Commodore D. M. T. Bedford's Narrative of Passage
Please note that where I say (-1), (-2) etc., I'm not entirely sure whether this should be (+1) (+2) etc.
Saturday Dec. 19-1942
22:40(-1) - Commenced to weigh (Belfast Lough)
22:57(-1) - Anchor away. Proceeded out of harbour.
23:32(-1) - Proceeded at 8 knots for R/V (4 ships)
Dec. 20
Dawn - weather BC Wind southerly 5. Sea Moderate.
10:00(-1) - Arrived at RV - A/C (altered course) to 273°. Speed 6 knots, convoy forming up. Sunderland flying boat in vicinity for photographic purposes. (24 ships formed convoy).
11:30(-1) - Port Dunedin (52) asked permission to leave convoy to repair leaking piston, rejoining at RV for 21st. Approved, but ordered to proceed to Clyde in accordance with instructions contained in envelope B if unable to rejoin there.
12:25(-1) - Convoy formed up, increased to 9 1/2 knots (24 ships).
14:00(-1) - Wind increasing, rain.
16:15(-1) - Empire Lakeland (13) reported unable to keep up and asked for reduction of 1/2 knot.
16:25(-1) - Reduced to 9 knots.
Dec. 21
04:15(-1) - Decreased 1/4 knot as convoy was getting spread out. SW gale blowing.
08:00(-1) - Position 56 08N 11 57W.
09:30(-1) - Dawn - convoy correct. Empire Lakeland some way outside distance. Weather BC wind SW 6-7. Sea rough.
11:27(-1) - Increased to 9 1/2 knots.
Noon(-1) - Position 56 13N 12 15W.
12:30(-1) - Empire Lakeland given No. 23.
14:05(-1) - A/C to 267°, convoy diverted by signal to pass through new postion "A".
14:27(-1) - A/C to 254° for position "A".
17:00(-1) - Put clocks back one hour to GMT. Empire Lakeland again dropped astern during afternoon. Told him if he could not keep up with convoy at 9 1/2 knots in prevailing weather he must return to U.K. (See Page 3).
16:00 - Reduced 1/4 knot without signal.
Dec. 22
01:30 - A/C to 292°.
Dawn - Weather BC Wind SW 5, sea rather rough. Convoy correct.
08:00 BST position 56 05N 16 11W.
09:00 - Increased 1/4 knot without signal.
10:45 - Exercised emergency turns.
11:01 to 11:10 - Sunderland flying boat i sight.
Noon position 56 18N 17 12W (Run 179'). Ordered following changes to form 8 columns: 11 to take 22, 22 to 32, 12 to 73, 73 to 72.
14:00 - A/C to 283°. Pre-arranged alteration of course to 268° at 06:00 to be carried out without further signal.
17:00 - Put clocks back one hour to Zone (-1).
19:30(-1) - Southerly gale force 7-8. Sea rough.
21:25(-1) - Strong gale - sea very rough, reduced to 9 knots.
21:45(-1) - Pacific Enterprise not under control and dropped away astern.
22:00(-1) onwards - very heavy squalls.
23:20(-1) - Course was altered 5° to port by coloured lights.
Dec. 23
Dawn - Wind SW 6. Sea very rough. Weather BC, 22 ships in sight, very spread out. No. 23, Empire Lakeland, No 91 Reinholt missing.
08:00 BST - Position 56 58N 20 50W.
09:00(-1) - Reduced to 8 knots to enable ships to close up.
Noon(-1) - Position 56 56N 21 59W (Run 163').
12:09(-1) - Increased to 9 knots.
13:10(-1) - No. 91 Reinholt in sight on Port Quarter, reduced to 8 knots to allow her to close up.
15:15(-1) - Inceased to 9 knots. (Reinholt 91 resumed station). 23 ships now in convoy.
16:00(-1) - Increassed to 9 1/2 knots. Weather OCP Wind westerly 2, sea heavy SWly swell.
Dec. 24
Dawn - Weather BC Wind SSW 5-6, sea rough, visibility VG. Convoy correct.
08:00 BST - Position 56 28N 26 26W.
09:10(-1) - Liberator aircraft in sight.
09:45(-1) - Reinholt (91) ordered to report his distance from Guide, replied "we do not know". Ordered to ascertain by sextant angle.
Noon(-1) - Position 56 35N 27 23W.
12:30(-1) - Liberator aircraft sighted.
14:10(-1) - Liberator aircraft last sighted.
15:20(-1) - A/C to 300° at request of S.O.E. to conform with alteration of route by C. in C. W.A.
15:35(-1) - Received new route and stragglers route. No opportunity of passing new stragglers route to convoy before dark.
20:00(-1) - Wind W 9. Squally. Visibility variable, sea high. Bad weather throughout the night.
Dec. 25
Dawn - Weather B.C.P.Q. Wind WSW 7-8. Sea very rough, snow and hail squalls. Convoy correct except Lista (81) missing.
08:00 BST - Position 57 27N 30 00W.
09:00(-1) - Position 57 37N 30 34W.
10:25(-1) - A/C to 287° for position "B".
Noon(-1) - Position 57 46N 31 09W (Run 142'). No. 31 dropped astern during afternoon due to engine trouble. Escort reported she was rejoining.
16:05(-1) - A/C to 267°. Weather very bad. High wind and sea with showers of sleet and snow. Very difficult to get signals through.
16:32(-1) - Reduced to 9 knots.
17:00(-1) - Clocks retarded 1 hour to Zone (-2).
Dec. 26
Dawn - Weather OCPQ Wind W 5-6, sea very rough, heavy snow squalls, 22 ships of convoy in sight.
08:00 BST - Position 57 47N 33 42W.
09:15(-2) - Increased to 9 1/2 knots. Only making good 5 knots. Suggested to S.O.E. that we should A/C for point "D" at 11:00 so as to make better progress. After discussion, this was amended to A/C to 240° at 18:00 and to 210° at 23:59.
12:00(-2) - Position 57 24N 34 38W (Run 111').
12:10(-2) - Increased to 9 3/4 knots.
15:35(-2) - Decreased to 9 1/2 knots as El Aleto (31) reported she was proceeding at her utmost speed.
18:00(-2) - A/C to 240° (prearranged).
Dec. 27
Dawn - Weather BC Wind WbyN 5, sea rough, visibility VG. Occasional snow or sleet squalls. Convoy correct, except that (62) Kollbjørg was missing, having dropped astern during the night.
08:00 BST - Position 56 50N 37 40W.
09:55(-2) - A/C to 220° so as to avoid being to port of track ordered.
12:00(-2) - Position 56 03N 38 43W (Run 184').
13:20(-2) - Sighted No. 62 Kollbjørg on starboard quarter. Ordered her to take No. 63 and Cavina No. 63 to take 62.
16:20(-2) - Reduced to 8 1/2 knots to enable Kollbjørg to take up station.
17:30(-2) - Increased to 91/2 knots.
19:45(-2) - Seminole switched on NUC lights. She dropped astern, but rejoined later.
Dec. 28
Dawn - Weather OC light airs, sea smooth, NWly swell, convoy correct.
08:50(-2) - Increased to 9 3/4 knots. U-boats reported in 51N 43W, and 49N 46W. S.O.E. proposed remaining on same course until dark then altering for "O".
08:00 BST - Position 53 54N 41 52W.
Noon - Position 53 05N 43 00W (Run 232').
12:30(-2) - Reduced to 9 knots to allow San Ambrosio (43) who was oiling Fame to catch up. Gothland (53) making much smoke. Made signals to her. Prearranged alteration of course to 209° to be carried into execution at 19:00 without further signal and speed increased to 9 1/4 knots.
16:00(-2) - Wind Easterly 4-5 Weather O.C.P.
19:00(-2) - A/C to 209° and increased to 9 1/2 knots.
Dec. 29
Dawn - Weather O.C.M. wind N 4, sea moderate, visibility 1 1/2 - 2 miles, convoy correct.
08:00 BST - Position 50 54N 45 20W.
Noon - Position 49 51N 46 17W (Run 231').
17:00(-2) - Fog - clocks put back 60 minutes to Zone (-3).
17:48(-3) - Fame reported she was proceeding independently. Burza S.O. of Escort.
Dec. 30
Dawn - turning to fog, light airs, sea moderate.
08:00 BST - Position 47 30N 48 16W.
08:00(-3) - Position 46 48N 48 42W. Reduced to 7 knots as we were past RV position for St. John's, N.F. ships.
Noon - Position 46 20N 49 05W (Run 239').
16:45(-3) - Fort Amherst and Hercules with Western Local Escort (North) joined up. Columbia S.O., Quesnel, Cobalt, Nanaimo. 45 58N 49 26W. Ocean escort left.
17:00(-3) - Increased to 9 knots. Prearranged alteration of course to 239° at 05:00 without further signal.
Dec. 31
Dawn - Weather OCD wind NE 4, sea moderate, visibility variable, convoy correct (24 ships).
08:00 BST - Position 44 14N 50 47W.
08:00(-3) - A/C to 266° for position. Biscaya and Geo. W. McKnight from St. John's NF joined convoy and were given No. 13, 23.
09:06(-3) - Increased to 9 1/2 knots.
Noon - Position 43 50N 52 16W (Run 218').
14:45(-3) - El Aleto (31) dropped astern with engine trouble.
16:00(-3) - Kollbjørg (63) manoeuvring with difficulty.
16:15(-3) - Hercules (12) and Fernmoor (22) ordered to exchange station as Hercules reported he was carrying 300 tons of explosives. Gothland making too much smoke.
Jan. 1-1943
03:25(-3) - Lucerna (71) dropped astern with engine trouble.
Dawn - Weather OCP wind westerly 6, sea rather rough, visibility variable. El Aleto (31) rejoined convoy during the night.
08:00 BST - Position 43 40N 55 46W.
08:57(-3) - A/C to 269°.
09:16(-3) - Reduced to 9 knots to allow El Aleto and Biscaya to close up. British Tradition (32) and Axel Johnson (33) exchanged stations. Norbris (82), Norsol (81) changed to 34 and 44. El Aleto regained station during forenoon. Biscaya dropped astern.
Noon - Position 43 33N 57 38W (Run 226'). Wind W 7 rough head sea, making about 6 1/2 knots.
15:55(-3) - Increased to 9 1/2 knots making only 5 knots.
17:45(-3) - Decreased to 9 knots as Hercules (22) was finding difficulty in keeping up.
20:00(-3) - British Tradition, Norbris, and Norsol parted company for Guantanamo in postion 43 33N 58 30W.
Jan 2
Time illegible, possibly 06:00(-3) - El Aleto (31) switched on NUC lights and dropped astern.
Dawn - Weather OCP wind WSW? 2, sea moderate.
08:00 BST - Position 43 30N 59 50W.
Time illegible, possible 08:45(-3) - Decreased to 8 knots.
Time illegible, possibly 08:50(-3) - Sighted Halifax convoy and escort on starboard bow in position 43 29N 60 50W - 4 ships - given station Magdala (81), Egda (82), Comedian (83) Sunoil (33).
09:25(-3) - Ships bound for Halifax - Fort Amherst, Cavina, Gothland proceeded.
10:40(-3) - Increased to 9 1/2 knots.
11:00(-3) - A/C to 227° for position "Y". On medical advice despatched Hercules to Halifax to land Chief Officer, seriously ill.
Noon - Position 43 24N 61 27W (Run 174').
12:40(-3) - Biscaya rejoined and took No. 22.
16:15(-3) - Sighted Catalina 42 59N 62 03W.
16:30(-3) - El Aleto (31) regained station.
17:20(-3) - San Ambrosio (43) and Ganymedes (42) exhange station.
22:00(-3) - Wind WNW 7-8, sea very rough.
Jan. 3
04:00(-3) - Wind WNW 8 weather OQ High sea, heavy swell.
Dawn - Weather OCQ Wind WNW 7-8, sea very rough, visibility VG. Convoy very scattered due to bad weather. 20 ships in sight. Sunoil and Biscaya stragglers.
08:00 BST - Position 42 05N 63 24W.
09:05(-3) - Reduced to 8 1/2 knots to allow ships to close up.
09:13(-3) - Sighted Hudson bomber 41 54N 63 41W.
10:25(-3) - Increased to 9 knots.
11:00(-3) - A/C to 240°.
11:22(-3) - Increased to 9 1/2 knots.
Noon - Position 41 06N 63 52W (Run 175').
17:00(-3) - Put clocks back one hour to Zone(-4). Sunoil rejoined before dark. Wind WNW 6-7, sea rough.
Jan. 4
Dawn - Weather OC Wind S 4, sea moderate, convoy correct.
08:00(-4) - A/C to 272°.
08:00 BST - Position 39 58N 66 19W.
09:05(-4) - Increased to 9 3/4 knots.
Noon - Position 39 38N 67 37W (Run 197'). Wind SW 7, sea rough.
13:13(-4) - Increased to 10 knots.
14:30(-4) - Decreased to 9 3/4 knots. Ganymedes (43) dropping astern.
16:00(-4) - Weather OC Wind W 7-8, sea very rough, making about 8 knots.
16:20(-4) - Decreased by 9 1/2 knots. Night exceptionally dark and stormy.
Jan. 5
Dawn - Weather OCQ sleet and snow showers. Wind WNW 7, sea very rough. Convoy was much scattered during the night. 17 ships in sight. Geo W. McKnight, Sunoil, Ganymedes, Metapan missing. Geo. W. McKnight and Sunoil rejoined by 12:30.
Noon - Position 39 18N 70 52W.
13:30(-4) - A/C to 293°.
14:15(-4) - Increased to 10 knots. Commenced to form convoy into single line. Weather BCQ. Heavy snow squalls. Wind WNW 7, sea very rough.
16:00(-4) - Metapan in sight on starboard beam (rejoined convoy). Very dark night with strong head wind.
Jan. 6
06:45(-4) - Arrived at entrance to swept channel. Proceeded independently.
Dawn - Weather OC, wind WNW 5-6, sea moderate.
11:00(-4) - Arrived Ambrose Lightship.
I would again urge that Commodore be supplied on loan with a good pair of night binoculars. Those supplied to me had double vision and were entirely useless.
Commodore Bedford also suggests that "Biscaya, which joined convoy ON 155 from St. John's N.F. be not included in fast convoys in future. This vessel dropped astern the first night in convoy, again the next day (1st Jan.). She again rejoined at 12:40 on 2nd January, but was a straggler again the morning of 3rd January and did not thereafter rejoin convoy".
Also, "That El Aleto should not in future be made Vice Commodore's ship. This vessel dropped astern due to engine trouble on four occasions".
Misc. letters re Empire Lakeland's return to port Page 3 
Back to Page 1 - Cruising order