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Roy Martin (
My new book sub titled Evacuations and Landings by Merchant Ships in World War Two is now available from me at,194pp, price £13.99 plus £1.71 P&P UK.Hard back £18.99.
Extensive lists of vessels involved in all evacuations and landings, including the 200,000 saved by merchant ships from France in the three weeks after Dunkirk
"Some of the websites that have been particularly useful sources of information are: Convoyweb, (Mike Holdoway, Tony Cooper and Don Kindell); Mercantile Marine,(Ron (Steve) Wylie, again Hugh MacLean, Roger, Billy McGee and Ray Buck); Warsailors, (Siri Lawson); (Diane and Hugh, yet again?). Many contributors to the forums on these and other websites have also helped, where I have kept records these people are mentioned in relevant footnotes. Over the years many other people have given me the benefit of their knowledge. I am most grateful to them all."