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Departed Halifax on Aug. 16 -1941 and arrived Liverpool on the 31st (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" says 83 ships). |
List received from Ted Agar, England. (His source: A diary. Although the information is usually incomplete, as it appears to be in this case, I consider this diary valuable and important in and of itself and, therefore, I've chosen to transcribe it and keep it "as is" on this website, adding further details and/or corrections from other sources separately, rather than within the form itself [except for cargoes], as seen below).
Cargoes have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on the late Arnold Hague's database - see his listing for HX 145 at Ships in all HX convoys. See also Convoy ON 15 and other westbound convoys from the same time period. Br=British, Bel=Belgian, Du=Dutch, Norw=Norwegian, Gr=Greek. |
Arabian Prince general 5 passengers (Br) |
British Chancellor pool oil (Br) |
British Progress pool oil (Br) |
Standella petrol (Br) |
Clan Macindoe general (Br) |
Hektoria fuel oil 94 passengers (Br) |
Mahronda general (Br) |
City of Norwich pig iron - general (Br) |
111 Narragansett petrol (Br) |
121 Kioto general (Br) |
Empire Razorbill sulphur (Br) |
Otina petrol (Br) |
Murena fuel oil (Du) |
Port Darwin refrig. 11 passengers (Br) |
British Princess petrol (Br) |
Coracero refrig. (Br) |
Benedict general 8 passengers (Br) |
Edam general 31 passengers (Du) |
Salabangka general (Du) |
Bolton Castle steel - general (Br) |
112 San Eliseo gas oil (Br) |
122 Annavore wheat (Norw) |
see note at* |
San Alvaro gas oil (Br) |
33 Empire Unity lub. oil (Br) |
43 Themisto general (Du) |
53 Prince de Liege phosphates (Bel / MoWT 1940) |
63 Empire Zephyr steel - cotton (Br) |
73 Kaia Knudsen FFO (Norw) |
83 Maridal aviation gas (Norw) |
93 El Mirlo pool & gas oil (Br) |
103 Southern Princess fuel oil 2 passengers (Br) |
113 Charles F. Meyer petrol (Br) |
123 Empire Gannet steel (Br) |
14 Hartismere steel - scrap metal 2 passengers (Br) |
24 Donax petrol (Br) |
34 Bente Maersk pool oil (Br) |
44 Tysa phosphates (Du) |
54 Vimeira petrol (Br) |
64 Leikanger lumber 2 passengers (Norw) |
74 James J. Maguire petrol (Br) |
84 Empire Sunbeam steel - general (Br) |
94 Empire Oil petrol (Br) |
104 British Industry pool oil (Br) |
114 Vav benzine (Norw) |
124 Temple Arch general (Br) |
15 Comliebank general (Br) |
25 Voco lub. oil (Br) |
* |
45 British Yeoman FFO Scapa Flow (Br) |
55 Cowrie FFO (Br) |
65 Kingswood? sugar (Br) or British Hope? |
75 Baxtergate phosphates (Br) |
85 Empire Defender? general (Br) or Skeldergate? |
95 Høyanger general (Norw) |
105 G. S. Walden petrol (Br) |
115 Anadara gas oil (Br) |
125 Empire Albatross general (Br) |
16 Alderamin general (Du) |
26 Mount Pera iron ore (Gr) |
* |
46 | 56 Atheltemplar FFO Portland (Br) |
66 Rembrandt phosphates (Br) |
76 Brynymor steel - scrap metal (Br) |
86 | 96 Burdwan general (Br) |
106 Empire Bronze petrol (Br) |
116 British Valour pool & fuel oil (Br) |
126 Erna III grain (Br) |
17 | 27
* |
* |
* |
57 Empire Seal general (Br) |
67 Empire Hartebeeste steel 7 passengers (Br) |
77 Charles Racine pool & gas oil (Norw) |
* |
* |
107 | 117 | 127 |
Also, the Rescue Vessel Zaafaran was with this convoy for a while - see Notes below.
Commodore was in Hektoria. Some of the ships have been given the same station number in the diary, hence my question marks, but see A. Hague's info below. The Norwegian Slemdal is also mentioned in the diary, but station number was not known. A. Hague has this ship in station 96, cargo of aviation gas *When comparing this information with A. Hague's listing for HX 145 at Ships in all HX convoys, it'll be noticed that he has also included some ships that are not mentioned in the diary, as follows: He has also included the British Lerwick, cargo of iron ore, and Rose Schiaffino, concentrate, but no station numbers are given. Additionally, he has the AMC escort California within the convoy. Some ships are listed in different stations, for instance, all the ships in column 9 and 10 have been moved up one station, in other words, Salabangka is in station 91, El Mirlo in station 92, Empire Oil in station 93, Høyanger in station 94, Burdwan in station 95. Similarly, Bolton Castle is in station 101, Southern Princess in station 102, British Industry in station 103, G. S. Walden in station 104, Empire Bronze in station 105. Kingswood is listed in station 65, while British Hope has been given station 46. He has Skeldergate in station 85, Empire Defender in station 86. |
Notes: The Rescue Vessel Zaafaran was with this convoy from Aug. 25, to Clyde Aug. 30-1941. She had been with Convoy ON 9 from Clyde to dispersal Aug. 20-Aug. 25, on her 8th voyage as Rescue Vessel, having been requisitioned as such in Oct.-1940. ("Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945", Arnold Hague). The first ship to leave was Hektoria at 07:15, and with a few minutes between each ship, the last to depart was the escorting HMS California, leaving Pier 22 at 2 (I assume this means 14:00). I've listed them according to nationality below, keeping the sequence of departure within each nationality. |
The ships Halifax in the following sequence (according to the diary): The British Hektoria, British Industry, Narragansett, Standella, Temple Arch, British Progress, Anadara, Comliebank, Baxtergate, Empire Hartebeeste, Empire Zephyr, British Chancellor, Otina, Atheltemplar, Clan Macindoe, James J. Maguire, Mahronda, Charles F. Meyer, Empire Bronze, Donax, Arabian Prince, San Alvaro, British Valour, British Yeoman, Benedict, Vimeira, Empire Albatross, Cowrie, Empire Defender, Bente Maersk (Danish, under Ministry of War Transport 1940-1945), San Eliseo, El Mirlo, British Princess, Coracero, G. S. Walden, Rembrandt, Empire Oil, Port Darwin, Empire Seal, Hartismere, Skeldergate, Kioto, City of Norwich, Empire Razorbill, Bolton Castle, Brynymor, Empire Sunbeam, Southern Princess, Voco, Kingswood, British Hope, Empire Unity, Empire Gannet, Burdwan, Erna III (previously the Danish Erna, MoWT June 26-1940), and the escorting HMS California. The Norwegian Annavore, Maridal, Høyanger (3 bombers on deck), then Marcot, which according to A. Hague was, in fact, the British Margot), Leikanger (lumber), Vav, Charles Racine, Kaia Knudsen, Slemdal (no pendant No. given). The Belgian Prince de Liege, Dutch Edam, Alderamin, Salabangka, Themisto, Tysa, Murena, and Greek Mount Pera (station 26). A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year): Related external link: To the next HX convoy in my list HX 146 |
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