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D/S Mimer To Mimer on the "Ships starting with M" page. Manager: S. A. Larsen & E. Thorvildsen, Oslo Built in Bergen in 1906 (1905?). Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives:
A. Hague has included Mimer in Convoy HN 12 (external link) from Norway to the U.K. in Febr.-1940, but this was a Swedish ship by that name - see also my own page about HN 12. According to Page 1 of the archive documents, she was in Hong Kong when war broke out in Norway on Apr. 9-1940, having arrived there that same day from Saigon. The document also shows some of her 1941 voyages, which continue on Page 2. It'll be noticed, when going to Page 3, that her voyages stop on May 19-1942, when she arrived Bombay from Cochin.
According to this posting to my Ship Forum (in respons to my own query), she was sold to Indian buyers in Sept.-1946 while laid up at Bombay, and broken up there in March-1947. Had she been laid up in Bombay since arriving there on May 19-1942? Another posting (by R. W. Jordan) says: 'I have looked in my ancient copies of Lloyd’s Shipping Index (LSI), and for MIMER the entries simply state that she was "At Bombay". This was shown right up to 22 November 1945 at least. My next Index, for March 1946 shows "At Bombay laid up". However, interestingly, the "contact" for the vessel during the war years from 1942 and up to at least Nov 45 is shown as British India SN Co Ltd, but by March 1946 this had reverted to the Norwegian owner, although she was still laid up. The British India involvement would probably explain why the vessel suddenly drops off the Nortraship listing. The vessel is not included in the WSS British India history in the managed vessels section, so presumably the vessel was not fully managed by that company, and simply acting as a "contact" at Bombay, for whatever reason your guess is as good as mine. The LSI would have got the identity of the contact from a contemporaneous reliable source, so I don’t think you should doubt the accuracy of that.' Back to Mimer on the "Ships starting with M" page. The company had another Mimer after the war - see Post War details for Bestik.