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CONVOY HX 129 - Page 2
Departed Halifax on May 27-1941 and arrived Liverpool on June 12 (Arnold Hague says 57 ships). |
Received, with thanks, from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew).
As can be seen, this convoy form is a terrible mess and I apologize for the confusion, but rather than trying to guess what it all means, I've entered the ships and stations exactly as they appear on the form. Please note that in this case, the fact that some ships are crossed out, does not necessarily mean they did not sail, some were simply restationed when the Bermuda section joined the Halifax section. Br=British, Am=American, Norw=Norwegian, Sw=Swedish, Gr=Greek, Pol=Polish, Du=Dutch |
Sylvia de Larrinaga grain Loch Ewe (Br) |
Generton wheat Loch Ewe (Br) |
British Captain benzine Loch Ewe (Br) |
Norwegian general Glasgow (Br) |
51 (62*)
Saltersgate sugar Liverpool (Br) |
Manchester Commerce general Newport? (Br) |
Pacific Pioneer general Liverpool (Br) |
Edgefield general Liverpool (Am/MOWT 1941 [Empire Ibex]) |
Uffington Court wheat - general Liverpool (Br) |
101 Boston City general Bristol (Br) |
111 Chesapeake gasoline Barry Roads (Br) |
121 (85*) Harpasa sugar Liverpool (Br) |
Koenjit steel - scrap Loch Ewe (Du) |
Empire Impala wheat Loch Ewe (Br) |
Lyras grain Loch Ewe (Gr) |
Malmanger |
Peterston sugar Clyde (Br) |
62 (51*)
Empire Lapwing steel - scrap Clyde (Br) |
Suderøy whale oil Liverpool (Norw) |
82 (102*)
Evanger general Barry (Norw) |
San Alvaro |
102 (82*) Zagloba general Liverpool (Pol) |
112 El Grillo |
122 Ringstad general Avonmouth (Norw) |
Braganza scrap iron Loch Ewe (Norw) |
Rapana |
33 British Princess |
43 Cowrie |
53 South Africa |
63 San Ambrosio |
73 Ferncastle |
83 Mount Kassion grain Liverpool (Gr) |
93 (103*) Erna III grain Milford (Br) |
103 (93*) Murena |
113 San Demetrio |
123 Salando steel Barry Roads (Du) |
14 Glenlea grain Loch Ewe (Br) |
24 Empire Lightning wheat Loch Ewe (Br) |
34 Wanstead grain Loch Ewe (Br) |
44 Benedick Adm. fuel Scapa (Br) |
54 Baxtergate flour Oban (Br) |
64 (125*) Empire Albatross steel - scrap Swansea (Br) |
74 (15*) Empire Ptarmigan scrap iron Oban (Br) |
84 Maja fuel oil Manchester (Br) |
94 Sandanger benzine Manchester (Norw) |
104 Mariso steel - scrap Swansea (Du) |
114 | 124 Delhi lumber Barry Roads (Sw) |
B 11 (74*) Trader general Holyhead (Br) |
B 21 Prins Maurits |
B 31 see above Agra |
B 41 Saluta |
B 51 see above Empire Zephyr |
B 61 see above Empire Dawn |
B 71 aviation spirits Barry Roads (Br) |
B 81 (121*) Explorer general Belfast (Br) |
B 91 Leonidas M |
(114*) Delfshaven wheat Barry Roads (Du) |
(64*) illegible ship Liverpool |
B 12 see above |
B 22 see above |
B 32 see above |
B 42 see above |
B 52 see above |
B 62 see above |
B 72 gasoline Barry Roads (Norw) |
B 82 see above |
B 92 |
B 13 | B 23 | B 33 | B 43 | B 53 see above |
B 63 | B 73 general Liverpool (Norw) |
B 83 general Liverpool (Br) |
B 93 |
The Advance Sailing Telegram (see Page 1) lists the following ships as sailing from Bermuda, or scheduled for this section: Basil, Benedick, British Princess, Cowrie, Daphnella, Delhi, Explorer, Ferncastle, |
Notes: * The numbers that I've entered in parenthesis next to some station numbers were added by hand on the form. * Next to Daphnella, Solsten and Geisha there are notes saying "did not join - returned to Halifax". Also, there's a note for Empire Panther (pig iron for Loch Ewe) saying she "had frequent engine defects, believed to have returned to Halifax at about 22:00 on May 28 in approximate position 43 02N 59 30W (Solsten, Geisha and Empire Panther show up again in HX 131) - Daphnella joined HX 130, but returned to port with engine problems. There's also a note for the Norwegian Norbryn (nitrates for Barry Roads), but I'm unable to tell what it says - I get the impression, however, that she did start out in the convoy, but lost touch or returned to port later(?). She subsequently joined the next convoy, HX 130, but transferrred at sea to the slower Convoy SC 33. Another note says "HX 129 + BHX 129 after effecting junction restationing tankers in a safe place". Commodore was in Manchster Commerce, Vice Commodore was in Pacific Pioneer "Convoy Rescue Ships" by Arnold Hague says that the Rescue Vessel Zaafaran was with this convoy from June 8 until June 12-1941 (having been with the westbound Convoy OB 330 from Clyde to dispersal, June 3-June 7 - on her 4th voyage as Rescue Vessel). More details on all the Norwegian ships named in this table can be found in the alphabetical ship lists of this website. Related external links: To the next HX convoy in my list HX 130 |
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