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Departed Halifax on July 19-1942 and arrived Liverpool on the 30th (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 29 ships). |
List received from Ted Agar. (His source: A diary).
Cargoes and some additional info have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on the late Arnold Hague's database - see his listing for HX 199 at Ships in all HX convoys. (The stations given below are at time of departure, and may have changed as the voyage progressed). See also Convoy ON 123 Br=British, Du=Dutch, Fr=French, Norw=Norwegian, Am=American, Hon=Honduran, Pa=Panamanian. |
Novelist general (Br) |
Tucurinca general (Br) |
Manchester Commerce general (Br) |
Winnipeg II general (Fr / MoWT 1942) |
Salacia general (Br) |
Empire Bittern general (Br) |
Delilian general (Br) |
Moveria general (Br) |
91 Empire Ray grain (Br) |
Ganymedes general 5 passengers (Du) |
Sovac lub. oil (Br) |
Taron alcohol - petrol (Br) |
Walter Jennings petrol (Am) |
Vacuum paraffin (Am) |
Kilworth* aviation gas (Am) |
92 Alcoa Voyager general (Am) |
Ocean Fame general fitted with AND (Br) |
33 El Aleto crude oil (Br) |
43 Troubadour general (Norw) |
53 Stigstad lub. oil (Norw) |
63 Cefalu refrig. (Hon) |
73 Stone Street general (Pa) |
83 Orville Harden gas oil (Pa) |
93 Scebeli bacon (Norw) |
14 |
24 Darien (Pa) |
34 Idefjord general (Norw) |
44 | 54 John Marshall general (Am) |
64 | 74 North King general (Pa) |
84 | 94 |
Empire Ray had previously returned to port from Convoy HX 197, following a collision.
According to A. Hague, Alcoa Voyager was involved in a collision with Sovac and returned - listed in the next convoy. As can be seen above, these 2 ships sailed quite a distance apart, so it seems strange that they would have collided (unless it happened while the convoy was forming up? Judging from the sequence list below, Sovac left port just a few minutes after Alcoa Voyager). Stone Street also returned to port (St. John's, N.F.), reason not given. She later joined up with Convoy HX 202 off St. John's (according to the Commodore's notes for that convoy). *A. Hague lists the ship in station 72 as Dilworth, instead of Kilworth; the diary may have incorrect spelling. He says the Panamanian Darien detached to St. John's, N.F. on July 22. |
The ships went out in the following order (according to the diary): The first to leave at 13:24 was El Aleto, followed at 14:05 by Salacia (Commodore Vessel), then with a few minutes between each ship, Moveria, Manchester Commerce ("B" flag=explosives), Delilian, Empire Bittern (5 masts), Winnipeg II (4 masts), Stigstad (K on stack), Ocean Fame (torpedo nets and 4 frames at mainmast base), Scebeli, Taron, Novelist (Catapult freighter, very high stack), John Marshall (6 invasion barges on deck), Empire Ray (Catapult freighter, V6924 on Hurricane), Kilworth (KOVJ - should this be Dilworth?), Trondheim, Lista, Troubadour, Ganymedes, Alcoa Voyager, Walter Jennings, Sovac, Stone Street, Vacuum (KUTS), Idefjord, Darien (HPBD), Orville Harden, B. P. Newton, Tucurinca, Cefalu (passenger vessel, HRBF, 5221 -1930 - Standard Nav. Corp. Ceiba), and about an hour later the last to go out at 16:44 was North King (passenger vessel, KFEW, 5064 - 1903 - Pacific American Fisheries Inc., Bellingham). A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): To the next HX convoy in my list HX 200 |
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