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M/T Skaraas To Skaraas on the "Ships starting with S" page. Owner: Skips A/S Nanset Built by Götaverken, Gothenburg in 1936. Captains: Alf Foyn and Leander Jensen. (Captain Foyn left due to illness in May-1942, then had a stroke and died in New York on Aug. 30-1943). This external page has more information on Captain Jensen; as can be seen, he had joined Skaraas as 1st mate in 1936, becoming her captain in 1942. Skaraas crossed the Atlantic 51 times in the course of the war, carrying aircraft, and also replenished the escorts at sea. Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives: Please compare the above voyages with Arnold Hague's Voyage Record below.
(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database). Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each. Errors may exist, and some voyages are missing.
When Norway was invaded on Apr. 9-1940 Skaraas was routed to Townsville, Queensland, which was the nearest British port (see my page Nortraship). After a few days she continued to Singapore where she's said to have taken on a cargo of 15 000 tons aviation fuel for the U.K. Note, however, that this does not quite match up with the details found on Page 1 of the archive documents; it's possible that her later destination of Newcastle, N.S.W. has been misunderstood as being Newcastle, U.K.? (it'll also be noticed that she spent a month in Singapore that summer). She did not go to the U.K. until Sept.-1940, when she joined Convoy SL 47, which departed Freetown on Sept. 10 and arrived Liverpool on the 28th (the Norwegian Thode Fagelund also took part). Skaraas (in station 43) was bound for Clyde, where she arrived on Sept. 29, later proceeding to Bowling, with arrival there Oct. 2. Later that month she shows up in Convoy OB 231, which left Liverpool on Oct. 19 and dispersed on the 23rd. Her destination is given as Aruba, station 32; according to the archive document, she arrived Trinidad on Nov. 7. The Norwegian Idefjord, Norefjord and Rena are also listed. Follow the links provided within the Voyage Record for more information on these 2 convoys. Skaraas subsequently returned to the U.K. in the Bermuda portion of the Halifax-U.K. Convoy HX 91, sailing in station 63. Cruising order/Commodore's notes are also available for this convoy. Her destination is given as Manchester; according to A. Hague, she arrived Stornoway (with steering trouble) on Dec. 9. Together with the Norwegian Caledonia, Grena, Hardanger, Hilda Knudsen, Laurits Swenson, Storaas and the Panamanian Norvik (Norwegian managers), she's included in Convoy OB 291, which originated in Liverpool on Febr. 27-1941 and dispersed March 3. Her destination is given as New York, and there's a note indicating she had been damaged by a bomb on March 2 - again, see the external link in the table above. (Note also that the company's Storaas was damaged in this convoy). Skaraas arrived New York on March 15, having started out from Clyde Febr. 28, and as can be seen when going back to Page 1, she now appears to have spent 2 months in New York; perhaps some repairs were necessary? She's listed among the ships in Convoy HX 128 from Halifax on May 20. Skaraas had station 62, cargo of gasoline for Liverpool, where she arrived June 6, proceeding to Stanlow that same day. With Abraham Lincoln, Boreas, Charles Racine, Hada County, Leiv Eiriksson, Ranja, Skiensfjord and Thorshavet, she subsequently joined Convoy OB 335, leaving Liverpool on June 16, however, she's said to have been involved in a collision with the British City of Auckland on June 17 and returned to port (Clyde), then shows up again, with destination New York, in Convoy OB 338, which originated in Liverpool on June 21 and dispersed July 3, Skaraas arriving New York on July 7, according to Page 2 (which gives destination as Aruba when she had first sailed on June 16, but as New York when she left Clyde again on the 21st). Alaska, Ferncastle, Malmanger, Norefjord and South Africa are also listed in this convoy - again, see the external links in the Voyage Record. Having spent over a month in New York, she headed to Halifax, joining Convoy HX 146 from there on Aug. 21. She arrived Swansea, via Belfast Lough, on Sept. 9, and with destination New York, she later joined Convoy ON 18, originating in Liverpool on Sept. 19. Skaraas started out from Milford Haven on the 18th and arrived New York Oct. 7, the convoy having been dispersed Oct. 2. On Oct. 22, we find her in the Halifax-U.K. Convoy HX 156, for which Eglantine and Montbretia served as escorts for while. Skaraas arrived Avonmouth on Nov. 8, subsequently returning across the Atlantic with Convoy ON 38*, which originated in Liverpool on Nov. 19 and dispersed on the 30th. Her destination is again given as New York, where she arrived Dec. 8 (remaining there for a month), having started out from Milford Haven Nov. 18. In Febr.-1942 she's listed in the Halifax-U.K. Convoy HX 173, and later that month she joined the westbound Convoy ON 71*, originating in Liverpool on Febr. 26, dispersed March 8, Skaraas arriving Aruba on March 18, returning to the U.K. the following month in Convoy HX 184 from Halifax. At the beginning of May, she's listed as bound for Galveston in Convoy ON 91* (departure Liverpool May 1, dispersed May 15). She arrived Galveston, via New York and Hampton Roads, on June 3, remaining there for over a month - see Page 2. On Aug. 9, she joined Convoy HX 202 from Halifax, kerosene for Manchester, subsequently returning to the U.S. with Convoy ON 125 at the end of that month, arriving New York on Sept. 12 (Samuel Bakke served as Commodore Vessel, while the Vice Commodore was in Skiensfjord). From New York, she now made a voyage to Aruba and back - her voyages in this period are shown on Page 3; convoy information can be found in the Voyage Record. In Oct.-1942 we find her in station 113 of the New York-U.K. Convoy HX 212, in which Kosmos II and others were sunk and Frontenac damaged; follow the links for details - the Commodore's report is also available (Abraham Lincoln served as Vice Commodore Vessel). Skaraas' destination is given as Swansea, where she arrived Nov. 4, returning across the Atlantic a few days later with Convoy ON 145. The Norwegian Askepot, Thorhild (Vice Commodore), Mosli, Ørnefjell and Brant County were also in this convoy, which according to "The Allied Convoy System" by Arnold Hague originated in Liverpool on Nov. 9 with 35 ships and arrived New York City on Nov. 25; Skaraas, however, had sailed from Milford Haven on Nov. 8 and via Belfast Lough, she arrived Halifax on the 22nd, remaining there for over a month. Her last Trans-Atlantic voyage that year was made in Convoy HX 220, which sailed from New York on Dec. 21, but Skaraas started out from Halifax on the 24th; Page 3 gives her arrival Liverpool as Jan. 11-1943. On Jan. 23-1943 she headed to New York with Convoy ON 162 and, having made a voyage to Philadelphia and back to New York, she joined Convoy HX 227*, which left New York on Febr. 18 and arrived Liverpool on March 6; Skaraas stopped at Belfast Lough on March 5, continuing to Avonmouth the next day, with arrival March 7. She had a cargo of aviation gas, and had sailed in station 112. Acanthus and Eglantine are named among the escorts - see HX convoy escorts. According to the voyage record for B. P. Newton, that ship is said to have been involved in a collision with Skaraas on March 23-1943 - I have no further details on this, but it may have taken place when both ships were in the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 173*. This convoy departed Liverpool on March 13 and arrived Halifax on the 29th - both ships were bound for New York. Skaraas arrived there on March 31, having sailed from Milford Haven on the 13th. She's now listed in Convoy HX 233 from New York on Apr. 6, returning to the U.S. with Convoy ON 181 at the end of that month (station 92). The Commodore's narrative and Keppel's report are also available for this convoy. (According to Page 3, Skaraas arrived New York on May 17, and I can't help but thinking that there must have been many a sore head on board when they left for Baltimore the following day, as May 17 is Norway's Constitution Day and is always celebrated with gusto! It'll also be noticed that she had quite a long stay in Baltimore). On June 23, she again headed for the U.K., joining Convoy HX 245 from New York, bound for Dingle. According to the Commodore's notes, a collision took place between the ships in stations 64 and 73 in dense fog during the night of June 27/28, in or near the 6th column. He does not mention the names of the ships, but unlesss stations had altered during the passage, they were Clausina (64) and Skaraas (73). The Commodore adds that No 73 sustained damage to her port bow and lost an anchor, while 64's starboard quarter was damaged. Both ships were able to proceed at convoy speed, all damages being above the water line. Skaraas arrived Liverpool on July 7. 2 days later, she's named in the westbound Convoy ON 192* (Commodore in Laurits Swenson), but returned to port, subsequently joining ON 193*, which departed Liverpool on July 16 and arrived New York on the 31st; according to Page 4, Skaraas arrived Boston July 30, remaining there until Aug. 18, when she proceeded to New York, then on to Philadelphia and back to New York. She was scheduled for Convoy HX 254 from New York on Aug. 27 (she was still in Philadelphia on that date), but instead joined the next convoy on Sept. 2, HX 255, which arrived Liverpool on the 16th (Abraham Lincoln served as Commodore Vessel). About a week later we find her in the westbound Convoy ON 203*, departing Liverpool on Sept. 22, and according to Arnold Hague, she returned to the U.K. in Convoy HX 264*, which left New York on Oct. 31 and arrived Liverpool on Nov. 17 (Vice Commodore in Samuel Bakke). Her last voyage of that year was made with the westbound Convoy ON 213* (departure Liverpool Nov. 26, arrival New York Dec. 14 - Skaraas arrived Philadelphia that day, proceeding to Baltimore a couple of days later, remaing there for a month). In Jan.-1944, she can be found in Convoy HX 276 from New York, serving as Escort Oiler, according to A. Hague (perhaps this is the reason for her long stay in Baltimore? She may have been fitted out for such service there). She was bound for Heysham and Clyde, arriving Heysham Febr. 8, Clyde Febr. 12. Commodore was again in Abraham Lincoln. Skaraas headed back to the U.S. just 2 days later with Convoy ON 224, which originated in Liverpool on Febr. 15 and arrived New York on March 2, Skaraas again serving as Escort Oiler (she started out from Clyde Febr. 14). The Norwegian Fernmoor, Molda, Pan Scandia, Samuel Bakke and Vanja are also listed. A couple of weeks therefter Skaraas returned across the Atlantic with Convoy HX 283, leaving New York on March 13, Skaraas arriving Bowling, via Clyde, on March 29 (having been used as Escort Oiler). The following month, she served as Escort Oiler for the westbound Convoy ON 231*, and was in company of 14 other Norwegian ships, namely Bernhard, Ferncourt, Haakon Hauan, Spinanger, Vav, Solstad, Idefjord, President de Vogue, Heranger, Kong Haakon VII, Thorsholm, Østhav, Høyanger and Nordanger, some of which had also been in HX 283. ON 231 originated in Liverpool on Apr. 7 and arrived New York on the 24th; Skaraas had joined from Clyde. Already on Apr. 27, she shows up in Convoy HX 289 from New York to the U.K. (Escort Oiler). Having stopped at Clyde on May 14, she proceeded to Bowling, where she arrived May 16, and a few days later she's listed in the westbound Convoy ON 237*, which originated in Liverpool on May 19 and arrived New York on June 3. Again, see also Page 4. Commodore for this convoy was in Brimanger, while Laurits Swenson's captain served as Vice Commodore.She headed back to the U.K. again on June 10 with Convoy HX 295, for which Elisabeth Bakke acted as Commodore Vessel. Skaraas served as Escort Oiler again and her destination is given as Stanlow, where she arrived on June 27 (see Page 5), subsequently joining the westbound Convoy ON 243*, departing Liverpool on July 3, arriving New York on the 18th (Commodore in Reinholt). A week later she was ready to leave New York in Convoy HX 301 (Escort Oiler). The Commodore was again in Reinholt, while Samuel Bakke served as the Vice Commodore's ship. Skaraas arrived Bowling on Aug. 9, later joining Convoy ON 249* (departure Liverpool Aug. 18, arrival New York Sept. 2; she had again joined from Clyde - Vice Commodore was in Norma). She now remained in New York for several weeks; she had been scheduled for Convoy HX 315 on Oct. 20 (Commodore in Ivaran), but instead joined the next convoy on Oct. 25, HX 316, for which Abraham Lincoln acted as Commodore Vessel again, while the Vice Commodore was in Brimanger. Skaraas' destination is given as Bowling, and she arrived there, via Liverpool and Clyde, on Nov. 16, returning across the Atlantic with Convoy ON 269*, which originated in Liverpool on Nov. 29 and arrived New York on Dec. 15 (Skaraas served as Escort Oiler - her arrival New York is given as Dec. 13 on the archive document referred to above; she had sailed from Clyde on Nov. 28). She went back in the other direction again on Dec. 19 in Convoy HX 327, serving as Escort Oiler and also carrying 60 depth charges, as well as landing craft as deck cargo, according to A. Hague. Commodore was in Ivaran. Skaraas arrived Liverpool on Jan. 3-1945. She now served as Escort Oiler for the westbound Convoy ON 277, which arrived New York on Jan. 23-1945, Acanthus having served as escort for a while, and on the 28th we find her in the New York-U.K. Convoy HX 335 (Escort Oiler, carrying 60 depth charges and aircraft). She subsequently joined the westbound Convoy ON 285* (Escort Oiler), arriving New York March 5 - Acanthus and Buttercup are named among the escorts - see ON convoy escorts. A few days later, A. Hague has her in Convoy HX 343*, which departed New York on March 9 and arrived Liverpool on the 24th; Skaraas arrived Southampton that day (Page 5). She had served as Escort Oiler again, and also carried 60 depth charges. She now shows up in the westbound Convoy ON 293* (Escort Oiler), which left Southend on March 27 and arrived New York on Apr. 15 (Commodore in Tungsha), then returned to the U.K. in Convoy HX 351*, leaving New York on Apr. 18, arriving Liverpool on May 3 (Skaraas arrived Avonmouth that day), again serving as Escort Oiler, and carrying 60 depth charges, as well as aircraft (Commodore in Laurits Swenson). She's now listed as Escort Oiler for the westbound Convoy ON 301*; she had sailed from Barry Island on VE day, May 8 (this convoy arrived New York on May 22 - Commodore in Høyanger). Skaraas remained in New York for about a month, and when she returned to the U.K. in June, no convoy was necessary. Here subsequent voyages are listed on Page 6; as will be seen, she got to go home to Norway already in July-1945, making another voyage home later that year. This document shows voyages to Apr.-1946.
According to this external page, she was sold in 1956 to N.V. Scheepv. Mij. "Mineral" (Wm. H. Muller & Co.'s Transport Mij. N.V.), Rotterdam and renamed Joseph Frering, converted to ore carrier, 9884 gt. Sold in 1963 to Eastern Transports Inc., Monrovia (Word-Wide Shipping Co., Ltd., Hong Kong), registered in Liberia. Sold for breaking up in 1971 to Miyachi Salvage K.K., breaking up starting in Tadotsu on Dec. 24. Back to Skaraas on the "Ships starting with S" page.