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(Will be updated - please compare with A. Hague's listing for this convoy at ships in all HX convoys. See also HX escorts).
Departed Halifax on Aug. 28-1940 and arrived Liverpool on Sept. 12 (Arnold Hague also says 47 ships). |
Received, with thanks, from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew).
I have added the nationalities with the help of "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939", R. W. Jordan. Br=British, Am=American, Norw=Norwegian, Gr=Greek, Du=Dutch, Ca=Canadian |
Barrdale steel scrap Methil (Br) |
Martand general Methil (Br) |
Voco lube oil Methil (Br) |
Dalfram pig iron Methil (Br) |
Ulysses general Barry Roads (Du) |
Narragansett gasoline Clyde (Br) |
Iddesleigh steel Liverpool (Br) |
Tapanoeli steel - grain - gen. Liverpool (Du) |
Lambridge general Methil (Br?) |
Kelbergen steel scrap Methil (Du) |
Tornus gasoline Clyde (Br) |
Yselhaven steel - scrap iron Methil (Du) |
Lylepark steel powde Milford (Br) |
Pontfield gas - kerosine Clyde (Br) |
Haakon Hauan gas oil Mersey (Norw) |
Austvard |
W. B. Walker gasoline Mersey (Br) |
Charles F. Meyer gas - kerosene Barry Roads (Br) |
Siris steel - general ev. Liverpool (Br) |
33 | 43 pig iron Clyde (Am / MoWT 1940) |
53 Rowanbank steel Ardrossan (Br) |
63 Penrose steel Liverpool (Br) |
73 | 83 Lapland bauxite Barry for Cardiff (Br) |
93 Inger lumber Milford Haven (Norw) |
A 11 | A 21 iron ore Methil (Br) |
A 31 Beaverdale general Barry to Avonmouth (Br) |
A 41 Roxby pit props Methil (Br) |
A 51 Bridgepool pit props Barry Roads (Br) |
A 61 Delilian general Kames (Br) |
A 71 Asbjørn general Liverpool Da/Ca 1940 |
A 81 Stad Maastricht iron ore Barry Roads (Du) |
A 91 |
A 12 | A 22 | A 32 Parracombe wheat Methil (Br) |
A 42 Vestvard wheat Manchester (Norw) |
A 52 Lord Byron grain Methil (Br) |
A 62 | A 72 | A 82 | A 92 |
B 11 Alhama sugar London (Br) |
B 21 San Casimiro gas oil Clyde (Br) |
B 31 Dolabella gasoline Clyde (Br) |
B 41 Oropesa general Liverpool (Br) |
B 51 Cape St Andrew sugar London (Br) |
B 61 Winamac Admiralty fuel Clyde (Br) |
B 71 Dosinia benzine Manchester (Br) |
B 81 Gold Shell diesel oil Avonmouth (Br) |
B 91 Amakura bauxite Newport (Br) |
B 12 | B 22 Traveller sugar - rum - gen. London (Br) |
B 32 Tricula fuel oil (Methil (Br) |
B 42 Buesten benzine Clyde (Norw) |
B 52 Taron fuel - crude oil Manchester (Br) |
B 62 | B 72 Olympos sulphur Belfast/Garston (Gr) |
B 82 Condor* general Liverpool (Am / MoWT 1940) |
B 92 |
* Empire Soldier is listed in Convoy SC 3. West Kedron sailed in the next convoy, as did the British Corbis (from BHX 67).
Also, it appears several other ships (not named in this table) had originally been scheduled for HX 69, but sailed in the next convoy instead - see the "Remarks" column on the next page, HX 70. |
Notes: Commodore J. S. M. Ritchie R.N.R was in Ulysses, Vice Commodore was Captain J. Pettigrew of Beaverdale (Sydney section), later relieved by T.B. Brunton in Lambridge (ref. text in Narrative of Voyage), and Rear Commodore in Delilian. * Condor became British Empire Elk in 1940, then Norwegian Norvarg in 1942. The British Corbis, cargo of fuel oil for Mersey was originally in station 72, did not sail - replaced by the Norwegian Austvard. 23 ships sailed from Halifax, joined by 9 from Sydney (with A numbers in table above) and 15 from Bermuda (with B numbers in table). The following were cancelled from the Bermuda section: Ocean Escort: HMS Alaunia (local escorts are listed in text below). Narrative of Voyage: Aug. 29: Aug. 30: Aug. 31: Sept. 1:
Sept. 2: Sept. 3: Sept. 4: Sept. 5: Sept. 6: Sept. 7: Sept. 8: Sept. 9: Sept. 10: Sept. 11: Sept. 12: Commodore's Remarks: I would like to place on record the great assistance I received from Captain Jugtenberg and his officers who did everything to facilitate the smooth working of the convoy. The voyage was without incident but was remarkable for two things: (1) It is the first convoy I have commanded which was able to maintain 9 knots when ordered. (2) The station keeping was very good and really remarkable for a convoy of 47 ships. This was commented on by two of the escort vessels. All ships kept well closed up which made signalling easy and rapid. The following are deserving of special mention for good station keeping and signalling: Commodore's Suggestiosn for Improvement of the Convoy system: (a) Oscillating in Mid Atlantic: (b) Degaussing - Keeping the current switched on: (c) Consigs (1) Art. 137 (a) (see *) D.M.S. Part I re shaded stern light. Several of the Allied and Neutral ships had badly fitted shaded stern lights which were visible before the beam. The only means of telling them was a lengthy message in Morse. (2) The following signals should be included: Station has been well kept V.B in M.N.C. Your signalling is good I wish to communicate with you by flashing. Excessive lights being shown (or were shown during last night). Take more precautions to prevent unauthorised lights being shown. Signal K.B. in M.N.C. More details on all the Norwegian ships named in this table can be found in the alphabetical ship lists of this website. To the next HX convoy in my list HX 70 |
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