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Departed Halifax on July 12-1942 and arrived Liverpool on the 23rd (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 29 ships). |
List received from Ted Agar (His source: A diary. Although the information is usually incomplete, as it appears to be in this case, I consider this diary valuable and important in and of itself and, therefore, I've chosen to transcribe it and keep it "as is" on this website, adding further details and/or corrections from other sources separately, rather than within the form itself [except for cargoes], as seen below).
Cargoes have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on the late Arnold Hague's database - see his listing for HX 198 at Ships in all HX convoys. (The stations given below are at time of departure, and may have changed as the voyage progressed). See also Convoy ON 99. Br=British, Bel=Belgian, Pa=Panamanian, Fr=French, Du=Dutch, Norw=Norwegian, Am=American, Gr=Greek, Ru=Russian. |
Cape Breton steel - lumber 2 passengers (Br) |
Southern Princess fuel oil (Br) |
Emile Francqui general 5 passengers (Bel) |
Fort Louisbourg general (Br) |
Tortuguero meat - metal (Br) |
Solarium paraffin (Br) |
F. J. Luckenbach general (Am) |
91 Potter general (Pa) |
Belomorcanal general (Ru) |
Saint Bertrand* (Br) |
Pan Carolina petrol (Am) |
Empire Marlowe steel - cotton (Br) |
Ocean Voyager general (Br) |
Pan New York petrol (Am) |
Franche Comté petrol (Fr / MoWT 1940) |
Waterland general 1724 mails 2 passengers (Du) |
92 Empire Cameron steel - cotton (Br) |
Fort Amherst* (Br) |
Havmøy* (Norw) |
33 Alcoa Mariner general (Am) |
43 Henry R. Mallory general (Am) |
53 Turrialba refrig. (Am) |
** |
73 Hercules general (Du) |
83 Zacapa general 640 mails (Am) |
93 Gerassimos Vergottis general (Gr) |
14 Biscaya* (Norw) |
24 Belle Isle* (Br) |
34 Sevilla* (Norw) |
** |
** |
64 | 74
** |
** |
94 |
Belinda, Waterland and Gerassimos Vergottis had returned to port from the previous convoy, HX 197.
*When comparing this information with A. Hague's listing for HX 198 at Ships in all HX convoys, we see that he has not included Fort Amherst, Havmøy, Biscaya, Belle Isle and Sevilla in this convoy. These ships did indeed leave port on July 12, but not to join Convoy HX 198; they are all listed in Convoy HJ 8 from Halifax to St. John's (external link - Belle Isle is listed as American here). So the author of the diary who saw them leave at the same time as the HX convoy ships probably assumed that they too were destined for this convoy. Also, A. Hague has listed Saint Bertrand in the previous convoy, HX 197, instead of HX 198. **On the other hand, he has some ships that are not mentioned in the diary, as follows: Instead of Waterland in station 82, he has the American Pan-New York, while Waterland has been given station 62. Belomorcanal became a straggler, arrived Iceland. Potter returned (does not show up again until HX 209, returned again, being unable to keep up with the convoy speed, then joined Convoy SC 103 - see Ships in all SC convoys). |
The ships went out in the following order (according to the diary): At 12:49 Potter went out "to join the convoy at sea", then at 14:48 Tortuguero left, followed at 14:50 by Henry R. Mallory (WHCF), and with a few minutes between each ship, Fort Louisbourg, Cape Breton, Southern Princess, F. J. Luckenbach, Belinda, Solarium, Emile Francqui, St. Bertrand, Sevilla, Turrialba, Gerassimos Vergottis, Alcoa Mariner, Franche Comté, Empire Marlowe, Hercules, Belle Isle, Pan Carolina, Havmøy, Pan New York, Empire Cameron, Belomorcanal, Waterland, Biscaya, Fort Amherst, Ocean Voyager, and the last to go at 16:10 was Zacapa (KDCI). Again, please note that some of the ships mentioned here did not leave port in order to join HX 198, but to join Convoy HJ 8 - see the notes in the table above. A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): To the next HX convoy in my list HX 199 |
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