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D/S Svein Jarl To Svein Jarl on the "Ships starting with S" page. Manager: Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim Delivered on Dec. 12-1919 from Trondhjems mek. Verksted as Svein Jarl (173) to Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab. Nordenfjeldske D/S fleet list gives tonnages as 1908 gt, 1115 net, 3100 tdwt, 278' 8"/265' (loa/lpp) x 42' x 20', Triple exp. steam engine by yard, 1138 ihp at trials, 10.9 knots. Cargo hold capacity 153 400 / 161 200 bale/grain. Cargo trampship of the "three island" type. Captain: Martin Marsteen Her voyages are listed on this original document received from the National Archives of Norway. Please compare the above voyages with Arnold Hague's Voyage Record below.
(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database). Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each. Errors may exist, and some voyages are missing.
A French visitor to my website has told me that Svein Jarl was stopped for examination off southern France by French patrol boats on Nov. 23-1939. Ordered to Marseilles, then allowed to proceed. In March-1940 she's listed, along with Fernwood, in Convoy HGF 23 from Gibraltar, bound for London with general cargo, station 83. Judging from the information found on the archive document, she was in Port Talbot when war broke out in Norway on Apr. 9. She had arrived there from London on Apr. 6, and departure is given as Apr. 22. A few days later we find her, together with Høegh Scout, in Convoy OB 135, which originated in Liverpool on Apr. 24 and joined up with Convoy OA 135 on the 26th, the combined convoy forming Convoy OG 27, which arrived Gibraltar on May 3 (will be added to an individual page in my Convoys section - see ships in all OG convoys). Svein Jarl had sailed from Milford Haven on Apr. 25 and was bound for Piræus, where she arrived May 10. She subsequently made a voyage to Alexandria and back to Gibraltar, and was scheduled to return with Convoy HG 33 from there on June 8 (she had not arrived Gibraltar until June 9), but instead joined Convoy HGF 34 on June 13, in which the Norwegian Tudor and others were sunk; follow the links for more details. Svein Jarl's destination is given as Portland and London, cargo of onions. She arrived London (via Weymouth Bay) on June 26. On Aug. 18-1940, she was attacked and damaged by German aircraft (Focke Wulf 200 Condor?), west of Bloody Foreland, position 56N 11W; she's said to have been a straggler from an Atlantic convoy. This was probably Convoy OA 199, in which she's listed as bound for Clarke City. This convoy had left Methil on Aug. 15. No one was killed, but 2 men were injured and were transferred to a British destroyer for medical treatment the next day. Svein Jarl then proceeded to Londonderry for repairs, arriving there that same day, Aug. 19, remaining until Sept. 17 when she headed to Clyde. We now find her in Convoy OB 220, originating in Liverpool on Sept. 27, dispersed Oct. 1, Svein Jarl arriving Clarke City on Oct. 12 (she had joined from Clyde - see archive document). Bruse, Bjerka and Torfinn Jarl are also named in OB 220 - see the external links provided within the table above for more details on the convoys mentioned here. From Clarke City, she later proceeded to Sydney, C.B. on Oct. 22, with arrival Oct. 25. She had been scheduled to return to the U.K. with the slow Convoy SC 9 on Oct. 24, but instead joined the next convoy on Oct. 29, SC 10, cargo of pulp and lumber for Gravesend. The Norwegian Spes and Gaston Micard are also listed. Her subsequent voyages are shown on the archive document (it'll be noticed that she had quite a long stay in Rochester), while convoy information for some of these can be found in the Voyage Record above. For more information on all the other Norwegian ships mentioned here, please see the alphabet index at the end of this page, or go to the Master Ship Index.
Svein Jarl departed Oban on Febr. 19-1941, bound for Halifax in ballast, joining Convoy OB 288, but lost the convoy in bad weather, and by Febr. 24 she had disappeared. Please follow the link to my page about OB 288 for a lot more details on this convoy. Some reports are also available, as is an account of the convoy's passage (by Roy Martin). See also the external links at the end of this page. She's believed to have been torpedoed and sunk by U-69 (Metzler) on Febr. 23, 59 30N 21W, but as will be seen from the next few paragraphs there's quite a bit of confusion and disagreement as to who sank Svein Jarl. There were no survivors. A visitor to my website says: "I doubt very much that who sank the Svein Jarl will become known. The attack attributed by U-69 to Svein Jarl does not fit the description of this ship. With the exception of U-107 who identified his victim Manistee and U-73 whose KTB matches up with the Master's account of the Waynegate, no U-boat identified his victim. 4 ships went missing, and of the remainder there is so much conflict with times and information from the merchant ships that few accounts match up with KTB's." "Nortraships flåte" states that Svein Jarl was torpedoed by U-96 (Lehmann-Willenbrock), giving the position as 59 10N 21 00W. According to Jürgen Rohwer this U-boat torpedoed and sank the British Anglo Peruvian in the same convoy, Febr. 23, and also the Scottish Standard the day before (straggling from another convoy, OB 287, and already damaged by bomb hits from a German aircraft on the 21st). Rohwer does not mention Svein Jarl being a straggler from OB 288. Roger W. Jordan ("The World's Merchant Fleets 1939") gives the date of Svein Jarl's sinking as Jan. 23 (probably just a printing error). Charles Hocking ("Dictionary of Disasters at Sea during the Age of Steam - including sailing ships and ships of war lost in Action 1824-1962") says she was probably sunk on Febr. 25, about 1000 miles east of Cape Farewell. has suggested U-95 as the culprit (link at the end of this page). Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" states that OB 288 departed Liverpool Febr. 18 and was dispersed Febr. 22. He has no ships sunk in OB 288, but 2 damaged (however, he does not include stragglers, nor ships sunk after dispersal). He also lists OB 287 as dispersed, and Scottish Standard, which Rohwer says was damaged by aircraft and sunk by U-boat, is listed by Hague as sunk by aircraft on the 21st (5 dead). Additionally, he lists the British ships Gracia (no casualties) and Housatonic (3 dead) as sunk by aircraft in Convoy OB 287, on the 19th (again, see my page about this convoy). Just for info, U-69 was responsible for the attack on Lise the following year, while U-95 had damaged Ringhorn in Nov.-1940 and sank Taranger in May-1941 - follow the links for details. As for U-96, see Caledonia, Torungen, Tyr and Sveve.
Related external links: The story of OB 288 - This site is about Sirikishna (Commodore Vessel for OB 288) and has a crew list for this ship, as well as a list of men lost from the various other ships in the convoy. 27 are named for Svein Jarl. Ships hit from OB 288 - As can be seen, gives U-95 (Schreiber) as the attacker of Svein Jarl. Back to Svein Jarl on the "Ships starting with S" page. Nordenfjeldske's other ships by this name (info from "Nordenfjeldske - 1857-1985", by Finn R. Hansen): The text on this page was compiled with the help of: "Nordenfjeldske - 1857-1985", by Finn R. Hansen, "Nortraships flåte", J. R. Hegland, "Sjøforklaringer fra 2. verdenskrig", Volume II, Norwegian Maritime Museum. and misc. (ref. My sources).