M/T Chr. Th. Boe
Updated June 9-2011
To Chr. Th. Boe on the "Ships starting with C" page.

Picture received from A. Wilhelmsen, Norway.
Owner: Skibs-A/S Truma
Manager: Olaf Boe & Co., Arendal
Tonnage: 6192 gt
Built by Götaverken A/B, Gothenburg in 1930.
Captain: Valdemar Jensen all through the war.
Other officers were 1st Mate Johan Terjesen, 2nd Mate Harald Hermansen and 3rd Mate Sverre Aursland.
Admiralty oiler, North Atlantic service as well as The Indian Ocean and coast of Africa.
Chr. Th. Boe became well known after an American reporter made a voyage on her across the Atlantic in convoy and later wrote a number of articles in "The New Yorker". He also wrote a book about the voyage under the name A. J. Liebling, entitled "The Road Back to Paradise". He later (after the war) travelled to Arendal, Norway to interview several of the ship's complement about their war experiences.
I came across a story on Barbara Mumford's and J. Gordon Mumford's website (about Convoy ON 154). They have a separate section on misc. Merchant Navy Radio Officers, and one of the stories (external link) is about Robert Cobb, who was the radio operator on the Norwegian South America when she was torpedoed in Apr.-1944. He also served on other Norwegian ships, namely Torborg and Chr. Th. Boe.
Related item on this website:
Tormund Gjertsen's Story - Norwegian text. T. Gjertsen rescued a crew member who had fallen overboard when the ship was in Curacao; details are available in Norwegian by going to his story. (Chr. Th. Boe also rescued an American pilot from the sea, date and location unknown).
T. Gjertsen, who served on this ship from May-1943 till Nov.-1944, has given me the names of others who served as gunners on this ship at various times during the war, as follows:
Olav V. Dahl, Harald A. B. Pettersen, Eilert G. Hansen, John L. Stensen (see crew list for Hallanger), Otto A. Heen, Magnus Naug, Leif Grun, Rolf S. Gjeltsen (also from Hallanger), Johan Johansen, Anton T. Antonsen, Oliver Olsen, Reidar S. Olsen, Willy J. Moberg, Paul J. Eriksen, Rolf E. Døvik, Thorbjørn Kristiansen, Reidar O. Kibsgård, Lauritz O. Andersen, Tønnes Sjøem and Erik H. Bengtsson.
Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives:
Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7
Please compare with A. Hague's Voyage Record on this page
Chr. Th. Boe's Voyages
From March-1940 to Apr.-1946:
Transcribed from documents received from Petter Hermansen, the son of 2nd Mate Harald Hermansen. The originals have since been received from the Norwegian National Archives, links to these can be found above.
Follow the links provided to available convoys for more information on each.
(The heading "Convoy" and most of the remarks are my own additions; some of the convoy info has been taken from A. Hague's record)
I'm assuming Pd.=Proceeded
March 28
Apr. 13
Apr. 16
Apr. 24
Apr. 24
Apr. 27
May 11
May 14
May 26
May 27
Table Bay
June 22
June 29
Table Bay
July 22
July 24
Table Bay
Aug. 21
Aug. 25
Table Bay
Sept. 19
Sept. 20
Sept. 30
Oct. 3
Oct. 7
Nov. 16
Nov. 22
May have been in dock in Bombay(?)
Nov. 24
Dec. 5
Dec. 8
Dec. 17
Dec. 19
Table Bay
Jan. 12-1941
Jan. 15
Table Bay
Jan. 29
Jan. 30
Milford Haven
Febr. 22
SL 64
For Clyde. Convoy available at SL 64
(external link)
March 2
Apr. 6
Milford Haven
Apr. 30
OB 307
Convoy available at OB 307
(external link)
May 6
Las Piedras
May 7
For Bermuda
May 7
Las Piedras
May 13
For U.K., via Bermuda
May 14
June 1
For Manchester
June 2(?)
June 2
June 2
June 5
June 5
For Aruba
June 11
River Mersey
July 4
OB 334
Convoy available at OB 334
(external link)
July 6
July 12
For Bermuda & U.K.
July 12
July 15
July 16
July 28
For Loch Ewe.
Loch Ewe
Aug. 6
Aug. 7
Loch Ewe
WN 163
For London. Convoy available at WN 163
(external link)
Aug. 8
Pd. Dunnet Hd.
Aug. 9
Methil Roads
Aug. 9
Methil Roads
Aug. 9
Aug. 12
Methil Roads
Aug. 13
Aug. 16
Methil Roads (put back)
Aug. 16
EC 60
Convoy available at EC 60
(external link)
Aug. 27
Methil Roads
EC 65
For New York. Convoy available at EC 65
(external link)
Aug. 28
Pd. west Dunnet Hd.
Aug. 29
Loch Ewe
Sept. 1
Loch Ewe
New York
Sept. 16
Oct. 7
New York
Corpus Christie
Oct. 15
Oct. 18
Corpus Christie
Oct. 29
Nov. 3
Loch Ewe
Nov. 17
Nov. 19
Loch Ewe
WN 207
Convoy available at WN 207
(external link)
Nov. 20
Pd. east Dunnet Hd.
Methil Roads
Nov. 21
Nov. 23
Methil Roads
FS 655
For Coryton. Convoy available at FS 655
(external link)
Nov. 23
Pd. Southend
Dec. 2
Pd. down Southend
Methil Roads
Dec. 5
FN 568
Convoy available at FN 568
(external link)
Dec. 6
Methil Roads
EN 16
For Houston Convoy available at EN 16
(external link)
Dec. 8
Pd. Dunnet Hd.
Dec. 9
Dec. 15
Oban (put back)
Dec. 15
OS 14
Convoy available at OS 14
(external link)
Dec. 20
New Orleans
Jan. 12-1942
For Baton Rouge. See also narrative below
Jan. 12
New Orleans
Jan. 19
Jan. 20
Table Bay
Febr. 21
Febr. 24
Table Bay
March 19
March 20
March 27
Apr. 3
Apr. 9
Apr. 12
Apr. 17
Apr. 20
Apr. 25
Apr. 27
May 2
May 6
May 11
May 14
May 20
May 22
May 27
May 29
June 4
June 6
June 11
June 13
June 19
June 22
June 27
June 30
July 12
July 14
July 21
Aug. 14
Aug. 19
Aug. 29
Sept. 7
Sept. 8
Bandar Abbas
Sept. 13
Bandar Abbas
Table Bay
Oct. 7
PA 2
Convoy available at PA 2
(external link)
Oct. 14
Table Bay
Walvis Bay
Oct. 17
Oct. 18
Walvis Bay
Oct. 26
Oct. 28
Oct. 30
Nov. 8
Nov. 17
Nov. 29
Dec. 10
Dec. 16
Guantanamo Bay
Dec. 20
TAG 29
For New York & U.K. Convoy available at TAG 29
(external link)
Dec. 24
Guantanamo Bay
New York
Jan. 1-1943
GN 30
Convoy available at GN 30
(external link)
Jan. 4
New York
Jan. 28
SC 116
The headings on the form have now changed, to read as follows (headings "Convoy" and "Remarks" are my own additions):
Jan. 29
Jan. 31/Febr. 1
Jan. 31
Clyde Anchorage
Pd. Tail of Bank
Febr. 6
Looks like she spent a long time here - next date is not until Apr. 19. |
Apr. 19
Anch. River Clyde
Pd. out Tail of Bank
May 10
May 11
River Clyde Anchorage
May 15
For New York
Convoy will be added to individual page
May 31
New York
June 5
For U.K. via Boston
June 12
For U.K.
BX 57 to Halifax
Convoy available at BX 57
(external link)
June 14
June 16
For Clyde
June 30
Loch Ewe
July 1
For Saltend
WN 449
Convoy available at WN 449
(external link)
July 3
Methil Roads
July 3
Pd. Sth. St. Abbs Hd.
July 3
FS 1158
Convoy available at FS 1158
(external link)
Pd. in Spurn Hd.
July 4
July 7
FN 1067
Convoy available at FN 1067
(external link)
Pd. out Spurn Hd.
July 8
Pd. St. Abbs Hd.
July 9
July 9
Methil Roads
July 9
(Had arrived Methil w/Convoy FN 1067)
Left with EN 253
Convoy available at EN 253
(external link)
Pd. west Dunnet Hd.
July 10
July 11
Loch Ewe
July 12
For Clyde
July 12
Clyde Anchorage
July 16/17
Clyde Anchorage
July 16
For New York
July 30
New York
Aug. 3
For U.K.
Aug. 5
For U.K.
BX 67 to Halifax
Convoy available at BX 67
(external link)
Aug. 7
Aug. 9
For Mersey
Aug. 25
Sept. 8
Sept. 9
For New York
Sept. 24
New York
Sept. 25
For Curacao
NG 388
Convoy available at NG 388
(external link)
Oct. 1
Guantanamo Bay
Oct. 1
For Curacao
GAT 90
Convoy available at GAT 90
(external link)
Oct. 5
Oct. 8
For New York
TAG 89
Convoy available at TAG 89
(external link)
Oct. 11
Guantanamo Bay
Oct. 11
For New York & U.K.
GN 89
Convoy available at GN 89
(external link)
Oct. 20
Oct. 20
For U.K.
BX 79 to Halifax
Convoy available at BX 79
(external link)
Oct. 22
Oct. 24
For Loch Ewe
Nov. 7
Loch Ewe
WN 503A to Methil
Convoy available at WN 503A
(external link, incomplete)
Nov. 10
Methil Roads
Nov. 11
For Shellhaven
FS 1270
Convoy available at FS 1270
(external link)
Nov. 17
Anch. Southend
Nov. 18
For New York
FN 1182 (Southend-Methil)
Convoy available at FN 1182
(external link)
Nov. 20
Methil Roads
Nov. 22
EN 309
Convoy available at EN 309
(external link)
Nov. 24
Loch Ewe
Nov. 24
Nov. 25
Nov. 29
Nov. 30
Dec. 1
Dec. 19
Cape Cod Canal
From ONS 24, had joined XB 88 Dec. 18
Convoy available at XB 88
(external link)
Dec. 20
New York
Jan. 15-1944
For Philadelphia
Jan. 15
Jan. 18
For Boston
New York
Jan. 20
Jan. 25
For Halifax
BX 93
Convoy available at BX 93
(external link)
Jan. 27
Jan. 29
For Clyde
Febr. 15
Milford Haven
WP 479
(Milford Haven-Portsmouth)
Convoy available at WP 479
(external link, incomplete)
Pd. in Needles
Febr. 20
Febr. 21/22
Febr. 26
Febr. 26
Febr. 28
For Falmouth
Pd. out Needles
Febr. 29
PW 484
Convoy available at PW 484
(external link, incomplete)
March 1
March 22
For Swansea
PW 494
Convoy available at PW 494
(external link)
March 22
March 22
For New York
Pd. out Mumbles
March 22
March 23
Belfast Lough
March 29
For New York
From ONS 32, joined XB 104 Apr. 17 (18th?)
(external link)
Apr. 20
New York
May 1
For Curacao
NG 432
Convoy available at NG 432
(external link)
May 7
Guantanamo Bay
May 7
GAT 134
Convoy available at GAT 134
(external link)
May 10
May 15
For New York
TAG 133
Convoy available at TAG 133
(external link)
May 18
Guantanamo Bay
May 18
For New York & U.K.
GN 133
Convoy available at GN 133
(external link)
May 25
New York
June 2
For Loch Ewe
Loch Ewe
June 20
For Shellhaven
WN 597
Convoy available at WN 597
(external link)
Pd. Dunnet Hd. east
June 20
June 21
Methil Roads
June 22
FS 1491
Convoy available at FS 1491
(external link)
Pd. Sth. Flamboro Head
June 23
Pd. up Southend
June 24
June 27
June 27
Anch. Southend
June 28
FN 1402
Convoy available at FN 1402
(external link)
June 30
July 7
July 7
Methil Roads
July 14
EN 408
Convoy available at EN 408
(external link)
Pd. Dunnet Hd.
July 15
July 16
Loch Ewe
July 18
For New York
Aug. 9
Aug. 15
Aug. 15
For Portland, Me
Aug. 23
New York
Aug. 31
For Loch Ewe
Sept. 16
Pd. East Lizard
Pd. up Southend
Sept. 18
Sept. 18
Pd. Southend down
Sept. 24
Pd. inwards Horsesand Pt.
Sept. 25
FBC 93
Convoy available at FBC 93
(external link, incomplete)
Pd. Needles outwards
Sept. 25
Pd. Lizard westwards
Sept. 26
Sept. 28
Belfast Lough
Sept. 29
For New York
From ONS 33, joined XB 129A Oct. 13
(external link)
Oct. 16
New York
Oct. 19
For Curacao
Oct. 28
Nov. 1
For New York
Nov. 9
New York
Nov. 11
For Boston, Halifax & U.K.
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
For U.K.
BX 133 to Halifax
Convoy available at BX 133
(external link)
Nov. 15
Nov. 17
For Loch Ewe
Dec. 5
Loch Ewe
Dec. 5
For Shellhaven
WN 659
Convoy available at WN 659
(external link)
Pd. Dunnet Hd.
Dec. 6
Dec. 7
Methil Roads
Dec. 7
FS 1659
Convoy available at FS 1659
(external link)
Pd. Sth. Flamboro Head
Dec. 8
Pd. up Southend
Dec. 9
Dec. 11
Dec. 11
For New York
Pd. Southend
Dec. 14
Convoy available at TBC 7
(external link)
Pd. West Dover
Dec. 14
Dec. 17
Anch. off Mumbles
Pd. in Mumbles
Dec. 17
For Swansea
Dec. 17
Dec. 22
Dec. 24
Jan. 19-1945
Pd. out Tail of Bnk.
Jan. 19
Jan. 20
Jan. 22
Jan. 26*
Febr. 17
Febr. 20
For New York & U.K.
* Arnold Hague suggests she may have started out in the westbound Convoy ON 281 for this voyage, until detached - see this page. (This convoy will be added, ref. ships in ON convoys). |
March 3
New York
March 5
For Boston
March 6
March 8
For U.K.
BX 149 to Halifax
Convoy available at BX 149
(external link)
March 10
March 17
For U.K.
SC 170
Apr. 2
Anch. off Mumbles
Apr. 2
BTC 116
Convoy available at BTC 116
(external link, incomplete)
Pd. Prawle Pt.
Apr. 3
Apr. 5
The Downs
Apr. 5
Pd. up Southend
Apr. 5
Apr. 7
Anch. Southend
Apr. 8
TBC 122
Convoy available at TBC 122
(external link, incomplete)
Pd. West Dover
Apr. 8
Apr. 10
Apr. 16
For Belfast
TBC 129
Convoy available at TBC 129
(external link, incomplete)
Pd. Lizard
Apr. 17
Apr. 18
Milford Haven
Apr. 18
For Belfast
MH 87 (2)
Convoy available at MH 87
(external link, incomplete)
Apr. 19
Belfast Lough
Apr. 21
For New York
From ONS 48, joined XB 162 May 5
(external link)
May 7
New York
May 8
For Boston, Halifax & U.K.
May 12(?)
May 12
For U.K.
BX 162 to Halifax
Convoy available at BX 162
(external link)
May 14
May 16
For Loch Ewe
SC 176
Pd. Dover
May 30
May 30
Anchored Downs
May 31
For Southend
June 1
For Tyne
June 2
North Shields
June 8
For New York
Pd. North St. Abbs Hd.
June 9
Pd. Dunnet Hd.
June 10
June 23
Delaware Capes
June 27
Pd. St. Catherine's Pt.
July 12
July 12
Anch. Downs
July 12
Thames Estuary
July 13
July 14
North Shields
July 20
For Thames
Pd. South Flamboro Head
July 21
Pd. up Southend
July 22
July 22
July 23
For Harstad & Bergen, Norway
Pd. down Southend
July 24
Pd. North Flamboro Head
July 24
Aug. 2
Ålesund, Norway
Aug. 3
Aug. 4
Bergen, Norway
Aug. 8
For Oslo, Norway
Sept. 13
For New York
Pd. Dunnet Hd.
Sept. 16
Oct. 11
For Falmouth
Pd. Lizard East
Nov. 1
Pd. East Dover
Nov. 3
Nov. 3
The Downs
Nov. 3
Nov. 5
Nov. 7
For Key West
The Downs
Nov. 9
Pd. Dover
Nov. 9
Pd. Lizard
Nov. 10
Lake Charles
Dec. 3
The Downs
Dec. 27
Jan. 4
Anch. The Downs
Jan. 5
Jan. 31
Corpus Christi
Febr. 2
For Falmouth
March 1
March 3
For Aruba
March 21
New York
March 28
For Copenhagen
Apr. 12
Apr. 12
Pd. Elsinore
Apr. 16
For information on voyages made prior to and in between those mentioned here, and for departure and arrival dates, please see the record above. Follow the convoy links provided for more details on them, several Norwegian ships took part.
Chr. Th. Boe made a voyage from Freetown to the U.K. with a cargo of crude oil in Convoy SL 64 in Jan./Febr.-1941; see the link provided in the table above for more convoy information.
There's a little snippet of information in this report saying she was westbound when met by the Ocean Escort for Convoy SC 28 on Apr. 17-1941 in 49 53N 41 25W. To avoid any misunderstanding, please note that Chr. Th. Boe was not herself in SC 28, which was an eastbound convoy - judging from the details provided in her Voyage Record, she was en route to Curacao at that time, having started out from the U.K. in Convoy OB 307, which had originated in Liverpool on Apr. 7 and dispersed on the 13th, Chr. Th. Boe arriving Curacao independently on Apr. 30. Again, see the external link in the table above; the Norwegian Brønnøy, Dagrun, Drammensfjord, Petter and Thorshavet are also listed. She headed back to the U.K. the following month in Convoy HX 127, joining with the Bermuda portion, bound for Manchester with fuel oil. In June she made a voyage to Aruba, having joined Convoy OB 334, which left Liverpool on June 11 and also included Bur, Morgenen, Nova, Petter, President de Vogue, Stigstad and Vardefjell. Chr. Th. Boe arrived Aruba independently on July 4, having detached from the convoy on June 20, according to A. Hague's record. On July 16, she joined Convoy HX 139 from Halifax in order to return across the Atlantic - the Commodore's report is also available. It looks like she followed this convoy as far as Iceland, then joined HX 140 from there to proceed to the U.K. At the beginning of Sept.-1941 we find her in station 75 of the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 11, bound for New York, where she arrived independently on Sept. 16, the convoy having dispersed on the 11th. She headed back to the U.K. again on Nov. 3 with Convoy HX 158 from Halifax, station 23.
Chr. Th. Boe was briefly in station 84 of Convoy OS 14, originating in Liverpool (for Freetown) on Dec. 13-1941; ref. external link in the table above. A. Hague has also included Bur [returned] and Thorsholm, while another section of the same site has added Spinanger and L. A. Christensen. Estrella and Sveve were scheduled, but did not sail. Chr. Th. Boe, however, returned to port (Oban) and instead made this voyage with the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 48*, which originated in Liverpool on Dec. 19 and also included Athos, Buenos Aires, Grena, Havkong, Havprins, Heranger, Høegh Scout, Kollskegg, Nueva Andalucia, Solfonn, Solstad (returned) and Sveve. There seems to be some disagreement as to her destination on this occasion; A. Hague says she was bound for Houston (see his record), while the document from the Norwegian archives states whe was bound for Baton Rouge. The convoy was dispersed on Dec. 31, Chr. Th. Boe arriving New Orleans independently on Jan. 12-1942, continuing to Curacao that same day, with arrival Jan. 19.
As can be seen in the above Voyage Record, 1942 was spent voyaging to places like Table Bay, Abadan, Bombay, Karachi, Suez, Massowah, Bandar Abbbas, Pernambuco, Trinidad etc., before she again started making some North Atlantic crossings on Jan. 4-1943, when she joined Convoy SC 116* from New York to the U.K. This convoy is not yet available among the SC convoys included on my website, but will be added. The Norwegian Bencas (from Halifax to St. John's only), Carmelfjell (to St. John's), Fernbank, Gezina, Orwell, Stigstad and Herma (to St. John's) are also listed, while the corvettes Acanthus and Eglantine are named among the escorts - see SC convoy escorts. Chr. Th. Boe had a cargo of fuel oil and sailed in station 54 of the convoy. In May that year she served as escort oiler in Convoy ON 184* to New York, which originated in Liverpool on May 15 and also had Emma Bakke, Fernmoor, Idefjord, Mosli, Petter, Salamis, Samuel Bakke (Commodore Vessel) and Slemmestad in its ranks. She returned to the U.K. in June with the slow Convoy SC 134 from Halifax.
Together with Bralanta, Fagerfjell, Fernwood, Geisha, Harpefjell, Herbrand, Hiram, Idefjord, Maud, Meline, Norlom, O. B. Sørensen, Para, Samuel Bakke, Sandviken, Santos, Skaraas, Skjelbred, Stiklestad, Thorhild, Thorshov and Tungsha, as well as the Panamanian Norlys (Norwegian managers), she's also listed in the westbound Convoy ON 193* in July, again acting as escort oiler and also carrying 60 depth chargess on board. On Aug. 9 we find her in Convoy SC 139 from Halifax, returning across the ocean with Convoy ON 201* the following month. She had again been in the company of other Norwegian ships, namely Evita, Gallia, Heranger, Tai Shan, Toledo and Velma. On Oct. 24 she joined Convoy SC 145 from Halifax, for which Potentilla and Rose served as escorts for a while. Chr. Th. Boe's last Trans-Atlantic voyage that year was made in the westbound Convoy ONS 24*, which originated in Liverpool on Nov. 30 and arrived Halifax Dec. 18; Chr. Th. Boe sailed from Londonderry on Dec. 1 and was bound for New York, where she arrived Dec. 20. Atlantic, Brush, Evanger, Grey County, Solstad and South America are also named in this convoy.
On Jan. 29-1944, she's listed in Convoy SC 152 from Halifax (Evanger's captain served as Vice Commodore). At the end of March she shows up, with destination New York, in Convoy ONS 32*, along with Alaska, Fjordheim, Minerva, Ragnhild, Stirlingville, Tropic Star and Tungsha. In June that year she's listed in Convoy HX 294 from New York; Commodore was in Abraham Lincoln, Vice Commodore in Geisha. With Bralanta, Emma Bakke (Commodore Vessel), Fjordaas, Gudvor, Mathilda, Montevideo, O. B. Sørensen, Petter II and Tanafjord, she joined the westbound Convoy ON 245* in July, and arrived Curacao on Aug. 9, having detached from the convoy on July 24 (according to A. Hague). On Aug. 31, we find her in the New York-U.K. Convoy HX 306, returning at the end of the following month with the westbound Convoy ONS 33*. Cetus, Dagrun (returned), Drammensfjord, Mui Hock, Para, Peik, Rena, Romulus and Titanian are also listed in this convoy, which had Halifax as its final destination (Oct. 14), but Chr. Th. Boe was bound for New York, where she arrived Oct. 16. A month later, she's listed in the slow Halifax-U.K. Convoy SC 161, destination Shellhaven, where she arrived, via various other ports, on Dec. 11.
It'll be noticed, when going to A. Hague's Voyage Record, that he suggests she may have been in the westbound Convoy ON 281* for a while in Jan.-1945. At the time, she was bound for Curacao, where she arrived Febr. 17, having started out from Plymouth on Jan. 26. In March we find her in the slow Halifax-U.K. Convoy SC 170*, together with Askepot, Biscaya, Brønnøy, Brush, Frontenac, Geisha (Commodore Vessel), Romulus, Tercero and Titanian, and in Apr.-1945, A. Hague has included her, with Heimgar, Ima, Toledo (Commodore Vessel) and Vinga, in the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ONS 48*, serving as Escort Oiler. This convoy arrived Halifax on May 4, but Chr. Th. Boe arrived New York on the 7th, leaving again for Boston on VE Day, then proceeded to Halifax in order to join Convoy SC 176* back to the U.K. on May 16. Dageid, Elg, Garonne, Glarona, Ima, Rena and Vinga are also listed. After having undergone some repairs in Newcastle she continued to London to pick up a cargo of oil for Norway, where she arrived at the beginning of Aug.-1945. (As can be seen in the table above, she had made another voyage across the Atlantic and back in between).
*Note that the links to convoys ON 48, ON 184, ON 193, ON 201, ONS 24, ONS 32, ON 245, ONS 33 and ONS 48 only go to a list of ships in these convoys - they will all be added to their own individual pages in my Convoys section in due course, with further information for each. (See ships in all ON convoys and ships in all ONS convoys). The entire SC series will also be updated and completed (including the already existing convoys - some have already been updated), see ships in all SC convoys.
More information on all the other Norwegian ships mentioned on this page can be found via the alphabet index below, or go to the Master Ship Index.
The text on this page was compiled with the help of: "Nortraships flåte", "Krigsseileren", "Skip og menn", Birger Dannevig, and misc. (ref. My sources).