Hardanger Sundhordlandske Dampskibsselskap's routes in the area. In 1938 a 4cyl 2tev Wichmann 320bhk was installed.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Germans at some point in the war, and used as transport between Molde and Åndalsnes.
POST WAR: Arrived Bergen on Aug. 3-1945 after having been returned to owner. In the fall of 1945 she was hired out to Det Midthordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Os (which needed a vessel after the loss of Fusa), and used in that company's Bergen-Os-Tysnes route. Lønningdal II returned to the Bergen-Fusa-Hardanger-Odda service in Dec.-1947 after Midthordlanske received it's new ship Mitdhordland, which took over the Bergen-Os-Tysnes route. Rebuilt in 1948. Sold on Jan. 3-1952 to Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen, in local cargo service Bergen-Sunnhordland. Renamed Bjoa on March 1-1952. Laid up in Bergen 1962. Sold in Oct.-1967 to Jørgen Jørgensen, Tysse, Samnanger, used for barrel storage. Damaged by fire near Gaupholm in Samnanger (year unknown), condemned and sunk by owner.
(All details on this ship received from T. Eriksen - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr. 1994, "Over Fjord og Fjell, HSD 1880-1980" by Bård Kolltveit 1980 and "Båtene våre, Hvor ble de av?" by Dag Bakka Jr. for Bergens Tidende 1984[?]).
D/S Løvaas |
G. A. Gjeruldsen, Arendal
1891 gt
Built in Trondheim 1917. Previous name: Røisheim until 1923.
Løvaas is mentioned in connection with Convoy HN 10B from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940. In the middle of the following month we find her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 20 - follow links for more convoy info. She picked up the survivors from Basra, which had sunk following a collision with Listo.
Here's a picture of a painting of Løvaas, owned by Thomas Thomassen and received from Lillesand Sjømannsforening, Norway. I've been told by a visitor to my website that the M on the funnel represents Mørland, presumably Arnt J. Mørland, Arendal (or possibly his brother, Jens A. Mørland?), who owned the ship from 1923 to 1931. The Mørland company lost all their ships, except Fjordaas, to the war.
Rohwer mentions this ship (though he spells it Lowas) in a note in his book "Allied Submarine Attacks" saying she was in a convoy which was attacked by the Russian submarine M-172 (Fisanovich) off Ekkerøy on Apr. 15-1942, but torpedo missed.
Also, in a posting to my Ship Forum there's mention of Løvaas receiving some minor damages when she was in Convoy Al-134-Be (Aalesund - Bergen), one of two convoys attacked by allied aircraft at Eidsfjord on Jan. 25-1945. The Norwegian Tore Hund and the German Radue were also in this convoy, which was escorted by V-5105* and V-5305 (Schnepfe? whale catcher Hval VI?). My text under Svanholm has more details on the other convoy attacked that day (Svanholm was the former name of Bjergfin, which was sunk, raised and repaired).
*As can be seen by the posts to a later forum thread starting here, there's some confusion with regard to the idendtity of this escort. V-5105 Tornado (seiner Anders Liaaen) was lost at Stadlandet on Sept. 12-1944 and was not raised and repaired until after the war. Erling Skjold provides a possible explanation in one of his responses, saying that the escort might have been V-5109 (Eber), and not V-5105. Additionally, as can be seen in my text under the Hval whale catchers, there also seems to be some confusion as to the German name given to Hval VI - was it perhaps renamed again by the Germans at some point after 1944?
POST WAR: At Oslo in May 1945 and returned to Norwegian control. Sold in 1947 and renamed Raila. Sold in 1959 to Rederi-A/B Houtskär, Houtskär, Finland (manager Harald Gadeke, Turku, Finland), and renamed Houtskär. Sold to Finnish breakers in Nov.-1963.
M/S Løven I |
Haakon Rachlew, Sandefjord
185 gt
Built in Stockholm, Sweden 1855. Previous names: Lidköping until 1902, Alf until 1912, Gyldenløve III until 1915.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1855 from Bergsunds Mek. Verkstad, Stockholm as passenger vessel Lidköping to unknown owners in Sweden. Iron hull, steam engine of unknown type. Sold at some point to M. Nilsen, Gothenburg. Sold in May-1902 to A/S Christiania Portland Cementfabrikk, Oslo, renamed Alf. Sold in Febr.-1912 to A/S Gyldenløve (Johansen & Egelien), Drammen, renamed Gyldenløve III, in regularly scheduled service Oslo-Drammen. Sold in 1915 to D/S A/S Løven (Anders Christensen), Sandefjord, renamed Løven I. Rebuilt, 185 gt, in cargo service Oslo-Vestfold. In 1923 manager became Haakon Rachlew, Sandefjord, same service. Owner became A/S Det nye Løven (Haakon Rachlew), Sandefjord in 1927, same service. Later D/S A/S Løven (Haakon Rachlew), Sandefjord 1939, same service
WW II: Rebuilt at Framnæs Mek. Verksted, Sandefjord in 1940, becoming 99.8(lpp) x 22 x 11.9, 185 gt, 230 tdwt, a 2cyl 2tev Wichmann 150bhp motor installed.
POST WAR: Collided in Sept.-1950 with cargo vessel Vian (later Lasse) at unknown location; Vian sank. Sold in Jan.-1954 to Kristian G. Tjøsvold, Åkrehamn, Karmøy, renamed Logos, still in the same service. Sold in Aug.-1954 to Bjørn Steinsland, Svinør, in coastal service. Experienced engine failure in Dec.-1954 and drifted ashore near Kalvesund east of Arendal. Touched the ground off Møkkalasset light and sank in shallow waters. Subsequent salvage attempts failed. Sold "as is" in the summer of 1956 to Bjarne Folkedal, Kopervik. Raised by owner and sold for breaking up.
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Dag Bakka Jr., Rolf Kr. Danielsen and misc.).
D/S Løven II |
Haakon Rachlew, Sandefjord
218 gt
Built in Trondheim 1907. Previous names: Møre until 1909, Bergen II until 1911, Vaagekallen until 1925.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1907 from Ørens Mek. Verksted, Trondheim (6) as Møre to Møre Sjærgaards Dampskibsaktieselskab, Kristiansund N. Steel hull, 113.2(lpp) x 19.2 x 14.8, 228 gt, Triple Expansion 54nhp. Capsized and sank near Svellingen, Frøya on May 15-1907 when en route to Kristiansund N. 5 people died. Raised in June that year, possibly by Bergens Bugserbaadkompany(?). Engine removed. Sold? in 1909 to Bergen Bugserbaadkompany (Arthur B. Sars), Bergen, renamed Bergen II. Converted to cargo vessel at A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen, 113(lpp) x 19.2 x 15, 218 gt, 260 tdwt, a 2cyl Compound (AS Mjellem & Karlsen) 22nhp engine installed, delivered in Nov.-1909. Sold in 1911 to A/S Vaagekallen (O. J. Kaarbø), Svolvær, renamed Vaagekallen. Sold in May-1916 to O. Moene, Ålesund. Sold in Jan.-1918 to C. B. Bugge e.a., Bergen. Sold in Oct.-1918 to Tvedts Rederi A/S (Alfred A. Tvedt), Bergen. Sold in July-1919 to A/S Transit-Kontoret, Bergen. Sold in 1922 to Skips-A/S Vaagekallen (A. Jacobsen & C. Andersen Jr.), Bergen. Sold in March-1924 to D/S A/S Vaagekallen, Stavanger. Sold in July-1925 to A/S Løven (Haakon Rachlew), Sandefjord, renamed Løven II and used in regularly scheduled cargo service Sandefjord-Oslo. Owner became A/S Det nye Løven in 1927 (same manager and service), then D/S A/S Løven in 1939 (same manager and service). As per 1939 she was 218 gt. Later remeasured at some point, becoming 223 gt.
POST WAR: Sold in Jan.-1951 to Gidsken N. Jakobsen, Narvik, renamed Nils Jacobsen. Sold in Febr.-1952 to Martin Sætre, Årås in Nordhordland, rebuilt at Frydenbø Slip & Mek. Verksted, Bergen, 120.8 x 19.2 x 15, 256 gt, 285 tdwt, a 6cyl 2tev Normo 300bhp motor installed. Entered service as freighter Sætre in 1953, in coastal service (Martin Sætre, Mastrevik in Austrheim). Sold in July-1955 to P/r Olaf Rongevær, Rongevær, renamed Baløy, coastal service. Ran aground close to land in Holmestrand on Febr. 22-1960, no damages. Sold in Sept.-1967 to Ola Worpvik, Råkvåg, renamed Stjørnfjell, in local sand trade in Trøndelag(?). Remeasured 1969?, 252 gt. New motor installed in 1974, 6cyl 4tev Caterpillar dm 335bhp. Sold in Dec.-1978 to Marthon Dahl, Stavanger, renamed Baløy. Sold in June-1980 to Kristoffer Kristensen, Engøy in Stavanger. Remeasured around 1980, 248 gt. Sold in Aug.-1984 to unknown owner in England, renamed Baloy. Abandoned in sinking condition on Apr. 14-1985 in 14 20N 70 53W, voyage Aruba-Dominican Republic. Crew of 8 picked up by Manaka.
(Received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources Dag Bakka Jr. and misc.).
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