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Departed Halifax on Jan. 20-1942 and arrived Liverpool on Febr. 1 (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 42 ships). |
List received from Ted Agar (His source: A diary. Although the information is usually incomplete, I consider this diary valuable and important in and of itself and, therefore, I've transcribed it and kept it "as is" on this website, adding further details and/or corrections from other sources separately, rather than within the form itself [except for cargoes], as seen below).
Cargoes have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on the late Arnold Hague's database - see his listing for HX 171 at Ships in all HX convoys. Please note that several more ships are named further down on this page, but the author of the diary did not know to which of the unnamed ships in this form they corresponded (however, compare w/A. Hague's information). Br=British, Norw=Norwegian, Sw=Swedish, Bel=Belgian, Du=Dutch. |
Empire Faith grain CAM ship (Br) |
* |
City of Lille general (Br) |
Corbis gas oil (Br) |
Manchester Division general (Br) |
Rafana (Du) See below |
* |
freighter (Norw) |
Arabian Prince general (Br) |
* |
See below |
* |
Delphinula petrol (Br) |
* |
Stuart Prince general (Br) |
Winnipeg (Br) See below |
tanker (Br) |
Tekoa refrig. - general 110 mails (Br) |
Fort Ville Marie grain - general (Br) |
* |
33 Glenstrae? general (Br) See below |
43 tanker (Br) |
53 tanker (Norw) |
63 tanker (Norw) or
Jean Jadot? |
73 freighter (Br) |
83 Skandinavia petrol (Norw) |
93 freighter (Br) |
* |
* |
34 tanker (Br) |
* |
54 Fjordaas petrol (Norw) |
64 tanker (Norw) |
74 tanker (Br) |
84 tanker (Norw) |
* |
* |
* |
35 tanker (Br) |
45 | 55 freighter (Sw) |
65 Prins Willem III sugar (Du) |
75 freighter (Norw) |
85 Vinland* (Norw) |
95 freighter (Sw) |
Additionally, I've received a document from Tony Cooper, England, giving the names of 2 ships joining HX 171 from Newfoundland, namely Ocean Vanguard, bound for Avonmouth with general cargo (previously returned from HX 168), and Ocean Vigil, bound for Glasgow, general cargo (from HX 170).
The diary gives station 63 to a Norwegian tanker as well as to the Belgian Jean Jadot, but see A. Hague's info below. * It looks like Vinland instead sailed in the slow Convoy SC 66 on Jan. 23 - follow link for info. Also, the Honduran Mana appears to have been scheduled for this convoy, but did not sail - see Convoy SC 67. Comparing all this with what can be found in Arnold Hague's listing for HX 171 at Ships in all HX convoys, we learn that the above un-named ships were: He has also listed the British Pacific Star, but station number is not given, nor is cargo (also mentioned in the diary). The ship in station 61 is listed as British Rapana, cargo of lub. oil. Instead of Winnipeg in station 72 he has the British Bic Island, general cargo (also named in the diary), while Winnipeg is not mentioned at all by A. Hague (this ship may have been French? According to "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939" by R.W. Jordan there was a French Winnipeg that had been taken over by Vichy France in 1940 but was captured by the Royal Navy in June-1941. Sailed under the Ministry of War Transport as Winnipeg II from 1942 - sunk later that year in Convoy ON 139. This ship is listed in Convoy HX 177). *However, A. Hague has included some ships in stations where none are listed in the diary (though they are named in the diary), as follows: He too mentions Ocean Vanguard and Ocean Vigil, saying they joined at sea, both with general cargoes; station numbers not given. Additionally, USS Melville is said to have joined at sea, detached for Iceland Jan. 30. |
The ships left Halifax in the following sequence, according to the diary (which does not include ships joining en route): The first to leave was Tekoa at 09:36 and with a few minutes between each ship - Grey County (with a notation that says: "Goes north". No convoy station has been given to this Norwegian ship, and she shows up in the slow Convoy SC 68 on Febr. 4-1942, so appears to have returned to port in order to join the SC convoy later, or she may not even have been sceduled for HX 171, but went out that day for other reasons?), Manchester Division (Commodore vessel), Rafana (listed as British Rapana by A. Hague), Arabian Prince, Delphinula, a Norwegian tanker, a Swedish freighter, followed by 2 Norwegian freighters, City of Lille, Corbis, a Norwegian tanker, a British tanker, Fort Ville Marie, Skandinavia, a British freighter, a British tanker, Prins Willem III, Winnipeg (with crated aircraft on deck; as mentioned, this ship is not included by A. Hague), a British freighter, Fjordaas, Stuart Prince (red and white life rafts, brown crates on deck), a Norwegian tanker, a British ship with passenger accommodation, large flag, 2 liferafts on each side of bridge), British tanker, a Swedish freighter, then Vinland (with a notation: "She is signalling as she comes along and leaves the convoy and anchors in stream off the Federal Tower - as mentioned, she's listed as sailing in the slow Convoy SC 66 which departed Halifax on Jan. 23-1942 and arrived Liverpool on Febr. 9). Then a British tanker departed followed by a Norwegian tanker and another British tanker and Jean Jadot, then Empire Faith left at 13:14. The following ships also went out that day, but they have no pendant numbers (these are provided by A. Hague - see table above): The Norwegian Nueva Andalucia, Kristianiafjord, Glittre, Rio Novo, Belinda, Sama, Kollbjørg, Strinda* and Thorhild. The British Pacific Exporter*, Pacific Star, Empire Druid, Montcalm (CGS), Ancylus, Arabistan, City of Canberra, Glenstrae, Empire Silver, Empire Reindeer, Anadara, Diloma, Mahana and the Canadian Bic Island. There's also a Saint Onge, but no nationality is given (probably a misspelling of the British Saintonge). Several of these ships were tankers; there are 5 unnamed British tankers in the sequence list above, but I don't know where each one belongs. *The Dutch Maaskerk, Mirza, Curacao. The Panamanian North King, El Estero*. The Swedish Agra, Axel Johnson. The Russian Ashkhabad.
A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): To the next HX convoy in my list HX 172 |
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