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Departed Halifax on Oct 25-1939 and arrived Liverpool on Nov. 10 (Arnold Hague says 52 ships). |
Transcribed from original A 1 form received from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). Cargoes have been extracted from the late Arnold Hague's database (see HX 6 on the page listing ships in all HX convoys). Nationalities of the ships have been added with the help of "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939", R. W. Jordan. Br=British, Fr=French, Pa=Panamanian |
Manchester Regiment general Manchester (Br) |
Lochkatrine general Liverpool (Br) |
Comedian cotton - cottonseed Liverpool (Br) |
Jersey City lumber Liverpool (Br) |
Athelknight FFO Falmouth (Br) |
Cornish City sugar Falmouth (Br) |
71 Inversuir petrol Falmouth (Br) |
81 San Calisto paraffin Falmouth (Br) |
91 Peder Bogen dieso Falmouth (Br) |
Atlantian cotton Liverpool (Br) |
Jersey phosphates Liverpool (Br) |
Alaska* copper - cotton Liverpool (Fr) |
Atlantic* cotton Liverpool (Br) |
Agnita dieso Falmouth (Br) |
Eclipse crude oil Le Havre (Br) |
72 Cadillac petrol London (Br) |
82 Modavia fruit - general London (Br) |
92 Geraldine Mary paper London (Br) |
Loreto cotton - sugar Liverpool (Br) |
Trecarrell lumber Liverpool (Br) |
33 Holmpark cotton Liverpool (Br) |
43 Dalhanna lumber - grain Liverpool (Br) |
53 F. J. Wolfe crude oil Southampton (Pa*) |
63 Scottish Heather crude oil Le Havre (Br) |
73 Bengloe lumber - wheat London (Br) |
83 Deerpool lumber - wheat Hull (Br) |
93 Athellaird molasses London (Br) |
14 Kenbane Head grain - general Belfast (Br) |
24 Voco lub oil Liverpool (Br) |
34 Baron Belhaven wheat - lumber Liverpool (Br) |
44 Dunelmia grain Manchester (Br) |
54 D. L. Harper crude oil Southampton (Pa [later Br.]) |
64 Warkworth grain Le Havre (Br) |
74 Pacific Enterprise* general (Br) |
84 Appledore lumber - wheat Hull (Br) |
94 Robert F. Hand paraffin Hull (Br) |
15 Dornoch scrap iron Glasgow (Br) |
25 Athelking FFO Scapa (Br) |
35 Pecten FFO Scapa (Br) |
45 Narragansett petrol Swansea (Br) |
55 Geddington Court lumber Southampton (Br) |
65 Nailsea Court wheat - cotton Le Havre (Br) |
75 Franche Comté petrol Bordeaux (Fr) |
85 Carbet sugar - rum Bordeaux (Fr) |
95 Lustrous crude oil Pauillac (Br) |
16 Wearwood grain Glasgow (Br) |
26 Coultarn lumber Dundee (Br) |
36 Imperial Transport FFO Scapa (Br) |
46 Dalryan phosphates Avonmouth (Br) |
56 Northleigh lumber Southampton (Br) |
66 Penelope** crude oil Le Havre (Pa) |
76 | 86 | 96 |
17 | 27 | 37 Boulderpool steel billets Newport (Br) |
47 Daronia petrol Milford Haven (Br) |
57 | 67 | 77 | 87 | 97 |
A. Hague has added the British Baron Ruthven, with a note saying "not listed in signals, but dates match". Also, he has the British Bridgepool, with a note "probably this convoy", as well as the British Drakepool, and it'll be noticed, when going to his listing for HX 6 on the page naming ships in all HX convoys, that several ships have been given different station numbers from what is given in the original convoy document. |
Notes: Commodore was in Cornish City, Vice Commodore in Comedian and Rear Commodore is listed as being in Pacific Enterprise* - however, that ship is crossed out on the convoy form, reason not given (previously cancelled from the fast Convoy HXF 6). * There was also a Norwegian Alaska. The French Alaska collided with the British Dotterel on Nov. 15-1939 and sank southeast of Owers Light Vessel. There were no survivors. (R. W. Jordan - "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939"). There was also an American and a Norwegian Atlantic. The Norwegian ship was a tanker. ** There's a notation next to Penelope saying she turned back on the first night. The Agnita in station 52 was a Dutch ship, transferred to Anglo Saxon Petr. Co. Ltd. in 1939. Ocean Escort: HMS Resolution. According to A. Hague, the escorts for HX 6 were (received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): Related external link: |
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