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Departed Halifax on Oct. 5-1941 with 56 ships and arrived Liverpool on the 19th (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" says 56 ships). |
List received from Ted Agar. (His source: A diary, which lists ships joining from Halifax only).
Cargoes have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on the late Arnold Hague's database - see his listing for HX 153 at Ships in all HX convoys. For info, some of the ships in this convoy had previously arrived with the westbound Convoy ON 15. Br=British, Am=American, Bel=Belgian, Du=Dutch, Norw=Norwegian, Fr=French. |
City of Dunkirk general Iceland (Br) |
John A. Brown petrol - paraffin (Br) |
British Engineer paraffin (Br) |
Norwegian general (Br) |
Port Hunter refrig. - general 16 passengers (Br) |
Rimutaka general 278 passengers (Br) |
Rangitata refrig. - general 343 passengers 28 days repair at Liverpool (Br) |
Dromore steel - general 4 passengers (Br) |
Autolycus general 125 mail 3 passengers (Br) |
Novelist steel - general CAM ship (Br) |
111 City of Cairo*** general 5 mail 76 passengers (Br) |
Clan Cameron general 4955 mails (Br) |
San Eliseo petrol (Br) |
City of Fort Worth general Iceland (Am) |
Eagle FFO Iceland (Am) |
Empire Salvage general (Br) |
Southern Princess fuel oil 12 passengers (Br) |
Southern Empress*** fuel oil (Br) |
Clan Macarthur refrig. - general 985 mails 2 passengers (Br) |
D. L. Harper gas oil (Br) |
Empire Opal petrol - paraffin (Br) |
112 Winnipeg general 80 passengers (Fr - later Br) |
Tureby wheat - MT (Br) |
British Statesman petrol (Br) |
33 Cordelia FFO Scapa Flow (Br) |
43 Inverilen petrol (Br) |
53 Katy petrol (Norw) |
* |
73 Lucellum aviation gas (Br) |
83 Laurent Meeus gas oil Iceland (Bel) |
93 Ferncastle (Norw) |
103 James J. Maguire petrol - paraffin (Br) |
113 Gyda general (Br) |
14 Sembilan general 11 passengers (Du) |
24 Haakon Hauan petrol (Norw) |
34 Imperial Transport FFO Scapa Flow (Br) |
44 Norw. tanker** |
* |
* |
74 Bonneville* general 40 tons(?) mail 4 passengers (Norw) |
84 Laplace general 284 bags mail (Br) |
94 Empire Flint aviation gas (Br) |
104 Algonquin gas oil (Br) |
114 Temeraire general (Norw) |
15 Norton* corn (Br) * |
25 San Delfino petrol (Br) |
35 Wichita Falls general Iceland (Am) |
45 British Prestige benzine (Br) |
55 Sveve FFO (Norw) |
65 | 75 Gandia general (Bel) |
85 Lista general (Norw) |
95 Prins Willem** sugar - rum 17 mail 8 passengers (Du) |
105 Santos*** general 5 passengers (Norw) |
115 Koenjit steel - MT (Du) |
16 | 26
* |
36 Chesapeake petrol (Br) |
46 Botavon steel - scrap metal (Br) |
56 Moveria general (Br) |
66 | 76 | 86 | 96 | 106 | 116 |
Tureby - a Danish ship under Ministry of War Transport? Clan Cameron had been scheduled for HX 152. The Rescue Vessel Zaafaran was also with the convoy for a while - see Notes below. *Bonneville returned to port (Sydney, C.B.), later joining Convoy SC 49. *When comparing this information with A. Hague's listing for HX 153 at Ships in all HX convoys, it'll be noticed that he has included some ships that are not mentioned in the diary, as follows: He has Imperial Transport in station 35, while Wichita Falls has been given station 34. **According to A. Hague, the unnamed Norwegian tanker in station 44 was Andrea Brøvig, cargo of fuel oil. The ship in station 95 is listed as Prins Willem III. ***For City of Cairo he has a note saying that she was involved in a collision on arrival. According to my information for Santos, she was also in a collision. This happened on Oct. 20 in River Mersey, and the other ship is said to have been Southern Empress. |
Notes: Arnold Hague ("Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945") says Zaafaran was with this convoy, from joining to Clyde, Oct. 16 to Oct. 17-1941. She had been with Convoy ON 23 from Clyde until detached to Iceland, Oct. 4-Oct. 12 and was on her 10th voyage as Rescue Vessel (having been requisitioned as such in Oct.-1940). Convoy ON 23 will be added, in the meantime, the ships sailing in it are named in the section listing ships in all ON convoys. |
The ships left Halifax in the following order (according to the diary): The Norwegian Temeraire departed at 07:32, followed by the British Rimutaka, Rangitata, San Eliseo, Southern Empress, Clan Cameron (from HX 152), City of Dunkirk, Norwegian Haakon Hauan, British Empire Flint, Dromore, Cordelia, the American City of Fort Worth, the British Tureby, Laplace, American Eagle, an unnamed Norwegian tanker with a B on its stack (as mentioned, this was Andrea Brøvig) followed by the Norwegian Sveve, Belgian Gandia, British James J. Maguire (this ship is listed as Panamanian in "The Worlds Merchant Fleets 1939" by R. W. Jordan. In the British section he has a note that says Oriental Tankers Ltd., Hong Kong, who owned this ship was a subsidiary of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey), Norwegian Ferncastle, British Norton, John A. Brown, Southern Princess, Dutch Sembilan, British Lucellum, Norwegian Bonneville, the British British Engineer, Moveria, French Winnipeg, British Empire Opal, the Norwegian Lista, the British Norwegian, British Statesman, Novelist, Gyda, San Delfino, Botavon, Empire Salvage, the Norwegian Katy, the British British Prestige and Inverilen, Dutch Koenjit, the Belgian Laurent Meeus (also mentioned in connection with Convoy HX 152), the American Wichita Falls, the British Algonquin, City of Cairo, D. L. Harper, Dutch Prins Willem (Prins Willem III?), the British Port Hunter, Chesapeake, Autolycus, Clan Macarthur and Imperial Transport. The last ship to go out was the Norwegian Santos at 13:35. A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): To the next HX convoy in my list HX 154 |
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