Name of Ship
Shipping Company
D/S H. J. Kyvig * |
A/S Kyvigs Rederi, Haugesund
763 gt
Built in Bergen 1921. Previous name: Tormod Bakkevig.
Captain Johan Ingebrikt Waage. In service on the coast of Norway. Torpedoed and sunk by aircraft on Oct. 28-1940 off Gjeita, Sunnfjord, when on a voyage from Ballangen to Drammen with a cargo of pyrites. 5 crew died.
Related link:
The 5 who died - The Norwegian text says H. J. Kyvig ended up in the middle of a battle between German and allied aircraft on Oct. 26 (date conflict). Seaman Harry Aune, Ordinary Seaman Audun Magnus Gjærde, Ordinary Seaman Jens Hartvig Hopen, Stoker Martin Pedersen, and Captain Johan Ingebrikt Waage are commemorated at this memorial for seamen in Stavern, Norway.
The company also had a ship by this name later on, delivered in Oct.-1952, 295 gt. Sold to Bergen in 1965 and renamed John Knutsen. Sank following a collision with the Swedish M/S Unden off Vliessingen in heavy fog on Nov. 10-1965 on a voyage Terneuzen-Sarpsborg with coke. Raised in July-1967 and sold to Flushing for breaking up.
D/S Haakon Adalstein |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
710 gt
Built Newcastle 1873, delivered Aug. 4, 703 gt.
Pre war history:
1873 - 1900: Placed in the service to Hamburg (built especially for that service) with a passenger capacity of 200. Ran aground near Risvær on Dec. 4-1880. Altered in May-June 1881 (entire aft interior altered, ladies saloon added etc.), new wheel added in 1884, new main boiler and donkey boiler added in 1885 and some other alterations made. Towed to Trondheim (Trondhjem in those days) after her engine shaft (correct English term?) had broken near Rødberg that year. Ran aground near Beiarn on Febr. 3-1886. Propeller shaft broken near Rørvik in 1891, and she was again taken in tow to Trondheim for repairs, new funnel was added at the same time. Put into cargo service Christiania-Finnmark in 1892. Ran aground in Vefsenfjord in a snowstorm on Jan. 23-1893 and beached at Hellesvik, then towed to Trondheim for major repairs. Ran into the quay in Larvik in 1894. Propeller shaft broken near Kjeungen, Granvik on Jan. 31-1896, towed to Trondheim by Magnus Barfod. In dock in Trondheim Sept.-Oct.-1897 (repairs). Engine damage near Kjelvik on Sept. 23-1898 but proceeded to Trondheim on her own. Engine damage at Hustadvik on Oct. 25-1899, repaired in Kristiansund (spelt Christiansund in those days). Laid up in Trondheim on Nov. 30-1899.
1900 - 1940: Spanker mast lengthened and new topgallant stay added in 1900. Back in dock on Apr. 23-1900 for the addition of new propellers. Back at the yard in Trondheim in July and Aug.-1900 after shaft breakage. At Trondhjem Mekaniske Verksted from July 25-1901 to be rebuilt and modernized. Certified for 213 passengers in Hurtigruten service. New triple exp. steam engine added, new tonnage 710 gt. Rebuilding completed on March 12-1902, first voyage (to Christiania, which is Oslo today) on the 21st. In Hurtigruten (express cargo/passenger) service Apr.-June 1902. "Replacment vessel" for Kong Halfdan in Hurtigruten's Finnmark service in May-1905. Took passengers to Agdenes in June 1906 to see the King arrive in connection with his crowning ceremony in Trondheim (Haakon VII). 1906-'07, in the Christiania-Tromsø-Vadsø service (Route No. 3), then in Jan.-1907 she was again replacement vessel for Kong Halfdan in the Finnmark service. Partly in Hurtigruten service July-1907-'08, then full service in 1909. Ran aground at Sandøren near Finnsnes on Jan. 19-1910, but pulled off, no damage. Rescued the Sundmøre vessel Vanheim north of Haugesund in Jan.-1913. Had engine trouble near Havøygavlen on Apr. 28-1913 and towed to Trondheim by Kong Harald. Ran aground north of Bergen in Dec.-1915, refloated and returned to Bergen. Temporarily laid up at Sandnessjøen in Jan.-1922 due to 12 crew members coming down with the 'Spanish Flu'. Ran aground near Balsfjordnes on Dec. 17-1927, refloated and towed to Trondheim for repairs. Taken out of Hurtigruten in June-1930, put into cargo service between Trondheim and Bodø (competing with D/S Skjerstad), and in 1936 she was converted to cargo vessel, and certified for only 12 passengers. In cargo service Oslo-Kirkenes-Oslo in 1938-'40.
When the war started on Apr. 9-1940 she had been laid up in Trondheim. Put into service Oslo-Hammerfest/Honningsvåg, then in Jan.-1941 into weekly service transporting fresh fish from Trondheim to Harstad and back, later in express cargo service No. 6 to Hammerfest, making some extra trips from Trondheim to Harstad in 1944.
POST WAR: In 1945 she went into service between Trondheim and Lofoten/Narvik, then in Nov. that year she was put into Hurtigruten service Tromsø-Kirkenes. Laid up in Trondheim on March 4-1946. Sold on Oct. 9-1946 to Ole T. Flakke, Kristiansund and renamed Goma, in cargo service. Capsized and sank on Sept. 10-1947 near Tylø on the coast of Halland when on a voyage from Ålborg to Gdansk. The crew was saved but 272 horses drowned.
(Source: "Nordenfjeldske 1857-1985", Finn R. Hansen).
D/S Haakon Jarl * |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
1482 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1904. Previous name: San Telmo until 1930.
Pre war history: Delivered in Nov.-1904 as San Telmo to Otto Thoresen's Spanish Line, Christiania. Sold to Fred. Olsen & Co. in 1921, then to Nordenfjeldske in July-1929. Renamed Haakon Jarl in 1930. In passenger/cargo service Hamburg-Trondheim-Hamburg 1935-'37.
WW II: Coastal passenger/cargo vessel in service between Hammerfest and Kirkenes, Norway - under German control. Torpedoed and sunk by the British submarine Tigris (Bone) near Sværholt on the coast of Finnmark on Aug. 17-1941, when on a voyage Kirkenes-Hamburg with cargo of fish and general - position 71 03N 26 43E. 3 died.
CONFLICT: According to "Nordenfjeldske - 1857-1986", Finn R. Hansen, Haakon Jarl was sunk on Aug. 27.
Related external link:
The 3 who died - Stoker Henry Olaf Karlsen, Able Seaman Gunnar Kleiven, and Ordinary Seaman Henry Eliot Nilsen are commemorated.
Other ships by this name: Nordenfjeldske had previously had Hakon Jarl, built in 1857, 346 gt - ran aground and sank near Kjeøy off Lødingen in Nov.-1877. This posting to my Ship Forum has the history of this ship. Haakon Jarl (II) was built 1879, 789 gt. Collided with Kong Harald on Vestfjord, north of Landego and sank on June 17-1924.
D/S Haakon Jarl * later raised |
Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
2102? gt
Built in Trondheim 1940. Previous name: Nierstein until 1943.
This ship was originally contracted by Sprinwell Shipping Co., London with the intended name Springsound (2102 gt) but she was taken over by German authorities and transferred to Deutsche Dampfschiff-Gesellschaft 'Hansa' Bremen, launched as Nierstein on Sept. 17-1940. Due to breach of contract she was sold unfinished by builders to Nordenfjeldske on Febr. 13-1943 and renamed Haakon Jarl. Towed from Trondheim on Febr. 24. Arrived Fredrikstad Mekaniske Verksted on Apr. 2-1943 for completion. Bombed and sunk in port at Hamburg on her first voyage, July 25-1943, raised in Nov. that same year and towed back to Fredrikstad.
POST WAR: Repairs were completed in Febr.-1947 at which time she was handed over to Nordenfjeldske with the new name Svein Jarl (III) and placed the company's Mediterranean service. Struck a mine and sank off Patras on Jan. 16-1948, on a voyage Calamata-Patras with general cargo. 9 crew died.
(Source: Nordenfjeldske D/S' fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
Other ships by this name: Håkon Jarl (V) was built in Aalborg, Denmark in 1952, delivered on Febr. 15, 2173 gt, capacity for 600 passengers. This ship was sold in Jan.-1981 to Ofotens Dampskibsselskap, Narvik, keeping the same name, but was renamed Håkon Gamle in Jan.-1983 after having been sold to Fekete & Co. A/S, Tønsberg. Sold again the following month to KS A/S Håkon Jarl, Oslo and renamed Håkon Jarl, then rebuilt and in use as hotel and restaurant vessel in Oslo. When the company went bankrupt in 1988 she was taken over by A/S Factoring Finans, then by the creditors, Tromsø Sparebank. Sold in 1990 to A/S Akershus Strand, Oslo, sold in 1991 to A/S Preco, Oslo. In Nov.-1991 she was sold to Antwerp and renamed Christian V, then used as hotel vessel in Bonaparte Dock, Antwerp and still used as such in 1996, possibly also in 1999 (info from Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab ASA fleet list, Finn R. Hansen).
D/S Haalegg * later raised |
O. & H. Holta A/S, Skien
1758 gt
Built in Larvik, Norway 1922. Previous name: Fagervik until 1934.
Pre war history: Delivered from Hølens Verksted, Larvik (26) in Dec.-1922 as turbine vessel Fagervik to Nilson, Nyquist & Co. D/S A/S, Oslo, 1758 gt, 1032 net, 261.2' x 41.2' x 17.8', 2 TU (de Lavals Ångturbin A/B, Stockholm, Sweden), 222 nhp. Sold in Jan.-1934 to A/S Havlide (O. & H. Holta A/S), Skien and renamed Haalegg. Converted to steamship in 1935 when a 4 cyl. Compound, 850 ihp engine was installed (Fredrikstad mek. Verksted, Fredrikstad).
Picture of this ship (as Fagervik) - From Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Bombed and sunk by German aircraft at Narvik on May 17-1940, or sunk by British warships at Narvik on Apr. 13-1940? (or both?).
POST WAR: Raised and repaired in 1945, renamed Bodø for A/S D/S Vestfart (Erling Sannes), Bodø; owned by Erling Sannes, Bodø from 1947. Sold in Sept.-1951 to Olaf Pedersens Rederi A/S, Oslo and renamed Sunny Boy. Sold again in Jan.-1952 to Aug. Bolten, Wm. Miller's Nachf., Hamburg and renamed Otterberg. Sold in 1959 to Cia. de Vapores Kyrinthos S/A, Beirut and renamed Taxiarchis, renamed Archangelos Michael in 1960. Sold in 1965 to A. Frangistas, Piræus and renamed Diamondo. Broken up at Split in 1969.
Related external link:
Bombers & Ground Attack - info on the various types of German bombers (from the website Luftwaffe Resource Center).
D/S Haardraade * raised / renamed |
750 gt
Built in Raamsdonksveer, The Netherlands 1922. Previous name: Sfinx.
Haardraade is listed among the ships in Convoy HN 9A from Norway to the U.K. in Jan.-1940. As will be seen by clicking on the link, several other Norwegian ships also took part.
Caught up in the initial invasion of Norway when she was on her way to Bergen at the same time as the Germans were on Apr. 9-1940. Haardraade was among 9 vessels stopped south of Bergen by Norwegian patrol boats and sent elsewhere (the others were Neptun, Stensaas, Tindefjell, Rogaland, Hellesund, Vestra, Jarl, and Bjønn. D/S Force was also en route to Bergen, and proceeded into port - follow the links for more details on each ship - see also San Miguel). Stensaas, Tindefjell, Haardraade, Hellesund and Rogaland were asked to turn around and proceed to Leirvik, Stord, while Bjønn went to Haugesund.
The 5 ships that had been sent to Leirvik were later ordered to Hardangerfjorden on Apr. 16. Haardraade was sent to Granvin in order to discharge some of her cargo to the Norwegian forces there. When the Germans landed troops on Apr. 25 (bound for Voss), the Norwegian forces withdrew, so not much fighting occurred. However, the British bombed the place and Haardraade was hit and set on fire. She eventually sank with the loss of 1 crew. Raised during the war and returned to service under the name Hodnaberg (1944 - 765gt? I've also seen the name spelt Haadnaberg).
POST WAR: Survived the war, but struck a mine and sank near Hals-Barre Light, off Aalborg, Denmark on Febr. 24-1946. 9 died.
(Main source: "Hjemmeflåten - Mellom venn og fiende", Lauritz Pettersen).
Related external link:
Those who died - includes the captain, Mikal Olsen Lilleaas. Donkeyman Helge Olav Bergh, Stoker Endre Einebærholm Byrknes (Bjerkenes?), Mate Leif Bernhard Fredriksen, Able Seaman Johan Magnus Greni, Messboy Odd Henry Hegrenes, Able Seaman Fridtjof Aleksander Johnsen, Mate Jacob Rasmussen, and Ordinary Seaman Helge Selnes are also commemorated.
Norway had once upon a time had a seal catcher by this name (a barque), from 1871 when it was built till sold in 1897 to San Francisco and renamed Bowhead. Sold again in 1908, laid up in San Francisco until 1915 when it was sold to a film company that wanted to film the vessel under a torpedo attack. In spite of repeated efforts the ship would not sink, eventually towed to the beach and burnt. ("Damp - Dampskipets æra i Vestfold).
D/S Haarek |
Det Helgelandske Dampskibsselskab, Sandnessjøen
166 gt
Built in Christiania 1866. Previous name: Hansteen until 1900.
Pre war history: Delivered as Hansteen from Nylands Værksted in May-1866 to Den Geografiske Opmaaling, Christiania (Geodetic Survey), 131 gt, used for surveying on the Norwegian coast. Converted to passenger/cargo vessel after having been sold in 1898 to Indtrøndelagens Dampbaadsamlag, Stenkjær. Sold in 1900 to Det Helgelandske D/S (replacement for Helgeland which had been lost), renamed Haarek. Rebuilt at Baklandets Mek. Verksted, Trondhjem in 1916, 166 gt.
WWII: In regularly scheduled service.
POST WAR: Sold in Dec.-1950 to Florø Pakkergruppe, Florø as accommodation vessel, renamed Ivar Elias in 1952. Sold in Dec.-1961 to Oslo Indremisjon, Oslo. Sold in Sept.-1978 to Olav T. Engvik, Trondheim for restoration. Renamed Hansteen in 1981. Sold in Jan.-1987 to Stiftelsen D/S Hansteen, Trondheim. Near completion in 1995, still in Trondheim in 1998.
(Source: Helgelandske D/S fleet list, F. R. Hansen):
Related external link:
Picture of Haarek/Hansteen - On the Norwegian Veteran Ships Club website, text in Norwegian (some pages in English).
Helgeland Trafikkselskap A/S, Sandnessjøen had a Haarek from 1993. This vessel was built as Melbu in 1974 for A/S Vesterålens Trafikklag, Sortland, 419 gt (car and passenger ferry) - sold on May 14-1993 and renamed Haarek. Rebuilt and lengthened that year, 857 gt, still in service 2001.
D/S Haarfagre |
O. & H. Holta A/S, Skien
2478 gt
Built in Wilmington, Delaware 1918. Previous names: Launched as War Compass, then Aurora until 1920, Carabinier until 1926, Yzerhandel until 1928, Belgica until 1932.
Pre war history: Launched as War Compass, completed as Aurora and delivered in Sept.-1918 to the US Shipping Board, Wilmington. Renamed Carabinier in 1920 for Lloyd Royal Belge S.A, Antwerp, Belgium, Yzerhandel in 1926 for Armement Gylsen S.A, Antwerp, Belgica in 1928 for Maritime Gantoise S.A, Ghent. Sold in 1932 to A/S Havlide, Skien, Norway, renamed Haarfagre.
WW II: In German control?
POST WAR: Returned in Narvik to Norwegian owners in 1945. Sold to Finland and renamed Helmil in 1948 (O/Y Wildfart Ltd) Helsingfors. Renamed Karl Erik in 1949 (same owners). Sold in 1952 to Lovisa Rederi A/B, Finland. Scrapped in Ghent in 1960.
M/S Hadarøy * |
207 gt
Built in Middlesbrough 1911. Previous name: Hauken II.
Pre war: Built as whale catcher Hauken II by Smith's Dock Co., Middlesbrough (448) for A/S Ørnen (Søren L. Christensen), Sandefjord in 1911, 110.7' x 20.8' x 11.6', ca. 172 gt, 62 net, steam engine of 308 hp by W.V.V. Lidgerwood Coatbridge. Catching off South Shetland. Owned from 1928 by Norwegian Bay Whaling Co. A/S (A/S Thor Dahl), Sandefjord, then from 1931 by Bryde & Dahls Hvalfangerselskap A/S Sandefjord. Sold in 1932 to Thorland Ltd., London (A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord, manager). Fishing for halibut and cod off West Greenland (with Northland, later named Thorland, and others). Purchased in 1936(?) by Hadarøy A/S, Ulstein and renamed Hadarøy - M-29-U (company owners: Harald Teigene, Ottar Teigene, Arthur Teigene, Leif Moldskred, Arne Molskred, Sigurd Urke, Toralf J. Vik, Nils Rinde, Johs. N. Osnes, O. Sellevold, Johan L Garshol, Elias Garshol). Lengthened at Liaaen mek. Verksted, Ålesund, becoming 125.5' x 20.8' x 11.7', ca. 207 gt, 74 net. Extensively repaired in 1936 and 1939, new engine installed at Haugesund Slip in 1939, Deutz diesel motor 400 hp.
WW II: Taken over by the Germans July 18-1940, renamed Föhn/V5108. Departed Bergen on Dec. 25-1941 in order to escort 2 merchant vessels to Ålesund. Arrived Måløy on the night leading up to Dec. 27-1941 and was to join a convoy for Stad the following morning. When the raid on Måløy started that morning, Föhn left the quay, signalling for the other 2 ships to do the same (Norma and Edzard(?) Fritzen), whereupon they set course for Ulvesund. Föhn managed to shoot down a British Hampden bomber which attacked, and may also have sunk a landing craft, before the captain of Föhn was fatally injured. Meanwhile, the British destroyers Onslow and Oribi were approaching the scene. Föhn signalled to the 2 merchant ships to head for land, while she herself continued, but grounded south of Kapellneset. 4 of her crew managed to hide, and were not found by the Oribi crew who had boarded the Föhn, the remaining 16 crew were taken to England as prisoners of war. Föhn was subsequently set on fire and sunk by artillery fire (61 58N 05 09E). Later raised and broken up in Oct.-1942.
(Sources: Article by Johan Ottesen, received from Bjørn Milde, Norway and a posting to my Ship Forum. See also the thread starting here).
Related external link:
The Vaagsøy and Måløy Raid
Norway also had a Hadarøy in the 1960's, ex Busen 5. See the very end of my page about the Busen whale catchers.
M/S Hadsel |
Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab, Stokmarknes
406 gt
Built Moss 1940.
In coastal service in the north of Norway. Hurtigruten (express cargo/passenger) from Apr.-1941 till the fall of 1944. (Also, from Nov. 15-1945 until Apr.-1950).
POST WAR (as per website below): Went aground on Jan. 29-1958 near Nakkmean off Reine and sank.
Related link:
Hadsel - from a website for divers, includes a picture (this site lists the ship as a steamer; I've been told this is incorrect, and might be a mix up with the company's D/S Hadsel, built 1894, which was renamed Sortland before M/S Hadsel was built, and sold in 1941).
Ofoten & Vesteraalens D/S had another vessel by this name in service as late as 1996, delivered on June 26-1981, 145 gt, in local passenger/cargo service.
D/S Hafnia |
William Hansen, Bergen
1316 gt
Built in Amsterdam 1920.
Hafnia is listed as sailing in Convoy HN 16 from Norway to the U.K. in March.-1940 - however, she may not have sailed, because she's also listed in the next convoy, HN 17, bound for London with pulp, then went back to Norway at the very end of March with Convoy ON 24 - several Norwegian ships took part in all these convoys.
Later under German control? Jan-Olof, Sweden has sent me a Swedish document which states that she ran aground at 15:45 on Febr. 24-1944, position 57 53.7N 11 26.8E? (west of Paternoster), when on a voyage Ballangen-Emden with pyrites, foreship leaking. There were no casualties.
In a message posted to my Ship Forum, Roger W. Jordan states that according to "Ships Available to the Enemy in Northern Waters", published by the Ministry of Economic Warfare, London, in August 1945 Hafnia's reported movements were:
Repairing at Bergen (report May 1-1943); lost near Marstrand on Apr. 22-1944; salved and repairing at Eriksburg (report Jan.-1945).
POST WAR: Sold in 1945 to Andreas Stoltenburg, Oslo, and renamed Hegra. Left Hull, UK, Nov.-16-1945 for Moss.
D/S Halden 1 |
Halden Dampskibsselskab A/S, Halden
108 gt
Built in Oslo 1890. Previous name: Fredrikshald I until 1928.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1890 from Nylands Verksted, Oslo (79) as Fredrikshald I to Fredrikshalds Dampskibsselskab A/S, (Johan Markus Jensen), Halden. Iron hull, 91.9 x 17.2 x 7.9, 108 gt, 110 tdwt, 2cyl Compound, 16 nhp, 80 ihp, in regularly scheduled cargo service Oslo-Moss-Halden. Manager became Marius Adolf Martinsen, Halden, Jan. 1-1910. Sank near Kjøløen when on a voyage Halden-Oslo on Sept. 4-1912 (too heavily laden), raised and repaired. Sank near Steilene in May-1916, raised and repaired. On Jan. 1-1928 the company changed its name to Halden Dampskibsselskab A/S, Halden, renamed Halden 1, same service.
WW II: On the day of the German invasion of Norway (Apr. 9-1940) Halden 1, en route to Oslo, was on her way into the Drøbak sound and found herself between the German cruiser Blücher and Oscarsborg fortress. Her funnel and lifeboat were struck by small calibre shells and she managed to get into Drøbak. (See also Kristiansand, Sørland and D/S Alpha).
POST WAR: Sold on Jan. 17-1957 to Pål Børnes & Ing. Melkevik, Klokkarvik, Sotra and converted to freighter, 109 gt, 150 tdwt, a 2cyl 2tev Union 100bhp (1943) motor installed. Entered service that same year as freighter Sundbuen for P/r ms Sundbuen (Pål Børnes), Klokkarvik, in coastal service. Sold in Aug.-1961 to P/r Odd S. Skimmeland, Ole N. Skimmeland, Kristian & Kåre Stusvik, Mosterhamn, Bømlo, renamed Solvang III, in coastal service. In 1965 a 3cyl 2tev Wichmann 150bhp motor was installed, entered cargo service Stavanger-Haugesund-Bergen that year, replacing owner's freighter Solvang II. Remeasured around 1970, 110 gt. Capsized and sank alongside the quay in Stavanger while loading cargo Nov. 17-1975. Raised on Nov. 27, inspected and condemned. Sold in Febr.-1976 "as-is" to John Torkelsen, Mosterhamn, Bømlo, renamed Jotor. Repaired and rebuilt in Grindheimsvågen at Moster, 98 gt. Sold in July-1984 to Einar Sellevåg, Flaktveit, in local service in Hordaland, often with fish crates. Registered in Bergen Sept.-1986.
(From T. Eriksen, Norway).
D/S Halden 3 |
Halden Dampskibsselskab A/S, Halden
126 gt
Built in Fredrikstad 1900. Previous name: Fredrikshald 3 until 1928.
Pre war history: Delivered in Oct.-1900 from Fredrikstads Mek. Verksted, Fredrikstad (70) as Fredrikshald 3 to Fredrikshalds Dampskibsselskab A/S (Johan Markus Jensen), Halden. Steel hull, 97.6 x 18.9 x 8.3, 126 gt, 120 tdwt, 2cyl Compound 135 ihp. In regularly scheduled cargo service Oslo-Moss-Halden. Manager became Marius Adolf Martinsen, Halden on Jan. 1-1910. On Jan. 1-1928 the company changed its name to Halden Dampskibsselskab A/S (Marius Adolf Martinsen), Halden. Renamed Halden 3, same service.
POST WAR: Laid up March 10-1958. Sold in Nov.-1959 to Halvard J. Løvstad, Sandefjord. Renamed Lagje in 1960. Rebuilt, 128 gt, 170 tdwt, a 6 cyl 4tev Crossley dm 240bhp (1949) motor installed, entered service 1961. Sold in Febr.-1966 to Johs. S. Grande, Mosvik, in sand trade in Trøndelag. Renamed Mosvik in Aug.-1967. Sold in Febr.-1975 to Søren Skagemo, Ottersøy. Sold in June-1981 to Svein Solheim, Hisøy near Arendal. On Sept. 14-1981 Mosvik was on a voyage Borge-Farsund with Lecablocks and gravel when she capsized and sank south of Ryvingen light, crew was saved. The loss was investigated as insurance fraud.
Related external link:
Picture of this ship
(Info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about Halden D/S by Arne Ingar Tandberg in Skipet 1.92, Dag Bakka Jr., Breakwater, Skipet and misc.).
M/S Hallingdal |
Boe & Pedersen, Oslo
3180 gt
Built in Copenhagen, Denmark 1929.
Picture of Hallingdal - Received from Thorbjørn Andersen, Norway (see also this external page).
Attacked by the Russian submarine D-3 (Bibeyev) at Syltefjord on May 17-1942, but torpedo(es) missed.
Here are some pictures of a ship by this name (received from Historical Department, MAN B&W Diesel, Copenhagen - see also their museum website). Can anyone tell me if this is a post war Hallingdal, and if so, any more details on her?
Hallingdal - A tanker?
Pic 2
Pic 3 - At launching
D/S Halse |
Jørgen O. Bugge, Mandal
2136 gt
Build in Sunderland 1910. Previous names: Signe until 1914, Quernstad (possibly Quærnstad?) until 1921.
Pre war owners: M.S. Pedersen, Tønsberg when Signe, Grefstad & Herlofsens Dampskibsselskap till 1916, Bendix J. Grefstad, Arendal till 1917, then P. Dedekam, Arendal until 1921 (when Quernstad).
Picture of Halse - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Halse is listed in Convoy HN 10 from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940, bound for Liverpool with pulp. In March we find her in Convoy ON 21 to Norway.
Later under German control.
POST WAR: Returned at Kiel to Norwegian owners in May-1945. Broken up in Blyth 1954.
(Main source: Roger W. Jordan).
D/S Hammerø |
A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, Bodø
162 gt
Build in Oslo 1865. Previous name: Vikingen until 1912.
Pre war history: Delivered in Dec.-1865 from Nylands Verksted, Oslo as Vikingen to Interesseselskabet for dampskibet Vikingen, Bergen. Iron hull, rounded bow, 120.3 x 16.5 x 6.5, 91 gt, 2cyl High pressure/Low pressure steam engine 25nhp, 9 knots. From the winter of 1866 she was in regularly scheduled service Bergen-Midthordland-Sunnhordland-Stavanger - summer 1866 Bergen-Sogn, but had to give this up due to the competition from Nordre Bergenhus Amts Dampskibes routes on the same stretch. In the spring of 1867 she was placed in regularly scheduled service Bergen-Stavanger-Hardanger-Stavanger-Bergen (in cooperation with the company that owned Vøringen, the vessels meeting at Terøy). Vikingen's cargo capacity proved to be insufficient for the route, which was taken over by Folgefonden in Nov.-1875, and Vikingen was placed in the Bergen-Leirvik-Stavanger service that month. In the summer of 1877 she was used for the Bergen-Ulvik (Hardanger) service once weekly, otherwise to Stavanger. In March-1878 the company fused with Det Vestlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen, Vikingen continued in the same service. On May 1-1883 the owning company and ships were taken over by Hardanger Søndhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen, continued in the same route. Extensively rebuilt at Laxevaag Maskin & Jernskibsbyggeri, Bergen in 1889, 106 gt, engine converted to 2cyl Compound. Sold in 1898 to Martin Haabeth, Trondheim and used locally in Trondheimsfjorden. Rebuilt in 1905 at Trondhjems Mek. Verksted, Trondheim, 117 gt.
Sold in Sept.-1912 to H. Braseth, Fauske, renamed Hammerø. Hired out to Saltens Dampskibsselskab and in service Narvik-Svolvær. In the summer of 1913 she substituted in the services to Beiarn, Saltdalen and North Helgeland, then went back to her regular service that fall. Aground at Fagernes near Narvik in Dec.-1913, refloated by Færdig on Jan. 23-1914, repaired in Bodø, interior renewed and engine overhauled, then back in service on June 24-1914. Sold that year to A/S Saltens Dampskibsselskab, continuing in the same service. As per 1918 she was in service to Meløy and Gildeskål, and that winter she was placed in regularly scheduled service to Beiarn, later to Helgeland (1922), then to Folla (winter 1923). During the past few years she had had several mishaps with subsequent repairs, then in Apr.-1924 she collided with Bergenske D/S's Mira near Grønøy south of Ørnes. Damages were repaired that summer at Bodø Mek. Verksted, Bodø. She again had to go in for repairs in Bodø after having drifted into the freighter Prospekt in Bodø harbour during a storm, then grounded at Rønvikleira. Damages were minor, and after repairs she was back in service in Jan.-1925, this time in the Lødingen-Svolvær route, as well as to Tysfjord and Harstad. Rebuilt and modernized in 1926, 162 gt. In March-1931 she was rammed by a German trawler in Harstad harbour, minor damages - these were not repaired until that spring.
WW II: Continued in her regular service, with occasional breaks. By 1944 she was laid up, hidden in a fjord near Svolvær, because the company was apprehensive about allied bombing and other war related occurrences.
POST WAR: Back in service in Sept.-1945, though in a bad state of repair. In Dec.-1945 she sprang a leak at Folla and barely managed to get herself to Bodø where she was temporarily repaired and back in service that same day. Extensively repaired in July-1946. In June-1949 she was used as substitute, while still in her regular service occasionally. In Aug. that year she assisted the freighter Alice which had run aground near Kjerringøy - towed to Bodø. Hammerø was sold in Sept.-1949 to Hans Kaalhus, Bodø and renamed Tarzan. Intention was to have her converted to tug, but this did not happen. Sold in 1952 to Br. Anda, Hundvåg, Stavanger for breaking up.
(This info received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: "Fjordabåten", Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, "Over Fjord og Fjell, -HSD 1880-1980", Bård Kolltveit, 1980, article about Hammerø by Arne Harsund in "Skipet" 2.2002, and article about Salten D/S in "Skipet" 1.93 by Jens Chr. Egenæs).
D/S Hamre |
Indre Nordhordland Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen
185 gt
Built in Kristiansand 1910. Previous name: Tinfos until 1926.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1910 from Christiansands Mek. Verksted, Kristiansand (134) as combined passenger/cargo - tug/ice breaker Tinfos to Tinfos Papirfabrik, Notodden (Ski). Steel hull reinforced for travelling in ice, 101(lpp) x 19,1 x ?, 185 gt, Tripple Expansion 425ihk 60nhk. Registered for 185 passengers. Sold in Oct.-1916 to Stig Bjørn, Kristiansund N. Sold in Oct.-1917 to Sundalens Dampskibsselskab A/S, Sunndalsøra, in service locally. Sold in Jan.-1924 to B. Ramton e.a., Blylaget. The owner had recently created Nesodden-Frogn-Nordby Dampskibsselskab. The company couldn't afford Tinfos, so they purchased her privately and used her in the company's Oslo-Bunnefjord route, but proved unsuitable because of her size. Sold in March-1925 to A/S Bundefjorden Dampskibsselskab, Oslo. Sold in Sept.-1926 to Indre Nordhordland Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen and renamed Hamre. In regularly scheduled service Bergen-Sørfjord.
POST WAR: Replacement vessel 1946, occasionally laid up at Hosanger. Sold in Oct.-1949 to Einar Cook, Bergen, converted to barge at owner's yard in Nyhavn, Bergen. Sold in Oct.-1950 (Nils J. Blaalid, Måløy). Converted to freighter at Storemøllens Slip, Sandviken (Bergen), 102,2(lpp) x 18,8 x 10,2, 161 gt / t.dwt:225, a 6cyl 4tev Deutz dm 200bhk motor installed. Entered service as freighter Blaaøy in March-1951, carrying fresh fish from Måløy to Bergen. New motor installed in 1960, 3cyl Vølund 345bhk. Sold in Febr.-1964 at forced auction to Leif Myklebust, Fonnes (Austrheim / Bergen). Sold in 1965 to Peder Norvoll, Haramsøy, Ålesund, then Leif Myklebust, Fonnes, Austrheim 1966. Damaged by fire while in Tromsø in Dec.-1966, repaired. Sold in Apr.-1968 (Arvid Rånes, Å in Åfjord). Renamed Mira in Aug.-1971. Sold in Nov.-1972 to Nils Fjeldvær, Trondheim. Rebuilt in 1973, 158 gt. Sold in Aug.-1981 (Asbjørn & Roger Morskogen / Asbjørn Morskogen, Nord-Herøy, Trondheim), in local sand trade. Taken out of service around 1985, then sold to Skipsbrukt A/S, Kristiansund N. Sold again in 1985 to a fish breeding company in Snillfjord, laid up as feed store. Owner went bankrupt and she was laid up at Heggstabukt in Åstfjord along with the cutter Reward, both being in bad state of repair. Per Aastum, Sunde owned both vessels at some point, still laid up at the same place. Around Dec.-1992 Reward sank alongside Mira. Sold in Apr.-1995 "as is" together with Reward to Per Skaugstad, Soknedal, remained at the same place. On May 26-1995 Mira also sank alongside the quay. On Sept. 13 that year both vessels were removed by floating crane Boalift from Trondheim and sunk off Agdenes.
(All details on this vessel received from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
D/S Hardangeren |
Hardanger-Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
230 gt
Built in Bergen 1869.
Pre war history: Delivered on July 13-1869 from Bergens Mek. Verksted, Solheimsviken, Bergen as Hardangeren to I/S Hardangeren. Iron hull, 131,8 x 19,7 x 9,5, 198 gt, 2cyl Compound 50nhp. In regularly scheduled service Bergen-Hardanger with passengers, cargo and mail. Hired out to Nordre Bergenhus Amts Dampskibe, Bergen in the spring of 1875 for service Bergen-Sunnfjord while that company's own vessels were at a yard. New engine installed at Bergens Mek. Verksteder, Solheimsviken, Bergen in 1879 (2cyl Compound). In 1880 the owning company was fused with Det Hardanger Søndhordlanske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen (name later changed to Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Oct.-1930). Lengthened in 1883, 144,4, 230 gt. Rebuilt in 1924 by A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen, a Tripple Expansion engine installed (from STEGG).
Here's a picture of the company's Tysnes and Hardangeren from 1930 - Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
WW II: Damaged following a collision in 1943? with an unknown, blacked out ship in Bjørnefjord, repaired.
POST WAR: Laid up in 1949, then sold in Dec. that year to Sildefiskerenes Exportlag, Bergen, renamed Harda. Used as accommodation vessel during the winter herring fishing. Sold to Belgium in Aug.-1951 for breaking up.
(All details on this vessel from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, "Over Fjord og Fjell, HSD 1880-1980" by Bård Kolltveit, 1980 and "101 Fjordabåtar, FSF 1858-2000" by Magnus Helge Torvanger 2000).
D/S Hardangerfjord |
Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen
664 gt
Built in Newcastle 1868. Previous name: Kong Carl until 1913.
Pre war history: Delivered in March-1868 from C. Mitchell & Co., Newcastle as Kong Carl to Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Iron hull, 170,2 x 25,2 x 22, 450 gt, 2cyl Compound (Thomson, Boyd & Co.) 81nhp, registered for 560 passengers. Used as liner between Hammerfest and Hamburg, later in many of Bergenske's routes on the coast and in the North Sea. In 1879 she was used by King Oscar II for a voyage Bergen-Odda. Rebuilt and modernized in 1880, increased cargo capacity, forward and aft wells enclosed, 653 gt. Rebuilt and modernized at Bergens Mek. Værksted, Solheimsviken in Bergen in 1905, new deck and deck house, 649 gt, a Tripple Expansion (BMV) 575ihp installed, 11 knots. Sold in Sept.-1913 to Hardanger Søndhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen and renamed Hardangerfjord. Rebuilt at Bergens Mek. Verksted for use in regularly scheduled local service, 664 gt. When she re-entered service in the spring of 1914 she was Norway's largest vessel in such service - captain was K. Chr. Johannessen. Used in the nightime Bergen-Hardanger-Odda run. Due to hard times in the early 1920's she proved too big for this route and was often inactive. Hired out to Noregs Ungdomslag (a youth organization) in July-1923 and made a voyage to Nordkapp. On hire to Bennetts Reisebyrå (travel agency) in the summer of 1924. In the winter 1924/'25 she was hired out to Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer and used in the coastal route Bergen-Trondheim. Placed in the nighttime run Bergen-Hardanger-Odda again in 1925 when the economical situation had improved. Ran aground in Apr.-1927 near the Lukksund inlet, when en route to Odda in heavy weather with snow. Refloated, and though she had a big hole in the bottom she managed to stay afloat until a salvage vessel came to, due to the fact that a rock had lodged itself in the hole. In Oct.-1930 the owning company was renamed Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. In the 1930's she was used in the summertime only, laid up in the winter.
WW II: Still laid up in Bergen for the winter when Norway was attacked on Apr. 9-1940. Requisitioned by the Germans in May that year and used as accommodation vessel, later utilized as transport (Verkehrsdampfer) by Luftwaffe during the building projects at Herdla (incl. airport), and at that time mostly in regular service between Bergen and Herdla. Later in German coastal service to the North of Norway. In 1945 she was used during the evacuations of Finnmark.
NOTE: In my text under Bravo there's a notation that this Fred Olsen ship collided with Hardangerfjord near Bodø on Febr. 3-1945.
POST WAR: Found in Narvik together with the company's Vøringen in May-1945 in a bad state of repair. Had some voyages with food to the allied district command, then taken to Bergen in July-1945, but was laid up unrepaired, not in use again. Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer and Arendals Dampskibsselskab, Arendal (who had both lost coastal vessels to the war and were in need of ships) examined Hardangerfjord, but did not buy her. In the spring of 1949 Nortraship compensated HSD for the damages on Hardangerfjord and Vøringen (N. Kr. 900.000,-). Sold in Dec.-1949 to Br. Anda, Stavanger for breaking up. Converted to barge. Used while the German Wartheland was being broken up "in-situ" in Nordfjordeid. Broken up by owner in the 1950's.
(All details on this ship received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994, "Over Fjord og Fjell, HSD 1880-1980" by Bård Kolltveit, 1980, article about Bergenske Dampskibsselskab by Dag Bakka Jr. in "Skipet" 1-2.88, and "Bergenske Fjordabåter", Dag Bakka Jr. for Bergens Tidende 1974).
D/S Hardhaus * |
Ole Andreas Knutsen, Haugesund
191 gt
Built in Osaka, Japan 1912. Previous names: Seiryo Maru until 1920, Helitrope until 1928.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1912 from Osaka Iron Works, Osaka, Japan as Seiryo Maru to unknown Japanese owner. Steel hull, 109.7 x 22.1 x 10.6, 191 gt, 225 tdwt, Triple Expansion (Osaka Iron Works). Sold in 1920 to Societe des Pecheries Maritime, Lorient, France, renamed Heliotrope. Sold in June-1928 to D/S A/S Br. Lothe (Adolf Lothe), Haugesund, renamed Hardhaus (fishery No. R-??-H). Converted to seiner. From Apr.-1930, used as support vessel for owner's whale factory King catching in the Arctic, together with owner's other steam seiner Br. Lothe, the expedition leaving Haugesund on Apr. 17 with Foula and Busta (whale catchers) as well as Argus. The latter was lost with her complement of 6 on Apr. 18-1930, when en route to the Faroe Islands in heavy weather. The expedition continued from the Faroes to Iceland, then Svalbard for bunkers before catching near Jan Mayen, returning to Haugesund in Sept. that year. In the summer of 1935 Hardhaus was used as seiner off Iceland together with the company's other seiners King and Br. Lothe. Sold in Oct.-1935 to A/S Hardhaus (Halvor Kongshavn), Haugesund (R-??-H). In use as seiner off Iceland in the summer of 1936. Sold in 1939 to Ole Andreas Knutsen, Haugesund (R-??-H), fishing for herring, but also transporting fresh, iced herring from the western part of Norway to ports like Boulogne, Cuxhaven and Hull.
WW II: Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine as Elch, and used from June 21-1940 by Hafenschutzflotille Stavanger as guardboat NS 23. Returned to owners on Sept. 2-1941. Capsized and sank off Lindesnes on Dec. 5-1942, voyage Kristiansand-Haugesund.
(Info from T. Eriksen, Norway - His sources: Article about Knutsen O.A.S by Dag Bakka jr. in Skipet 1.89, "Norske Islandsfiskere på Havet", Kari Shetelig Hovland 1985, "Haugesund og den pelagiske Nordhavsfangst", Leif M. Bjørklund 1991-92, and Erling Skjold, via a posting to my Ship Forum).
D/S Hardhausen * |
(Gidsken Jakobsen?), Narvik
72 gt
Built (1902?).
Sunk by German artillery fire on Febr. 1-1941, in Ofotenfjorden.
Related external link:
Casualties - The Norwegian text adds that Hardhausen was on a voyage from Kvitnes in Vesterålen to Narvik with 300 barrels of salted herring when she came under fire from the German batteries at Tjeldodden on Febr. 1-1942 (note year). 2 were killed, namely Boatswain Elvin Bang Rølvåg and Steward Marving Antonius Pedersen.
NOTE: I've found a motor vessel named Hardhausen, 71 gt, built 1902, owner Gidsken Jakobsen, Narvik. Not sure whether this is the same ship.
D/S Hareidingen * |
148 gt
Taken over by the Germans. There's a posting to the "Norway During WW II" forum about this vessel (and others - this is an external link). A reply to a query states that Hareidingen (German Sturm) collided with the German steamer Triton in Bergen harbour (Febr. 11?-1944) and sank. There's also a mention of V-5106, but I'm not entirely sure where that belongs.
Norway had a Hareidingen after the war, 533 gt, built in Oslo as Tirol for the Kriegsmarine, delivered in July-1941. Taken over by the Norwegian State in 1945 (A/S Kosmos/Anders Jahre, Sandefjord) and renamed Kos 25. Sailed as Star I for Hvalfanger A/S Rosshavet, Sandefjord from 1947. Sold in 1955 to Tønsberg Hvalfangeri, Tønsberg and renamed Busen 6. From 1960 she sailed as R 7 for Albion Star (South Georgia) Ltd. Rebuilt in 1968, having been sold in 1966 to Johan E. Hareide, Ålesund, renamed Hareidingen (618 gt). Sailed as Flømann for A/S Flømann, Ålesund from 1971. Renamed Hundvåkøy in 1999 for owners in Bergen, then Hundvåkøy I in 2001, Torbas in 2002 (owners in Hammerfest, Norway). Still in use?
D/S Haugarland * |
H. M. Wrangell & Co. A/S, Haugesund
6049 gt
Built in Newcastle upon Tyne 1911. Previous name: Sandefjord until 1920.
Please continue to a separate page about D/S Haugarland for more information.
M/K Haugland I |
Thomas Boge, Strandvik
82 gt
Built at Stord 1929.
This vessel was ordinarily in domestic service, but escaped to Shetland in Nov.-1941 and ended up in allied service, so I've chosen to recount the story in the section listing The Shetland Bus vessels. Follow the link provided above.
D/S Haukefjell * |
Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo
2495 gt
Built in Alloa 1921.
Haukefjell is listed among the ships in Convoy HN 6 from Norway to the U.K. in Dec.-1939/Jan.-1940. She also took part in Convoy ON 8, which left Methil on Jan. 15-1940, and arrived Norway on the 19th. A collision occurred between HMS Duncan and Haukefjell in this convoy, but both ships reached port. In March.-1940, Haukefjell, with a cargo of ore for Barrow, is listed in Convoy HN 16 from Norway. As will be seen by clicking on the links, several Norwegian ships took part in these convoys.
Requisitioned by the Germans in 1940. Bombed by allied aircraft on Febr. 24-1945 and badly damaged, Hamburg. Stern section beached, other parts dispersed. Tony Cooper, England has told me that a survey was held on July 9/10-1945. Starboard bow was missing, also 80 to 100 ft of port side amidships in way of engineroom and stokehold.
Picture of (a painting of) Haukefjell - Received from, and painted by, Jan Goedhart, Holland.
Picture of Haukefjell - Received from Arve Wiborg, Norway.
NOTE: I've also seen the tonnage 2627 gt given for this ship.
The company had a tanker named Haukefjell after the war. This was the Empire Druid, built 1941, 9813 gt, which became Nortraship's Norholm in 1942. Renamed Haukefjell for Olsen & Ugelstad in 1946. Converted to motor vessel in 1949. Came under the Panamanian flag as Bluewater in 1952 (Tidewater Commercial Co. Inc., Baltimore, U.S.A.). Arrived Osaka on July 27-1959 for breaking up.
D/S Haukelid |
Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger
143 gt
Built in Bergen 1869.
Pre war history: Delivered in May-1869 from Bergens Mek. Værksted, Solheimsvik, Bergen (15) as Haukelid to Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab, Stavanger. Iron hull, 107.8 x 17.5 x 8.1, 117 gt, 2cyl Compound (BMV) 47nhp, 10.5 knots. Used in regularly scheduled service in the western portion of the Ryfylke fjords, corresponding at Jelsa with the company's Ryfylke in the routes to Sand and Sauda. Later placed in the day time Stavanger-Haugesund-Bergen run. Rebuilt in 1893, 143.31 gt. In 1897 the service was also extended to night time sailings and Haukelid was in this service every Friday and Saturday. Returned to the Ryfylke service in 1900. In 1910, when the company took over the newly built Hjelmeland, the intention was for this vessel to replace Haukelid, but this did not come to pass. Haukelid was placed in the Stavanger-Kvitsøy-Skudeneshavn service. In 1915 she was requisitioned by Den Konglige Norske Marine (Royal Norwegian Navy) and used as neutrality guard near Odderøy Festning (fortress near Kristiansand). Returned in Nov.-1918.
WWII: In the Stavanger-Sjernarøyane-Hinderåvåg-Muslandsvåg route in the summer of 1940, later to Talgje, and Stavanger-Skjold.
POST WAR: Serviced the Stavanger-Steinnesvåg (Finnøy) route in the summer of 1949, as well as to Vatlandsvåg, laid up as reserve that fall. Sold on Apr. 18-1950 to Haugesund Sildolje- & Fodermelsfabrik, Haugesund, renamed Storøygrabben. Towed to Haugesund and converted to floating installation for herring. Engine was removed before she was towed to the location where she was to be used (accommodation vessel during the winter herring fishing in the northwest of Norway, also used in the loading of herring from fishing vessel to freighter, which in turn transported the fish to owner's herring oil factory at Storøy near Haugesund). In Febr.-1953, when at anchor near Søndre Innløpet (southern inlet) to Måløysundet, she ran into an underwater rock, developed a leak and sank in shallow waters. Raised, sold on Nov. 13-1953 to Brødrene Anda, Stavanger for breaking up. (Haugesund Sildolje- & Fodermelsfabrik had another Storøygrabben later that year, this was the former Karmsund).
(Details received from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabådane" by Magnus Torgersen, 1981 and article about DSD by Alf Johan Kristiansen in the Norwegian magazine "Skipet", 2.90 and 1.91).
Stavangerske later had another Haukelid, this was the former Kvitsøy.
D/S Haus |
Indre Nordhordlands Dampbaatlag L.L., Bergen
135 gt
Built in Bergen 1914.
Pre war history: Delivered in Nov.-1914 from A/S Mjellem & Karlsen, Bergen (53) as local passenger/cargo vessel Haus to Indre Nordhordlands Dampskibsselskap, Bergen. Steel hull, 101.1'(lpp) x 19.1' x 9.4', 135 gt, 53 net, Tripple Expansion (Mjellem & Karlsen) 40nhp. In regularly scheduled service with cargo, mail and passengers between Bergen and Osterfjord. Ran aground and sank at Bukkøystraumen in Lindås on Febr. 13-1919, raised and repaired. Owner changed name to Indre Nordhordlands Dampbaatlag LL, Bergen in 1923.
WW II: On hire to the Royal Norwegian Navy for neutrality duty from Sept.-1939. When Norway was invaded on Apr. 9-1940 she was stationed at Lerøyosen. Pulled into Hardangerfjord and participated in the fighting there. Sent to Nordheimsund on Apr. 15-1940, where a German force was in position. Soldiers from Haus drove them back up to Kvamskog, where they were subsequently "taken care of" by Norwegian infantry. Haus was seized on Apr. 20-1940 by German forces at Dimmelsvik. Somewhat altered and placed in service as NB 05 Wiesel for Hafenschutz-flotille Bergen.
A visitor to my website (Nils A. Hovland, Norway) has told me that she ran aground near Færøykalven southwest of Florø in the middle of the nigth of March 21-1941. The "Hafenkapitän" was immediately notified, but there were no vessels available in the harbour to assist. A small vessel from Rognaldsvåg (15 n. miles west of Florø) was at Torgkaia in order to load salt for Rognaldsvåg the following morning, and the Hafenkapitän requested that she went out to assist Wiesel, but was told she lacked the necessary euipment. This was eventually provided, but when she finally arrived Wiesel's location, which was only about 3 n. miles away, it was too late. 7 men were found dead; 2 were found in their pajamas on her hull, while a 3rd had attempted to reach shore but had given up just before he could do so.
Wiesel was subsequently raised by Norsk Bjergningskompani (salvage company) and towed to Bergen. Repaired by Evje og Andersens Slip and reentered service. Later as V 5505 Wiesel for the 55th Vorpostenflottille from June-1944.
POST WAR: Returned in May-1945 in very bad state of repair. In June that year all military equipment was removed near Elsero in Bergen. Repaired and modernized at Storemøllen Patentslip, Bergen in 1946, then reentered service. Rebuilt in 1949, 142 gt. Laid up in 1955. Back in her regular service in the summer of 1957. Laid up June 22-1958. Sold in Nov.-1959 to Lars & Petter Berge, Ølensvåg. Engine and interior removed by Georg Matre, Ølensvåg. Converted to freighter at owner's yard Berge Sag & Trelastforretning, Ølensvåg, 109' x 19.1' x 8.4', 121 gt, 68 net, 142 tdwt, a 2cyl 2tev Wichmann 150bhp (1942) installed. Entered service as freighter Hausen in Dec.-1961. Sold in Jan.-1962 (Fredrik S. Torkildsen, Mosterhamn, Bømlo), in coastal service. Sold again in Apr.-1964 (Gustav Lidal, Mosterhamn, Bømlo), renamed Listein, in coastal service. Sold in June-1971 to Håkon Søreide e.a. Rutledal, Sogn. A 4tev Volvo Penta dm 300bhp engine was installed at Hjelmås Mek. Verksted, Hjelmås at some point in the 1970's. Sold in Jan.-1984 to K/S Orion Film A/S, Blommenholm near Oslo, for use in a movie based on the book "Orion's Belt" by Jon Michelet, and somewhat altered for the purpose. The filming took place near Svalbard, and Listein "played" the part of the freighter Sandy Hook (see Bryteren). Sunk in Finnmark in Aug.-1984, the climax of the movie. Before she was sunk, the engine had been removed and sold.
(Pre war and post war info + first paragraph of WW II details received from T. Eriksen, Norway - misc. sources).
Related external link:
Picture of a painting of Wiesel - Posted to the "Norway During WW II" forum in a thread that starts with this query.
D/S Havborg * |
Per T. Lykke, Trondheim
1234 gt
Built Rødby Havn, Denmark 1924.
Havborg is listed in Convoy HN 8 from Norway to the U.K. in Jan.-1940. The following month we find her in Convoy ON 12, which left Methil for Norway on Febr. 13-1940. In March she's listed in the Norway-U.K. Convoy HN 17, bound for Aberdeen with timber, and at the end of that month she joined Convoy ON 24 for Norway - several Norwegian ships took part in these convoys.
Later under German control. She was on a voyage from Odda, Norway to Bremen when she on Nov. 27-1940 was attacked and sunk by British torpedo aircraft in the river Weser. 4 were killed, all Norwegian.
Related external link:
Those who died - Chief Engineer Sigvart Reinholdt Hilstad, Engineer Olaf Rasmus Ringstad, Trimmer Sverre Rønning, and Mate Martin Sverkeli are commemorated.
D/S Havbris * |
Albert Harloff, Bergen
1316 gt
Built in Stavanger, Norway 1919.
Havbris is mentioned in connection with Convoy HN 10B from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940, bound for Manchester with pulp. In the middle of March she's listed in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 20 - follow links for more convoy info; several Norwegian ships took part.
She was on a voyage from Namsen, Norway to Hamburg when she in a storm went aground near Ulveskjær (off Songvar), southeast of Kristiansand on Jan. 27-1945 and disappeared without a trace. 14(?) died.
"Minner og minnesmerker fra 1940-1945" by Øistein Wiik lists the following casualties (in alphabetical order):
Seaman Einar Emanuelsen Gamørane, Mate Gunvald Gudmestad, Captain Peder Haukenæs, Able Seaman Magne Petter Johannessen, Radio Operator Arthur Tvedt Knag, Steward Fritjof Rønneberg Meyer, Mate Ole Angell Myklebust, 1st Engineer Ernst August Rohde, Able Seaman Otto Henry Sundby, Able Seaman Hans Sørensen, 2nd Engineer Sigurd Theodor Tjerandsen, Pilot Johan Eivind Tro, Stoker Leif Andreas Årebrot,
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Those who died - 13 are commemorated.
Other ships by this name: Norway lost another ship by this name to WW I - delivered in Nov.-1906 as Clanstad, D/S A/S Clanstad (Bendix J. Grefstad), Arendal, 677 gt. From 1913 she sailed as Rota (A. O. Lindvig) and from 1915 as Havbris (H. Staubo & Co.). Belonged to A/S Mjeldes Dampskibsselskap, Haugesund (from Aug. 1916) when she was torpedoed and sunk on July 5-1917 by UB-32, 3 n. miles southwest of Prawle Point on a voyage Newport Mon.-Honfleur in convoy with cargo of coal. ("Våre gamle skip"). A/S Havtor, Oslo managed a Havbris in the early 1990's, originally launched as Robin Transoceanic IV, delivered as Dubulty in 1977 for Russian owners, 9060 gt. Sold in 1991 to KS Handygas (A/S Havtor) and renamed Havbris. Later managed by Bergesen d.y, Stavanger from 1996, then sold in 2003 and renamed Gaz Channel for owners in Athens, Panamanian flag.
D/S Havda * |
Indherreds Aktie Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer
677 gt
Built in Renfrew 1881. Previous names: Christianssund until 1903, Hjørungavaag until 1922.
Pre war history: Delivered in 1881 from Lobnitz & Co., Renfrew (190) as Christianssund to Fr. Th. Adolphs Enke, Copenhagen, Denmark. Steel hull, 180.9' x 25.4' x 13.5', 574 gt, 2cyl Compound (Lobnitz) 88nhp, registered for 450 passengers. Taken over by Det Forenede Dampskibsselskab A/S, Copenhagen in Jan.-1988. Sold in Apr.-1903 to A/S Søndmøre Dampskibsselskab, Ålesund, renamed Hjørungavaag. Rebuilt in 1915, 669 gt. Sold in June-1918 to Leif Bull, Skien. Sold in 1920 to H. Haraldsen, Skien. Sold in 1922 to Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab, Steinkjer, renamed Havda. Rebuilt, new interior, 677 gt. In coastal passenger & cargo service Steinkjer-Trondheim-Bergen-Stavanger-Sandnes.
WW II: Attacked by allied aircraft and sunk on Dec. 9-1944 when southbound in her route with passengers and cargo. 6 died.
I found an article about this incident in an old book, "Norsk presse under Hakekorset" (The Norwegian Press under the Swastika), Vol. II, 1946 by Gunnleik Jensson, which is a collection of newspaper articles from the war years. As the newspapers were under German control, they are full of propaganda and anti-British (anti-"bolsjevic") sentiment, so the articles in them are rather one-sided. At the time this piece appeared in the Oslo newspaper "Morgenposten" (The Morning Post) on Dec. 12-1944, 10-12 people are feared dead after Havda, with a complement of 20, in regular service Trondheim-Bergen, was sunk by Anglo-American aircraft south of Askvoll near Florø, half an hour after she had departed Florø. She was sailing alone and had no armament. The pilot, an able seaman and a female crew were killed outright from the machine gun fire, and went down with the ship when she sank in 8-10 minutes after having been hit by a bomb. The attack happened close to land, so that survivors were able to get to some islets until rescuers could pick them up. 11 were injured and were sent to the hospital in Florø, but 2 died en route. The remaining survivors, 14 crew and 3 passengers were taken to Askvoll.
(Pre war history received from T. Eriksen, Norway - His source: Article about Indherreds Aktie-Dampskibsselskab by Per Alsaker in "Skipet" 3.91).
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3 who died - The Norwegian text here says that Havda had arrived Måløy on Dec. 9-1944 with 12 passengers on board, some of whom were German. 2 crew and 3 passengers were killed, as well as the pilot. Named are Able Seaman (another source says he was the mate) Sverre Martin Sundfær, Messgirl Inga Vesterdal and the coastal pilot Eilert Sørgaard.
Norway had another Havda in 1959; this was the former D/S Folden.
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