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departed Halifax on July 8-1943 and arrived Liverpool on the 23rd (Arnold Hague gives 47 ships) |
List received from Ted Agar - His source: A diary.
Ted's list only shows the ships that sailed from Halifax. Names of ships joining from St. John's, N.F. and Sydney, C.B. were found in a document received from Don Kindell, based on Arnold Hague's database. Cargoes have also been extracted from that document - see SC 136 at Ships in all SC convoys. Some of these ships had been cancelled from the previous convoy, SC 135.
Br=British, Norw=Norwegian, Da=Danish, Sw=Sedish, Fr=French, Yug=Yugoslavian, Am=American, Pa=Panamanian, Gr=Greek. |
Baron Belhaven steel - lumber (Br) |
Baron Renfrew sugar (Br) |
Coulbeg steel - lumber (Br) |
Elswick Park grain (Br) |
Baron Graham sugar (Br) |
Exilona steel - general (Am) |
Empire Cormorant general (Br) |
Gloucester City general - explosives (Br) |
101 (Br) |
Empire Derwent steel - lumber (Br) |
Saluta USN fuel (Br) |
San Felix FFO (Br) |
San Valerio FFO Escort Oiler (Br) |
San Tirso USN fuel Escort Oiler (Br) |
West Nohno general - explosives (Am) |
Valldemosa petrol (Br) |
F. J. Wolfe oil - petrol - gliders Escort Oiler (Br) |
102 Gateway City general - stores (Am) |
Bornholm steel - lumber (Da / Br) |
Leonardia lumber (Sw) |
33 Acasta USN fuel (Norw) |
43 British Colonel FFO (Br) |
53 Beaconoil dieso (Pa) |
63 |
73 Samuel L. Fuller FFO (Am) |
83 (Norw) |
93 Skotaas benzine (Norw) |
103 Senga flour (Yug) |
14 Mathilda steel - pulp (Norw) |
24 Ruth I steel - lumber (Norw) |
34 Alex sugar (Br) |
44 Vermont general - stores - ammunition (Am) |
54 Runswick? sugar (Br) See Notes |
64 |
74 Suerte steel - pulp (Pa) |
84 Norjerv general - ammunition (Norw) |
94 Vinland stores - explosives (Norw) |
104 Fort McPherson lumber - lead Fitted with AND (Br) |
15 PLM 17** steel - lumber (Br) |
25 Empire Usk** steel - lumber (Br) |
35 (Yug) Langleebrook* |
45 Ashbel Hubbard steel - lumber (Br) |
55 Drakepool* grain (Br) Nordlys* |
65 | 75 North Devon grain - MT - AFV's (Br) |
85 Empire Gareth steel - lumber (Br) |
95 Fort de Troyon general (Fr) |
105 (Am) |
16 Dunav* pulp (Yug) |
26 Maliakos* zinc concentrate (Gr) |
36 | 46 | 56 | 66 | 76 (Norw) |
86 | 96 | 106 |
* Drakepool returned to port and later joined SC 137. The cancelled Sommerstad, Timok and Innerton are also listed in that convoy. According to the notes for SC 137, the British John W. Arey had come from SC 136 - see also SC 135 (Sydney, C.B. portion).
Arnold Hague has listed Beaconoil as British (again, see SC 136 at Ships in all SC convoys). He says |
Notes: According to the information referred to below, a document found at the Public Records Office lists the ship in station 54 as Brunswick (American). Note that Runswick is listed in Convoy SC 134, but returned to port at that time. Skotaas and Beaconoil had previously been cancelled from the fast Convoy HX 246. From a visitor to my website, Kevin Murphy, I've received some more details about this convoy (his source: Public Records Office Kew). He says that the Senior Officer's narrative states that the convoy had 43 ships on departure, and that another 4 (plus escorts) joined from St. John's (agreeing with A. Hague's database), making the total 47. Kevin's information also adds a ship named Caita (Navy special fuel) - not mentioned by A. Hague, nor in Ted's list. The convoy encountered heavy fog for the first 4 days. The Senior Officer states "it was with great pleasure and admiration that we found all 47 ships present - most excellent station keeping after 4 days of continuos fog". Escorts: The escorts refuelled on July 14 and 16, and also managed to resupply with depth charges on July 20. A. Hague names the following 15 escorts (extracted from this list of SC convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): Related external link: To the next SC convoy in my list SC 137 |
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