PLEASE READ: Site may Be Down a Few Days This Week

Moderators: KML, Siri

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Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:31 pm

PLEASE READ: Site may Be Down a Few Days This Week

Post by KML » Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:03 am

Dear Friends on the Warsailors Forum,

This is Siri's son Konrad/Mitch. I'm visiting Siri and hope this finds you all well.

Siri's hosting company was bought out by another company which is constantly trying to upsell us to another account so we are moving hosts in the next few days.

Within a few days you may see the forum down (and possibly the website as a whole) for just a day or two while we get it up and running on the new web host. It is always a bit fidgety to move hosts.

I may have to temporarily disable this forum for a day or two while I make the transfer. Everything should be up again next week.

If you want to get in touch with me, my email is below:
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