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Posted by: crolick (IP Logged)
Date: August 16, 2005 01:58PM

Hello Alain, Brian and Maurice!

This case is very interesting but also complicated since, apart of the activity of submarine Dzik also there were carried out two air raids and it is hard to distinct between the effects of those forces. As far as I know the chronology is like this:

13:15 air raid of 21 B-24 Liberator from USAF bombed Bastia. Tug Gabes was sunk, steamer Gilio and Tiberiade were set on fire. Tiberiade capsized on 26.IX.1943 [or 25.IX.1943] and sunk. Gilio sunk but when?! Nikolaus [6 486 brt] received some near hit and had to unload some of its vehicles. Tug Kraft [514 brt] was damaged.

13.31 Polish submarine Dzik fired 2 torpedoes to 3 000 GRT ship which was anchored at roads. Probably both torpedos found their target and ship was sunk. It is unclear whethear this vessel was ex French Mont Agel.

13.36 Polish submarine Dzik fired 2 torpedoes through the narrow entrance to the steamer Nikolaus. 1 torpedo hit in hatch no. 5 killing 2 men. Nikolaus was heavily damaged and set drifting. Contrattack by sub casher UJ 2209 and 3 R-boats without any success. On 1.X.1943 Nikolaus was completely destroyed by the Germans at Bastia. Scuttling charges exploded at hatch no. 1, 2, 3 and 4, moreover at the machinery and boiler room.

03.30 air raid of 12 Wellington Mk III from RAF bombed Bastia. SF 110 was sunk and SF 172 was damaged.

18.25 Polish submarine Dzik attacked 11 ferries, sinking with 4 torpedoes 3 of them [F 420, SF 172, SF 180 or SF 176?!]

17.00 tug Kraft sunk in Bastia harbour after damages recieved on 21.IX.1943

Any comments or completitions are wormly welcomed.


PS. Photos of Tiberiade: []

Subject Written By Posted
  TIBERIADE Maurice Voss 08/16/2005 09:38AM
  Re: TIBERIADE Alain Croce 08/16/2005 11:44AM
  Re: TIBERIADE Maurice Voss 08/16/2005 01:14PM
  Re: TIBERIADE Theodor Dorgeist 08/16/2005 01:41PM
  Re: TIBERIADE Brian 08/16/2005 01:16PM
  Re: TIBERIADE crolick 08/16/2005 01:58PM
  Re: TIBERIADE Platon Alexiades 08/20/2005 11:49AM
  Re: TIBERIADE crolick 08/20/2005 03:25PM
  Re: TIBERIADE Brian 08/17/2005 11:18AM
  Re: TIBERIADE Maurice Voss 08/17/2005 11:42AM
  Re: TIBERIADE Alain Croce 08/17/2005 12:45PM
  Re: TIBERIADE Maurice Voss 08/18/2005 09:49AM
  Re: TIBERIADE crolick 08/18/2005 12:56PM

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