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(Troop Convoy)
UK - Suez / Bombay - Departed Gourock at 21:00 on Sept. 30-1941.
Received, with thanks, from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew).
Convoy WS 12 had a total of 24 ships on departure Gourock.
Commodore, Admiral Bertram I. Thesiger was in Strathaird, Vice Commodore was the captain of Duchess of Richmond. Average speed: 11.73 knots. Greenock Escort Order No. 33 (G.E.O. No. 33 - dated Greenock, Sept. 30-1941): Convoy has been routed as in Admiralty Message 1755A/26/9. First ship will pass boom at 21:00A 30th September. Convoy consists of the following ships" (1 missing?):
* Highland Princess parted company in 46 00N 50 00W in the morning of Oct. 4 "in accordance with orders to proceed to Halifax". As far as I can determine all of the above ships were British, except possibly Mendoza, which, if R. W. Jordan's "The World's Merchant Fleets" is correct(?) did not come under British flag until 1942 (French, captured by Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Asturias on Febr. 18-1942). The following ships are included in the escort:
The Commodore says in a report dated Oct. 14: City of Paris, Empress of Russia, Sarpedon and Almanzora "made bad smoke the whole time in spite of signals. It was put down to bad coal, but is a danger to the convoy which at times must have been sighted over 30 miles away. |
It had 23 ships to Cape Town and Durban, 19 ships after that. |
As can be seen when comparing the ships in this table to the the list of ships in the convoy on departure U.K., some are no longer present (Highland Brigade, Narkunda, Ormonde, Prince Baudouin and Sarpedon). See notes below. |
Samaria |
Franconia |
Empress of Russia |
Strathaird |
Empire Pride |
Empress of Canada (Br) |
City of Paris |
Clan Lamont |
Almanzora |
Leopoldville |
Mendoza |
Dominion Monarch |
Niew Amsterdam * (Du) |
Clan Campbell |
33 Empire Trust |
43 Perthshire |
53 Perseus |
63 Duchess of Richmond |
14 | 24 | 34 | 44 Ascanius ** |
54 Nova Scotia * |
64 |
Notes: * Nieuw Amsterdam (Dutch, became Allied troopship in 1940) and the British Nova Scotia joined at Durban. ** Ascanius (Br) joined from Mombasa. Commodore was still B. I. Thesiger in Strathaird, Vice Commodore was the captain of Empress of Canada. Average speed from Freetown to Cape Town: 12.72 knots. HMS Devonshire escorted from Freetown to Cape Town. Ulster Monarch (not mentioned in list of ships departing U.K. - not sure if this was a merchant ship or a warship) and Royal Ulsterman left for Takoradi, and Prins Baudouin for St. Helena at 18:30 on Oct. 21 in 2N 8 30W. The Commodore says in a report dated Nov. 25: Soon after leaving Freetown course had to be altered, and evasive night alterations made owing to reported presence of submarines. Fine weather experienced the whole time. Zigzagging had to be carried out in Mozambique Channel owing to Vichy submarine, also in Gulf of Aden. Mersigs was used from Freetown to Durban after which we had to revert to Consigs owing to Mersigs not having reached these parts. It is hoped the issue of Mersigs will be hastened."
To the next available WS convoy in my list WS 21P |
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