Name of Ship
Shipping Company
M/S Dalsfjord |
Johan Valevik, Dale
57 gt
Built in Grimstad 1913. Previous name: Høgsfjord until 1932, Viking III until 1934.
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1913 from Hasseldalens Verft, Grimstad as Høgsfjord to A/S Høgsfjord Motorbaadselskap, Fossan, Høgsfjord. Wooden hull, 69,9 x 16,5 x 7,5, 57,30 gt, 2tev Lysekil rm 80bhp, about 9 knots, registered for 148 passengers. Placed in regularly scheduled service Stavanger-Høle-Forsand-Oltesvik-Dirdal-Frafjord (as Norway's first motor vessel in such service). In 1916 the route was extended with stops in Bersagel and Ådnøy. Extended again in 1921 stopping at Ims and Meling as well. At some point a 2cyl 2tev Lysekil rm 120bhp was installed. On Apr. 6-1926 the owning company was renamed A/S Høgsfjord Ruteselskap, Fossan, Høgsfjord. Being expensive to run, she was attempted sold several times in order to purchase a cheaper vessel. In 1930 the company tried to make a deal with A/S Riskafjord for an exchange, but an agreement was not reached. Sold in 1931 to Ludvig Flatmark A/S, Ålesund and at the same time Høgsfjord Ruteselskap purchased Flatmark's steamer Frost, which then became Lysefjord I. Høgsfjord was renamed Viking III in 1932, sold that year to Jacob Vaage, Ulstein. Sold in 1933 to Johan Valevik, Dale in Sunnfjord and used in local service Bergen-Dalsfjorden in Sunnfjord. Renamed Dalsfjord in 1934. In 1937 a 2cyl 2tev Wichmann 100bhp was installed.
POST WAR: Sold in 1953 to Anders, Johan and Johannes Grytten, Vevring in Sunnfjord and in service Florø-Førde. Renamed Førdefjord in 1954. Sold in 1969 to Rolf Trovåg, Nåra in Sollund, renamed Tøffe, with the intention of using her in local service in Sollund, but remained inactive and eventually in bad state of repair. Sunk on Apr. 27-1975 in Ytre (Outer) Steinssund.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen 1981, and "101 Fjordabåtar, FSF 1858-2000" by Magnus Helge Torvanger 2000).
D/F Damsgaard |
Laksevaag Kommunale Færgeselskap, Bergen
116 gt
Built at Laksevåg (Bergen) 1914.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1914 from Laxevaag Maskin & Jernskibsbyggeri, Laksevåg in Bergen as passenger ferry Damsgaard to Laksevaag Kommunale Færgeselskap, Bergen. Steel hull, 2 propellers, 2 wheelhouses, 81,9 x 17,7 x 6,4, 116 gt, 2cyl Compound. In service from Sukkerhusbryggen to Laksevåg in the Bergen harbour. Also built to be used as tender for Den Norske Amerikalinje's passenger vessels on Puddefjorden, when these stopped in Bergen.
Picture of Damsgaard - Received from Arne Tvedt (his source: "Fjordabåten", Dag Bakka).
WW II: Continued in her regular service?
POST WAR: The route was discontinued on May 31-1960 and Damsgaard was laid up together with the company's Laksevaag. Sold in 1960 to Einar Cook, Nyhavn, Bergen and broken up in Nyhavn.
(Details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his source: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994).
D/S Delamore * |
A/S Bergens Fiskeriselskap, Bergen
280 gt
Built in Selby 1913. Previous names: Lord Lansdowne, then Dover Patrol 1932.
Seized by the Germans 1940. Hit underwater rock inside Marsteinen, Norway on Apr. 22-1940 and sank. An attempt was later made to salvage the ship by the salvage company Taranger, but she broke in 2 and sank again down to a depth of 27 meters.
(This info was posted by Øistein Thomas Berge in reply to a query on my Ship Forum).
D/S Delfinus * |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
1294 gt
Built in Bergen 1912.
Pre war history: Delivered in Oct.-1912 from Laxevaag Maskin- & Jernskibsbyggeri, Bergen (108) as cargo vessel Delfinus to Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 230.1’ x 35.2’ x 16.1’, 1294 gt, 1920 tdwt, Triple Expansion (Laxevaag), 650 ihp 144nhp 9.5 knots. As per the summer of 1939 she was in the company's Trondheim-Bergen-Dunkerque-Bordeaux route together with Ara.
Picture of Delfinus - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Delfinus is listed in Convoy HN 8 from Norway to the U.K. in Jan.-1940. The following month she sailed in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 14, follow the links for info.
She was in Norway when the Germans invaded on Apr. 9-1940, and ended up in the Homefleet.
Delfinus was on a voyage from the north of Norway to Hamburg with a cargo of, among other things, fish and codliver oil when she was torpedoed and sunk in the afternoon of Nov. 6-1940 by the English submarine HMS Sturgeon (Gregory) west of Varhaug, Jæren, 58 34N 05 37E. No casualties. Rescue vessels and aircraft were sent out from the Stavanger area. According to survivors' statements 2 torpedoes had been fired, one hitting Delfinus aft, the other detonating on the beach.
Sources: "Allied Submarine Attacks of World War Two", Jürgen Rohwer, "Senkninger og forlis fra Åna Sira til Haugesund 1939-1945", Ø. T. Berge. Pre war history was received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: Articles about BDS in "Skipet" 1-2.88 by Dag Bakka Jr., and "Norges eldste Linjerederi, BDS 1851-1951" by Wilhelm Keilhau.
M/S Deneb |
Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
937 gt
Built in Bergen 1942.
Delivered on March 4-1942 from Bergens Mek. Verksteder, Solheimsviken (373) as Deneb to Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Ordered in May-1939 for use in coastal cargo service. Steel hull, 224.2 x 35.2 x 13.5, 937 gt, 1260 tdwt, 6cyl 2tev Sulzer dm 1100 bhp, 12.5 knots. Laid up at Bjordal in Sognefjorden at some point (together with Sirius) due to shortage of fuel, and to avoid being requisitioned. Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine on Nov. 6-1944 and used as troop transport in the north of Norway. At war's end in May-1945 she was in Mosjøen with German crew.
POST WAR: Returned in Mosjøen to owners on June 3-1945 and went to Bergen where she was repaired at BMV. Subsequently entered Bergenske's coastal cargo routes Nov. 15-1945. Ran aground in Steinsundet in Solund on Jan.10-1954 in heavy snow, when northbound from Stavanger to Hammerfest with general cargo. Refloated by Hercules and towed by same to Bergen for repairs. From 1955 she was periodically used in Den Norsk-Tyske Hamburglinje; operated by BDS and the German companies Ernst Russ and A. Kirsten (BDS used Diana, Sirius and Deneb). From 1956 she was in cargo service Bordeaux-Casablanca (Henri Ferriere & Fils, Bordeaux) in the wintertime together with Pallas. As per Sept.-1958 she was in cargo service Bergen-Stavanger-Newcastle. Taken out of the the Bordeaux-Casablanca service in 1960, then in 1961 in cargo service western Norway-Liverpool / Mersey. In 1962 the latter was taken over by hired vessels (on time charter). Sold in Febr.-1964 to Skibs-A/S Karlander (Egil Paulsen), Fredrikstad, delivered in Bergen on Febr. 5, renamed Slensvik. Sold in July-1967 to Gibbons & Co. Ltd. (Thome & Co. Ltd.), Singapore, renamed Sira. Sold in 1970 to British Asian Shipping (Pte.) Ltd., Singapore, renamed Joy Taylor. She was on a voyage Singapore-Saigon on Dec. 29-1970 when her cargo shifted and she capsized and sank in 06 59N 105 53E, about 280 n. miles south of Saigon.
(From "Bergenske, byen og selskapet" by Dag Bakka Jr. as well as info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Articles about BDS in "Skipet" 1-2.88 by Dag Bakka Jr., and "Norges eldste Linjerederi, BDS 1851-1951" by Wilhelm Keilhau).
Det Bergenske Dampskipsselskap had previously had a steamship named Deneb - This ship ended up in Nortraships' register and has, therefore, been listed in the other section. Follow the link for more details. That page also has some details on other ships by this name.
D/S Dione * later raised |
Chr. J. Reim, Porsgrunn
1596 gt
Built Porsgrunn 1940.
Pre war history: Delivered in Dec.-1940 from Porsgrunds Mek. Værksted A/S, Porsgrunn (106) as cargo vessel Dione to A/S Dione (Chr. J. Reim), Porsgrunn. Steel hull, engine aft and bridge amidships ("Porsgrunn type"), 254.8 x 37.9 x 18.2, 1596 gt, 2425 tdwt, Compound + Low pressure turbine (Porsgrunds), 133nhp, 10 knots.
WW II: Attacked by allied aircraft on Oct. 7-1941 while loading cargo at Finneide in Salten. Damaged amidships. Mate William Andreas Hansen and Steward Gunleif Henry Karlsen lost their lives. Towed to Porsgrunds Mek. Værksted A/S, Porsgrunn for repairs. On Apr. 12-1945, while laid up at Porsgrund Mek. Værksted, allied aircraft from Banff Strike Wing attacked, sinking the German cargo steamer Kalmar which was tied up alongside Dione, resulting in Dione being pulled under with the German vessel and both sank in shallow waters (Kalmar was at the yard for repairs of damages received due to sabotage activities in Porsgrunn). The salvage vessel Traust and the Norwegian Nordsjø were also sunk in this air attack.
POST WAR: Raised and repaired at the yard, delivered in Apr.-1946 and back in service. Sold in July-1955 to IS (H. Angell Olsen), Oslo and renamed Angeline. Sold in Dec.-1956 to Egon Oldendorff, Lübeck, Germany and renamed Gebe Oldendorff. Renamed Magnet in 1970. Sold in Aug.-1972 to Eckhardt & Co., Hamburg for breaking up. Sold again that same month to Poul Christensen, Nakskov, Denmark, renamed Ebba C. Laid up Aug. 17-1972 at Nørrebysund, Denmark as storeship. Sold in March-1974 to unknown breakers in Santander, Spain, arriving in tow on Apr. 5 that year. Broken up.
(Misc. sources - majority of info from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Chr. J. Reim by Kjell Malmgren and Dag Bakka Jr. in "Skipet" 4.88).
Related external links:
Sorties Flown by Banff Strike Wing - date of attack is given as Apr. 11 here, scroll down on the page for details of the air attack by 143rd, 235th, 248th and 333rd squadrons.
Stavern Memorial commemoration - The steward is commemorated. The text here says that she was sunk in Oct.-1941
Another Dione (a motor vessel) was built in Porsgrunn for the same company in 1956. Also, Norway had had a barque named Dione, built 1881, 791 gt, which was sunk by U 58 in May-1917.
D/S Dixie * |
Chr. J. Reim, Porsgrunn
1571 gt
Built in Porsgrunn, Norway 1937.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1937 from Porsgrunds Mek. Værksted, Porsgrunn (101) as cargo vessel Dixie to A/S Frank (Chr. J. Reim), Porsgrunn. Steel hull, "Porsgrunn type" with engine aft and bridge amidships - 246.6 x 37.9 x 18.2, 1571 gt, 2400 tdwt.. Engine: Compound + low pressure turbin (? unsure of English term here - [Porsgrunds]) 133nhp.
WW II: There's a posting to my Ship Forum re Dixie, saying she was damaged in a torpedo attack by Sunfish (Lt. G.R. Colvin) on Dec. 7-1940 (see also Nordstjernen).
Attacked by Russian IL-4 aircraft on June 17-1944 and sunk by a parachute torpedo off Kiberg, Finnmark (I've also seen the location as being in the Varanger fjord south of Vardø) when on a voyage Narvik-Kirkenes with lumber. 1 crew died.
NOTE: Charles Hocking gives the tonnage 1610 gt for this ship.
(Misc. sources, incl. pre war info from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Chr. J. Reim by Kjell Malmgren and Dag Bakka Jr. in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet").
A motor vessel by the name Dixie was built for the same company in 1946, also in Porsgrunn.
Draugen * |
Ludv. Fladmarks Sønner A/S, Ålesund
183 gt
Built in Aberdeen 1901.
This tug was en route from Ålesund to Sagvåg, Sunnhordland when she on July 15-1940 entered a German minefield. 6 out of the 10 on board died when she sank half way between Steinsneset and Danmarkneset.
"Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik lists the following casualties (in alphabetical order):
Able Seaman Karsten Berg, Captain Knut Andreas Berg, Seaman Oskar Berg, Steward Gustav Hjalmar Carlsen, Carpenter Olav Lid, Steward Gothard Jonatan Aasen.
Related external link:
Stavern Memorial commemorations
M/B Dreggen NS
Jon Heldal, Bergen
143 dwt
Trawler - included in Nortraship's fleet in Oct.-1944 after having escaped to Shetland. Follow link.
D/S Driva |
Møre Fylkes Ruteselskap, Molde
285 gt
Built in Trondheim 1909.
Pre war history: Delivered in Aug.-1909 from A/S Trondhjems Mek. Verkstad, Trondheim (138) as coastal vessel Driva to Nordmøre Dampskibsselskab, Kristiansund N. Steel hull, 145.1' x 21' x 10.4', 285 gt., Triple Expansion 575ihp. Registered for 343 passengers. In postal route Trondheim-Batnfjordsøra. Managed by Møre Fylkes Ruteselskap, Molde from June 1-1920.
WW II: Transported part of Norway's Bank's gold from Molde to Tromsø on Apr. 29-1940. Attacked by German aircraft the next day, but reached Gjemnes with the gold, which was then transferred to 5 other vessels and taken further, before it was transferred to another 2 vessels, arrived Tromsø on May 9. (The gold was initially meant to be transported from Molde with the British cruiser Glasgow, along with the King and the governemnt on Apr. 29, but due to heavy bombing the cruiser had to depart before all the gold had been loaded). See also my text under Bomma.
POST WAR: Company's name changed to Møre og Romsdal Fylkesbåtar, Molde in 1947. Taken out of her route in 1950 and laid up as reserve. Sold in March-1956 to Brødrene Anda, Hundvåg (Stavanger) and broken up.
(Misc. sources, incl. pre war and post war info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Her Byggedes Skibe, TMV 1843-1983", Finn R. Hansen 1995, and Jens Chr. Egenæs).
D/S Dronningen |
Det Helgelandske Dampskibsselskab, Sandnessjøen
672 gt
Built in Fevig 1894.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1894 from Fevigs Jernskibsbyggeri, Fevig (Arendal) as passenger/cargo vessel Dronningen to Arendals Dampskibsselskap, Arendal, 661 gt, and placed in the Christiania (Oslo)-Bergen service. Ran aground near Wittinskjær in Mannefjord near Mandal on Aug. 12-1921. Ran aground near Villingskjær near Mandal on Dec. 20-1932.
Old postcard showing Dronningen in Bergen
Another picture - Both are from Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Sold on Nov. 16-1940 to Det Helgelandske Dampskibsselskab, then rebuilt at Pusnes Mek. Verksted, Arendal, 672 gt. Placed in the Trondheim-Harstad route in Jan.-1941 as replacement for Ranen (which had been seized by British forces in Harstad on May 19-1940 and taken to England), later extended to Tromsø as part of Hurtigruten. Rebuilt in May-1942 at Trondhjems mek. Verksted (incl. new interior).
POST WAR: Taken out of service and laid up in Meisfjord on Febr. 3-1945. In Oct. that year she made 2 voyages to Finnmark for the Red Cross. On hire to Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab for Hurtigruten service Trondheim-Tromsø in the period Nov.-1945-Dec.-1946, while Finmarken was at a yard in Sweden. Laid up in Meisfjord Jan.-1947, for sale. Sold in Oct.-1947 to Ole T. Flakke, Kristiansund. Sold in Jan.-1948 to Typaldos Haralambos, Piræus, Greece (departed Trondheim on Jan. 9) and renamed Ionion, in service in the Aegean Sea. Still registered as being in service in Greece in 1985.
(Source: Helgelandske D/S fleet list, F. R. Hansen).
Related external link:
Picture of Dronningen - Linked to Arendals Dampskibsselskap's website. NOTE: This website seems to have disappeared. I'm leaving the link as is, in case they come back again. Or, does anyone know where they moved to?
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskipsselskap, Trondheim
1489 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1925..
Pre war history: Delivered in July-1925 and placed in Hurtigruten service on July 13. Certified for 400 passengers. Assisted D/S Pallas on March 30-1926, after that ship had run aground near Grønøy. Assisted the British trawler Mac Penberton (St. Case Pemberton?) on Jan. 7-1927; the trawler had run aground in Magerøysund. Dronning Maud in turn ran aground south of Florø in Oct.-1929. On Oct. 8-1932 a passenger disappeared while on a voyage across Folla.
Picture of Dronning Maud - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
Another picture - Source unknown.
WW II: Rescued 36 men from the German ship Johan Schulte at Folla on Jan. 1-1940 in a bad storm. The German ship was drifting towards Buholmråsa (big waterfall?) after the loss of her propellers. The website below has an excellent account of this incredible and dangerous rescue operation (in Norwegian only).
Captain Edward Mill Grundt. Requisitioned by the Norwegian Navy (Dept. of Defence) for troop transport in March-1940. Bombed and set on fire by German aircraft at Foldvik on May 1-1940, even though she was used as a hospital ship at that time, with the Red Cross markings. 9 of the crew (5 men and 4 women) and 33 of the medical staff died (number varies according to source). The British destroyer Cossack transported many of the injured to a hospital in Harstad. The website below has a very detailed account of this attack and the mayhem and horrendous scenes that followed. Dronning Maud drifted ashore and became a total loss.
"Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik lists the following casualties (in alphabetical order):
Engineer Birger Olai Førde Olsen, Cabin Girl Petra Hindberg, Restaurant Manager Egil Jacob Myhre, Mess Girl Beathe Magna Ness, Able Seaman Erling Vilhelm Nygaard (died at Harstad Hospital May 2), Steamship Girl Ellen Elisabeth Svee, Cook Johan Meyer Sørensen, Edna Oline Wahl. Also, in the book "Våre falne", which lists Norwegian WW II casualties from all causes, I also found Simon Edvin Svendsen (there will probably be more in this book).
(Main source: Nordenfjeldske D/S's fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
Related external links:
D/S Dronning Maud - Fabulous pictures and interesting detailed history. The last page even has beautiful photos from the inside of the ship when she was new. From a website belonging to a Norwegian diver, who has also included underwater pictures of the wreck, photos of the building progress, as well as pictures and histories of some other Norwegian ships.
Stavern Memorial commemorations
SS Dronning Maud - Wikipedia article
Other ships by this name: Norway had also had a steamer named Dronning Maud in WW I (Ivar An. Christensen, Haugesund), built 1907, 1102 gt - struck a mine (laid by UC 1) and sank off Southwold light on Sept. 1-1916 when on a voyage from London to Kem (White Sea) with a cargo of cement - 3 died. A fishing vessel, M/B Dronning Maud escaped to Aberdeen from Udvåre near Lindesnes on Aug. 17-1941, arriving Aberdeen on the 20th with 3 people on board, one of whom was Søren Brandsnes of Polykarp. See "A personal account" under Polykarp for more about this.
D/S Drøbak |
A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab, Oslo
(A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo - 1941)
129 gt
Built in Trondheim 1897. Previous name: Bygdø until 1904.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1897 from A/S Trondhjem Mek. Verksted, Trondheim (78) as Bygdø to Bygdø Nye Dampskibsselskab, Oslo. Steel hull, 95.6 x 18.5 x 5.8, 129 gt, 2cyl Compound 215ihp, registered for 240 passengers, also had a small hold for 8 tons cargo. In regularly scheduled service Oslo-Bygdø Sjøbad. Not doing well financially. Sold in Nov.-1904 to A/S Næsoddens Dampskibsselskab, Oslo, renamed Drøbak. In service Oslo- west side of Nesodden-Svelvik, and was in this service all year long, unlike several of the company's other vessels which were especially intended for use in the summertime when people living in the city wanted to go to the countryside. In 1915 owning company changed its name to A/S Nesodden Dampskibsselskab, Oslo.
WW II: In Febr.-1941 the company fused with A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap, Oslo, and the 2 companies' routes were combined.
POST WAR: Rebuilt in 1949, interior modernized, 147 gt, a 4cyl 2tev Union 300bhp 12 knots motor installed. As per 1955 she was 142 gt. Sold in 1965 to G. C. Tannous, Piraeus, Greece, renamed Doris Barbara (for owner's daughter). Resold to unknown owner in Kuwait 1965, renamed Feiruz. On June 20-1965, when on her voyage from Oslo to Kuwait to be delivered to the new owner she was lost in the Persian Gulf, 27N 52 40E. 3 crew died, all from A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord Dampskipsselskap.
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about A/S Nesodden-Bundefjord D/S by Harald Lorentzen in Skipet 3.90 and misc.).
D/S Duen II |
D/S A/S Asker, Røken & Hurum, Oslo
194 gt
Built in Königsberg, Germany 1914. Previous names: Stadtrat Arnswald, Hindenburg until 1919, Freden until 1920.
Pre war history: Delivered in Dec.-1914 from Union-Giesserei AG, Königsberg, Germany (175) as tug / icebreaker Hindenburg to Kaiserliche Marine, Germany. Steel hull, 98.4 x 21.3 x 9.8, 136 gt, 2cyl Compound (Union-Giesserei AG) 314ihp. Originally launched June-1914 as Stadtrat Arnswald for A. Augsburg, Riga. Taken over in Oct.-1914 by Kaiserliche Marine. Used by Festungs-Bootabteilung Königsberg from Dec.-1914, then from June-1915 by Festungs-Bootabteilung / Seegehendegrp, and from June 20-1917 for Chef Feldeisenbahnwesen/Libau. Sold in 1918 to Spenger & Clausen, Hadersleben, Germany / Abenrade, managed from 1919 by Weichselschutzflott. Sold on Dec. 20-1919 to Dampskibs-AS Asker, Røken & Hurum (T. Mortensen), Oslo, renamed Freden. Renamed Duen II in 1920, registered for 289 passengers and in regularly scheduled service Oslo-Askerlandet-Sætre. Rebuilt in 1934, new bridge and wheelhouse, 194 gt.
POST WAR: Damaged by fire when docking at Nylands Verksted, Oslo on March 13-1947, repaired and reentered service on June 21-1947. Sold in 1951 to British Iron & Steel Corp. (BISCO), Newcastle en-bloc with the company's Asker for breaking up. The intention was for Duen II to tow Asker across the North Sea, but this was stopped by Skipskontrollen in Tønsberg (Shipping Controller) and the sale was annulled. Sold in Jan.-1952 to A/S Jøsenfjord Rutelag, Stavanger as replacement for Ombofjord which that company had lost - picked up by Captain Ola Hagen. In the summer of 1952 she was used as substitute in the company's local Ryfylke routes, then in the fall of that year she was extensively rebuilt and lengthened at Br. Lothe AS Flytedokken, Hasseløy in Haugesund; hull lengthened, new bow and superstructure, car deck for 12 automobiles, registered for 398 passengers, 130.2 x 21.5 x 7.7, 267 gt - a 2x 6cyl 4tev Davey Paxman dm á 400bhp (1943, possibly from a British submarine) motor installed. (Her old wheelhouse was installed on freighter Tungholm, ex Helvig which was being rebuilt by Br. Lothe at the same time). Work on the interior was done at owner's own yard in Stavanger. On July 16-1953 she went on her trial runs as Årdalsfjord. In regularly scheduled service Stavanger-Tau-Årdalsfjorden and quickly became popular among the travellers. Captain was, as mentioned, Ola Hagen, then in 1962 Olav Erøy, Erfjord took over as skipper. In the fall of 1964 she was placed in the Stavanger-Sjernarøyane-Ombo-Foreneset-Erfjord route, occasionally to Vadla, while Fisterfjord took over the Årdal service. Selmer Halsne, Tau took over as skipper in the summer of 1965.
Leased in June-1975 to Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger for use in the Stavanger-Sjernarøyane service. On Jan. 1-1976 the owning company's vessels and routes were taken over by Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger, continued in the Stavanger-Sjernarøyane service with Sigurd Døskeland, Stavanger as skipper from the fall of 1976, Enok Dalaker, Rennesøy from the fall of 1978, Bjarne Erfjord, Randaberg from Jan.-1980. Her last day in the route was on May 1-1980, laid up as "reserve", then on July 21-1980 she went her last voyage in the Ryfylke route - from Vadla to Stavanger as substitute, laid up. Sold in Sept.-1980 to Gebr. Bruhn, Düsseldorf, Germany, renamed Liberty. Somewhat rebuilt in Holland, well and car deck enclosed. The intention was to use her for cruising in the Mediterranean. Sold in 1981 to Ocean Ltd., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, renamed Liberty of the South Seas. Sold in 1984 to S/S Liberty Shipping Co.(Kasif Mehmet, Kyrenia, Cyprus / Limassol), the name Liberty was painted on her - placed in regularly scheduled service Girne, Cyprus-Tasucu, Turkey. In 1987, while work on her was being done in the harbour of Tasucu, she was struck by lightning (went through the funnel) and her engine room was completely burnt out. Towed out of the harbour and laid up in Tasucu bay, where she fell into a bad state of repair. Sold in 1989 to Izmir Shipyard, Tasucu, Turkey, broken up.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about Asker, Røken & Hurum in "Skipet" 3.92 by Pål Ulsten, article about Stavangerske D/S in "Skipet" 1-2.91 by Alf Johan Kristiansen, article about Jøsenfjord Rutelag in "Skipet" 2.91 by Alf Johan Kristiansen and Per Alsaker, "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen, 1981 and info from Theodor Dorgeist / Hans Jürgen Abert) - ref. this posting to my Ship Forum.
D/S Dyre Vaa |
Skien-Telemarkens Dampskibsselskab, Skien
97 gt
Built in Porsgrunn 1903.
Pre war history: Delievered in 1903 from Porsgrunds Mek. Verksted, Porsgrunn as cargo vessel Dyre Vaa to Skien-Telemarkens Dampskibsselskab, Skien. Steel hull, 85.9 x 17 x 7.1, 86 gt, Triple Expansion 115nhp. Later rebuilt at Elvestad Mek. Verksted, Skien, 97 gt.
POST WAR: Rebuilt in 1951 and a 2tev Union 100bhp motor installed, 8 knots. Sold in 1968 to Gunnar Andersen, Kiil near Kragerø, in coastal service. Sold in 1971 to P/r / Paul Wallevik, Avaldsnes, Karmøy, often in service Stavanger-Haugesund-Bergen. Sprang a leak on Oct. 27-1978 and sank in Korsfjorden, voyage Ålvik-Bergen.
D/S Dyrteigen |
A/S Askøy Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
119 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1928.
Pre war history: Delivered in June-1928 from A/S Kristiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (166) as Dyrteigen to A/S Askøy Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 90,2(lpp) x 18 x 10,5, 119 gt, 2cyl Compound (AS Kristiansands MV) 27nhk, 9 knots. In regularly scheduled service with passengers, mail and cargo Askøy (misc. stops) - Bergen.
WW II: In same service all through the war.
POST WAR: Hired out to Midthordlandske Dampskibsselskab from Oct. 20-1945 till Nov. same year, then rebuilt and lengthened at P. Høivolds Mekaniske Verksted, 100,1(lpp) x 18,2 x 10,5, 176 gt. Back in service in July-1946. Laid up in the fall of 1954, but re-entered service. In Febr.-1958 the company's routes and 2 vessels were sold to Rutelaget Askøy-Bergen, Bergen. Sold on Sept. 22-1958 to Sivert Bakke, Bergen, then sold again in Oct. that year (Thorleif Jensen & Bjarne Larsen, Høllen/Kristiansand). Converted to freighter, 108,6 x 18,2 x 10,5, 167 gt, a 2x 6cyl 4tev Volvo Penta dm (1959) motor installed. Entered service as freighter Trysfjord in 1959. Ran aground on Febr. 2-1963 and sank off Kragerø, voyage Brevik-Stavanger with gravel. Cause given as negligible navigation.
(All details on this vessel are from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
D/S Dyrøy |
A/S Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap, Tromsø
372 gt
Built in Trondheim 1915. Previous name: Dyrø until 1936.
Under German control 1940-45. Used as troop transport Harstad-Sjøvegan in Apr.-1940, presumably before she was seized by the Germans(?)
POST WAR: Laid up in 1951. Sold on Febr. 6-1952 to Stavanger Skipsopphuggings Compani. Towed to Bogen in Ofoten on the 24th of that month to load scrap iron. Sank alongside quay. Raised and towed to Stavanger for breaking up.
(Main source: Troms Fylkes D/S fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
Other ships by this name: The company later had another Dyrøy, built in Fredrikstad in 1954, 346 gt. This ship collided with the Dutch Adriatic on Oct. 22-1973 and was heavily damaged - towed to Harstad for repairs. She was condemned after having run aground near Meløyvær on Jan. 5-1976, then sold that same year to Oslo - sold again in 1980 to Sweden and laid up at Østerby. Sold again (forced sale) in Sept.-1983 to Eide Contracting A/S, Høylandsbygd, and a couple of months later to Scansiris A/S Oslo. Eventually ended up in the U.S. as a yacht (from 1984). The company's 3rd Dyrøy was originally built in 1964 as Hitraferja for Fosen Trafikklag, Trondheim, 208 gt. Renamed Kong Øystein in 1977, lengthened and rebuilt after having capsized in Febr.-1984 - completed Sept.-1985 (415 gt) and renamed Dyrøy for Troms Fylkes D/S. Still in service in 1996.
M/S Dønna |
Det Helgelandske Dampskibsselskab, Sandnessjøen
79 gt
Built in 1931.
Pre war history: Delivered from Rognan Værft & Mek. Verksted as Dønna to Det Helgelandske D/S in Sept.-1931 and placed in passenger/cargo service Sandnessjøen-Dønna, also to Træna - 60 passengers, 44 tons cargo. Ran aground at Storskjær in Jan.-1933.
WW II: Damaged in Bodø harbour in a war related incident on May 27-1940. Taken over by the Germans on Sept. 7-1940 and renamed Rummelpott, in use as guard vessel.
POST WAR: Returned to owners on July 14-1945, renamed Dønna again, repaired. Completed Dec. 1-1945 and back in service. Ran aground and damaged near Tenna on Sept. 24-1949. Renamed Sjona in 1957. Laid up June-1960. Sold in 1964 to John Moe, Silvalen, Herøy and renamed Silvaskjær, converted to freighter. Sank along quay in Herøysund on Jan. 4-1966. Renamed Herøysund in 1974. Sunk in deep water on Oct. 6-1985.
(Source: Det Helgelandske Dampskibsselskabs fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
Other ships by this name: This company had another Dønna later on, a car and passenger ferry of 156 gt, built in Harstad in 1957. Sold and renamed Sjøveg in 1981, sold again and renamed Skivik in 1989. Later had several owners and was still in service in 1998. A 3rd Dønna (Helgeland Trafikkselskap A/S) was originally built as Hertug Skule for Fosen Trafikklag A/S, Trondheim in 1969, also a car and passenger ferry, 378 gt. Became Dønna in 1981, sold to Hoganess Salmon Ltd., Hoganess, Shetland in 2000.
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