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M/S Tungsha To Tungsha on the "Ships starting with T" page. Manager: Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Tønsberg Launched on June 14-1924 by Deutsche Werft A.G., Hamburg (Yard No. 65), completed Aug. 9-1924. First ship in the Scandinavian-Middle East Line. Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives: Please compare the above voyages with Arnold Hague's Voyage Record below.
(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database). Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each. Errors may exist, and some voyages are missing.
As will be seen when going to Page 1 of the archive documents, Tungsha arrived Gibraltar on Apr. 11-1940, 2 days after the German invasion of Norway. It looks like she had originally been intended for Norway, but was diverted to London. She's listed in Convoy HG 27, which left Gibraltar for the U.K. on Apr. 21. Her destination is given as Falmouth, and she had station 52 (according to Arnold Hague, she had initially started out in the previous convoy on Apr. 13, HG 26, but returned to port - this convoy is not available among the HG convoys included in my own Convoys section, but I've linked directly to Hague's listing in the Voyage Record above). Tungsha arrived Falmouth on Apr. 29, remaining there for about 3 weeks. She later arrived London on May 23. She was still in London at the time of the evacuations of Dunkirk, and the captain reported that all 5 of her lifeboats were requisitioned and towed to Dunkirk, along with hundreds of others. 3 were returned after the evacuations were completed June 4, and 2 of them were full of bullet holes, bearing witness to what had taken place. Later that month, she shows up among the ships in Convoy OA 167, which left Southend on June 13 and dispersed on the 16th, Tungsha arriving New York on June 28. Other Norwegian ships included in this convoy are Heina, Lysaker IV and Troja (Svint was also scheduled, but did not sail - ref. external link in the table above). It'll be noticed, when going back to Page 1, that Tungsha subsequently remained in New York for a long time; departure is given as Oct. 9, when she proceeded to Halifax, with arrival Oct. 12. According to A. Hague, there had been some problems with her crew (my page about Nortraship has information on some of the problems encountered that year). She also spent quite a long time in Halifax, before continuing to St. John's, N.F. on Nov. 7, later returning to Haliax in order to join Convoy HX 92 on Nov. 29, bound for Hull with a cargo of steel, sailing in station 81. The Ocean Escort's report is also available for this convoy, which lost several ships. Tungsha arrived Hull, via various other ports, on Dec. 23. As will be seen when going back to Page 1, Tungsha had a long stay in Cardiff at the beginning of 1941. On Febr. 18, she collided with the British Middleton, which sank - see Convoy SC 21 as well as this thread on my Ship Forum (please note that Tungsha was not in this convoy herself - she had left Cardiff on Febr. 16). The following month, she's listed as bound for Panama and Chile in Convoy OB 295, originating in Liverpool on March 8, dispersed March 14. Again, ref. external link provided in the Voyage Record, John P. Pedersen, Norse King and Topdalsfjord are also named. From the archive document, we learn that Tungsha arrived Cristobal on Apr. 3, having sailed from Clyde on March 9. According to Page 2, she subsequently proceeded to Antofagasta, where she remained for over 3 weeks, before continuing to Tocopilla. With nitrates for Newport, she was scheduled for Convoy HX 133 from Halifax on June 16-1941, but did not sail; this was the convoy in which Soløy and Vigrid (and several others) were sunk, and Kongsgaard was torpedoed and damaged - follow the links for more details. Tungsha was also cancelled from HX 134 on June 20 (see also the Commodore's report), but eventually got away with Convoy HX 135 on June 26, destination is now given as Leith, station 92. The Commodore does not sound happy with her, he says: "Fine passage, no incidents. Ships seem to be suffering by want of proper periodic overhauls due to war. On sixteen occasions ships had to stop or go dead slow on account of engine or steering gear defects, once leading to collision (see Grey County). The convoy had to be constantly reducing speed on this account. The Norwegian Tungsha was the worst offender falling out 5 times to effect repairs. Was ordered to Glasgow for repairs before proceeding to an east coast port". She arrived Oban on July 11, then continued to Glasgow, where she remained for several months, so it looks she did undergo some repairs - again, see Page 2. We now find her in the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 52*, which originated in Liverpool on Dec. 31-1941 and dispersed Jan. 11-1942. Her destination is not given, but according to the archive document mentioned above, she arrived Reykjavik on Jan. 17, having sailed from Clyde Dec. 31. However, it does not look as though this was her intended destination; the document gives her destination as Halifax, and A. Hague says she had broken down and was drifting on Jan. 11, but got underway again on the 13th, with arrival Reykjavik as mentioned. She did not leave Reykjavik again until March 10, joining the westbound Convoy ON 74* on March 14. This convoy had originated in Liverpool on March 9 and arrived Halifax on the 25th. Both these convoys had several Norwegian ships, namely Bello, Brasil, Kaia Knudsen, Katy, Morgenen, Mosli, Nyholt, Solsten, Stigstad, Thorshøvdi and Vanja in ON 52, with Montbretia and Rose among the escorts (see ON convoy escorts), and Arosa, Beth, Borgfred, Elg, Sirehei, Thorsholm, Titanian and Tortugas in ON 74. From Halifax, Tungsha proceeded to St. John, N.B. a couple of days later, and from there to Boston, where she spent several weeks (Page 2). On June 14-1942, she was involved in a collision with the Swedish Kaaparen, 3 miles off Halifax East Lightvessel, while on her way from Halifax to Glasgow in Convoy HX 194. The Swedish ship sank following the collision. The accident happened as the convoy was forming. Kaaparen was, in fact, the former Norwegian Larviksfjord, Den norske Amerikalinje, built 1930, which had been sold in 1932 to A/B Götaverken, Gothenburg for rebuilding (following a fire in Sept.-1931), then sold again in 1933 to Rederi-A/B Transatlantic (Gunnar Carlsson), Sweden and renamed Kaaparen. Tungsha put back to Halifax, joining the next convoy on June 21, HX 195, and arrived Glasgow July 2, subsequently remaining in the U.K. for over a month. Together with Belinda, Scebeli, Sir James Clark Ross and Trondheim, she then returned across the Atlantic with Convoy ON 119*, originating in Liverpool on Aug. 5, arriving New York Aug. 20. On Sept. 13, she headed back to the U.K. again in Convoy HX 207 from Halifax, and arrived Cardiff (via Belfast Lough - Page 2) on Sept. 27 (note that she's also mentioned in the Commodore's notes). According to A. Hague, she had 8 passengers on board on this voyage. The following month, she joined Convoy ON 139*, which originated in Liverpool on Oct. 16 and arrived New York Nov. 1 and also included Fernmoor (returned), Idefjord, Norsktank, Reinholt (returned), Trondheim (returned) and the Panamanian Vestfold (Norwegian managers). Tungsha now stayed in New York for several weeks. With a general cargo for Cardiff, she was scheduled for Convoy HX 218 on Dec. 5, but instead joined the next convoy on Dec. 13, HX 219, station 31. She also carried 10 passengers on this voyage. The convoy encountered bad weather and Tungsha became a straggler on Dec. 21 (see the notes on my page about HX 219). She arrived Belfast Lough on the 28th (Page 2), Cardiff on the 30th (where she remained for 3 weeks, according to Page 3). For her return voyage, she joined Convoy ON 162 in Jan.-1943. This convoy arrived New York on Febr. 11, but Tungsha stopped at Halifax on Febr. 7, and did not leave again until Apr. 4, when she joined the Halifax portion of Convoy HX 232*, according to A. Hague. Belinda, California Express, Heranger, Skandinavia, Thorhild, Thorshøvdi, Tigre and Ørnefjell are also listed in this convoy, which had sailed from New York on Apr. 1 and arrived Liverpool Apr. 16, having lost 4 ships (ref. external link at the end of this page) - Tungsha arrived Avonmouth, via Belfast Lough, on Apr. 18. With Brimanger, Gefion, Laurits Swenson (Commodore Vessel), Noreg, Santos, Vinga and Washington Express, she later joined the westbound Convoy ON 183*, originating in Liverpool on May 10, arriving New York May 25; Tungsha's destination is given as Portland, Maine, and she arrived there on May 25, having started out from Milford Haven on May 9 (Page 3). Following a 3 weeks' stay in Portland, she proceeded to Boston, then on to Halifax, and we now find her in Convoy HX 245, which had originated in New York on June 23, but Tungsha joined from Halifax on the 26th (as did Santos and Idefjord), taking station 37 of the convoy. She had a general cargo for Liverpool, where she arrived July 7. She headed in the other direction again with Convoy ON 193*, which departed Liverpool on July 16 and arrived New York July 31, but Tungsha stopped at Halifax on the 28th. As usual, several Norwegian ships had taken part, namely Bralanta, Chr. Th. Boe, Fagerfjell, Fernwood, Geisha, Harpefjell, Herbrand, Hiram, Idefjord, Maud, Meline, Norlom, O. B. Sørensen, Para, Samuel Bakke, Sandviken, Santos, Skaraas, Skjelbred, Stiklestad, Thorhild and Thorshov, as well as the Panamanian Norlys (Norwegian managers). Tungsha subsequently had another long stay in port. With a general cargo for Avonmouth, she was scheduled for the Halifax portion of Convoy HX 252 on Aug. 16-1943, but did not sail (Santos was lost - follow the link for details. The Commodore's narrative is also available; see also these reports, as well as this page). Tungsha was also cancelled from HX 253 on Aug. 22, but eventualy got away with the Halifax portion of Convoy HX 254 on Aug. 29, and arrived her destination on Sept. 12. She left Avonmouth again on Sept. 27, joining the westbound Convoy ON 204*, which originated in Liverpool on Sept. 28 and arrived New York Oct. 15 and also had Fernmoor, Fjordaas, Minerva, Montevideo, Salamis, Solør, Villanger and Viva in its ranks; Tungsha, carrying china clay (station 124) arrived St. John, N.B., via Halifax, on Oct. 15. With a general cargo and explosives, A. Hague now has her returning to the U.K. in Convoy HX 264*, originating in New York on Oct. 31, arriving Liverpool Nov. 17; Tungsha again joined from Halifax (Page 3 gives departure Nov. 2), taking station 134. Dageid, Fagerfjell, Kaldfonn, Lista, Montevideo, Samuel Bakke (Vice Commodore Vessel), Skaraas and Spinanger are also listed. Her last Trans-Atlantic convoy voyage that year was made, with Abraham Lincoln (Commodore Vessel), Fernmoor, Idefjord, Mosli and Samuel Bakke, in the westbound Convoy ON 215*, which left Liverpool on Dec. 9 and arrived New York on the 28th, but Tungsha was again bound for St. John, N.B., where she arrived Dec. 27, having been detached from the convoy the day before (according to A. Hague). From St. John, N.B., she proceeded to Halifax on Jan. 11-1944, with arrival Jan. 13 and on Jan. 15, she was scheduled for the Halifax portion of Convoy HX 275, but did not sail (Vice Commodore, captain of Samuel Bakke). She subsequently joined the Halifax section of HX 276 (Commodore in Abraham Lincoln), but put back to Halifax, and does not show up again until HX 279 on Febr. 14, general cargo and mail for Liverpool, where she arrived Febr. 29 (all these convoys started out in New York, follow the links for more info on them - Emma Bakke's captain served as Vice Commodore for HX 279). A month later we find Tungsha, together with Alaska, Chr. Th. Boe, Fjordheim, Minerva, Ragnhild, Stirlingville and Tropic Star, in Convoy ONS 32*, which departed Liverpool on March 28 and arrived Halifax Apr. 18; her destination is given as Charleston, and she arrived there, via New York, on Apr. 24 (Page 3 - as can be seen, she subsequently had a long stay in Baltimore). In July that year, I have her in Convoy HX 301 from New York, for which Reinholt served as the Commodore Vessel, while the Vice Commodore was in Samuel Bakke. Tungsha was bound for Liverpool with sugar and general. With Bernhard, Elg, Evanger, Ferncliff (returned), Fjordheim (sunk - follow link for details), Germa, Grey County, Heimgar, Henrik Ibsen, Rutenfjell, Snar, Thorhild, Veni and Vera, as well as the Panamaian Norbris, she later went back across the Atlantic with Convoy ON 251*, which left Liverpool on Sept. 1 and arrived New York on the 19th; in fact, Tungsha served as Commodore Vessel on this occasion. At the end of the following month, she joined Convoy HX 317 from New York, general cargo for London, then in Dec.-1944, she can be found among the ships in the westbound Convoy ON 270, arriving New York on Dec. 22. Her voyages in this period are shown on Page 4. Tungsha also acted as Commodore vessel for Convoy HX 340* (Commodore F. Batsey R.N.), which left New York on Febr. 23-1945 and arrived Liverpool on March 10 and also included California Express, Fagerfjell, Ferncourt, Fjordaas, Gefion (returned), Ivaran and Kaldfonn. Later that month we find her, with Egda, Katy, Samuel Bakke, Skaraas, Torborg and Velma, in the westbound Convoy ON 293*, departing Southend on March 27, arriving New York Apr. 15, Tungsha again serving as Commodore Vessel. On May 19, she joined Convoy HX 357* from New York, in order to head back to the U.K., but put into Halifax on May 23, later joining Convoy HX 358* from there, cargo of sugar, station 32. This convoy had originated in New York on May 23 and arrived Liverpool June 6. Abraham Lincoln (Commodore Vessel), Brimanger, Fagerfjell, Jotunfjell, Kaldfonn, Montevideo, Thorshavn and Østhav are also named in HX 357, while Ferncourt, Fosna and Gefion are listed in HX 358. From Page 4, we learn that she went home to Norway in Aug.-1945 - see also Page 5.
Sold on Dec. 8-1948 to Olaf Pedersen's Rederi (Olaf Pedersen, manager), Oslo and continued on charter to Wilh. Wilhelmsen. Renamed Sunny Queen in 1951. Sold in 1957 to Marconquista Cia. Nav. S.A., Liberia and renamed Roula. Arrived Osaka on Febr. 21-1960 to be scrapped by Banno Tsusho K.K. who commenced work on Apr. 20-1960 at Kinoe, Hiroshima Prefecture. Related external links: Back to Tungsha on the "Ships starting with T" page. Wilh. Wilhelmsen later had another ship by this name, 1952-1972. The text on this page was compiled with the help of: Wilh. Wilhelmsen fleet list, Norwegian America Line fleet list, and misc. (ref. My sources).