Saturday Sept 5-1942:
05:15 - Shortened in.
05:30 - Weighed and proceeded.
08:15 - Formed convoy into 2 columns.
10:25 - Proceeded at 7 1/2 knots. 10 ships in company. No. 53 Mathilda and No. 72 Castilian did not sail.
20:30 - Reduced 1/4 knot, without signal.
Sept 6:
08:00 B.S.T. - Position 223° Skerryvore 12'.
06:30 - Increasd 1/4 knot without signal.
11:25 - Sighted Hudson Bomber port bow.
12:00 - Sighted Liverpool section ahead.
13:30 - Liverpool section joined (12 ships). No. 13 M/T Pelion did not sail. Bohemian Club joined extra from Belfast. Gave her safe position No. 52 and changed Vest from 52 to 53 (22 ships in convoy).
20:00 - Reduced 1/2 knot without signal.
Sept 7:
08:00 - Position (B.S.T.) 55 51N 09 10W. Weather O.C.R. visibility 1 mile, varying. Increased speed 1/2 knot without signal. No. 83 Csikos not in company at daylight. Escort carried out search for her to a depth of 10 miles without result. 21 ships in company.
Sept 8:
Dawn - 21 ships present.
08:00 GMT - Position 55 54N 13 10W. Weather: fog, wind SW 5.
12:00 - Clear, increased 1/4 knot without signal.
13:30 - Destroyer sighted astern.
14:00 - Hesperus joined (S.O. Escort).
16:30 - After consultation with S.O. Escort, convoy speed was reduced to 5 knots temporarily owing to a joint on the check valve of one boiler in Commodore's ship Wearwood giving out. It was anticipated 7 knots could be resumed by 21:00 and defect completely made good by 12:00 on 9th.
P.M. - Weather BC wind W force 6, visibility maximum.
20:30 - Increased convoy speed to 7 knots.
22:00 - Boiler defect in Wearwood made good.
Sept 9:
06:30 - Sunderland flying boat sighted, remained in company till 13:00.
08:00 - Position 55 24N 16 26W. Weather BC wind west 6-7, rough head sea.
11:10 - 1 Fortress passed astern of convoy.
12:00 - Position 55 24N 16 47W. Speed of advance this day 3 knots.
Sept 10:
02:00 - Elizabeth Massey (61) showing over bright stern light.
Dawn - 21 ships in company.
08:00 - Position 55 09N 19 24W. Weather cc wind SW 9. Sea very rough with heavy swell. 21 ships in sight rather scattered, making very little headway.
12:55 - Wind decreased and veered to NW sea moderated. Increased 1/4 knot without signal.
16:00 - Decreased 1/4 knot without signal.
Sept 11:
05:45 - No. 31 Stalowa Wola (Pol) dropped astern on account of engine trouble.
07:00 - No. 31 proceeding to rejoin convoy.
15:00 - No. 31 regained station.
08:00 - Position 54 30N 22 40W. Weather BC wind W 4, sea moderate NW swell, visibility extreme.
09:28 - Iceland section sighted bearing 246. Granville not present. Two joined convoy at 11:00. These were Yemassee (Pan) and Fjaldfoss (Ice). One ship, War Admiral reported by escort to be 10 miles ahead on convoy route making 4 knots whilst plugging tubes and would be ready to proceed at 13:30.
14:15 - Caught and passed War Admiral still stopped who reported leaking stay bolts and tubes. Be ready to proceed at midnight. In view of inconsistency of her reports it was decided not to wait for her. New stragglers route was passed to her by Lobelia.
16:40 - Route amended signal received.
16:45 - A/C to conform.
20:00 - decreased 1/4 knot without signal.
Sept 12:
Dawn - Wind S force 5-6 freshening. Sea moderate. Weather BC visibility VG. Station keeping during the night bad, resulting in convoy being spread out in the morning, especially starboard columns. Made signal to them to close up.
08:00 - Position 54 13N 27 36W. Increased 1/4 knot without signal.
06:45 - From Lobelia (corvette) War Admiral has orders to break off with Halifax convoy and local Liverpool N.S. Expected to be ready by midnight and proceed at about 8 knots. Gave her stragglers route V.W.T.U. She should be about 35 miles astern.
Noon - position 025° 148' Q. Weather ocp wind SW 7, sea rather rough.
16:00 - Heavy rain
16:10 wind veered to W.
Sept 13:
07:30 - Weather ocp squally. Wind W 6-7, sea rather rough. Visibility variable. Convoy in good station.
08:00 - Position 54 20N 31 15W. Owing to presence of submarines 40 miles north S.O. Escort Hesperus suggested an earlier turn to southward and course was altered to 243° at 09:45.
P.M. - Wind veered to NW and weather cleared.
Sept 14:
08:00 - Position 53 30N 34 23W. Weather ocp visibility variable wind SE 2-3 sea smooth with heavy westerly swell.
09:00 - Decreased 1/4 knot without signal.
10:00 - A/C to 237°.
12:00 - DR position 245° 134' V. Vice Commodore, 253° 170' V. S. O. of escort informed us that he had been warned we may have been sighted by U-boats and asked us to request D/F guards to exercise special vigilance. Signal was made to No. 21 Bristol City, No. 41 Uskside and No. 61 Elizabeth Massey to this effect.
15:26 - Position by ob, 243° 150' V.
P.M. - Weather oc visibility 3 to 5 miles wind W S 4-5.
21:00 - Made column No. by light. Weather became foggy.
21:45 - Uskside No. 41 came very close, switched on dimmed navigation lights.
21:50 - Commenced sounding Column No.'s.
23:55 - One of Escort investigating contact dropped depth charges.
Sept 15:
05:45 - Fog lifted.
08:00 - Weather bc fog patches. Wind westerly 2. Sea slight with westerly swell. Thick fog all through the night. All convoy in sight in the morning when fog cleared. Eased down to 5 knots at 07:00 to allow ships to get into station. Resumed speed at 07:30 (7 knots).
08:00 - Position 52 10N 38 12W.
Noon - Position 244° 072° V. In order to shake off any possible U-boat shadowing convoy arranged the following evasive courses for the night (course of convoy 237°):
At 20:00 A/C to 207°, at 00:00 to 237°, at 04:00/16 to 267° and back to 237° at 08:00/16.
Sept 16:
Dawn - 23(? it definitely says 23) ships in sight, 2 ships were far astern, No. 81 Kirsten Mærsk having dropped back with engine trouble and No. 42 Leonardia unable to keep up. Reduced to 6 knots at 07:00(?) to give them a chance to catch up.
06:30 - Catalina flying boat sighted which remained in vicinity of convoy. Last sighted at 13:00.
08:00 - Position 50 42N 42 10W. Weather oc, visibility good to VG, wind light airs, sea calm slight swell.
07:40 - No. 31 Stalowa Wola hoisted NUC Balls (I believe this means "Not Under Control) and sounded "D" on syren. Fell astern with steering gear out of order.
08:30 - Stalowa Wola regained station.
09:40 - Kirsten Mærsk and Leonardia closing convoy and speed was increased to 7.5 knots.
Noon - Position 063° 175' W.
11:05 - Kirsten Mærsk again with engine trouble, reduced speed to 7 knots.
16:00 - In station and speed increased to 7.5. Leonardia 43 still astern and not overtaking.
17:00 - Decreased speed to 6 knots to allow her to rejoin.
19:30 - Dusk, Leonardia almost up to convoy. Increased speed to 7 knots.
23:17 - Aircraft heard passing over convoy.
23:55 - Hesperus dropping depth charges.
Sept 17:
07:45 - Increased 1/4 knot (1545 revs.) without signal.
08:00 - Position 48 53N 46 22W. Weather bc visibility extreme, wind southerly light airs. Sea calm, slight swell. Catalina flying boat in vicinity of convoy.
Noon - Position 201° 27' W.
18:00 - Clocks were retarded 1 hour to 17:00 and time ball dropped. At request of S.O. Escort have told Leonardia No. 43 that he will leave at daylight for St. John's N.F. escorted by Lobelia.
A/C at "N" for "J" on route (210°) at 19:00 using this alteration as evasive.
Sept 18:
A.M. - Wind SW 2-3. Sea slight, weather ocm visibility 1/2 - 1 mile.
06:15 - Western Local Escort joined: Georgetown S.O., Camrose, Cobalt, Midland and relieved Ocean Escort Hesperus S.O., Lobelia, Clematis, Campanula, Gentian.
05:30 - 43 Leonardia proceeded for St. John's N.F. escorted by Lobelia. No. 82 Parthenon reported that she had been in collision with No. 71 Dalcroy and suffered some damage. Subsequent communication with 82 was impossible due to mist. Asked S.O. Escort to ascertain whether it was desirable for her to proceed to St. John's, N.F. for repairs. Received no further reply and when fog cleared at 16:30 she was still in company. Following are messages referring to collisions:
At 05:55 from Master Parthenon No. 71 (Dalcroy Vice Commodore) "collided with Parthenon (this should probably be Dalcroy?) at 04:00 port side, damage heavy, port lifeboat smashed, no leakage as yet, but bulkhead between engine tank and number 4 tank appears passing water. Master".
Message from Vice Commodore Dalcroy at 16:20/18: "Re collision, No. 81 Kirsten Mærsk kept very erratic station last night and at 00:30 was on our port side between No. 61 Elizabeth Massey and ourselves. He starboarded apparently to regain his station and in so doing collided with us and during our attempt to clear No. 81 Kirsten Mærsk, 82 Parthenon collided with our starboard bow".
Message from Vice Commodore No. 71 Dalcroy to Commodore: "Re collision, we have sustained damage forward and aft. Indented shell plating. Fractured frames and beams. Cannot vouch for No. 81 Kirsten Mærsk". (Received at 16:35).
To Commodore from Kirsten Mærsk: "Damage sustained, shell plating and bulkhead on poop. Repairs necessary". (Received at 16:40).
Made signal to Vice Commodore requesting him to report full circumstances of collision to NCSO Halifax on his arrival there.
08:00 - Position 46 31N 49 52W. F wind S light airs, sea smooth, thick fog all day from 06:30. Cleared at 16:30 and all ships of convoy in company 22 ships. Fog came down again at 19:00, all ships were then in station.
18:00 - Changed destinations of PLM 17 to New York f. o. and Parthenon to Halifax in accordance with Admiralty instructions.
Sept 19:
Position 44 20N 53 14W. Wind NW 2, sea smooth, weather oc fog, occasionally clearing, fog all through last night. Convoy correct except No. 73 Yemassee. Midland reported her as being 4 miles astern, regained station about 11:45.
14:20 - Yemassee hoisted NUC balls and dropped astern, rejoined about 16:00.
Sept 20:
08:00 - Position 43 48N 58 05W. Weather bc visibility VG, wind SW 1-2, sea smooth, southwesterly swell.
09:55 - Catalina flying boat sighted. Remained in vicinity and was last sighted about 14:15.
16:00 - Reorganized convoy to put Halifax ships in starboard columns. PLM 17 exchanged with Bifrost (23), Anna Goulandris (33 - Anna N. Goulandris?) put into 43. Wearwood (51) exchanged with Uskside (41). Bohemian Club (52) exchanged with Disa (42).
19:10 - At position (K) a/c to 240° for position (A). Prearranged alteration of course at 03:15 at position (A) for HOMP position (X).
03:15 - Alteration carried out.
Sept 21:
Time illegible (possibly 00:45) - HON 128 sighted bearing 300° 6 1/2 miles. Course and speed approx. 150° 7 1/2 knots.
07:30 - Vice Commodore in Dalcroy (71). Took Halifax portion under his orders and proceeded en route for Halifax. HON 128 joined (7 ships), given 51, 52, 53, 61, 62, 63 and 43.
10:00 - Reduced 1/4 knot without signal.
08:00 - Position 42 47N 62 07W. Weather bc wind SSE 3-4, sea slight with SW swell, visibility very good.
No. 63 Trojan joined with convoy from Halifax and gave his speed as 8 knots. He started to drop astern immediately convoy increased to 7 1/2 knots. Convoy speed was reduced to 7 knots but he continued to drop astern. By 17:00 he was about 6 miles astern and after enquiries S.O. Escort reported there was little chance of his catching up. In view of threat of bad weather when ships in ballast became very unmanageable at so low a speed and as there was now no chance of his catching up before dark, I decided to increase speed to 7 1/2 knots at 18:00 and to order him through Escort to proceed by straggler's route "A" if unable to catch up.
Sept 22:
08:00 - Position 40 52N 65 16W. Weather bc visibility VG, wind SE 3, sea moderate, heavy southerly swell.
P.M. - Wind shifted to north. Fog 13:30 to 14:30. Wind increased to force 5-6.
06:32 - No. 61 Reginolite hoisted NUC balls and reported engine trouble. On being asked how long she would be she replied "5 minutes".
07:00 - She was well astern and hauled down NUC balls. Reported facts to Buxton (S.O. Western Local South Escort).
08:00 - To Buxton, there are no signs of No. 61 Reginolite, request rear escort may find out what happened to him.
08:15 - Buxton proceeded to investigate.
11:10 - Returned and reported, tanker now rejoining at 9 1/2 knots.
14:46 - Still no sign of No. 61 and Buxton proceeded astern of convoy to investigate. Returned at 16:35 and reported, No. 61 is 6 1/2 miles astern, have given her course 240° and her speed is 9 knots.
16:50 - Speed reduced to 7 knots to allow her to close up; also No. 43 Primo and No. 53 Anne Skakle who were lagging.
17:45 - Reginolite in sight astern.
18:00 - A/C at position "C" to 270° on route for position "D".
18:15 - Passed course and speed to Reginolite 3-4 miles astern.
18:30 - About 2 miles astern and overhauling fast.
19:30 - In station.
Sept 23:
08:00 - Position 39 55N 69 05W. Weather bc visibility extreme. Wind NW 2, sea slight. No. 43 Primo was about 6 miles astern at daylight. Buxton (S.O. Escort) made contact with him and reported he was rejoining at 9 knots.
06:20 - Aircraft NA 40 joined in position 39 56N 68 56W, remained in vicinity of convoy all day and left at 19:30 in position 39 54N 71 13W.
18:30 - Formed convoy into 4 columns preparatory to forming single line ahead in morning. Prearranged alteration of course to 289° at 03:00.
Sept 24:
08:00 - Position in swept channel entering New York. Aircraft in company.
Time illegible - Sighted Point A entered swept channel.
Time illegible - Form single line ahead. Made signal to convoy to follow me and follow my motions closely. Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.
09:40(?) - Arrived Ambrose Light Vessel. Convoy act independently. Escort parted company.
All escorts gave very good protection and cooperation en route.
Following ships arrived New York:
Empire Lynx, Bristol City, Stalowa Wola, Wearwood, Fort Townshend, Reginolite, Fagersten, PLM 17, Bohemian Club, Greylag, Herma, Primo, Anne Skakle and Norelg.
Page 1 - Ships in ON 128