Re: Gustav Liland
Posted by:
RolfK (
Date: October 28, 2006 04:51AM
I used the alphabetical index when I first time looked for you grandfather, but after looking through the whole register today, I found your grandfather Gustav Liland born in Rjukan. He was not in the index. His gunnernumber was 1421, educated as a gunner in Sydney Australia from 24/3-1944 to 28/4-1944. Served as a gunner onboard M/S AUN from 29/4-1944 to 10/8-1944 and onboard M/S SKAGERAK 8/9-1944 to 25/9-1945. Dismissed in Sydney 25/9-1945 and was holder of "deltagermedaljen".
You will find more about the two ships in the other forum.