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Soviet fishing vessels / GMSA
Posted by: GeorgeT (IP Logged)
Date: July 03, 2011 12:56AM

In the movement reports given in “Lloyd’s List”, several Soviet fishing vessels are attested on passage from the Baltic to Murmansk in late 1946 -- early 1947, probably all ex-German ships. Among them are the following:

No. 1201
No. 1503 Albatros
No. 1805 Moyva

In other sources of the same period the numbers 1710, 1802, 1803, 1804, and 1808 also crop up in connection with Soviet fishing.

None of these numbers seems to belong to any of the numbering schemes later known in the Soviet fishing fleet, nor do they tie up with the numbers of any of the German wartime M, UJ, V, or Vs series (with the possible exception of 1503: Tham Körner reported on this forum some years ago that Vs 1503, “Heinrich Bramfeldt”, was among the German loggers that passed into Soviet hands after the war).

It seems to me possible that these were numbers that were allocated to the ships by the German Minesweeping Administration before they were transferred to the USSR. However, I haven’t been able to find any list of GMSA numbers online, or in any book available to me. Does any forum member have a record of them? I would be grateful if the ships that carried any of the above-mentioned numbers could be identified.

Subject Written By Posted
  Soviet fishing vessels / GMSA GeorgeT 07/03/2011 12:56AM

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