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Convoy SC 29 - Reports
Received from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew).

Also available on this page:
HMS Porpoise's Report

Page 1 - Ships in SC 29

HMS Ranpura's Report of Proceedings
Dated May 4-1941

Apr. 19-1941:
15:20 - Passed Halifax Boom outwards.
18:00 - In station on Commodore of Convoy SC 29 (between Columns No. 4 and 5). HMS Porpoise and 46 ships in company.
19:45 - Air and local A/S escort returned to base.

Apr. 20:
Visibility decreasing throughout the day.
Noon - 44 ships in company. No.'s 11 and 15 missing.
P.M. - Dense fog.

Apr. 21:
Dense fog most of the day lifting occasionally to 1 1/2 miles.

Apr. 22:
During morning and forenoon watches visibility occasionally improved up to 2 miles but dense fog in the afternoon and dog watches. During first watch fog cleared with 13 ships in sight at 22:00.

Apr. 23:
14:00 - Porpoise and 36 ships in company.
Ships missing: No's 13, 14, 15, 35, 36, 46, 56, 75, 85 and 95.

Apr. 24:
No. 14 rejoined.

Apr. 25:
Exercised emergency turns in forenoon.
No.'s 13, 46 and 95 rejoined with No. 36 in sight.

Apr. 26:
Sighted HX 122 to westward. Spoke HMS Alaunia (escorting Convoy HX 122).
No. 83 hoisted "disregard" and dropped astern.
Exercised emergency turns.

Apr. 27:
01:40 - At about this time Commodore and Porpoise sighted what they considered was a white rocket or other pyrotechnic signal to eastward of convoy. The Officer-of-the-Watch was definite that it was a shooting star. During the forenoon ordered Porpoise to search up to 10 miles on starboard quarter and return to convoy.

Apr. 28:
40 ships in company.

Apr. 29:
P.M. - Porpoise parted company carrying out search astern and to westward before shaping course for U.K.

Apr. 30:
Spoke Flag Officer Commanding 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron in HMS Hood (close cover).
40 ships in company.

May 1:
08:00 - Spoke HMS California.
Iceland Local Escort, HMS Burwell, Scimitar and Mallow took A/S screening station.
19:25 - Remainder of Iceland Local Escort, Malcolm, Watchman, Violet and Northern Wave took up A/S screening station.

May 2:
Spoke B.C.I in HMS Hood on 3 occasions.
19:00 - Hood parted company.

May 3:
Sunderland air A/S escort in company during morning and forenoon.

May 4:
03:45 - Air A/S escort in company.
04:45 - Relief escort sighted.
05:20 - Parted company. HMS Watchman, Burwell and Scimitar screening.
16:03 - Arrived Reykjavik.

Kirsten Mærsk (24) had difficulty in keeping steam and continually dropped astern but she stuck to it and was in company on Ranpura parting.
Bjerka (44), one of the smallest in the convoy and started with a deck cargo of coal, but was very good with signals and station keeping.

From the Commanding Officer of HMS Porpoise
To The Captain (S), 3rd Submarine Flotilla, HMS Titania
Dated May 8-1941

Please note that due to the documents being very faded out, some guessing has taken place, especially as to numbers (times, positions etc.).

Apr. 19:
15:15 - Sailed from Halifax.

Apr. 20:
11:30 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 43 15N 60 35W.
Weather - SSE 2, c.8, 01, 019.
21:30 - Dense fog. Station keeping by Asdic approximately one mile on starboard wing of convoy.

Apr. 21:
12:00 - Position 43 41N 56 57W.
Weather - S.?. 2, o.2, 13, 1014.

Apr. 22:
12:00 - Position 42 14N 55 04W.
Weather - SW 3, o.2, 13, 1012?.

Apr. 23:
02:00 - Fog lifted. Five ships in sight to port.
04:00 - Fog cleared. Seven ships in sight. Ordered them to steer 099 at 6 knots. Proceeded to westward.
06:00 - Met SS Cleodora and ordered her to rejoin.
10:30 - Sighted convoy bearing 130 degrees, 12 miles.
11:40 - In station on convoy.
12:00 - Position 42 10N 49 30W.
Weather - W 2, b.8, 11, 1020.

Apr. 24:
09:15 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 43 16N 46 57W.
Weather - NW 2, b.c.7, 21, 1030.
23:00 - Clocks advanced one hour to zone plus 3.

Apr. 25:
05:00 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 44 53N 44 32W.
Weather - NW 2, o.c.8, 13, 1030.
? - Received C.-in-C. W.A.'s 1531/25 routing Porpoise home.

Apr. 26:
10:15 - Sighted HMS Alaunia and convoy HX 122.
12:00 - Position 47 12N 43 14W.
Weather - N 2, b.8, 23, 1023.

Apr. 27:
12:00 - Position 49 45N 42 13W.
Weather - NNW 3, b.c.8, 23, 1028.
16:00 - Dived.

Apr. 28:
10:00 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 52 04N 40 48W.
Weather - N 2, b.8, 22, 1025.

Apr. 29:
12:00 - Position 54 29N 38 22W.
Weather - E 1, b.c.8, 02, 1016.
15:30 - Parted company with convoy SC 29. Carried out surface sweep to southwestward until 17:00, then to eastward.
18:00 - Dived on course 045 degrees.
20:00 - Surfaced and proceeded in accordance with C.-in-C. W.A.'s 1531/25.
23:00 - Clocks advanced one hour to zone plus 2.

Apr. 30:
12:00 - Position 55 55N 33 35W.
Weather - ENE 3, b.c.8, 33, 1008.
23:00 - Clocks advanced one hour to zone plus 1.

May 1:
12:00 - Position 56 41N 26 42W.
Weather - ENE 3, o.c.4, 24, 1024.
17:25 - Dived in position 56 42N 25 00W.
212:20 - Surfaced.

May 2:
03:30 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 56 47N 22 58W.
Weather - SE 4, c.6, 35, 1016.
21:45 - Surfaced.

May 3:
03:10 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 56 48N 20 47W.
Weather - NE 2, o.5, 13, 1019.
21:30 - Surfaced.

May 4:
02:35 - Passed my 0903/4 reporting late arrival.
03:10 - Dived.
03:25 - Heard hammering noise*.
12:00 - Position 56 49N 18 16W.
Weather - E 1, c.6, 02, 1020.
21:30 - Surfaced.

May 5:
0?:45 - Dived.
05:00 - Clocks advanced one hour to GMT.
12:00 - Position 56 50N ?W (looks like 5 00W).
Weather - E 2, o.c.7, 12, 1024.
22:45 - Surfaced.

May 6:
03:40 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 56 45N ?W (looks like 12 23W).
Weather - ENE 8?, b.c.7, 12, 1022?
18:00 - Heard hammering noise again.
22:30 - Surfaced.

May 7:
03:25 - Dived.
12:00 - Position 56 44N ?W.
Weather - NE 1, c.8, ? ?
22:00 - Surfaced. Sighted convoy bearing ? 3? miles.
22:45 - Altered course to westward? to let convoy get clear.
23:45 - Altered course for rendezvous.
23:59 - Clocks advanced one hour to zone minus 1.

Porpoise's report ends here, but there's a document discussing the mysterious hammering noise, as follows:

*No theories about these mysterious transmissions can be advanced.

Noted with interest. D. of P. would be interested to know if D.A/S.W. thinks there is anything in C.O. Porpoise's suggestion that these mysterious transmissions might be connected with the homing of U-boats on to a convoy.

An advance copy of this Report of Proceedings was forwarded to D. A/S W. who has been investigating the "sonic" echo sounder transmissions reported.

A somewhat similar phenomenon was reported by Camelia on the 21st March 1941, following the second of a series of 4 depth charge attacks on a U-boat which is believed to have been an Italian. It was described by Camelia as a "very rapid tapping or hammering" which continued for "a good five minutes". The explanation advanced by the U-boat Assessment Committee was the accidental switching on of some form of echo sounding gear.

A further possible case has now been reported by St. Francis in her signal timed 1307B/20/5 reporting her attack on a U-boat at 0510 on that date. She reports "At 0235 heard noise very similar to echo sounding machine. Noise varied as from deep to shallow setting and was not recognised as coming from submarine". It is believed that the U-boat which attacked the convoy was Italian but there is no evidence to prove that the U-boat was in the immediate vicinity when the noise was heard (St. Francis investigated without result) and the attack did not develop for another 90 minutes.

No positive conclusion can be drawn from this evidence but it is proposed to issue the enclosed signal to draw attention to the subject and to collect further evidence. (Copy of the enclosure mentioned is not available).

(This is signed "Director of Anti-Submarine Warfare, 24th May, 1941", but signature is illegible).

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