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Departed Halifax on Sept. 5-1942 and arrived Liverpool on the 20th (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 59 ships) |
Form received from Ted Agar. (His source: A diary, which shows ships joining for Halifax only).
Cargoes have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on Arnold Hague's database. See his listing for SC 99 at Ships in all SC convoys. The stations given are the initial stations on departure; these may have changed as the voyage progressed. Underlined ships returned to port (according to A. Hague), except those that are linked, which will automatically be underlined. Some of these ships had been cancelled from the previous convoy, SC 98, others from earlier convoys. Br=British, Am=American, Du=Dutch, Norw=Norwegian, Ice=Icelandic, Yug=Yugoslavian, Gr=Greek, Sw=Swedish, Pa=Panamanian, Fr=French. |
Norwalk general Iceland (Am) |
Yukon general Iceland (Am) |
Hugh Williamson general Iceland (Am) |
Selvistan grain (Br) |
Empire Cranmer general (Br) |
Empire Bunting general (Br) |
Baron Fairlie general (Br) |
Empire Opossum steel - cotton (Br) |
101 Empire Planet general (Br) |
111 Algic steel - general (Am) |
El Lago general Iceland (Pa) |
Katendrecht petrol Iceland (Du) |
Delsud general Iceland (Am) |
Timok steel - pulp (Yug) |
Empire Impala steel - general (Br) |
Scottish Musician FFO (Br) |
Pencarrow steel - timber (Br) |
102 Lancaster general - steel (Am) |
112 Norse King general (Norw) |
Northern Sword general Iceland (Am) |
Chester Valley general Iceland (Am) |
33 John H. B. Latrobe general Iceland (Am) |
43 Jobshaven lumber (Du) |
53 Norjerv steel (Norw) |
63 Fort Lamy general (Fr / MoWT 1940) |
73 Sir James Clark Ross FFO (Norw) |
83 Evanger general (Norw) |
93 Parkhaven general (Du) |
103 Neva lumber (Sw) |
113 Pacific general (Sw) |
14 Puerto Rican general Iceland (Am) |
24 J. L. M. Curry general Iceland (Am) |
34 William Clark general Iceland (Am) |
44 Bollsta lumber (Norw) |
54 Empire Wyclif general (Br) |
64 Becheville general (Br) |
74 Harpefjell general (Norw) |
84 Cantal general (Fr / MoWT 1941) |
94 Kofresi refrig. - general (Am) |
104 Vojvoda Putnik general (Yug) |
114 Armathia steel - lumber (Gr) |
15 | 25 Larranga general Iceland (Am) |
35 Dettifoss general (Ice) |
45 Ballot general (Pa) |
55 Nicolaos Michalos steel - lumber (Gr) |
65 Evinos grain (Gr) |
75 Stockport (Br) RV |
85 | 95 Dinara general (Yug) |
105 Venus general (Du) |
115 |
Pacific, which returned to port (Sydney, C.B.), joined Convoy SC 101, but returned again, later joined SC 107 (see this page). Ballot also joined SC 101.
When comparing this with A. Hague's listing for SC 99 at Ships in all SC convoys, we see that he agrees on the whole with the information in the diary, but he has also added some ships that are not mentioned in the diary, as follows: In station 85 - The British King Gruffydd, general cargo The ship in station 21 is listed as USS Yukon. He says Dettifoss detached on Sept. 15, arrived Reykjavik on the 17th. |
The ships left Halifax in the following order (according to the diary): The first to leave at 14:40 was Empire Bunting (Commodore ship), followed at 14:45 by Evanger, then with a few minutes between each ship, Hugh Williamson, Norwalk, El Largo, Delsud, Norse King, Baron Fairlie, Ferncliff, Algic, Katendrecht, John H. B. Latrobe, Parkhaven, Chester Valley, Jobshaven, Dettifoss, J. L. M. Curry, Northern Sword, William Clark, Dinara, Larranga, Empire Impala, Spinanger, Selvistan, Scottish Musician, Empire Cranmer, Ballot, Vojvoda Putnik (YTFD), Astrid (ex Empire Pilgrim), Lancaster, Yukon (U.S. transport or supply ship - F9), Puerto Rican, Armathia, Nicolaos Michalos, Neva, Stockport, Empire Opossum, Fort Lamy, Bollsta, Timok, Empire Wyclif, Norfern(? should probably be Norjerv) - then for some reason, Evanger is listed again with the time 17:16, followed by Harpefjell, Becheville, Pencarrow, Pacific, Kofresi, Sir James Clark Ross, Evinos, Venus, Empire Planet, and the last to go out at 18:50 was Cantal. Stockport (requisitioned July 8-1941) was on her 6th voyage as Rescue Vessel, having started this voyage from Clyde with the westbound Convoy ON 122 on Aug. 16 (to Halifax Sept. 1), then returned with SC 99 from Halifax Sept. 5 to Clyde Sept. 20. ("Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945", Arnold Hague). A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of SC convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): To the next SC convoy in my list SC 100 |
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