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Owner: D/S A/S Ringhorn Built by Huiskens & van Dijk, Dordrecht, Netherlands (119), delivered in March-1920 as Hans Gude to D/S A/S Fane (Vilhelm Torkildsen), Bergen. 237.9' x 37.2' x 16.0', Triple exp. (Huiskens & van Dijk), 160 nhp. Sold to D/S A/S Ringhorn (Albert Schjelderup), Bergen in 1927 and renamed Ringhorn. Captains: Torger N. Humlevik, at the beginning of the war. Here's a Guestbook message (in Norwegian) from his son. Captain Humlevik later took command of Gudrun. At the time of Ringhorn's loss, captain was Trygve Terkelsen. Related item on this website: Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives: Please compare the above voyages with Arnold Hague's Voyage Record below.
(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database). Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each. Errors may exist, and some voyages are missing.
Ringhorn rescued 54 people from the Danish ship Canada off the coast of England in 1939. In Febr.-1940, A. Hague has included her in Convoy HN 14 from Norway to the U.K., but she returned to port and subsequently joined the next convoy, HN 15, which left Norway on Febr. 28. She was in ballast for Burntisland. In the middle of March, A. Hague has her in the U.K.-Norway Convoy ON 20, and at the end of that month we find her in Convoy HN 23B, in ballast for Blyth. However, it looks like she did not sail (A. Hague says she returned, Apr. 4), because she shows up again in Convoy HN 25, which left Bergen on Apr. 7 (2 days before the German invasion of Norway), thereby ending up in Allied service. According to Page 1 of the archive documents, she was bound for Tyne, where she arrived, via Methil Roads, Apr. 15. She later made some voyages to France, 2 in May, another in June. In Aug.-1940, she's listed as bound for Liverpool, N.S. in Convoy OB 193, which originated in Liverpool (U.K.) on Aug. 4 and dispersed on the 7th. Berto, Corvus, Ingertre, Loke, Thermopylæ and Vilja are also listed. Ringhorn arrived St. John's, N.F. on Aug. 19 (having started out from Milford Haven on Aug. 4), and did not proceed to Liverpool, N.S. until Sept. 14, with arrival Sept. 19. She now made a voyage to Annapolis and from there to Pugwash, before heading to Sydney, C.B. in order to join the slow Convoy SC 8 back to the U.K. on Oct. 15. She had a cargo of lumber for Sharpness where she arrived (via Clyde and Greenock) on Nov. 6. Together with Solferino (see also Ledaal), Ringhorn, bound for St. John, N.B. with coal, had been in convoy OB 248, which had originated in Liverpool on Nov. 23-1940 (dispersed on the 26th), and was attacked by U-95 (Schreiber) on Nov. 28, position 55 29N 18 01W. She was damaged but continued at full speed. She had sent out a distress call and the British destroyer Wanderer was detached from another convoy (HX 89) to go and look for her, without finding her. Later that day another call was received with the information that the U-boat was still on the surface, but was falling behind, then nothing was heard from Ringhorn until she arrived Belfast Lough on Dec. 1. "Nortraships flåte" by J. R. Hegland states that Ringhorn was struck by a torpedo in the above attack. However, J. Rohwer says she was shelled only (he says Ringhorn was built in 1919, and does not mention a convoy in connection with this incident, probably because the convoy had been dispersed by then). According to (external page), she was missed by 3 torpedoes. A visitor to my site has told me that Admiralty records state that the U-boat was sighted at 07:00 very close to the port bow. Ringhorn altered course, and the U-boat passed under her stern at the same time and was then lost in the darkness, but at about 09:45 it was sighted again. This time it opened fire and five minutes later the crew took to the lifeboats. The U-boat fired a machine gun to frighten the boats away, and then began shelling the ship again before disappearing. Ringhorn was reboarded at 16:00 and the voyage was continued as all the damage was above the main deck. These records agree with the date of arrival Belfast Lough given above (see also Page 1). The times used here are BST. "Nortraships flåte" gives the time as 08:42 for the first radio message from Ringhorn about being attacked, and 11:37 for the second call, but does not mention anything about the men going in the lifeboats.
It looks like Ringhorn was repaired at Belfast as she remained there for quite some time. Departure date is difficult to see on Page 1, but she arrived Clyde on Jan. 16/17-1941. More details on the other Norwegian ships mentioned here can be found via the alphabet index at the end of this page, or go to the Master Ship Index. For info, U-95 was also credited with the attacks on Svein Jarl and Taranger the following year - follow the links for details. Related external links: Operations information for U-95
With a cargo of 1300 tons of coal for St. John, N.B., Ringhorn departed Gourock on Jan. 30-1941, joining Convoy OB 280, which originated in Liverpool on Jan. 31 and dispersed on Febr. 3 (see link provided within the Voyage Record; Bjørkhaug, Kaia Knudsen, Ringstad, Sandar and Vanja are also listed). She lost the convoy in bad weather on Febr. 2, and was alone in the morning of the 4th when she in position 55 46N 22 36W was hit in the starboard side near No. 2 hatch by a torpedo from U-52 (Salman), causing her to list to port. The starboard lifeboat was destroyed in the explosion. The port boat, which had reached the water because of the heavy list, turned over when the ship capsized, and the funnel fell across the boat with 10-12 men in it. 4 were able to get onto a raft, and sat for an hour (see note at * below) listening to the heart wrenching cries for help from the captain and others all around them, unable to do anything to help, as they had nothing with which to maneuver the raft, nor could they find any matches to light the lamp they had found. Besides, they were all injured and/or exhausted from their previous stay in the cold water. At dawn they spotted 1 man sitting on a capsized lifeboat, and tried desperately to reach him, but in vain. No clothes had been found on the raft and for 6 hours the 4 on the raft and Donkeyman Soltvedt on the capsized lifeboat battled the freezing weather in their wet clothes until they were found by the British destroyer HMS Harvester (H 19 - one of the escorts for Convoy OB 280), where they got warm bathes and beds*. 121 rescued survivors from a British ship, torpedoed the night before, were already on board Harvester (this must have been HMS Crispin - ref. external link at the end of this page), so the British corvette HMS Camellia (K 31 - also one of the escorts for the convoy) was called upon to take the 5 survivors from Ringhorn to Greenock, arriving Febr. 9.
An inquiry was held in Glasgow on May 20-1941 (should this be Febr. 20?) with Ordinary Seaman Flaten appearing. He had been thrown overboard when the ship heeled over and must have been hit in the head by something, because he was semi conscious and unable to help himself, but thanks to the cook's assistance he was brought to safety on the raft. The captain had last been seen near the radio station, giving orders to the radio operator to send an SOS.
Related external links: Back to Ringhorn on the "Ships starting with R" page. Other ships by this name: This company had previously lost another ship by the name Ringhorn, built 1904, 1790 gt - wrecked on Port Nova Rock near Scatari Island in heavy fog on Aug. 7-1926, 5 died. After the war Albert Schjelderup acquired ex Nortraship's D/S Astrid (ex Empire Pilgrim) which was sold in 1945 to A/S Granli (mgr. Rolf Ugelstad, Oslo), and renamed Tindefjell, then sold again in 1948 to D/S A/S Ringhorn (Albert Schjelderup), Bergen, and renamed Ringhorn. Follow the link to Astrid for more details. The text on this page was compiled with the help of: "Nortraships flåte", J. R. Hegland, "Sjøforklaringer fra 2. verdenskrig", Norwegian Maritime Museum, Volume II, and misc. for cross checking details, as named within above text (ref. My sources).