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Convoy SC 30
Commodore's Narrative & Salopian's Report
Commodore's Narrative SC 30 of 28 ships sailed at 11:00 on 29 April in fine weather. Junction was made with HX 124 on 6 May and SC 30 took station 20 miles astern. 2 ships were detached from HX 124 to join SC 30 making 30 in all. On 10 May, submarine Thunderbolt, when in station 2 miles ahead of convoy in clear weather, was fired on by an unknown British ship sailing independently. This ship reported this by W/T. In view of the convoy being much closer to the submarine, I think this ship should have realized it was a British submarine. It was unfortunate that at 05:00 on 11 May SC 30, on course 050° was just running into a thick fog when the Admiralty message to alter course forthwith to 270° was received. This large turn could not be completed in view of the density of the fog, but course 310° was steered. The fog lasted 17 hours and when it cleared 12 ships had lost touch (named on Page 1). 4 of these rejoined the next day, but 8 did not regain touch. One ship Søborg which had lost touch when turning, was sighted and chased by a submarine. Course of convoy was altered. The Søborg rejoined next day having eluded the submarine. Junction of SC 30 with the Iceland Escort was made at 17:00 on 12th May, and at this time HX 124 was 38 miles astern. Convoys SC 30 and HX 124 joined at noon on 13th May, 59 40N 35 20W and proceeded in company. Aircraft were in touch with convoys from 14th May. Owing to large alteration of course at 05:00 on 11 May, which added 48 hours to the voyage, SS Trolla had to be diverted to Iceland for fuel (at 11:45, May 15), and several other ships were anxious about their coal supply. They were supposed to have fuel for 22 days, but this passage has taken 23 days in flat calm weather. It would appear that an alteration of course from 050° to 270° in thick fog is rather more than these classes 8 ships can cope with in spite of the very gradual alterations made. However, there were no collisions. At 05:00 on 17th in 61 10N 21 10W a Focke Wolfe Condor was sighted but was driven off by Escort fire. Weather continued fine and clear and ships parted company for their destinations as arranged. HX 124 and SC 30 arrived at the Bar Light Vessel at 10:00/22. Report of Proceedings 29th April-12th May 1941 All times are Z + 4. Unfortuantely, the document is rather faded and difficult to decipher in places - note that some guessing has taken place. Apr. 29-1941: May 10: May 11: May 12: Signed Salopian was sunk the next day by U-98 - see external link below. Related external link: To the next SC convoy in my list SC 31 |
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